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More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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I also think some white people are afraid of a multiracial, multicultural society, where they may not be totally in control as they seem to think they should be.
Yeah, racists, like you and Paul would naturally think about that.
When I see the same concern for Blacks killing each other every day in Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Oakland, St. Louis, etc, etc, then I'll believe he cares about Black people being killed. He only cares when they're killed by a white person so he and you can make political hay. Fuck you.
No one gives a fuck about what you don't see. Concern yourself with whites killing each other or growing up batshit crazy like that boy who killed all those people in Buffalo.

You run your mouth about blacks but whites are killing themselves in numbers that are way above black on black. Whites are committing suicide, overdosing and killing each other but you're here talking about what your racist ass wants to see from black people. Fuck you.
It's not their hard work, it's the fact that they are NOT black. You've had this pointed out to you before, repeatedly, yet you choose to ignore it. Why is that?
Because it's a false narrative. A Black person who is conservative and doesn't act like a victim is a problem for you, huh.
Because it's a false narrative. A Black person who is conservative and doesn't act like a victim is a problem for you, huh.
It's not false. Black right wingers whine just like you white ones. You don't know any black conservatives.
How come they don't have video of the actually shooting ?

So a mass shooting in a NY subway were everyone has a camera phones n there is cctv everywhere but not one person has this on film ? And no one gets killed ? And they said he left his credit card and car keys at the scene ? Really ?

And then this 62 old fat blk guy manages to escape law enforcement and then goes on the run for 24hrs leading to a man hunt to get him ?

As usual they're trying to create a black bogeyman.

So your argument is if there is no video, nothing happened, right? Okay, then you need to stop whining about Mike Brown. No video, must have happened exactly the way Darren Wilson said it did. (No, I don't actually believe that, but we are using your logic.)

Being violent to white people and having racist views about white people are not the same thing.

Daarrel Brooks didn't write a 138 page manfesto about killing whites and how inferior whites are and how he's a black superemacist. Nor did he write "cracka" on his car like the Petryon wrote "N*gger" on his gun.

No, he just posted a bunch of crazy shit on social media. Just like James did.

Just 147 years ago most blk Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes since blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of outrageous racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people

Yeah, you are special all right, Paul.


Black ppl who live in slums or are homeless says nothing about black ppl but it says something about the constant on going battle with white supremacy blk ppl have.

And let's be clear on something. Black people in slums don't bother whites supremacists. Because you and others get an ego boost from that. It's black excellence that bothers white supremacists

Not really. I don't think twice about black people who hold down jobs and work hard. I occasionally get annoyed by the Affirmative Action hire the rest of the team has to carry, but I get just as annoyed by the nepotism hire the rest of the team has to carry.

In the past year there have been bomb threats against HBCU (Historicaly Black Collges and Universities) across the country.

Nothing scares white supremacists more than Black people ignoring them, learning and teaching despite racism, despite a system they know was built for their destruction.

When Black folks were restricted to HBCUs, white folks didn’t have to pay us much mind, but now, when we could go to any institution in the country, and we STILL pick an HBCU, it’s like the ultimate insult.

Again, I don't think anyone cares that much. What I see is kind of the opposite. When I graduated from UIC back in the 1980's, it had a lot of black representation. That was it's primary purpose, to give access to inner city and working class kids who couldn't afford to go to Urbana. Today, UIC's enrollment is less than 9% black in a city where the population is 40% black.

Either way they built Japan back up,

And this exposes "Miracle of the Han River" lie. The lie that says Asians just built themselves up and all these companies just sprouted up because they're just so smart

You miss out the fact after the 1950's the USA started outsourcing their jobs as blk ppl started fighting for civil rights and wanting economic empowerment.

Not related at all. If you knew anything about manufacturing, you'd realize WHY Asia rose as fast as it did. cheap labor and better manufacturing processes. You see, after WWII, a fellow named Deming went to Japan and introduced a lot of theories related to lean manufacturing. While American manufacturers stayed stuck in the mud about just doing the same old, same old thing, the Japanese embraced these concepts, and quickly surpassed American companies in quality and cost.

