More Reasons to Boycott Facebook


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Facebook plans to use the Messenger App to take over your phone and data.

Happy happy joy joy.

Here is a short list of the most disturbing permissions it requires and a quick explanation of what it means to you and your privacy.

- Change the state of network connectivity – This means that Facebook can change or alter your connection to the Internet or cell service. You’re basically giving Facebook the ability to turn features on your phone on and off for it’s own reasons without telling you.

-Call phone numbers and send SMS messages – This means that if Facebook wants to…it can send text messages to your contacts on your behalf. Do you see the trouble in this? Who is Facebook to be able to access and send messages on your phone? You’re basically giving a stranger your phone and telling them to do what they want when they want!

- Record audio, and take pictures and videos, at any time – Read that line again….RECORD audio…TAKE pictures….AT ANY TIME!! That means that the folks at Facebook can see through your lens on your phone whenever they want..they can listen to what you’re saying via your microphone if they choose to!!

- Read your phone’s call log, including info about incoming and outgoing calls – Who have you been calling? How long did you talk to them? Now Facebook will know all of this because you’ve downloaded the new Facebook messenger app.

- Read your contact data, including who you call and email and how often – Another clear violation of your privacy. Now Facebook will be able to read e-mails you’ve sent and take information from them to use for their own gain. Whether it’s for “personalized advertisements” or if it’s for “research purposes” ….whatever the reason..they’re accessing your private encounters.

- Read personal profile information stored on your device – This means that if you have addresses, personal info, pictures or anything else that’s near and dear to your personal life…they can read it.

- Get a list of accounts known by the phone, or other apps you use – Facebook will now have a tally of all the apps you use, how often you use them and what information you keep or exchange on those apps....

Facebook?s New Mandatory Messenger App Raises Concerns « The New Bull @ 100.3
Many apps request more rights than they need. However, not all the permissions the user have to give, are senseless or censorious. For example, with the Messenger one can take Selfies so it needs the permission to use the cam. Another example: The Messenger identifies the user by the phone number so it needs to communicate with your phone.
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I have a FaceBook but I only have a few friends, my wifes friends, her family and business connections on it. No one from Work.

I get updates from WWII Bomber Units and R/C Model Airplane magazines. Other than that FaceBook is pretty useless for me.

Believe it or not I actually get some pretty good newsfeeds on Twitter.
I don't do Facebook, and my phone only makes phone calls. I hardly ever use it. Reception is very bad where I live so land lines are a necessity.

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