More Sudden Deaths in People Under the Age of 50

Best read the Bible on MOCKERY. You know it's really amazing how you leftist hate yourselves so bad, that you have cut yourselves off from the possibilities of what could have been waiting for you, but just as Satan's vanity and stubbornness cut him off, then so shall it be that leftist would follow their god down into the pit without any thought about it.

Mockery is saying Jesus is responsible for all of modern medicine and then refusing to take modern medicine. This is all according to your own logic. You don't realize it yet but you've listened to Satan's lies and believed every word.
Are you asking me why you succumbed so easily to the propaganda? I don't know. You'll have to figure that out for yourself.

If succumbing to propaganda means believing in modern medicine then give me more of that propaganda! There was a time when there were no doctors, no medicine. People basically prayed to Jesus to heal their cancer, or they trusted old wives' tales, rumors and superstitions people passed along. At the end of the day, the best you were going to get was a warm wet towel on your head while you lay dying. Sue, if this is what you want for yourself, then be my guess. You don't have to succumb to the "propaganda."
If succumbing to propaganda means believing in modern medicine then give me more of that propaganda! There was a time when there were no doctors, no medicine. People basically prayed to Jesus to heal their cancer, or they trusted old wives' tales, rumors and superstitions people passed along. At the end of the day, the best you were going to get was a warm wet towel on your head while you lay dying. Sue, if this is what you want for yourself, then be my guess. You don't have to succumb to the "propaganda."

Hyperbole and exaggeration = desperation setting in.

I get it. I'm not happy about it either. No one should be happy about how terrible these vaccines are and how much they were shoved down people's throats.
Mockery is saying Jesus is responsible for all of modern medicine and then refusing to take modern medicine. This is all according to your own logic. You don't realize it yet but you've listened to Satan's lies and believed every word.
First off it must be your take that this medicine is or would be righteously inspired by the Lord without question, otherwise for man to develope it and then take in the ways or means in which it was developed.

You or I don't know this as of yet, but you quickly jump to it's defense as if it is a good thing that had the hand of our Lord immediately involved in it, but you don't know that because you won't give it time to understand it or to understand it's outcomes, it's trials and it's tribulations.

Ever heard of voo doo medicine, snake oils, witches brews, mid-evil remedies, sham-WOW, witch doctor's, and/or wicked potions ?? When I make a statement about the Lord's hand being involved in anything or not, I'm talking about anything that is good if involved, but you knew that, and yet you figured that you could exploit anything that may have not been totally clear in my speak. It is a tactic you leftist use.

This is how you leftist roll, and it's your expertise. Otherwise anything you lefties can exploit in an evil way, you quickly jump to it.

Beware though, because you are dealing with forces that you can't fathom it's greatness and power when it comes to the Lord Almighty God...

A greatness that won't be exploited as you would idiotically think that it could be exploited (nothing to do with me, for I'm only a messenger), otherwise in the ways that you people attempt to do such things in this world today. Clean up your acts, and pray about these things in hopes that the good Lord is involved in the medicine for it to be a success. It's all we can do, and then keep an eye on the data that is forthcoming in it all. We shall know goodness when we see it or experience it.

You should pray over the medicine, and pray that God's hand is involved in it, because if the entire debacle was created by evil men or even men having no faith, then there could be a chance that the medicine might be included as yet another man made attempt to get out of it all without God being involved.

If God isn't welcome or involved in the medicine, then may he forgive us for everything that we have done to cause such a thing.
Hyperbole and exaggeration = desperation setting in.

I get it. I'm not happy about it either. No one should be happy about how terrible these vaccines are and how much they were shoved down people's throats.
Even if the vaccines turned out to be our only option in the messed up situation, it is that the shoving it down everyone's throats by force is where it becomes an evil thing.

Because just as the clear data shows that people aren't all effected by the virus in the same ways, then the administration of the shot's should be targeted for maximum effect for those who are the most at risk or are the most vulnerable according to the data..

Making the entire thing political as Biden has done, served no one in the proper ways, and only sewed the seeds of confusion and chaos into the situation.

The Tippecanoe County Office of the Coroner tells us while the official cause hasn't yet been determined, their initial (preliminary) report indicates Uche died of an "enlarged heart with acute heart failure".
Hyperbole and exaggeration = desperation setting in.

I get it. I'm not happy about it either. No one should be happy about how terrible these vaccines are and how much they were shoved down people's throats.

Your entire agenda is nothing but hyperbole and exaggeration. This is quite the projection. Desperation is scouring the internet daily for any story you can use to justify your wild conspiracy theories, regardless of whether there's any link or even credibility. As long as it's a story you can use to instill fear into others, this is what matters.
It wasn't until yesterday that we found a sudden death link to coronaviruses. It is a pig coronavirus. In lieu of verification, it seems to be an age-related phenomenon in these pigs. The virus was first discovered in 1978. This thread is not yet finished bringing evidence-based science forward.
Your entire agenda is nothing but hyperbole and exaggeration. This is quite the projection. Desperation is scouring the internet daily for any story you can use to justify your wild conspiracy theories, regardless of whether there's any link or even credibility. As long as it's a story you can use to instill fear into others, this is what matters.

People being injured and dying by the millions from this injection is not hyperbole. Its reality. A lot of people can't see it but more and more are starting to investigate. Good thing.
People being injured and dying by the millions from this injection is not hyperbole. Its reality. A lot of people can't see it but more and more are starting to investigate. Good thing.

No, that's only in your dreams. Snap out of and come back to us. This is what it must be like being a doctor in a mental ward.
People being injured and dying by the millions from this injection is not hyperbole. Its reality. A lot of people can't see it but more and more are starting to investigate. Good thing.

They see it. It's too big not to see now.

They're raging at us because we didn't succumb, they did, and they're rightly scared.

Better people than the ragers are saying "I regret taking the vaccine. It seems like a bad medicine."

But cowardice is everywhere.
Folks, the facts are this is not a normal occurrence in so many people under the age of 50.

Can I correct your thread.

More people under 50 are not dying, it's what they're dying from that has flipped. So the biggest reason was heart conditions, but that has been surpassed by other causes.

So people still do die from heart conditions, and always will, but examples that hit the news doesn't increase the number that's dying. The more you use your heart, the more strain you put it under, and for more extended periods of time, then you increase your chances of heart failure. Sport is a prime example.


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