More proof that US gun laws make the US more dangerous than every country in Europe.

You can rank the table by gun homicides per capita.
Obviously Honduras and various third world places top the chart. The US isnt in the top 20 coming in at 3.2%

Way down the list, amongst all the countries of "falling apart Europe" comes the UK on 0.07%

In the period under review there were 41 gun murders in the UK all year. That is a horrific figure but in the US its really just a saturday night.

That you gun nuts are even trying to debate this shows how deluded that you are.

The OP is not under dispute. All of Europe is safer than gun crazy America.

Yes the OP is under dispute. And this article destroys it.

Comparing murder rates and gun ownership across countries - Crime Prevention Research Center

You don't even need that article to destroy your OP article. The article merely is counting guns per country. And then you're comparing it with strictly GUN Crime. And then YOU are cherry picking the countries that only help your point, while ignoring the ones that blatantly go against your point. There is no correlation, and its proved by your own article. On top of that you article isnt comparing crime rates over time, or crime rates without gun control vs with gun control in those countries. Again in Switzerland you are issued a full auto assault rifle (if you choose to keep it) and it's the safest place on earth. And on the other hand countries with the strictest gun laws are also some of the most dangerous places on earth (look at our southern neighbor). So where's the correlation??? Here's the facts, England is a freaking island, that does not have constant drug and cartel wars raging in our cities and across our boarders. Since they've instituted their gun ban, their gun crime had doubled in a decade. If we were to cease our governments war on drugs, the crime rate in America practically evaporates.

In EVERY single instance of a country enacted gun control, the murder rates (as well as crime rates) in that country go up. EVERY SINGLE INSTANT. Look it up yourself if you do not believe me.

Gun Facts | Gun Control and Crime in non-US Countries

Harvard gun study concludes gun bans don’t reduce the murder rate - Hot Air
You are deflecting. All of Europe is safer than the US. Why is that ? We are not as heavily armed as you are.

There may be other minor factors but in general family rows in civilised Europe dont end in a body count and neither do our toddlers outkill terrorists. Every European country has a lower gun murder rate than the US. Every fucking one.
take away gun violence by the gangs and the US is probably one of the safest places on the planet......
and most of us don't live in shit hole cities where gangs run rampant.

the murder rate in my county is near ZERO and we have an extremely high gun ownership percentage here
take away gun violence by the gangs and the US is probably one of the safest places on the planet......
and most of us don't live in shit hole cities where gangs run rampant.

the murder rate in my county is near ZERO and we have an extremely high gin ownership percentage here
You all drink a lot of gin to not shoot each other?

Well, if that works for you.
the gun nuts cannot get around the fact that the Brits are much safer than American when it comes to gun violence.

not really.

our murder rate is skewed by an extremely small percentage of the population and most of those murders are committed by people with criminal records already who buy illegal guns

people who buy own and carry guns legally are not the problem
take away gun violence by the gangs and the US is probably one of the safest places on the planet......
and most of us don't live in shit hole cities where gangs run rampant.

the murder rate in my county is near ZERO and we have an extremely high gin ownership percentage here
You all drink a lot of gin to not shoot each other?

Well, if that works for you.

take away gun violence by the gangs and the US is probably one of the safest places on the planet......
and most of us don't live in shit hole cities where gangs run rampant.

the murder rate in my county is near ZERO and we have an extremely high gin ownership percentage here
You all drink a lot of gin to not shoot each other?