The US government and American companies started shifting their investments overseas. So after Nam and the Korean conflict you start seeing huge investment in Asia. They went looking for small companies that were established and loaded them up with cash.

That's when the Samsungs and the Sonys and the Ninetndos started popping up and getting more muscle on the global scene

So Asians work in tandem with the white supremacists to keep the system rigged because the people it's rigged against for the most part is black people.

As someone who works in manufacturing and lives this stuff every day, I can tell you that you are completely full of shit. There's a whole lot of reasons why American manufacturers outsourced, cost, quality, environmental regulations, unions. It was not a conspiracy against black people.

Another point. WORLDWIDE the number of people involved in manufacturing has declined. More manufacturing jobs have been lost to automation and process improvement than outsourcing.

Either way Germany has them
Well, no, not really. They are American weapons and the Chancellor of Germany can't call up that Pershing missile battery and say, "Hey, can you take out Minsk for us!"

The Japanese are also protected by the American Nuclear Umbrella. It's just that we have those nukes on Boats or in Korea.

That's no way to talk about your sister
Joe, it is you who has flipped your lid. I don't know what gets in the minds of whites like you where you think you can dismiss the lived experience and the opinions from that experience of somebody black based on your life as a white person. Paul hasn't flipped, he's pissed, and he should be. It's time whites like you started looking at these events as you did 9-11 or any other terrorist act.

Sorry, man, hyperbole gets you nowhere with me. I freely admit racism is a problem. But Paul stubbing his toe and blaming white people for it is hardly rational.

Frank James and Darrel Brooks are in jail. But what you fail to recognize is what caused them to do such terrible things. They weren't radicalized by racist lies, they were broken by white racism. Now don't conflate this as me supporting their action. In my view these men were weak. But until whites like you start listening instead of lecturing us on things your ass never has faced, never will face and often are the participants causing the problem, you are going to see a Frank James or Darrell Brooks every once in awhile.

First, you don't know what I've faced in my life (a lot of it not good).
Secondly, I see Brooks and James the same way I see Gendron and Adam Lanza and James Holmes... a crazy person who was able to get a hold of the means to cause mass destruction because we don't lock crazy people up anymore.

So while you told Paul how he should consider his good fortune for being American, you need to be on bended knees every night thanking God that blacks, native Americans, API citizens and Members who descend from South America/Mexican "Indian" tribes are commiting mass terror acts on whites daily for the things whites have done and continue doing.
API and Hispanics don't go around whining about shit that happened 100 years ago. They just work hard and get the job done.

First and only, neither Asians or Hispanics have overcome racism. That's a standard lie whites try using to dodge the issue. Blacks have worked harder and for less.

Yet they do. Company I work for now, a whole bunch of the managers and supervisors are Asian. Some of them so fresh off the boat they still have their accents. Now how can that possibly happen in a racist country.

From the Department of Justice: “84% of police officers have stated in a recent survey that they have directly witnessed a fellow officer using more force than was necessary.” “52% of police officers report that it is not unusual for law enforcement officials to turn a blind eye to the improper conduct of other officers.” “61% of police officers state they do not always report serious abuse that has been directly observed by fellow officers.” 43% of police offers agree with this sentiment: “Always following the rules is not compatible with the need to get their job done.”

Way to move the goal posts, buddy. The topic was how many people are killed by police, not how many times some slacker who refused to engage thought the guy who did was too mean.

The problem we have now is none of the cops want to engage, and frankly, with Mayor Beetlejuice and her ilk ready to throw them under the bus, who can blame them?

Frank James did not kill anybody and white men have been the majority of mass killers in this countries history. And while and call for violence is wrong, just exactly what in the hell do whites like you think is going to happen when you subject people to endless racism?

I think you should obey the law like the rest of us have to. If went down and hunted down everyone who ever wronged me in my life, it would be a very long list. Much less shooting people who vaguely remind me of people who've wronged me.

