More Sudden Deaths in People Under the Age of 50

The problem with what you are claiming is the people who were censored were Doctors and scientists with academic know, as you said, attempting to participate in scientific debate on social platforms.
Robert Malone was one who was censored, he was a co-developer of Mrna.
There was a fair size group......any counter view, other than the official CDC/Big Pharma was rejected and the media stepped in, attacking these much for scientific debate.

Robert Malone is vaccinated and boosted. He admitted to it. Why didn't he take ivermectin if he believed in it so much? He was a scientist at some point in his life. Now he's just a shady con man.
Robert Malone is vaccinated and boosted. He admitted to it. Why didn't he take ivermectin if he believed in it so much? He was a scientist at some point in his life. Now he's just a shady con man.
Shady con man who expressed personal concerns over what was goin gon with MRNa, which he helped create.....and was banned for all socila media platforms, among a lot of other esteemed virologists and physicians.
Your comments regarding Malone, shows the level of propaganda you swallowed from gov't and main stream media sources .

Someone in history coined the term 'useful idiots' for people inclined this way.
Shady con man who expressed personal concerns over what was goin gon with MRNa, which he helped create.....and was banned for all socila media platforms, among a lot of other esteemed virologists and physicians.
Your comments regarding Malone, shows the level of propaganda you swallowed from gov't and main stream media sources .

Someone in history coined the term 'useful idiots' for people inclined this way.

Yeah, he was so concerned with MRNA he went right out and got vaccinated with an mrna vaccine first thing, even though he already got covid and recovered.
Yeah, he was so concerned with MRNA he went right out and got vaccinated with an mrna vaccine first thing, even though he already got covid and recovered.
So, in all your infinite wisdom, prove him wrong on a subject you aren't fully aware of.
So, in all your infinite wisdom, prove him wrong on a subject you aren't fully aware of.

I don't need to. He already proved it himself wrong and everything he stands for by getting vaccinated with an mrna vaccine. He's not stupid, he just thinks you are.
Read and learn. It's called science. Stop getting your knowledge from randos online who post memes or tweet nonsense.

Pffft, to trust anything written or produced in the corrupt misleading poisonous society we live in today is a fool's game. Keeping an eye on Jesus, and believing in him is my only option, nothing else compares or ever will.
When anecdotal evidence lines up with proven scientific evidence...there's a reason.
So far there's no evidence that any of the antivaxxers claims are true. One person out of a million is not evidence of anything at all...there's been no significant portion of the population that has been properly vaccinated to have any side effects except for the known side effects. And at no time has any antivaxxer used or mentioned the known side effects to prove that they are harmful. (There has to be a logic train)
There have been a lot of fake studies using pseudo science put out there that the antivaxxers eat up and believe is gospel.

See my latest thread in Current Events, which I tagged you on. Credible study but if it follows, it sure explains what we're seeing with organ issues and cancers. The boosters, mainly, rewrite your immune system so that your body tolerates what it should not: namely covid, with all the organ damage--and cancer.

Thread with a ton of links here:

I did miss that, thanks.

So, the vaccine brings an elevated risk for myocarditis while the actual virus brings a strong risk myocarditis, 5.6 times the risk from the virus than the vaccine.

And still no data showing a higher number of deaths from this compared to prior to 2020.

So now imagine that after vaccines, and especially after boosters, your body no longer recognizes Covid as a threat, but an "allergy", and tolerates it. Hence all the reports of "long Covid"--of vaccinated and boosted folks not clearing the virus.

Good stuff.

Or not.
So now imagine that after vaccines, and especially after boosters, your body no longer recognizes Covid as a threat, but an "allergy", and tolerates it. Hence all the reports of "long Covid"--of vaccinated and boosted folks not clearing the virus.

Good stuff.

Or not.
Makes sense..
Makes sense..

Tragically, this theory, if true, does make a lot of puzzle pieces click into place. The autoimmunes, increased cancers, fibrous clots can all be traced to a wacked out response by the immune system.

It is basically a form a VAIDS--vaccine-induced AIDS. You have no immune system left.

It is horrid.
Tragically, this theory, if true, does make a lot of puzzle pieces click into place. The autoimmunes, increased cancers, fibrous clots can all be traced to a wacked out response by the immune system.

It is basically a form a VAIDS--vaccine-induced AIDS. You have no immune system left.

It is horrid.
Could very well be since Fauci and crew were huge on the study of the immune responses in the AIDS patient's (what worked, what didn't work), and therefore they were trying frantically to create a cure and understanding of it.
Pffft, to trust anything written or produced in the corrupt misleading poisonous society we live in today is a fool's game. Keeping an eye on Jesus, and believing in him is my only option, nothing else compares or ever will.

That's fine. If you ever get a life threatening disease, don't go to your doctor or the hospital, go to your local church instead for a cure.
That's fine. If you ever get a life threatening disease, don't go to your doctor or the hospital, go to your local church instead for a cure.

You realize at one time doctors RXed thalidomide to pregnant women.

I mean
So now imagine that after vaccines, and especially after boosters, your body no longer recognizes Covid as a threat, but an "allergy", and tolerates it. Hence all the reports of "long Covid"--of vaccinated and boosted folks not clearing the virus.

Good stuff.

Or not.

Please post links to these reports
You realize at one time doctors RXed thalidomide to pregnant women.

I mean

And how does that relate to the covid vaccine in any way whatsoever? Sue, all I can say to you is, never see another doctor or take medicine ever again. Just don't ever do it, no matter sick you are. A wet towel on the head should cure your cancer or whatever might be killing you at the time.
And how does that relate to the covid vaccine in any way whatsoever? Sue, all I can say to you is, never see another doctor or take medicine ever again. Just don't ever do it, no matter sick you are. A wet towel on the head should cure your cancer or whatever might be killing you at the time.

Hyperbole is not going to help you
That's fine. If you ever get a life threatening disease, don't go to your doctor or the hospital, go to your local church instead for a cure.
Got bad COVID, got over it, next comment. Jesus actually is all of modern medicine or any medicine, because without him the secrets would never have been revealed to man on what to look for, and how to mix it into a life saving treatment. Man owes everything to God, even his existence.

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