More Racist Rhetoric From Hussein

What exactly is keeping them out?

Rav, $$$$.

I think white males are at the bottom of the totum poll when it comes to actually getting financial assistance for college. THere may be more of them in college than black males, but it's for lack of trying. My first two years of college, my mother was a single mom with 3 kids living under the poverty level. I could not get any financial assistance. 2 years later, I was still getting no financial assistance, yet my sister, a freshman in college was getting financial grants and assistance out of the but..(Even though the same income was used.) My mother then went back to school...she makes more than she did when I was going to school and she's still getting more financial aid than I did. It is pure gender discrimination. It never made any sense.
Rav, $$$$.

I think white males are at the bottom of the totum poll when it comes to actually getting financial assistance for college. THere may be more of them in college than black males, but it's for lack of trying. My first two years of college, my mother was a single mom with 3 kids living under the poverty level. I could not get any financial assistance. 2 years later, I was still getting no financial assistance, yet my sister, a freshman in college was getting financial grants and assistance out of the but..(Even though the same income was used.) My mother then went back to school...she makes more than she did when I was going to school and she's still getting more financial aid than I did. It is pure gender discrimination. It never made any sense.

Did they get better grades than you? Fill out more applications? Pick schools with better aid programs? Are women more likely to repay their loans? I've never run across this problem before, but if it's true, I'm all for AA for white boys.
Rav, $$$$.

I think white males are at the bottom of the totum poll when it comes to actually getting financial assistance for college. THere may be more of them in college than black males, but it's for lack of trying. My first two years of college, my mother was a single mom with 3 kids living under the poverty level. I could not get any financial assistance. 2 years later, I was still getting no financial assistance, yet my sister, a freshman in college was getting financial grants and assistance out of the but..(Even though the same income was used.) My mother then went back to school...she makes more than she did when I was going to school and she's still getting more financial aid than I did. It is pure gender discrimination. It never made any sense.

when i first started college i was an engineering major. in an effort to get the ratio of females higher, a higher % were admitted. the ratio of men-women was still low, but as a result of the school trying to get more female engineers inferrior applicants were let in while more deserving males were left out.
same goes for overall admittance. schools are striving for diversity, and given a choice between two equally qualified students, if one is a minority they are given preference.
you try to find any independent scholarships for middle class white males? good luck.
Did they get better grades than you? Fill out more applications? Pick schools with better aid programs? Are women more likely to repay their loans? I've never run across this problem before, but if it's true, I'm all for AA for white boys.

NOPE. My mom hadn't been in school in about 20 years, so her grades really didn't matter. They filled out the same application, I'm not quite sure about the schools, consideirng the financial aid is Federal. It really is rough. My uncle had the same problem about 15 years ago. He was fresh out of high school and he or his family didn't really have the money for college. He could not get any financial aid and ended up not finishing college. At the same time, his first cousin (a woman) worked at a bank and was married to a man who owned his own business, was getting financial aid left and right. After speaking to her (my second cousin) she says she felt so bad for my Uncle because she couldnt' understand why he wasn't getting any aid, because she knew for a fact that she and her husband made way more money than him and his family. There really is something fishy going on with it. After my first two years of not getting any aid, I decided to claim myself on my taxes, considering that I was no longer living at home or being financially supported at all by any of my family members. I was only making about 12,000 a year. When I filled out my federal aid application, they added my income to my mothers (which put it over the poverty level) and said that until I was 24, they still considered me living at home and being supported by my parents (whether or not I was or not). Pretty crappy deal. There really is discrimination in that respect.
when i first started college i was an engineering major. in an effort to get the ratio of females higher, a higher % were admitted. the ratio of men-women was still low, but as a result of the school trying to get more female engineers inferrior applicants were let in while more deserving males were left out.
same goes for overall admittance. schools are striving for diversity, and given a choice between two equally qualified students, if one is a minority they are given preference.
you try to find any independent scholarships for middle class white males? good luck.

Exactly, good post. The college I went to set up a school e-mail address for you (I'm sure as most do). They would send you e-mails on scholarships that were being offered. I do not recall getting any kind of scholarship notifications in which I was eligible. There were about 60% for minorites, 30% for females, and about 10% were for areas of study that I was not in. However, for the record, it's all water under the bridge. I've graduated and got my degree. This is why I don't feel for people who blame discrimination for blacks not attending college. I worked 40 hours a week and went to school at night. At one point during college, I drove a 2 hour round trip 4 days a week to college and worked two jobs. One in the town I lived, and one in the town where the college was. It can be done if you want it enough.
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NOPE. My mom hadn't been in school in about 20 years, so her grades really didn't matter. They filled out the same application, I'm not quite sure about the schools, consideirng the financial aid is Federal. It really is rough. My uncle had the same problem about 15 years ago. He was fresh out of high school and he or his family didn't really have the money for college. He could not get any financial aid and ended up not finishing college. At the same time, his first cousin (a woman) worked at a bank and was married to a man who owned his own business, was getting financial aid left and right. After speaking to her (my second cousin) she says she felt so bad for my Uncle because she couldnt' understand why he wasn't getting any aid, because she knew for a fact that she and her husband made way more money than him and his family. There really is something fishy going on with it. After my first two years of not getting any aid, I decided to claim myself on my taxes, considering that I was no longer living at home or being financially supported at all by any of my family members. I was only making about 12,000 a year. When I filled out my federal aid application, they added my income to my mothers (which put it over the poverty level) and said that until I was 24, they still considered me living at home and being supported by my parents (whether or not I was or not). Pretty crappy deal. There really is discrimination in that respect.