“From 2006 to 2012, there were approximately 51,000 emergency department visits per year for patients injured by law enforcement in the United States.” “On average police kill 1,000 people annually, but less than 2 percent of the police doing the shooting are prosecuted for murder.”

Okay, so the police kill 1000 people a year and about 7000 a year are injured for resisting arrest. Out of 10,000,000 arrests executed by police. That means out of that many arrests, 0.08% of them the police officer had to use serious force to kill or injure.

I'm the first one to criticize the cops when they deserve it. I'm not on speaking terms with my idiot brother because I said his buddy SHOULD go to jail for shooting Laquan McDonald. (Ironically, we've been on not speaking terms longer than Van Dyke actually spent in prison.) But the main reason why most cops aren't prosecuted is because the idiots do pull knives or guns on a cop and the cop responds appropriately.

Now you guys got what you want. Cops hang back, they don't show up in any particular hurry to a crime in progress, they don't chase the bad guys. And the murder rates in the inner city have shot through the roof.

So your argument is if there is no video, nothing happened, right?

Amongst other thing - Yes,

Okay, then you need to stop whining about Mike Brown.

Good. I'm the biggest whiner on planet earth and let's be clear on something

We don't whine. We fight.

Black Americans are the most prosperous blacks in the world, but people talk about that like it was just given to us as a favor. As opposed to something that was fought for every inch of the way, that is to be full participants in society.

To be allowed to vote, to own property, to not be forced to give up your seat on the bus. None of this was given to blacks by the kindness of white America, it was fought for and paid in blood, sweat and tears.

No video, must have happened exactly the way Darren Wilson said it did. (No, I don't actually believe that, but we are using your logic.)

The difference is black people didn't support the black guy (Darrell Brooks) who ran over those white girls in his car in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

We didn't say "He was mentally ill"
We didn't pour money into his gofundme account.
We didn't say " What about white on crime ? White people kill white ppl more than black do"

Darrel Brooks was not only condemned by black people across the board but black people agreed that he should be punished to the fullest


But when white or non black cops kill black people ? The silence is deafening frpm white people. Whites pretty much always support cops who kill blk ppl. Because white supremacists and white society in general gets a kick out of seeing cops mistreat black ppl.

White ppl judge the strength of the system by how blk ppl are suffering.

As someone who works in manufacturing and lives this stuff every day, I can tell you that you are completely full of shit.

OK. Right.

There's a whole lot of reasons why American manufacturers outsourced, cost, quality, environmental regulations, unions.

OK. Tell me

It was not a conspiracy against black people.


Another point. WORLDWIDE the number of people involved in manufacturing has declined. More manufacturing jobs have been lost to automation and process improvement than outsourcing.

And what has that got to do with Asia having had a helping hand by whites ?

Not related at all. If you knew anything about manufacturing, you'd realize WHY Asia rose as fast as it did. cheap labor and better manufacturing processes.

Which is what I just wrote. It was the white supremacist who helped that.


Reparations was also given to the HEIRS of the Japanese who we’re interned,


Imagine if America was built by Asian slave labour and most of the Africans that were allowed into the country were doctors and engineers and university students, though some poor Africans were allowed in after America’s misadventures in the Angolan War. Would it then be right to to say:

“Look how well the Africans do! They come here with nothing, and they’re not even white! What’s wrong with the Chinese? It can’t be racism.

I would like to see how well these “Asians” would do, if their first, second, third, fourth, fifth and lets say sixth generations were slaves and after that they would be kicked out to handle themselves in the face of deeply ingrained cultural racism.

How would these geniuses manage with no education, no money, no funds, no clothes?

Would they outscore whites in schools ? Would they surge to the top of the society from their ghettos were they would be forced to live in by institutional racism ? Actually, how many leading American Asians come from the China Towns of USA ? Most of them ? All of them ? According this argument, they all should. But do they ?

And let's not forget the Tamils. How many of them are thriving in American society ? How many Tamils are among the top scorers ? They should be there since they Asians too. No ?

