More people at National Mall for women's march than inauguration

Yeah they're estimating that more than a million women across this country, (excluding Washington D.C.) marched today.

Here is Washington D.C. today.


More than a million people marched against Trump And that's not counting Washngton, DC -

Here is Denver, Colorado estimated at over 100K, on a cold day.


Women’s March on Denver swells to more than 100,000 – The Denver Post

When you start adding in all the other locations, it's got to be well over a million, probably in the millions. At any rate it was HUGE and it was noticed all over the world.


Yeah they're estimating that more than a million women across this country, (excluding Washington D.C.) marched today.

Here is Washington D.C. today.


More than a million people marched against Trump And that's not counting Washngton, DC -

Here is Denver, Colorado estimated at over 100K, on a cold day.


Women’s March on Denver swells to more than 100,000 – The Denver Post

When you start adding in all the other locations, it's got to be well over a million, probably in the millions. At any rate it was HUGE and it was noticed all over the world.


Here is San Francisco




Yeah they're estimating that more than a million women across this country, (excluding Washington D.C.) marched today.

Here is Washington D.C. today.


More than a million people marched against Trump And that's not counting Washngton, DC -

Here is Denver, Colorado estimated at over 100K, on a cold day.


Women’s March on Denver swells to more than 100,000 – The Denver Post

When you start adding in all the other locations, it's got to be well over a million, probably in the millions. At any rate it was HUGE and it was noticed all over the world.


Here is San Francisco




Las Vegas Nevada


Los Angeles


This is well over a million women that participated in this march. There were many cities participating in this, and I am certain I haven't even scratched the surface with these pictures.
It is true and it is right.

Well, if it were right you and your like would have posted proof. I have been asking for it for the past 6 months. Nada. I mean, you can have an opinion. That's fine. But it's not a fact. They're two different things.
If you were awake, you wouldn't need for me to.

Yeah they're estimating that more than a million women across this country, (excluding Washington D.C.) marched today.

Here is Washington D.C. today.


More than a million people marched against Trump And that's not counting Washngton, DC -

Here is Denver, Colorado estimated at over 100K, on a cold day.


Women’s March on Denver swells to more than 100,000 – The Denver Post

When you start adding in all the other locations, it's got to be well over a million, probably in the millions. At any rate it was HUGE and it was noticed all over the world.


Here is San Francisco




Las Vegas Nevada


Los Angeles


This is well over a million women that participated in this march. There were many cities participating in this, and I am certain I haven't even scratched the surface with these pictures.
And not one of them have a dam clue what it is they are protesting.. They are just pissed off that they might have to use personal responsibility and commonsense in keeping their damn legs closed or using appropriate contraception PRIOR to having sex.. This means they would have to THINK about their behaviors...

Abortion on demand is the denigration of human life worth for people who don't have the brains God gave a rock and refuse to be responsible for their own actions.

Time to grow the fuck up libtards.
And not one of them have a dam clue what it is they are protesting.. They are just pissed off that they might have to use personal responsibility and commonsense in keeping their damn legs closed or using appropriate contraception PRIOR to having sex.. This means they would have to THINK about their behaviors...

Abortion on demand is the denigration of human life worth for people who don't have the brains God gave a rock and refuse to be responsible for their own actions.

Time to grow the fuck up libtards.

If you voted for Trump you have no right telling anybody that they have no clue.

Women having abortions is none of your business unless you're the one that knocked her up. Keep your nose out of everybody else's business.

And if you think these women were marching because of contraception and abortion, you're even more clueless than I thought. And I thought you were pretty clueless.
Did you write-in Bernie?

No. I'm not American. If I had voted it probably would have been Hillary. Not because I thought she was the best candidate, but just that she was infinitely better than him. Lesser of two evils to a degree.

About the only redeeming feature I see in Trump - and for all my vitriol towards him I really hope he succeeds - is in changing the way politics are done in Washington. He was on the money when he said politicians look out for themselves and nobody else. On the other side, politicians are a reflection of who they represent.

Oh I see, so in other words, none of this is any of your business.
Here's a comment that is utterly amazing.

"Mikaela Bailey, a 26-year-old Portland resident, said she stands against what she called Trump's hate for people of color and women."

This is always where the left goes when you talk about securing our borders, or if you are pro-life, or if you make a misogynistic remark.

It is where one goes when one sees Trump:
- attempts to kill planned parenthood
- judges the opinions of women on the basis of his view of their bodies
- hires the head of the alt-right skin head Breitbart liars as his chief adviser
- makes cheap derogatory comments about a key civil rights leader, denigrating his home precinct without even bothering to know what he's talking about
- suggesting a Hispanic judge is incompetent to do his job because he is Hispanic.
- brags about grabbing women by the crotch and having a record of forcing other behavior on women when the woman has indicated that it is unwanted.

Do you need more?

There is a lot more.

If you need more, let me know!

First of all, nearly half of Americans are against abortion, and are no fan of Planned Parenthood. That is not exactly being out of touch with a good deal of the country.

As for his comments about the Hispanic judge, Trump was referring to a potential conflict of interest being involved in a case against him, and the judge knowing that Trump had been talking about building a wall and deporting illegals. He simply felt the judge may not be unbiased.

As for your comments about the Bretbart appointee being a "skin head" that's hyperbole and not worth replying to.

As for his comment about grabbing women by the crotch, I don't know of anyone Trump supporter or not that does not condemn him for those comments.
However, it didn't sway many Trump voters away from him, much like Bill Clinton's behavior didn't sway you.
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All of these protests around the country, hundreds of thousands attended, and yet Trump is the one who achieved the required electoral votes.

It just shows how deep the divide is in America, and how bad the Dimocrats blew it making Hillary their candidate.
2,500,000 liberals living in and around DC and another million down the road in Baltimore. Shocker, eh?
Wherever it is that you reside, please worry about your own politics and leaders and leave us to ours.

I've always said, and I say it yet again, the day the US keeps it sticky beak out of everybody else's business is the day I leave this board. I've been here almost 11 years, Newb.
2,500,000 liberals living in and around DC and another million down the road in Baltimore. Shocker, eh?

Well exactly, in D.C., with 100 percent of precincts reporting, Hillary Clinton won 260,223 votes in D.C. (90.5 percent), whereas Donald Trump won 11,553 votes (4 percent).
Pretty easy to get a large anti-Trump crowd to show up locally.
Wherever it is that you reside, please worry about your own politics and leaders and leave us to ours.

I've always said, and I say it yet again, the day the US keeps it sticky beak out of everybody else's business is the day I leave this board. I've been here almost 11 years, Newb.

And again, I'll worry about your opinion when you become a citizen of this country.
2,500,000 liberals living in and around DC and another million down the road in Baltimore. Shocker, eh?

And all the other cities, too....

But don't worry...Scotty Mouthpiece said The Orange Buffoon got 1.5 million. Yeah, sure he did. I believe him...:dance:

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