More Sudden Deaths in People Under the Age of 50

Yet the thread concerns the 'Rona vax....

Last I read, more vaxed have died than the unvaxed......that, if true, is quite unsettling.
The vaxxholes will bury their heads in the sand regarding possible adverse effects of an injection that had neither long-term testing nor legal liability for the manufacturers. Such is the illogical nature of human conceit.
I'm a musician among other things...and two guys I used to know in that circle died of heart failure, one at 48 and the other at 60. Both were lifelong drug users, especially cocaine and sometimes heroine. NOT good for the heart. Musicians aren't the only people who have the tendency, though. So do many athletes, actors, and other types of celebrities. Most of the people we are talking about fit into that category. Cocaine is the "success" drug, more common among overachievers and people who are high-rollers with plenty of money. Oftentimes you wouldn't know such people are users until it starts to catch up to them, they get arrested in public, or finally blow a gasket so to speak. And then, when you consider some of the really young ones, Millennials and people in their 20's and 30's, there's all those new modern things that WE didn't vaping and energy drinks....WHICH ARE NOT GOOD FOR YOU. So it's really not that surprising to me the things which are being said in this thread.
You must realize by now that Covid deaths were manipulated.
Doctors and hospitals got bonuses for putting down on\
Death Certificate { complications from Covid }. Even if in a
Car accident.
Those Covid shots over time weaken the Immune system.
Plus they weren't Vaccines.They were experimental shots.
Testing was never forthcoming.Pfizer had to eventually come
clean about that.That their Covid shots were never tested as to
Stopping the Transmission of Covid.
Just like there is No Aids Vaccine.

Wow, MAGAts repeating a QAnon thought.
Neonatal death rates, Israel

You know what's the best part of being a conspiracy theorist? None of your claims require an ounce of proof. You can just link any random joe who made a graph on his computer and say, look, the truth is out there! 🤦‍♂️
More ridiculous fear mongering. Jesus - are people really this fucking stupid??
I know I know...
If only everyone who got vaccinated would just curl up and die then the antivax group could finally be right...

But in the meantime they seem to be immune to Covid.
You know what's the best part of being a conspiracy theorist? None of your claims require an ounce of proof. You can just link any random joe who made a graph on his computer and say, look, the truth is out there! 🤦‍♂️
Amazing how so many come true. And people still listen to the people who told them they were conspiracies. Go figure.
You know what's the best part of being a conspiracy theorist? None of your claims require an ounce of proof. You can just link any random joe who made a graph on his computer and say, look, the truth is out there! 🤦‍♂️

Line up for your shots. One every two months, remember. I'm sure it will work out beautifully.
I know I know...
If only everyone who got vaccinated would just curl up and die then the antivax group could finally be right...

But in the meantime they seem to be immune to Covid.

The shots are horrible, and the govt shoved them down everyone's throats.

No need for this kind of hyperbole, that "everyone who got vaccinated would just curl up and die". That's not the bar for a good treatment or vaccine.

Myocarditis, blood clots, fertility problems, MORE infections. How about we just start there?

Or better yet, if YOU are so sure the vaccines are wonderful, tell us how many shots you've received. All five, I hope? Why not, if not?
Issue is, proven, more vaxed have died than the that metric.

Seventy nine percent of americans have had one shot. Nearly 70% have had both shots. That's a lot of vaccinated ppl. It stands to reason that more vaccinated ppl will die from covid as well simply from their overwhelming numbers compared to the unvaccinated, especially those in the older category. An older vaccinated and boosted individual is also more susceptible to the virus than a much younger unvaccinated person. Not to mention that a large number of seniors still haven't gotten their omicron boosters. All of this leads to more vaccinated deaths. It's simple math and logic.

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