You see, after WWII, a fellow named Deming went to Japan and introduced a lot of theories related to lean manufacturing.

Again - Which is what I just wrote. It was the white supremacists who helped that.

Blacks experience negative racism. We are seen as bad minorities because we protest and have tried to improve our lot.

Asians try to work harder despite the system - Blacks try to change the system.

Whites pat Asians on the head for being good while they scold blacks for being bad and then tell blacks,”Why can’t you be more like Asians and just kiss our asses !!!!”

While American manufacturers stayed stuck in the mud about just doing the same old, same old thing, the Japanese embraced these concepts, and quickly surpassed American companies in quality and cost.

And Japan is still under the system of white supremacy

And if you truly believed that Asians have surpassed American companies and they're so great then why aren’t guys like u clamouring for a massive increase in immigration from Asian nations ?

Why not flood the borders ? Since we could all benefit from a little more Asian genius ? Why not have white CEOs step down from their positions and let Japanese managers take their place ?

Whites talk all this stuff about how great asians are


Well, no, not really. They are American weapons and the Chancellor of Germany can't call up that Pershing missile battery and say, "Hey, can you take out Minsk for us!"

Once again. Youre just repeating what I have already wrote. but we agree - Germany has nukes. I'm not interested who owns them. They're on German soil

The Japanese are also protected by the American Nuclear Umbrella. It's just that we have those nukes on Boats or in Korea.

Again. We agree that is white supremacy. How many Nukes does Japan have on American seas ?

I'll wait

When I graduated from UIC back in the 1980's, it had a lot of black representation.

Just because a company or university has black students or workers doesn't mean it's not dominated by white supremacy. The cotton field of Georgia had a lott black represenation too.

That was it's primary purpose, to give access to inner city and working class kids who couldn't afford to go to Urbana.

And that proves my point again. That's just white supremacy. Why couldn't they afford it ? Because of white supremacy Black inner city kids were thrown a few crumbs but there should not be a system of white supremacy to deprive them of anything.

Today, UIC's enrollment is less than 9% black in a city where the population is 40% black.

And that's because of white supremacy. In this country, whether it be on a national or local level. How are schools financed ? You should know the answer: property taxes. Since Black neighborhoods were INTENTIONALLY deprived of capital, businesses, and municipal resources, and CONTINUE to be deprived of capital, businesses, and municipal resources the value of most Black neighborhoods are less than the value of White neighborhoods.

For states that provide funding to local municipalities, White neighborhoods (per pupil) continue to receive more funding that Black neighborhoods. Since we live in a society where an EDUCATION is the key to success, then what do you think the outcome of that will be ? And even with that advantage whites are still always caught up in cheating scandals and admission scandals. Black people are the only ppl who practice meritocracy because there is no avenue for us to cheat the system. If we get. We earn it.

I occasionally get annoyed by the Affirmative Action hire the rest of the team has to carry, but I get just as annoyed by the nepotism hire the rest of the team has to carry.

I'm pretty sure you know that a white criminal is more likely to get the job than a black man that is clean.

I'm pretty sure you know this.
1652978588598.pngAnd of course, around 90% jobs are never advertised, they're filled by word-of-mouth and networking: a process which disproportionately disadvantages blk people and favors whites,
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Sorry, man, hyperbole gets you nowhere with me. I freely admit racism is a problem. But Paul stubbing his toe and blaming white people for it is hardly rational.

First, you don't know what I've faced in my life (a lot of it not good).
Secondly, I see Brooks and James the same way I see Gendron and Adam Lanza and James Holmes... a crazy person who was able to get a hold of the means to cause mass destruction because we don't lock crazy people up anymore.

API and Hispanics don't go around whining about shit that happened 100 years ago. They just work hard and get the job done.

Yet they do. Company I work for now, a whole bunch of the managers and supervisors are Asian. Some of them so fresh off the boat they still have their accents. Now how can that possibly happen in a racist country.

