More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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More bad news for the climate crusading nutters.......

Less people than ever believe in global warming!!!

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up | UK | News | Daily Express

As Ive said many times and been 100% accurate......nobody cares about the science!!:D
More and more people believe in the Easter bunny. WOW. that proves something? Sorry, it's getting WARM around here with the massive forest fires and the global ice caps melting and all and the ocean levels rising and the increase in the overall temps over the last century. Sorry. A fact.You were saying something about mass delusions?

NO warming happening...


Sea Level rise is artifact of a +2mm adjustment by NASA to their satellite data (total was 3mm/yr for the last 15 years) 20mm of that 15 years of rise is artifact.(definitely man made pencil whipped rise)

Global ice caps are not melting..

I could go on and on about the BS your spouting, but as it is all lies and crap there is no point in refuting the lies over and over again by the same ignorant people.

Talking points FAIL as empirical evidence show you a liar!
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Are you kidding me? I am almost as old as Methuselah. I see the changes in climate, and it isn't a political/economic game.The overall warming and the drastic climate changes one way or the other. What the hell do you know? What some politico with charts and graphs TELLS you? I have seen the long term changes, bukaroo. You were in diapers, along with your so called experts. Give me a break.
Are you kidding me? I am almost as old as Methuselah. I see the changes in climate, and it isn't a political/economic game.The overall warming and the drastic climate changes one way or the other. What the hell do you know? I have seen the long term changes, bukaroo. You were in diapers, along with your so called experts. Give me a break.

Do you miss the glacier on top of Chicago?
More bad news for the climate crusading nutters.......

Less people than ever believe in global warming!!!

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up | UK | News | Daily Express

As Ive said many times and been 100% accurate......nobody cares about the science!!:D
More and more people believe in the Easter bunny. WOW. that proves something? Sorry, it's getting WARM around here with the massive forest fires and the global ice caps melting and all and the ocean levels rising and the increase in the overall temps over the last century. Sorry. A fact.You were saying something about mass delusions?
Where is waters rising. Please post some actual figures instead of your opinion.
Are you kidding me? I am almost as old as Methuselah. I see the changes in climate, and it isn't a political/economic game.The overall warming and the drastic climate changes one way or the other. What the hell do you know? What some politico with charts and graphs TELLS you? I have seen the long term changes, bukaroo. You were in diapers, along with your so called experts. Give me a break.

Sweetie......the ONLY thing that matters with this shit is the politics and the economics. As long as Americans see the Great Lakes being frozen solid for 3 months, the public policies aren't going to change. Which means all the science in the world isn't going to add up to dick.....:spinner::spinner:......just like it hasn't for the past 25 years!!

Im older than you and Ive seen the same shit going on for decades. The difference between you and me is, you get hysterical every time a thunderstorm rolls in. The majority of the public sees just another day of weather.:bye1::bye1:
Are you kidding me? I am almost as old as Methuselah. I see the changes in climate, and it isn't a political/economic game.The overall warming and the drastic climate changes one way or the other. What the hell do you know? What some politico with charts and graphs TELLS you? I have seen the long term changes, bukaroo. You were in diapers, along with your so called experts. Give me a break.
Until you have 360 years of empirical data (two long term solar cycles) you dont have enough data to even make any of your silly assumptions. The last 65 years have been on the warming side of the longer 180 year cycle. You need to change your perspective and quit believing the hype. do some fact checking and look into the real science of climactic changes over long periods of time. There isn't a new thing happening that hasn't happened cyclically for millions of years.

By the way were now past the peak of the current long solar cycle, can you guess what the next 60-80 years is going to bring? let me help you... (dont have crick interpret this for you he sucks at graphing)
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More AGW k00K losing...........Wildcard Weekend in the in Minnesota to be played in "brutally cold" conditions and SEEN BY ABOUT 100 MILLION PEOPLE!!

NFL Wild Card Weekend: Seahawks and Vikings to square off in brutal cold

who's NOT WINNING??:2up:
NBC presented the national map this morning on the Today show and by Sunday, the entire country will be in a freeze. The lefties own station showing the polar vortex in full swing by Sunday. But hey, how's that el nino thing coming along. Rain in California, it must be el nino since that is the only time they get rain. Too funny.
More AGW k00K losing...........Wildcard Weekend in the in Minnesota to be played in "brutally cold" conditions and SEEN BY ABOUT 100 MILLION PEOPLE!!

NFL Wild Card Weekend: Seahawks and Vikings to square off in brutal cold

who's NOT WINNING??:2up:
NBC presented the national map this morning on the Today show and by Sunday, the entire country will be in a freeze. The lefties own station showing the polar vortex in full swing by Sunday. But hey, how's that el nino thing coming along. Rain in California, it must be el nino since that is the only time they get rain. Too funny.

Moar funny is funny!!

I got an idea for the half-time shows........go around and ask people in the stands their opinions about global warming!!!

I crack myself up!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
More AGW k00K losing...........Wildcard Weekend in the in Minnesota to be played in "brutally cold" conditions and SEEN BY ABOUT 100 MILLION PEOPLE!!

NFL Wild Card Weekend: Seahawks and Vikings to square off in brutal cold

who's NOT WINNING??:2up:
NBC presented the national map this morning on the Today show and by Sunday, the entire country will be in a freeze. The lefties own station showing the polar vortex in full swing by Sunday. But hey, how's that el nino thing coming along. Rain in California, it must be el nino since that is the only time they get rain. Too funny.

Moar funny is funny!!

I got an idea for the half-time shows........go around and ask people in the stands their opinions about global warming!!!

I crack myself up!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
how long have those huge concrete storm sewers been in LA? Why do you supposed someone built them years and years and years ago? Because when it rains it pours? hahahaahahahahahahahaha
Vice-count Monkton eviscerates NOAA/GISS and the IPCC.. Monkton shows how the Karl Et Al deception is nothing more that smoke and mirrors while showing how well sited HCN stations are in line with US-CRN, UAH, and RSS... The adjustments are massive as shown below..


In his post on WUWT he shows that our warming trend is OVER..


We are in a cooling trend now...

UAH and RSS show no warming now for over 22 years and the surface stations are shown very troubled..

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