More proof that US gun laws make the US more dangerous than every country in Europe.

11000 of the suicides were by gun, snowflakes.

UK is much safer than USA in terms of gun violence.
One does not need a firearm to kill themselves and Japan proves the point.
You have no point. USA is more dangerous from gun violence statistically than the UK.
But you cited a bullshit number in support of your claim and I and others called you on it. As for FACTS murder and crime by firearm are way down during the last 3 decades.
11000 suicides by firearms is not way down in anyone's sane world.
Suicides happen with OUT firearms dumb ass.
11000 are done with guns.
Gun ownership around the world, mapped

Who would have thought that everybody having a gun would affect the murder rate ?

The US is cracking up.

Your own article goes against you're point. Did you even read your own article?

Not to mention it's simply counting guns per country. Switzerland and Finland were pretty high up with gun ownership...what does their murder rates look like. In Switzerland, you walk around with a full auto assault rifle and nobody scared, it's also a top 3 safest country on earth.
take away gun violence by the gangs and the US is probably one of the safest places on the planet......
Yup, discount all the deaths caused by..................Americans !! criminals who are already legally barred from buying,owning or carrying guns.....and you banned guns and your gun murder rate did not change.....and in fact...your gun crime rate in London went up 42%......

And your kids...are knifing each other ....and soon they will be using guns.....since you can't keep them from getting the,....
All of Europe is safer. Every fucking country in Europe is safer. Whatever their gun laws. Because gun ownership is much lower than in America. And not just a bit safer. Safer by miles you stat spewing cretin.

LMAO you can't possibly be that stupid to seriously think that.
11000 of the suicides were by gun, snowflakes.

UK is much safer than USA in terms of gun violence.

Regarding gun violence, that may be correct. Violence, in general, I'm not so sure. I know I've read stats in the past that have shown their rate of violent assaults and other crimes are higher than ours.
Countries classify violent crime differently. This leads to discrepancies in the data.However a corpse id generally regarded to be a corpse.
take away gun violence by the gangs and the US is probably one of the safest places on the planet......
Yup, discount all the deaths caused by..................Americans !! criminals who are already legally barred from buying,owning or carrying guns.....and you banned guns and your gun murder rate did not change.....and in fact...your gun crime rate in London went up 42%......

And your kids...are knifing each other ....and soon they will be using guns.....since you can't keep them from getting the,....
All of Europe is safer. Every fucking country in Europe is safer. Whatever their gun laws. Because gun ownership is much lower than in America. And not just a bit safer. Safer by miles you stat spewing cretin.

LMAO you can't possibly be that stupid to seriously think that.

You were kind of cute for a wanker child... what the fuck happen?
Once again, Tommy Tainant does the one thing that he does well, which is to remind us Americans why it is that we kicked the British out of our country more than two centuries ago, and to show us by his example that our reasons for having done so remain just as valid to this day.

take away gun violence by the gangs and the US is probably one of the safest places on the planet......
Yup, discount all the deaths caused by..................Americans !! criminals who are already legally barred from buying,owning or carrying guns.....and you banned guns and your gun murder rate did not change.....and in fact...your gun crime rate in London went up 42%......

And your kids...are knifing each other ....and soon they will be using guns.....since you can't keep them from getting the,....
All of Europe is safer. Every fucking country in Europe is safer. Whatever their gun laws. Because gun ownership is much lower than in America. And not just a bit safer. Safer by miles you stat spewing cretin.

LMAO you can't possibly be that stupid to seriously think that.
A Tommy selfie.

I knew that your Avi wasn't you.
Typical nonsense from you. I ran the numbers from the link you provided, and if you look at the fitness (coefficient correlation) of the two sets of data gun ownership and homicides by gun, there is a fitness of less than zero (r= -0.1008039198). Remembering that r factor of 1 equals perfect fit , -1 equals perfect inverse relationship, and 0 equals no relationship at al, the data youprovided suggests the opposite of what you claim. If anything there some lowering of the homicide rate by gun violence the more gun ownership there is in a given socety.

Out of curiosity, I compared homicides by gun violence and percent of blacks in a population and came up with a respectable r=0.2503632039.

In other words, having blacks in your population has a much greater impact on deaths by gun violence than having guns in your population. But then, you knew that, didn't you.
So blacks arent Americans then ?
11000 of the suicides were by gun, snowflakes.

UK is much safer than USA in terms of gun violence.

Regarding gun violence, that may be correct. Violence, in general, I'm not so sure. I know I've read stats in the past that have shown their rate of violent assaults and other crimes are higher than ours.
Countries classify violent crime differently. This leads to discrepancies in the data.However a corpse id generally regarded to be a corpse.

You are free to provide evidence of that
Proving all those who think guns commit crimes.

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.

By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online
take away gun violence by the gangs and the US is probably one of the safest places on the planet......

No it's not. Not even close.

You have highest rate of domestic violence murders, the highest rate of suicide by gun, the highest rate of accidental shootings, and the highest rate of killings by police.

Not to mention that no country comes close to number of mass shootings in schools or other public facilities.

Americans are quick to say it's all gang violence but far more murders are committed by whites than inner city gangs.
Markle, stop the nonsense.

An American citizen, based on relevant states based on per capita averaging, has seven to eight more chances of being injured by guns than the British.

You can make an argument that cultural influences, crazed whities and armed blacks in the States, and gang growth and crazy Muslims and white fascists in the UK, certainly factor into these concerns.
11000 of the suicides were by gun, snowflakes.

UK is much safer than USA in terms of gun violence.
One does not need a firearm to kill themselves and Japan proves the point.
You have no point. USA is more dangerous from gun violence statistically than the UK.

that's because the Muslims have all the guns.
That's because we all have guns, namvet.

no not all. you'd be surprised how many raghead weapons cache's are found here.mosques are they're fav hiding places

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