Way to move the goal posts, buddy. The topic was how many people are killed by police, not how many times some slacker who refused to engage thought the guy who did was too mean.

The problem we have now is none of the cops want to engage, and frankly, with Mayor Beetlejuice and her ilk ready to throw them under the bus, who can blame them?

I think you should obey the law like the rest of us have to. If went down and hunted down everyone who ever wronged me in my life, it would be a very long list. Much less shooting people who vaguely remind me of people who've wronged me.

Okay, so the police kill 1000 people a year and about 7000 a year are injured for resisting arrest. Out of 10,000,000 arrests executed by police. That means out of that many arrests, 0.08% of them the police officer had to use serious force to kill or injure.

I'm the first one to criticize the cops when they deserve it. I'm not on speaking terms with my idiot brother because I said his buddy SHOULD go to jail for shooting Laquan McDonald. (Ironically, we've been on not speaking terms longer than Van Dyke actually spent in prison.) But the main reason why most cops aren't prosecuted is because the idiots do pull knives or guns on a cop and the cop responds appropriately.

Now you guys got what you want. Cops hang back, they don't show up in any particular hurry to a crime in progress, they don't chase the bad guys. And the murder rates in the inner city have shot through the roof.

Joe, you're the one posting hyperbole. And much of what you say is wrong for people who are black. You have never lived as a black person and you have never lived your life having to consider what blacks think and how we feel or are affected by racism. But you are here pontificating and disagreeing with people about something you have never faced. The police have never been friends of blacks. Police were originally formed for slave patrols. You have not educated yourself on these matters. I have and you really need to listen. But you can't because you are white and regardless of how non-racist you claim to be, your whiteness makes you think you are the ultimate authority. Well, I'm here to say that you're not. So try shutting up and asking questions instead of lecturing me.

Unarmed blacks aren't pulling guns or knives and police have been caught planting things on people. Police have claimed weapons were pulled on them countless times after they killed somebody and no weapon was ever found. We need to stop defending this.

You run your mouth and everybody has an opinion, but it's time you looked at the facts and make your comments according to them. I showed you information from THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, they are in charge of law enforcement. I showed you a global study used by professionals in law enforcement. I showed you a conclusion made by lawyers not only in America; but globally. None of that is hyperbole son, they are hard cold facts that we need to face.

Here is another one.

Jordan Woods did a 10-year study of police stops, and it is considered one of the most in-depth studies on this issue. The findings were published in 2019 and are available on the Michigan Law Review repository website. Here are his words:

"To summarize, the findings do not support the dominant danger narrative surrounding routine traffic stops. Based on a conservative estimate, I found that the rate for a felonious killing of an officer during a routine traffic stop for a traffic violation was only 1 in every 6.5 million stops. The rate for an assault that results in serious injury to an officer was only 1 in every 361,111 stops. Finally, the rate for an assault (whether it results in officer injury or not) was only 1 in every 6,959 stops. Less conservative estimates suggest that these rates may be much lower. In addition, the vast majority (over 98%) of the evaluated cases in the study resulted in no or minor injuries to the officers. Further, only a very small percentage of cases (about 3%) involved violence against officers in which a gun or knife was used or found at the scene, and the overwhelming majority of those cases resulted in no or minor injuries to an officer. Less than 1% of the evaluated cases involved guns or knives and resulted in serious injury to or the felonious killing of an officer.
So your argument is if there is no video, nothing happened, right?

Amongst other thing - Yes,

Okay, then you need to stop whining about Mike Brown.

Good. I'm the biggest whiner on planet earth and let's be clear on something

We don't whine. We fight.

Black Americans are the most prosperous blacks in the world, but people talk about that like it was just given to us as a favor. As opposed to something that was fought for every inch of the way, that is to be full participants in society.

To be allowed to vote, to own property, to not be forced to give up your seat on the bus. None of this was given to blacks by the kindness of white America, it was fought for and paid in blood, sweat and tears.

No video, must have happened exactly the way Darren Wilson said it did. (No, I don't actually believe that, but we are using your logic.)

