More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Hey JC.....

Beautiful weather here in the center of the universe this week, but look at the temps this week....


By 7pm, it's in the mid 70's...a joke. Still have not been able to take the kids to the ocean to ride waves in the evening.

Beautiful here as well.

90. 81. 84. 84. 82
Inconvenient: NOAA data shows U.S. Tornadoes on the decline since 1970

Poor Old Crock and Creep... Not only are there fewer tornado's but they are decreasing in intensity to boot.... The EXACT OPPOSITE OF ALARMIST PREDICTIONS.....

Inconvenient: NOAA data shows U.S. Tornadoes on the decline since 1970

Poor Old Crock and Creep... Not only are there fewer tornado's but they are decreasing in intensity to boot.... The EXACT OPPOSITE OF ALARMIST PREDICTIONS.....


And do you know what? These people say they never predicted an increase in intensity and frequency of tornadoes. Bunch of fakes.....these people are total frauds. After Katrina, every k00k alarmist and their brother predicted bigger and more frequent hurricanes.... now they say they never said it :2up::113::113:

Its official... 21 years 5 months... The great pause resumed 2 months ago... in the unaltered data sets..

Were on the down hill side now with cooling expected for 30-40 years..

Its official... 21 years 5 months... The great pause resumed 2 months ago... in the unaltered data sets..

Were on the down hill side now with cooling expected for 30-40 years..

Well that sucks.... I spent decades going to the beach at the ocean and now it is largely becoming a thing of the past. Same for all of the Long Island residents who enjoy going to the beach.... we might as well be living up by Portland, Maine:gay:
More WINNING! NYC climate lawsuit thrown out by Federal judge

"Today a U.S. District Judge threw out New York City’s lawsuit against five major energy companies alleging damages relating to climate change.

Judge John Keenan wrote in his opinion that, “Global warming and solutions thereto must be addressed by the two other branches of government,” not the judiciary, according to Bloomberg."

NOW THIS IS WINNING... the courts have now learned that judicial activism is getting tossed...
More WINNING! NYC climate lawsuit thrown out by Federal judge

"Today a U.S. District Judge threw out New York City’s lawsuit against five major energy companies alleging damages relating to climate change.

Judge John Keenan wrote in his opinion that, “Global warming and solutions thereto must be addressed by the two other branches of government,” not the judiciary, according to Bloomberg."

NOW THIS IS WINNING... the courts have now learned that judicial activism is getting tossed...

Dang.... if you are a climate k00k these sure are bad times
Record late snowpack in Greenland – Millions of shorebirds starving


"More than 3 feet (about 1 meter) of snow remains on the ground.

15 July 2018 – Millions of shorebirds usually descend on the Arctic during the first half of June to mate and raise their young. But this year, summer has not arrived.

Instead, a record late snowpack has sealed the birds off from food and nesting sites."
Snow is usually gone by mid may here. July 1 is peak and cooling then sets in. The ambient air temp is 6 deg F below normal for the region. At this rate full snow melt may not occur... I believe this will meet the definition of GLACIATION of the region. 2 or 3 years of this will change earths albedo again.... making this happen faster..
No shit Billy? So short summer early fall coming....again?

The upper Midwest is going to get it first and then the eastern coast near Canada. I figure next week, late the shift will occur and cooling will begin. Out west we already had the shift and dropped 10 deg F in 2 days. Looks like we get low 80's for about two weeks before we get 70's... The shift is going to be very noticeable..

Just be glad your not living in the Hudson bay area.. There are several ports that had to resupply by air plane and snow machine. They have now been ice locked for 2 years and very little melt happened this year. Regions in Canada are 6-10 degrees below average for this time of year...

Early fall and winter is on the horizon and it will be bitter cold.
Skepticism is a big winner in my book. Skeptics know the facts and the odds and they don't hide their head in the sand. Only an idiot or a deluded fool would deny the facts and play against the facts. Other eras had it's share of stressors. Comet collisions, Volcanos, this or that. Man made CO2 emissions, that's a new factor and overwhelmingly obvious as a new stressor. IT just can't be ignored because, it never happened before. It's happening NOW.
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Skepticism is a big winner in my book. Skeptics know the facts and the odds and they don't hide their head in the sand. Only an idiot or a deluded fool would deny the facts and play against the rules. Other eras had it's share of stressors. Comet collisions, Volcanos, this or that. Man made CO2 emissions, that's a new factor and overwhelmingly obvious as a new stressor. IT just can't be ignored because, it never happened before. It's happening NOW.
Want to try again?

Here is the CO2 level and earths temp going back a very long time..

CO2 has been much higher than today and life did not end.. The planet did not burn up... The planet has dealt with these things before. You have been duped as have many others who have no clue what the earth has survived and dealt with over the eons..

Edit: One thing you must note is the planets temperature has only a 12 degree C range. This in and of itself disproves CAGW. It did not matter that the earths levels of CO2 were at 7,000ppm, glaciation came and went. People are assigning powers to that trace gas it does not posses.. If CO2 were the driver then runaway temps should have happened long ago... Something else is regulating the earths climatic system.... Water Vapor...
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Skepticism is a big winner in my book. Skeptics know the facts and the odds and they don't hide their head in the sand. Only an idiot or a deluded fool would deny the facts and play against the facts. Other eras had it's share of stressors. Comet collisions, Volcanos, this or that. Man made CO2 emissions, that's a new factor and overwhelmingly obvious as a new stressor. IT just can't be ignored because, it never happened before. It's happening NOW.

But no matter what the facts, only a space cadet would actually think there is something we can do about it. Not a single fact on that....just a bunch of theoretical gobblygoop.:2up:
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