More Sudden Deaths in People Under the Age of 50

I have no issues because I don't believe in your fairytales. I'm not part of the cult. Have all the following been proven true?

Covid vaccine magnetizes you
Covid vaccine is meant to depopulate earth
Covid vaccine turns you into the undead
Covid vaccine gives you covid
Covid vaccine causes cancer
Covid vaccine has microchips to track you
Covid vaccine changes your dna

These look like the unhinged rambling excuses children come up with to get out of seeing the doctor, except the scary part is, they're not, these are made up by grown men and women in this country, who live in some sort of alternate reality.
None of what you posted before mentioned any of that. What you mentioned previously has been proven true.
Change the narrative when called out with fact........LOL
None of what you posted before mentioned any of that. What you mentioned previously has been proven true.
Change the narrative when called out with fact........LOL

What facts? Where? All i've ever seen from antivaxxers are conspiracy theories like the stuff I've posted. The problem for you is, you're on a message board with normal people who aren't in your cult. There's no echo chamber here. No one is going to believe anything you say, simply because you or someone else posts a photoshopped graph or cite some dubious source from a free website or a random twitter post from a random person. That's because you don't care about legitimacy or science, just politics.
Nobody regrets not taking the jab..... including myself. That substandard runt that plays a doctor on tv peddling it way too hard was the giveaway. That, and congress exempting themselves and their staff from it.

Now my jizz is worth more than a groomer's entire existence. :laughing0301:
I already did. Just because your inbred DNA doesn't understand it is no fault to others. Own up to it.
Lol, you don't know what the clot shot did to your inbred DNA. Just by your post we already know your ignorant.
Where? All i've ever seen from antivaxxers are conspiracy theories like the stuff I've posted.
You admit to promoting conspiracy theories? My God, man.
The problem for you is, you're on a message board with normal people who aren't in your cult.
Define 'normal' people here.
That's because you don't care about legitimacy or science, just politics.
Facts are posted, you attack, run and hide......:206:
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What facts? Where? All i've ever seen from antivaxxers are conspiracy theories like the stuff I've posted. The problem for you is, you're on a message board with normal people who aren't in your cult. There's no echo chamber here. No one is going to believe anything you say, simply because you or someone else posts a photoshopped graph or cite some dubious source from a free website or a random twitter post from a random person. That's because you don't care about legitimacy or science, just politics.
Latest conspiracy theory:

What facts? Where? All i've ever seen from antivaxxers are conspiracy theories like the stuff I've posted. The problem for you is, you're on a message board with normal people who aren't in your cult. There's no echo chamber here. No one is going to believe anything you say, simply because you or someone else posts a photoshopped graph or cite some dubious source from a free website or a random twitter post from a random person. That's because you don't care about legitimacy or science, just politics.
What you ignore in all of it, is the fact that there are hundreds of thousands's maybe million's of antivaxers who haven't taken the jab, and they are living healthy live's even after they've had COVID once or even twice. That's evidence enough that the survival rates of antivaxers are being played down, and the death rates are being played up for a reason. Why, one just has to ask ? Besides that natural immunity has been ignored in it all, even though it's definitely a thing.

The reality on the ground isn't synchronizing up with the information being pumped out. Why ?

One thing you anti-truthers won't do is to acknowledge any positive stats coming out of the mix in it all.. Why ??
What you ignore in all of it, is the fact that there are hundreds of thousands's maybe million's of antivaxers who haven't taken the jab, and they are living healthy live's even after they've had COVID once or even twice. That's evidence enough that the survival rates of antivaxers are being played down, and the death rates are being played up for a reason. Why, one just has to ask ? Besides that natural immunity has been ignored in it all, even though it's definitely a thing.

The reality on the ground isn't synchronizing up with the information being pumped out. Why ?

One thing you anti-truthers won't do is to acknowledge any positive stats coming out of the mix in it all.. Why ??

But how many antivaxxers did die without the jab? That's an important question you probably have never asked yourself. How many have suffered debilitating long covid without the jab? Antivaxxers will exclaim how survival rate is 98% and hail that as a reason not to get vaccinated, but play up myocarditis as if it's the end of the world when it's survival rate is 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% and it's incidence rate is 0.00000000000001%. I don't see a gross double standard here at all. Nope.

Natural immunity is different in every person depending on how bad your covid exposure and sickness get. A large number of ppl have almost no antibodies from covid, some have very little to the point it might as well be nothing, so they are not protected at all from a future infection. Vaccination gives you a 100% antibody response in your body. This is why it's recommended.
But how many antivaxxers did die without the jab? That's an important question you probably have never asked yourself.
A whole lot did in early 2020 until the year end when the vax started coming out.
Latest Twitter dump is showing how the gov't and other alphabet entities were quashing any scientific debate, except for Big Pharma's.
You admit to promoting conspiracy theories? My God, man.

Define 'normal' people here.

Facts are posted, you attack, run and hide......:206:

Who's hiding? lol. I'm right here, asking where is the proof? Where is the evidence? All you've posted is a link about some athletes collapsing on the field as if this has never happened before. You're not the first and you're not going to be the last to do this. The problem for you remains actually proving any of it has to do with the vaccine, but you don't care if it does or doesn't. You only care about pushing your agenda, like most antivaxxers. If someone dies, then it must be the vaccine. If someone collapses it must be the vaccine. This will be the battle cry of every antivaxxer for years on end, until you find a new shiny toy to cry and whine about, because we know that's what cons are best at.
A whole lot did in early 2020 until the year end when the vax started coming out.
Latest Twitter dump is showing how the gov't and other alphabet entities were quashing any scientific debate, except for Big Pharma's.

Scientific debate involves actual science, not wacko unproven psuedo science at best and at worst, just the same old antivax conspiracy theories that gets ppl killed or in the hospital.
Scientific debate involves actual science, not wacko unproven psuedo science at best and at worst, just the same old antivax conspiracy theories that gets ppl killed or in the hospital.
The problem with what you are claiming is the people who were censored were Doctors and scientists with academic know, as you said, attempting to participate in scientific debate on social platforms.
Robert Malone was one who was censored, he was a co-developer of Mrna.
There was a fair size group......any counter view, other than the official CDC/Big Pharma was rejected and the media stepped in, attacking these much for scientific debate.
But how many antivaxxers did die without the jab? That's an important question you probably have never asked yourself. How many have suffered debilitating long covid without the jab? Antivaxxers will exclaim how survival rate is 98% and hail that as a reason not to get vaccinated, but play up myocarditis as if it's the end of the world when it's survival rate is 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% and it's incidence rate is 0.00000000000001%. I don't see a gross double standard here at all. Nope.

Natural immunity is different in every person depending on how bad your covid exposure and sickness get. A large number of ppl have almost no antibodies from covid, some have very little to the point it might as well be nothing, so they are not protected at all from a future infection. Vaccination gives you a 100% antibody response in your body. This is why it's recommended.
You spout a bunch of words that aren't celebrated as truth, so it best you get to backing up your words with hard core fact's if you want to stay relevant. Oh and lose the anti-conservative vibe if you want anyone to believe anything you say. Otherwise just keep on bull crapping people who see right through it, otherwise you ain't fooling no one.
You spout a bunch of words that aren't celebrated as truth, so it best you get to backing up your words with hard core fact's if you want to stay relevant. Oh and lose the anti-conservative vibe if you want anyone to believe anything you say. Otherwise just keep on bull crapping people who see right through it, otherwise you ain't fooling no one.

Read and learn. It's called science. Stop getting your knowledge from randos online who post memes or tweet nonsense.


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