More Sudden Deaths in People Under the Age of 50

The shots are horrible, and the govt shoved them down everyone's throats.

No need for this kind of hyperbole, that "everyone who got vaccinated would just curl up and die". That's not the bar for a good treatment or vaccine.

Myocarditis, blood clots, fertility problems, MORE infections. How about we just start there?

Or better yet, if YOU are so sure the vaccines are wonderful, tell us how many shots you've received. All five, I hope? Why not, if not?
I've gotten 4...3 for original covid and one booster. No ill effects and no covid....even though I have been exposed to it several times.

But I do know unvaxxed that have gotten covid at least three times....and they now have a plethora of long covid symptoms they haven't recovered from yet and aren't sure they will. Everything from losing their immune system to autoimmune disorders, heart trouble, kidney, lung damages, liver disorders and reproductive disorders.
And they were wanting to go back to work...but can't. They are on long term disability now.
The vast majority of people are better off getting vaccinated with one of the mRNA vaccines than with any of the others. The UK knew theirs was junk (AstraZeneca/Oxford) but they shoved it out anyway. Same as the J&J's junk too. Same issues from trying to work with this class of virus as they had a long time ago.

The mRNA vaccines will kill you in 10 days (hurting the whole time you are dying) or they work miracles....and not much in between. It's just the way they work.

They have been looking at everything from the mass vaccinations and how they effect the far so good. I'm looking forward to the new technologies and answers these things provide.
I've gotten 4...3 for original covid and one booster. No ill effects and no covid....even though I have been exposed to it several times.

But I do know unvaxxed that have gotten covid at least three times....and they now have a plethora of long covid symptoms they haven't recovered from yet and aren't sure they will. Everything from losing their immune system to autoimmune disorders, heart trouble, kidney, lung damages, liver disorders and reproductive disorders.
And they were wanting to go back to work...but can't. They are on long term disability now.
The vast majority of people are better off getting vaccinated with one of the mRNA vaccines than with any of the others. The UK knew theirs was junk (AstraZeneca/Oxford) but they shoved it out anyway. Same as the J&J's junk too. Same issues from trying to work with this class of virus as they had a long time ago.

The mRNA vaccines will kill you in 10 days (hurting the whole time you are dying) or they work miracles....and not much in between. It's just the way they work.

They have been looking at everything from the mass vaccinations and how they effect the far so good. I'm looking forward to the new technologies and answers these things provide.

Anecdotes are anecdotes. I know people who were vaccinated who never got covid; people who weren't vaccinated and got covid multiple times (including myself, twice) and people who had covid terribly after vaccination.

If you want to make the case that the vaccines were beneficial for people of a certain age and risk profile, I won't argue.

But to push the vaccines AND BOOSTERS on college aged kids and younger...awful.
Anecdotes are anecdotes. I know people who were vaccinated who never got covid; people who weren't vaccinated and got covid multiple times (including myself, twice) and people who had covid terribly after vaccination.

If you want to make the case that the vaccines were beneficial for people of a certain age and risk profile, I won't argue.

But to push the vaccines AND BOOSTERS on college aged kids and younger...awful.
When anecdotal evidence lines up with proven scientific evidence...there's a reason.
So far there's no evidence that any of the antivaxxers claims are true. One person out of a million is not evidence of anything at all...there's been no significant portion of the population that has been properly vaccinated to have any side effects except for the known side effects. And at no time has any antivaxxer used or mentioned the known side effects to prove that they are harmful. (There has to be a logic train)
There have been a lot of fake studies using pseudo science put out there that the antivaxxers eat up and believe is gospel.
I'm a musician among other things...and two guys I used to know in that circle died of heart failure, one at 48 and the other at 60. Both were lifelong drug users, especially cocaine and sometimes heroine. NOT good for the heart. Musicians aren't the only people who have the tendency, though. So do many athletes, actors, and other types of celebrities. Most of the people we are talking about fit into that category. Cocaine is the "success" drug, more common among overachievers and people who are high-rollers with plenty of money. Oftentimes you wouldn't know such people are users until it starts to catch up to them, they get arrested in public, or finally blow a gasket so to speak. And then, when you consider some of the really young ones, Millennials and people in their 20's and 30's, there's all those new modern things that WE didn't vaping and energy drinks....WHICH ARE NOT GOOD FOR YOU. So it's really not that surprising to me the things which are being said in this thread.
I'm a musician as well. Nothing you've posted is proof that the vaccines aren't playing a part in the surge of heart-related deaths. Of course, correlation not necessarily being causation, more studies are needed to determine if there's a connection. What we do know is these vaccines were not tested long-term, the manufacturers were given immunity, and no previous vaccines employed spike proteins.
You know what's the best part of being a conspiracy theorist? None of your claims require an ounce of proof. You can just link any random joe who made a graph on his computer and say, look, the truth is out there! 🤦‍♂️ need to realize Israel is one of the countries tracking unexplained covid vax related deaths. The US ( CDC ) is not.....wonder why.
It stands to reason that more vaccinated ppl will die from covid as well simply from their overwhelming numbers compared to the unvaccinated, especially those in the older category.
According to Fauci, getting vaxed will prevent you from getting covid, then that changed to you still might get it but it won't be as severe as without it. Now people who have had every available prick have gotten full fledged covid, were terribly ill and many have died and are dying.
What's up with that?
According to Fauci, getting vaxed will prevent you from getting covid, then that changed to you still might get it but it won't be as severe as without it. Now people who have had every available prick have gotten full fledged covid, were terribly ill and many have died and are dying.
What's up with that?

Don't you think it's time to stop chewing on that old bone?
Don't you think it's time to stop chewing on that old bone?
Maybe you need to stop chewing the one you have and face reality.

An inconvenient truth?
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According to Fauci, getting vaxed will prevent you from getting covid, then that changed to you still might get it but it won't be as severe as without it. Now people who have had every available prick have gotten full fledged covid, were terribly ill and many have died and are dying.
What's up with that?
Just shows that when we get the virus, it still depends on the person's underlying conditions that might exassebate the thing into a killer. I don't think the shot's are truly altering this fact, but they may act as a comforter/security blanket to someone that can exact mind control over their condition's by thinking that they've done something that truly helps. The efficacy or lasting effect in which the shot is suppose to hold, is still really not known in each specific individual due to their unique make up or health conditions.

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