The difference is black people didn't support the black guy (Darrell Brooks) who ran over those white girls in his car in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

We didn't say "He was mentally ill"
We didn't pour money into his gofundme account.
We didn't say " What about white on crime ? White people kill white ppl more than black do"

Darrel Brooks was not only condemned by black people across the board but black people agreed that he should be punished to the fullest


But when white or non black cops kill black people ? The silence is deafening frpm white people. Whites pretty much always support cops who kill blk ppl. Because white supremacists and white society in general gets a kick out of seeing cops mistreat black ppl.

White ppl judge the strength of the system by how blk ppl are suffering.

As someone who works in manufacturing and lives this stuff every day, I can tell you that you are completely full of shit.

OK. Right.

There's a whole lot of reasons why American manufacturers outsourced, cost, quality, environmental regulations, unions.

OK. Tell me

It was not a conspiracy against black people.

View attachment 646821

Another point. WORLDWIDE the number of people involved in manufacturing has declined. More manufacturing jobs have been lost to automation and process improvement than outsourcing.

And what has that got to do with Asia having had a helping hand by whites ?

Not related at all. If you knew anything about manufacturing, you'd realize WHY Asia rose as fast as it did. cheap labor and better manufacturing processes.

Which is what I just wrote. It was the white supremacist who helped that.


Reparations was also given to the HEIRS of the Japanese who we’re interned,


Imagine if America was built by Asian slave labour and most of the Africans that were allowed into the country were doctors and engineers and university students, though some poor Africans were allowed in after America’s misadventures in the Angolan War. Would it then be right to to say:

“Look how well the Africans do! They come here with nothing, and they’re not even white! What’s wrong with the Chinese? It can’t be racism.

I would like to see how well these “Asians” would do, if their first, second, third, fourth, fifth and lets say sixth generations were slaves and after that they would be kicked out to handle themselves in the face of deeply ingrained cultural racism.

How would these geniuses manage with no education, no money, no funds, no clothes?

Would they outscore whites in schools ? Would they surge to the top of the society from their ghettos were they would be forced to live in by institutional racism ? Actually, how many leading American Asians come from the China Towns of USA ? Most of them ? All of them ? According this argument, they all should. But do they ?

And let's not forget the Tamils. How many of them are thriving in American society ? How many Tamils are among the top scorers ? They should be there since they Asians too. No ?

You see, after WWII, a fellow named Deming went to Japan and introduced a lot of theories related to lean manufacturing.

Again - Which is what I just wrote. It was the white supremacists who helped that.

Blacks experience negative racism. We are seen as bad minorities because we protest and have tried to improve our lot.

Asians try to work harder despite the system - Blacks try to change the system.

Whites pat Asians on the head for being good while they scold blacks for being bad and then tell blacks,”Why can’t you be more like Asians and just kiss our asses !!!!”

While American manufacturers stayed stuck in the mud about just doing the same old, same old thing, the Japanese embraced these concepts, and quickly surpassed American companies in quality and cost.

And Japan is still under the system of white supremacy

And if you truly believed that Asians have surpassed American companies and they're so great then why aren’t guys like u clamouring for a massive increase in immigration from Asian nations ?

Why not flood the borders ? Since we could all benefit from a little more Asian genius ? Why not have white CEOs step down from their positions and let Japanese managers take their place ?

Whites talk all this stuff about how great asians are


Well, no, not really. They are American weapons and the Chancellor of Germany can't call up that Pershing missile battery and say, "Hey, can you take out Minsk for us!"

Once again. Youre just repeating what I have already wrote. but we agree - Germany has nukes. I'm not interested who owns them. They're on German soil

The Japanese are also protected by the American Nuclear Umbrella. It's just that we have those nukes on Boats or in Korea.

Again. We agree that is white supremacy. How many Nukes does Japan have on American seas ?

I'll wait

When I graduated from UIC back in the 1980's, it had a lot of black representation.