Well, I'd get out the violin but I'm not sure I'm buying this. No one in my family got financial aide, even token female moi. We all payed for college out of our own pockets...two years in community college and then transfered to university.

btw, according to Wikipedia, the poverty level for a single person in 2007 was 10,000 and change, so at $12,000 a year you were probably better off than those that got the aid. I think your anger is misdirected, frankly. Raise the poverty level or lower the cost of college.
Well, I'd get out the violin but I'm not sure I'm buying this. No one in my family got financial aide, even token female moi. We all payed for college out of our own pockets...two years in community college and then transfered to university.

btw, according to Wikipedia, the poverty level for a single person in 2007 was 10,000 and change, so at $12,000 a year you were probably better off than those that got the aid. I think your anger is misdirected, frankly. Raise the poverty level or lower the cost of college.

Believe what you want Rav, I'm just telling you my experience. The point was that I was not getting any aid whether or not my mom claimed me or not. However, she claimed my sister and my sister got financial aid. My mom also got financial aid at the same time. All three of us were in college and I was the only one not getting any financial aid. I know others just like me who had this problem. I'm not angered by this because it's already done and I have my degree. But I suppose I do have a bit of a chip on my shoulder about it, but there's nothing I can do. But I feel that I should let other people know about my experience so that they can be ready for something similar if it happens to them.
Believe what you want Rav, I'm just telling you my experience. The point was that I was not getting any aid whether or not my mom claimed me or not. However, she claimed my sister and my sister got financial aid. My mom also got financial aid at the same time. All three of us were in college and I was the only one not getting any financial aid. I know others just like me who had this problem. I'm not angered by this because it's already done and I have my degree. But I suppose I do have a bit of a chip on my shoulder about it, but there's nothing I can do. But I feel that I should let other people know about my experience so that they can be ready for something similar if it happens to them.

Okay, if she claimed your sister then she was, I'm guessing, a family of two...I don't know what the poverty level would be in that case or if she met it. I'm not saying your gripe isn't legitimate, but I do think they base it on income more than race or gender.
Okay, if she claimed your sister then she was, I'm guessing, a family of two...I don't know what the poverty level would be in that case or if she met it. I'm not saying your gripe isn't legitimate, but I do think they base it on income more than race or gender.

Ok, I think you are misunderstanding. She claimed me and my sister my first two years of school. She was single mother, supporting three people in college. Both of them got financial aid and I didn't. As far as me claiming myself, that's when I was getting tired of not receiving any aid, so I claimed myself. By then I wasn't living at home. I'm not asking for your pity or for you to agree with me. I'm simply telling my story as it relates to another post someone posted. It's my own personal opinion based on my experience and the experience of others I've talked to (that had the same experience).
Ok, I think you are misunderstanding. She claimed me and my sister my first two years of school. She was single mother, supporting three people in college. Both of them got financial aid and I didn't. As far as me claiming myself, that's when I was getting tired of not receiving any aid, so I claimed myself. By then I wasn't living at home. I'm not asking for your pity or for you to agree with me. I'm simply telling my story as it relates to another post someone posted. It's my own personal opinion based on my experience and the experience of others I've talked to (that had the same experience).

Sigh. I'm just saying, maybe she got financial aid because when she and your sister applied for it they WERE below the poverty line or the cut off line and when you applied for it you WEREN'T.
Sigh. I'm just saying, maybe she got financial aid because when she and your sister applied for it they WERE below the poverty line or the cut off line and when you applied for it you WEREN'T.

That's what I'm saying, we were in college at the same time. We sent in our applications together with virtually the same income (depending on what I made vs. my sister.) I'm not sure if my particular case was an income issue. It very well could have been. But what I am saying, is that there are other people that I know personally that have had the same problems. It's just an observation. I don't have it down to an exact science (yet) lol. There's just something fishy going on with financial aid. I just have a feeling about it based on my experience and experience of others. I had friends who's parents made way way more money than mine did, and they received financial aid---.

Maybe this will help.

My last two years of college, I actually did get Federal Grant money. The only thing that didn't make sense, was that my mom made more money than she had in the past, and I made more money as well. In my experience, I got more financial aid when I made more money.
Okay. I understood that the only qualification for financial aid was income.
Fed FA is given according to:

1. Need.
2. Availability.
3. Time.
4. Academic standing, including how good of a student you are. Better students can get more money, and upper classmen also get more money.

There is no explicit sexism in its allotment. However, men are much more likely to go into difficult subjects, thus could have a harder time getting higher grades. Additionally, the general anti-maleness and other biases for females that are fomented in the current zeitgeist of academe will no doubt make men less likely to continue their studies.
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I still don't buy it. According to my kids at least, there is no gender bias toward students in their school. IMO, it's just the latest fad of crying about victimization.
I still don't buy it. According to my kids at least, there is no gender bias toward students in their school. IMO, it's just the latest fad of crying about victimization.

I must agree. All of my children qualified for subject area scholarships and needs based grants based on my income. My daughter decided in her third year, to file single. She lost the grants. When I encouraged her to amend her return, she didn't want to, so that was that. The next year she again filed as my dependent, again was awarded the grants.
I still don't buy it. According to my kids at least, there is no gender bias toward students in their school. IMO, it's just the latest fad of crying about victimization.

I wonder where that started? :eusa_think:
btw, all these Republicans taking financial aid from the federal government cracks me up.

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