Well, if that works for you.
yes a rare typo on my part

the gun nuts cannot get around the fact that the Brits are much safer than American when it comes to gun violence.

not really.

our murder rate is skewed by an extremely small percentage of the population and most of those murders are committed by people with criminal records already who buy illegal guns

people who buy own and carry guns legally are not the problem
Yeah, they are: they kill, too. Considering that a Brit has 8 to 12% chance of being hurt by a gun than American, one knows your statement is staring at you.
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the gun nuts cannot get around the fact that the Brits are much safer than American when it comes to gun violence.

not really.

our murder rate is skewed by an extremely small percentage of the population and most of those murders are committed by people with criminal records already who buy illegal guns

people who buy own and carry guns legally are not the problem
Yeah, they are: they kill, too.

not at the same rate

and fyi people kill each other in Europe too

and here's a neat fact

people have been killing other people ever since there have been people on the planet and people will always kill other people it's one of those things you cannot deny
the gun nuts cannot get around the fact that the Brits are much safer than American when it comes to gun violence.

not really.

our murder rate is skewed by an extremely small percentage of the population and most of those murders are committed by people with criminal records already who buy illegal guns

people who buy own and carry guns legally are not the problem
Yeah, they are: they kill, too.

not at the same rate

and fyi people kill each other in Europe too

and here's a neat fact

people have been killing other people ever since there have been people on the planet and people will always kill other people it's one of those things you cannot deny
tu quoque much?
take away gun violence by the gangs and the US is probably one of the safest places on the planet......
Yup, discount all the deaths caused by..................Americans !!
my son just came back from living a couple of years in your country timmy....the citizens he was talking to were saying England overall is seeing much more violence......
Maybe we will see murders nearing American rates one day.

With your current levels of violent crime, importing violent immigrants, and the young male sociopaths your welfare culture is creating, you are going to see it sooner than have 6 year olds carrying knives to school because they are have violent crime up 70-90% in some areas of Britain....and up 25% across the country....and your welfare state politicians are paying for the welfare state by making cuts to your local police forces.......

That is going to be a major problem for you...
take away gun violence by the gangs and the US is probably one of the safest places on the planet......
Yup, discount all the deaths caused by..................Americans !! criminals who are already legally barred from buying,owning or carrying guns.....and you banned guns and your gun murder rate did not change.....and in fact...your gun crime rate in London went up 42%......

And your kids...are knifing each other ....and soon they will be using guns.....since you can't keep them from getting the,....
All of Europe is safer. Every fucking country in Europe is safer. Whatever their gun laws. Because gun ownership is much lower than in America. And not just a bit safer. Safer by miles you stat spewing cretin.

Nope....we have a tiny area of our country that has the gun crime........and, of course, that is where there are the least number of guns and the strictest gun control......2% of our counties have the majority of all most of America is even safer than Europe......
the gun nuts cannot get around the fact that the Brits are much safer than American when it comes to gun violence.

not really.

our murder rate is skewed by an extremely small percentage of the population and most of those murders are committed by people with criminal records already who buy illegal guns

people who buy own and carry guns legally are not the problem
Yeah, they are: they kill, too.

not at the same rate

and fyi people kill each other in Europe too

and here's a neat fact

people have been killing other people ever since there have been people on the planet and people will always kill other people it's one of those things you cannot deny
tu quoque much?
no hypocrisy in that factual statement
the gun nuts cannot get around the fact that the Brits are much safer than American when it comes to gun violence.

not really.

our murder rate is skewed by an extremely small percentage of the population and most of those murders are committed by people with criminal records already who buy illegal guns

people who buy own and carry guns legally are not the problem
Yeah, they are: they kill, too. Considering that a Brit has 8 to 12% chance of being hurt by a gun than American, one knows your statement is staring at you.
oh I see and guns are the only way people kill each other and I find it interesting that where I grew up most people I have ever known owned at least one gun not one person I know has ever shot anyone else or do I know anyone within about 6 degrees of separation that has ever shot anyone or been shot by anyone

how can that be in a place where almost everyone owns a gun?
take away gun violence by the gangs and the US is probably one of the safest places on the planet......

No it's not. Not even close.

You have highest rate of domestic violence murders, the highest rate of suicide by gun, the highest rate of accidental shootings, and the highest rate of killings by police.

Not to mention that no country comes close to number of mass shootings in schools or other public facilities.

Americans are quick to say it's all gang violence but far more murders are committed by whites than inner city gangs.