Just because a company or university has black students or workers doesn't mean it's not dominated by white supremacy. The cotton field of Georgia had a lott black represenation too.

That was it's primary purpose, to give access to inner city and working class kids who couldn't afford to go to Urbana.

And that proves my point again. That's just white supremacy. Why couldn't they afford it ? Because of white supremacy Black inner city kids were thrown a few crumbs but there should not be a system of white supremacy to deprive them of anything.

Today, UIC's enrollment is less than 9% black in a city where the population is 40% black.

And that's because of white supremacy. In this country, whether it be on a national or local level. How are schools financed ? You should know the answer: property taxes. Since Black neighborhoods were INTENTIONALLY deprived of capital, businesses, and municipal resources, and CONTINUE to be deprived of capital, businesses, and municipal resources the value of most Black neighborhoods are less than the value of White neighborhoods.

For states that provide funding to local municipalities, White neighborhoods (per pupil) continue to receive more funding that Black neighborhoods. Since we live in a society where an EDUCATION is the key to success, then what do you think the outcome of that will be ? And even with that advantage whites are still always caught up in cheating scandals and admission scandals. Black people are the only ppl who practice meritocracy because there is no avenue for us to cheat the system. If we get. We earn it.

I occasionally get annoyed by the Affirmative Action hire the rest of the team has to carry, but I get just as annoyed by the nepotism hire the rest of the team has to carry.

I'm pretty sure you know that a white criminal is more likely to get the job than a black man that is clean.

I'm pretty sure you know this.
View attachment 646832And of course, around 90% jobs are never advertised, they're filled by word-of-mouth and networking: a process which disproportionately disadvantages blk people and favors whites,
So, you are ok when’s black cop kills a black person? And btw, if the cop is wrong he deserves punishment. Whites don’t want cops killing black people. A lot of people believe like I do, that criminal lives really don’t matter, if they are killers, rapists, or violent abusers. This isn’t just black criminals, it’s all of them. I still say to all of them, don’t put yourself in a position to have issues in the first place.
Joe, you're the one posting hyperbole. And much of what you say is wrong for people who are black. You have never lived as a black person and you have never lived your life having to consider what blacks think and how we feel or are affected by racism. But you are here pontificating and disagreeing with people about something you have never faced. The police have never been friends of blacks. Police were originally formed for slave patrols. You have not educated yourself on these matters. I have and you really need to listen. But you can't because you are white and regardless of how non-racist you claim to be, your whiteness makes you think you are the ultimate authority. Well, I'm here to say that you're not. So try shutting up and asking questions instead of lecturing me.

Unarmed blacks aren't pulling guns or knives and police have been caught planting things on people. Police have claimed weapons were pulled on them countless times after they killed somebody and no weapon was ever found. We need to stop defending this.

You run your mouth and everybody has an opinion, but it's time you looked at the facts and make your comments according to them. I showed you information from THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, they are in charge of law enforcement. I showed you a global study used by professionals in law enforcement. I showed you a conclusion made by lawyers not only in America; but globally. None of that is hyperbole son, they are hard cold facts that we need to face.

Here is another one.

Jordan Woods did a 10-year study of police stops, and it is considered one of the most in-depth studies on this issue. The findings were published in 2019 and are available on the Michigan Law Review repository website. Here are his words:

"To summarize, the findings do not support the dominant danger narrative surrounding routine traffic stops. Based on a conservative estimate, I found that the rate for a felonious killing of an officer during a routine traffic stop for a traffic violation was only 1 in every 6.5 million stops. The rate for an assault that results in serious injury to an officer was only 1 in every 361,111 stops. Finally, the rate for an assault (whether it results in officer injury or not) was only 1 in every 6,959 stops. Less conservative estimates suggest that these rates may be much lower. In addition, the vast majority (over 98%) of the evaluated cases in the study resulted in no or minor injuries to the officers. Further, only a very small percentage of cases (about 3%) involved violence against officers in which a gun or knife was used or found at the scene, and the overwhelming majority of those cases resulted in no or minor injuries to an officer. Less than 1% of the evaluated cases involved guns or knives and resulted in serious injury to or the felonious killing of an officer.
You associate with ever negative thing in a black persons life being the result of racism. Total bullshit. Stop blaming everything on race or racism when you don’t get your own way.

