More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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72 hours after they leave Paris, nobody is talking or caring about the Climate Summit. Go over to REALCLEARPOLITICS........almost nothing on the "historic" treaty.

Not so historic :up:
The passage of the Budget gave us the money the President needed to implement our part of that treaty. I would say that we won resoundingly. LOL
Actually, NO! that money is being held by Congress pending further review. So, No it is not yet intact. The money may be there but it has not yet been appropriated by the House. My bet is it will not be..
The passage of the Budget gave us the money the President needed to implement our part of that treaty. I would say that we won resoundingly. LOL

20 billion dollars at best!!:2up:

A joke.

That's like being told you are having a new baseball stadium but ooooooooooops, only funding enough for 2 rows of seats and one pretzel stand!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: Sorry!!!

Progressives have no concept of money as it relates to the bigger picture............20 billion dollars = laughable.

But............keeps the fringe environmental people quiet for another year.:spinner:

Meanwhile, the treaty does one thing for sure...........makes poor people poorer. The UN and the climate k00ks never want to admit this but it is pure unadulterated FACT!!! Carbon taxes fuck the poor HUGE because most of the poor gets their energy from conventional energy sources like coal.........pass their taxes on to the electric companies. Only the climate nutters think that the electric companies are going to eat those taxes. Fucking dummies..............they get passed on to the poor consumer thus making them poorer.

Obama's Plan to Make the Poor Even Poorer | Economics21

Progressives WANT more poor people. Why? They more people dependent on government, the more they get the world they want.

Write it down..........when the pushback comes, its going to be epic. One side will be ill prepared for what follows...........but not most people on my side!!!:rock::rock::rock:

Wont be going to the government for help...........and when time comes that I need shit, I know where I will go to acquire what I need.:coffee:
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More proof the skeptics are not winning.

After Paris accord, most U.S. Republicans back action on climate

More than half, or 58 percent, of Republicans surveyed said they approved of U.S. efforts to work with other nations to limit global warming, the poll showed. Forty percent said they would support a presidential candidate who did so.

yeah but its on the very bottom of the list of real concerns of voters ( can post up a boatload of polls by request ). In other words, like a handful of people are basing their vote on climate change which was clearly demonstrated in last years mid-terms where candidates who ran on climate change got their clocks cleaned.

When people find out that this shit means their electric bills double, almost all will punt.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
PSC grants new Kemper rate hike for Mississippi Power


The Mississippi Public Service Commission voted Thursday to grant Mississippi Power Company an immediate emergency 18 percent increase in rates. Commissioners voted two to one to allow for the increase.

The vote came one week after a public hearing on the power company's request to raise its rates. Power company officials testified last week that unless the rate increase was granted, the company will run out of money to operate its business by the end of this year.

Obama's EPA regulations are going to start hitting everyone very hard this year.. Many new regulations hit our power companies in August of this year. Now many are demanding huge increases due to the OBAMA EPA POLICES which are strangling power companies (who are not in Obama's favor or on his cronies list).

Pacific Corp is also looking at double digit increases after the first of the year which will affect millions of people in the Western US.

These are democrat AGW lie 'gimme' policies.. Just think they can be blamed for killing the old, killing the poor, killing the homeless... Just another day in the democrap world of culling the populations for their agenda!
During the last week there has been a dramatic drop in temperature anomaly, globally by about 0.5degC (black line) and NH by nearly 1degC (blue line).

Looks to me like El Nino is dead and the cooling is now coming full throttle.
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