Wrong.....the majority of our violence is committed by criminals with long criminal histories....that would be gangs....and

US murders concentrated in 5 percent of counties

In 2014, the U.S. murder rate was 4.4 per 100,000 people, according to the data of the report. If the deadliest 5 percent of the counties were removed, the U.S. murder rate would be 2.56 per 100,000 people, the report showed.

More than half of last year’s murders occurred in only 2 percent of the nation’s counties.
the gun nuts cannot get around the fact that the Brits are much safer than American when it comes to gun violence.

not in my county

funny how you can extrapolate the few ultra violent sectors of the country that skew the numbers to the entire country
You have no point. USA is more dangerous from gun violence statistically than the UK.

That must sound really foolish even to you!
Considering that a Brit has 8 to 12% chance of being hurt by a gun than American, one knows your statement is staring at you.

AMericans use guns to stop violent criminal attack 1,500,000 times a year.....far more than are actuallly murdered with guns.......of the 9,616 murdered by guns in 2015, 80% of the victims were other criminals, not normal people......

So the total number of in oven the people murdered with guns is barely 1,500 a accidentally kill 36,000....

So 1,500,000 crimes stopped and lives saved...... vs. 1,500 innocents murdered by criminals with guns.....

You have no argument...and as Europe loses their welfare states turn them into violent countries...they will have no way for law abiding people to stop the killing...and their rates will be higher than ours.....
11000 suicides by firearms is not way down in anyone's sane world.

In a country of 330,000,000, yeah, 11,000 is a trivial number.

Notice how he focuses on suicide.......? That is because actual gun murder in 2015 was 9,616 people...and of those, 70-80% were criminals, killed by other he has to use is the only gun related death that gives him a number that high........

Keeping in mind this number is in a country of over 320,000,000 people with over 400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns for self defense.....
You can rank the table by gun homicides per capita.
Obviously Honduras and various third world places top the chart. The US isnt in the top 20 coming in at 3.2%

Way down the list, amongst all the countries of "falling apart Europe" comes the UK on 0.07%

In the period under review there were 41 gun murders in the UK all year. That is a horrific figure but in the US its really just a saturday night.

That you gun nuts are even trying to debate this shows how deluded that you are.

The OP is not under dispute. All of Europe is safer than gun crazy America.

Yes the OP is under dispute. And this article destroys it.

Comparing murder rates and gun ownership across countries - Crime Prevention Research Center

You don't even need that article to destroy your OP article. The article merely is counting guns per country. And then you're comparing it with strictly GUN Crime. And then YOU are cherry picking the countries that only help your point, while ignoring the ones that blatantly go against your point. There is no correlation, and its proved by your own article. On top of that you article isnt comparing crime rates over time, or crime rates without gun control vs with gun control in those countries. Again in Switzerland you are issued a full auto assault rifle (if you choose to keep it) and it's the safest place on earth. And on the other hand countries with the strictest gun laws are also some of the most dangerous places on earth (look at our southern neighbor). So where's the correlation??? Here's the facts, England is a freaking island, that does not have constant drug and cartel wars raging in our cities and across our boarders. Since they've instituted their gun ban, their gun crime had doubled in a decade. If we were to cease our governments war on drugs, the crime rate in America practically evaporates.

In EVERY single instance of a country enacted gun control, the murder rates (as well as crime rates) in that country go up. EVERY SINGLE INSTANT. Look it up yourself if you do not believe me.

Gun Facts | Gun Control and Crime in non-US Countries

Harvard gun study concludes gun bans don’t reduce the murder rate - Hot Air
You are deflecting. All of Europe is safer than the US. Why is that ? We are not as heavily armed as you are.

There may be other minor factors but in general family rows in civilised Europe dont end in a body count and neither do our toddlers outkill terrorists. Every European country has a lower gun murder rate than the US. Every fucking one.

Violent crime in Britain is going thru the roof...up 70-90% last year in some part she of Britainand up across the country 25%....

In the U.S.....violent crime is down we went from 200 million guns to 400 million guns...and our gun murder rate is down 49%.....our gun crime rate is down 75%........

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