Me and Paul are nice compared to what you would get if you took your racist ass to a majority black forum. You post chapters of racist screeds and believe what you say is not racist. You have a mental problem.

Says the jackass posting reams of racist bullshit.
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EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD somebody born in the fucking 2000's did this, Dylan Roof was 21 when he shot and killed blk ppl in a church..

So let's just dead this narrative that if all the old ass racist die then all will be well.

As if them old racist goats not passing that shit to their demon spawns

Also this community will be further impacted because they will probably permanently close this store. Blk people will have to travel further to get food for their families in this shitty economy, and from what I am seeing, the store provided affordable food options. They should have shot that fucker in the face just to send a message.
Yes, he deserves the death penalty. But how ironic, since the Ferguson violence destroyed businesses that the neighborhood needed.
Oh, please. ANYONE who would have gotten nominated would have undergone that kind of scrutiny. Kavanaugh practically got accused of rape.

Here's the problem with that kind of thinking.

Asians and Hispanics are able to work hard enough and overcome racism. They don't demand what they've gotten, they've worked for it. Sure, they encounter racism, but they take it in stride. They don't whine about stuff that happened 100 years ago. If a member of their group dies of aggravated dumbassary, they don't start riots and paint murals celebrating him.

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Here's the problem.... I would argue that AA actually holds black people back. When a white person sucks at his job, he gets fired. When a black person sucks at her job, people assume she only got it through affirmative action and management is terrified to fire her less they get hit with a lawsuit. And people will ignore the five hard working people to remember that one slacker who gamed the system.

So I temped for a company a few years ago, and they hired this black lady instead of me for a full time position. And she was kind of useless. Couldn't figure out our computer system. They had to take accounts away from her because she couldn't handle them. She spent half her workday surfing Amazon. And at the end of the day, they got rid of the contractors and kept her. I get it, path of least resistance, that's how businesses work today more than "systematic racism".

Funny part. She called me at home after about a week to ask me how to create a report that had been assigned to her. while I didn't tell her where to stick it, I did politely decline.

Funnier part still. Within about a month, I got a better paying job at another company, because an Asian woman I helped earlier in her career recommended me to the Department Manager. A few years later, Ms. AA saw I worked there on LinkedIn and asked what it was like to work there, because she had just interviewed. I let her know it was a good company, but the work was very challenging and very demanding. Never heard from her again!
I’m curious as to who conducts these polls on racism and what their definition is of a racist belief. Sure, there are racists everywhere, not just white either. But 30%?
Because it's a false narrative. A Black person who is conservative and doesn't act like a victim is a problem for you, huh.
I have no idea what you're talking about. It is a fact that Asians and Hispanics are NOT black therefore the laws that specifically targeted black people had no impact on them or anyone else not of "African descent".
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You associate with ever negative thing in a black persons life being the result of racism. Total bullshit. Stop blaming everything on race or racism when you don’t get your own way.
Racism has nothing with anyone "not getting their way".

It's interesting however to watch you all day in and day out doing double duty to deny the existence of racism in modern day America, even after the horrific mass shooting that occurred not even a week ago. Which is just the latest in an almost daily diet of hostilities, harassment and violence.
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Not really. I don't think twice about black people who hold down jobs and work hard. I occasionally get annoyed by the Affirmative Action hire the rest of the team has to carry, but I get just as annoyed by the nepotism hire the rest of the team has to carry.
First off, you don't know any affirmative action hires. It is illegal for an employer to disclose such information to any employee. Seek help for that racism. I was wrong about your character.

And Joe, we aren't talking about 100 years ago. You read the racism posted here and you are so fucking obtuse as to make that statement? Do you think Lisa goes to her job and drops the racism?
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