More Sudden Deaths in People Under the Age of 50

So the gov't runs a campaign to ostracize the unvaxed as some type of lepers.....and in the end, the unvaxed have better survival rates than the vaxed.
Exactly.... I know people who haven't had any of the shot's, and they are alive and well, all above 50 year's of age too (one is 84), never wore the mask, had rona once early on in the start of it all at age 82 or was it 81(?) hmmmm, but the point being she never has had it again regardless of being clean still of the shot's.

Natural immunity is a thing folk's.

But Biden thinks that these folks have something wrong with them mentally or worse that they are some sort of danger because they won't take the shot's.

Pathetically obvious on what's been going on in the Biden administration.

It's been well over two years now since the virus hit, and many haven't ever had the virus regardless of everything that has gone on around them, and especially regardless of them not having the shot's.

He's ignoring the real stats, and he is being fed lies most likely for political reason's by his handler's or worse there's money being passed around in the deal (big pharma maybe (?), even so it still could be as simple as there being just lie's that are being told by the one's who are weaponizing the weak or corrupted Biden in order to try and get at those they hate through the power of the government hammer.

Most of it is just pure old outright jealousy on some folk's part, where as they are trying to drag everyone into their personal situations, and this is so they won't feelz lonely in those situations (behind their mask or after taking their shot's), in which they have chosen to wear or to do upon their own personal choices exercised in their own lives.

I know folks who have had one shot because they were forced too (i.e. they like their fun of going on cruise's and such, and the shot was once required to do so), and that's all they've had is the one shot since it all began because of that requirement..... Even still they are also doing great today (all above the age of 50), and some of them have never had the Rona. They refuse to take another shot, and I can't blame them on that choice, and it's their choice.

I know people with underlying conditions, and they've had the shot but still got sick bad with Rona, and they are on chemo for cancer and such, but they are alive and doing the best that they can (all things considered), especially with all this Rona sickness going on and on and on it seems.

One of the cancer patients had decided enough is enough with the Rona shot, and wouldn't take anymore of them. Can't blame her. It's a choice folk's, either get the shot's or not, but the forcing it needs to stop immediately just like they've done with the military now. Good for them.

The various new treatment's are also working after the fact now, and that's been extremely effective (now that people aren't stopping those treatments with lie's and bull crap), otherwise when people get sick now.

I know people like that also, otherwise who never had the shot, but they got the Rona this year and was treated successfully in each case that I know about, and this was without them having the shot's.

It's a comprehensive approach that's working well, and it's working for most folks these days. Time to stop with the tyrannical forced bull crap by government on the people. It's time to let freedom ring, and private and public medicine work.

The people aren't dumb. They'll do what's necessary when they have too on their own. Works better that way. Fact.
Ok...if you insist.

The Washington Post: Covid Is No Longer Mainly A Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated. Here’s Why.
For the first time, a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine. Fifty-eight percent of coronavirus deaths in August were people who were vaccinated or boosted, according to an analysis conducted for The Health 202 by Cynthia Cox, vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation. (Beard, 11/23)

Fox News: Vaccinated Americans A Majority Of COVID Deaths For First Time In August: Analysis
The paper described a "troubling trend" as the share of deaths of people who were vaccinated has been "steadily rising" over the past year. "In September 2021, vaccinated people made up just 23 percent of coronavirus fatalities. In January and February this year, it was up to 42 percent," the Washington Post's Fenit Nirappil and Dan Keating wrote. (Pandolfo, 11/23)

The paper described a "troubling trend" as the share of deaths of people who were vaccinated has been "steadily rising" over the past year.

With almost 70-% of the population alre3ady vaxed, the 50% means that the vaxed are doing better than the unvaxed. You can message the numbers all you wish but the fact remains that certain groups of people will do beetter if vaxed while other groups will remain unchanged.
It's not. More have died without the shot because of various contributing problems. You need to turn the channel.
Either or probably isn't very true, otherwise getting sick with any potential lethal virus can cause anyone with compromised immune system's to become very sick, otherwise if were to get certain strain's of the flu, certain types of pneumonia, if they have venereal diseases, shingles virus, they get staff infection or have any other such things in life in which complicates or exacerbates the circumstances that begin to pile up in certain human beings in a perfect storm mixture from hell.

Healthy people need to be left alone.. Period.
With almost 70-% of the population alre3ady vaxed, the 50% means that the vaxed are doing better than the unvaxed. You can message the numbers all you wish but the fact remains that certain groups of people will do beetter if vaxed while other groups will remain unchanged.
Issue is, proven, more vaxed have died than the that metric.
Issue is, proven, more vaxed have died than the that metric.
If 70% of the total population has received the Vax and 30% have not, doesn't it make sense that the average death rate will go to the 70%
except it isn't happening. The 50% total means more of the 30% than the 70%. Your logic is MAGAt.
If 70% of the total population has received the Vax and 30% have not, doesn't it make sense that the average death rate will go to the 70%
except it isn't happening. The 50% total means more of the 30% than the 70%. Your logic is MAGAt.
Prove me wrong, then...
If 70% of the total population has received the Vax and 30% have not, doesn't it make sense that the average death rate will go to the 70%
except it isn't happening. The 50% total means more of the 30% than the 70%. Your logic is MAGAt.
If it was a real vaccine the number of vaccinated dying from what they are vaccinated against should be close to zero.
lies, facts are imp. no SARS-CoV-2 vaccination were recruited. It recruits, the study population being largely White and healthy, It was an antibody test.
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I already did. Just because your inbred DNA doesn't understand it is no fault to others. Own up to it.
Funny, many people suddenly dropping over, were vaxed.
If 70% of the total population has received the Vax and 30% have not, doesn't it make sense that the average death rate will go to the 70%
except it isn't happening. The 50% total means more of the 30% than the 70%. Your logic is MAGAt.
So what are the losses in percentage rates amongst the two groups when separated by the sheer numbers, and are noted in the percentages in which make up the two groups separately by their "choices" that are being categorized and recorded in life that way ??

So who is leading in the death rates amongst the two identifiable groups now ?
Yes, indeed we are not immortal. My sister died at 47 in 2007, a massive heart attack....
They say a first heart attack in a middle aged person is
usually the worst.But I really don't want to hear from Dick Cheney
to git the specifics.Nor Liz.
Sufface to say that Dick was buddy buddy with one of the most
neat Senators of our times.Wyoming great Alan Simpson.
Who retired in the late 90's.He was a casual regular in the 2000's
on - Hardball - w/ Chris Matthews.
I can't remember whether Simpson explained it on
- Hardball - or wrote a piece about it.But there was a time before
Dick got married that he and Alan used to sneak off and git a
snootful.Like maybe somewhat regularly.
I miss the old codger.Last I heard from him was maybe 5 years ago
Hardball went off like 3 years ago.Simpson was notorious fir his
down home country witticisms.
The stuff real americans were made of.The stuff Woody Guthrie
wrote and sang about.Guthrie had the biggest influence
on Bob Dylan.
My God....100 up to 150 deaths out of 330 million......
You must realize by now that Covid deaths were manipulated.
Doctors and hospitals got bonuses for putting down on\
Death Certificate { complications from Covid }. Even if in a
Car accident.
Those Covid shots over time weaken the Immune system.
Plus they weren't Vaccines.They were experimental shots.
Testing was never forthcoming.Pfizer had to eventually come
clean about that.That their Covid shots were never tested as to
Stopping the Transmission of Covid.
Just like there is No Aids Vaccine.

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