More Sudden Deaths in People Under the Age of 50

Evidently they spoke too soon considering the virus's ability to mutate.
Mutating may not be the problem, it may be the vaccine.

Tolerance is a good thing in most aspects of life. But when it comes to the immune system, artificially juicing up the body to create antibodies with long-term tolerance to a pathogen is a recipe for disaster. Amid thousands of papers on COVID and the vaccines, a new German paper published in Science Immunology should be the headline story this week. Although the subject matter is very dense, the implication of it is that the Pfizer shots (and possibly other mRNA spike protein shots) caused the immune system to misfire, thereby creating an endless feedback loop of viral immune escape, perpetuating the pandemic in the macro, and creating immune suppression for the individuals who received them.

I'm a musician as well. Nothing you've posted is proof that the vaccines aren't playing a part in the surge of heart-related deaths. Of course, correlation not necessarily being causation, more studies are needed to determine if there's a connection. What we do know is these vaccines were not tested long-term, the manufacturers were given immunity, and no previous vaccines employed spike proteins.
Nothing I posted was SUPPOSED be "proof" that vaccines aren't playing a role in it.
You specifically stated that Jesus was "all of modern medicine or medicine in general." That includes the vaccines he recently "gave us." I'm not the illogical one here.
Yep I said all, but you tried to narrow it down into one, and you did so in order to make your jab. It didn't work.
Mutating may not be the problem, it may be the vaccine.

Tolerance is a good thing in most aspects of life. But when it comes to the immune system, artificially juicing up the body to create antibodies with long-term tolerance to a pathogen is a recipe for disaster. Amid thousands of papers on COVID and the vaccines, a new German paper published in Science Immunology should be the headline story this week. Although the subject matter is very dense, the implication of it is that the Pfizer shots (and possibly other mRNA spike protein shots) caused the immune system to misfire, thereby creating an endless feedback loop of viral immune escape, perpetuating the pandemic in the macro, and creating immune suppression for the individuals who received them.

Yep, when think about the immune system and how it works, most viruses find themselves in one of the most unfriendly environment's found to exist in. After going through the system's that are learning them, they become weaker and weaker in a type of weakening mutating effect instead of becoming stronger when it leaves the immune system of healthy humans.

In fact they've taken the blood full of antibodies created by the system doing it's job, and made life saving treatments that saved live's early on before the vaccines ever took the stage.
Yep, when think about the immune system and how it works, most viruses find themselves in one of the most unfriendly environment's found to exist in. After going through the system's that are learning them, they become weaker and weaker in a type of weakening mutating effect instead of becoming stronger when it leaves the immune system of healthy humans.

In fact they've taken the blood full of antibodies created by the system doing it's job, and made life saving treatments that saved live's early on before the vaccines ever took the stage.
The article is indicating Mrna messes with the immune system...via DNA modification. The Biden admin isn't.....along with WHO.
Well thank you for proving my point. Along with Biden and Big Pharma, coordinated with mainstream and social media by our own gov't, there was no scientific debate allowed, only attacks.

"Leading, unsubstantiated claims".......because, as you just proved, no debate was allowed......only Big Pharma/Fauci speak.
The authors are five researchers from universities and colleges in Israel and Australia. They interviewed a sample of leading medical professionals, doctors, and scientists who questioned the prevailing COVID orthodoxy and were heavily reprimanded, censored, or otherwise harassed and suppressed for their views.

Science Journal Recognizes COVID Censorship | Evolution News

…The lawsuit the doctors and scientists have raised is against the Biden administration and specifically the CDC and the Department of Homeland Security. The group is represented by the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA), which is charging the administration with coordinating with Big Tech to censor voices that challenged The Official COVID Narrative™…

Scientists, Doctors Sue Biden Admin Over COVID Censorship - New Civil Liberties Alliance

Medical professionals sounded off after the latest "Twitter Files" release showed that both the Trump and Biden administrations made efforts to suppress views and ideas about COVID-19 that contradicted the White House’s official stance.

Independent journalist David Zweig tweeted the findings Monday, explaining that certain ideas and questions about COVID-19 by doctors and scientists were suppressed during the pandemic.

"Dissident yet legitimate content was labeled as misinformation, and the accounts of doctors and others were suspended both for tweeting opinions and demonstrably true information," Zweig added.

Doctors slam COVID government censorship exposed in 'Twitter Files': 'On the road to totalitarianism'
Politicians and industry are responsible for this opportunistic embezzlement, he writes. So too are scientists and health experts. “The pandemic has revealed how the medical-political complex can be manipulated in an emergency—a time when it is even more important to safeguard science.”

He points to examples of suppression of science or scientists during the UK’s pandemic response, including inappropriate involvement of government advisers in the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), attempts to withhold information on covid-19 and inequalities, block publication of a study on point-of-care antibody testing for covid-19, and instruct scientists not to talk to the media.

Politicians and governments are suppressing science, argues The BMJ | BMJ

Over the past week, Twitter has flagged dozens of tweets with factual information about covid-19 as misinformation and in some cases has suspended the accounts of doctors, scientists, and patient advocates in response to their posts warning people about the illness’s dangers.

Many of the tweets have since had the misinformation labels removed, and the suspended accounts have been restored. But the episode has shaken many scientific and medical professionals, who say Twitter is a key way they try to publicize the continuing risk of covid to a population that has grown weary of more than two years of shifting claims about the illness.

I proved your point? What point would that be? I never brought up anything about biden or the government. You're reading off the wrong maga script. Get to the ones labeled Malone.
I didn't have myself injected with genetic therapy, which turned out to be poison, out of fear.

So, there's that.

Then was it stupidity then? Because only a complete imbecile would allow someone to inject poison into them, unless of course you don't actually believe a thing you say.
Jesus has the final word on the covid vaccines and since he made them that means they're infallible. I trust Jesus.
Best read the Bible on MOCKERY. You know it's really amazing how you leftist hate yourselves so bad, that you have cut yourselves off from the possibilities of what could have been waiting for you, but just as Satan's vanity and stubbornness cut him off, then so shall it be that leftist would follow their god down into the pit without any thought about it.
I proved your point? What point would that be? I never brought up anything about biden or the government. You're reading off the wrong maga script. Get to the ones labeled Malone.
Malone was vindicated. you need to stop beleiving MSM who has poisoned your psyche.
Jesus has the final word on the covid vaccines and since he made them that means they're infallible. I trust Jesus.
Funny, Jesus isn't listed as a contributing souce on both the CDC and NIH websites....Fauci is.......maybe you have mistaken Fauci for Jesus.
Then was it stupidity then? Because only a complete imbecile would allow someone to inject poison into them, unless of course you don't actually believe a thing you say.

Are you asking me why you succumbed so easily to the propaganda? I don't know. You'll have to figure that out for yourself.

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