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More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Racism has nothing with anyone "not getting their way".

It's interesting however to watch you all day in and day out doing double duty to deny the existence of racism in modern day America, even after the horrific mass shooting that occurred not even a week ago. Which is just the latest in an almost daily diet of hostilities, harassment and violence.
They deny racism while practicing it at the same time.
I have no idea what you're talking about. It is a fact that Asians and Hispanics are NOT black therefore the laws that specifically targeted black people had no impact on them or anyone else not of "African descent".
Show us laws that are specifically targeting Black people
Racism has nothing with anyone "not getting their way".

It's interesting however to watch you all day in and day out doing double duty to deny the existence of racism in modern day America, even after the horrific mass shooting that occurred not even a week ago. Which is just the latest in an almost daily diet of hostilities, harassment and violence.
Why do you ignore the daily number of Black people shooting Black people in big cities like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Oakland, St. Louis, Washington DC., etc.
Why do you ignore the daily number of Black people shooting Black people in big cities like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Oakland, St. Louis, Washington DC., etc.
I'm not ignoring anything, I don't do criminal defense work.

Why are you ignoring the daily number of White people committing domestic violence, including murder, all over the United States?

Trends in family violence
The rate of family violence fell between 1993 and 2002 from an estimated 5.4 victims to 2.1 victims per 1,000 U.S. residents age 12 or older. Throughout the period family violence accounted for about 1 in 10 violent victimizations. Reported and unreported family violence.​
Family violence accounted for 11% of all reported and unreported violence between 1998 and 2002. Of these roughly 3.5 million violent crimes committed against family members, 49% were crimes against spouses, 11% were sons or daughters victimized by a parent, and 41% were crimes against other family members.​
The most frequent type of family violence offense was simple assault. Murder was less than half of 1% of all family violence between 1998 and 2002. About three-fourths of all family violence occurred in or near the victim's residence.​
Forty percent of family violence victims were injured during the incident. Of the 3.5 million victims of family violence between 1998 and 2002, less than 1% died as a result of the incident. The majority (73%) of family violence victims were female. Females were 84% of spouse abuse victims and 86% of victims of abuse at the hands of a boyfriend or girlfriend.​
While about three-fourths of the victims of family violence were female, about three-fourths of the persons who committed family violence were male. Most family violence victims were white (74%), and the majority were between ages 25 and 54 (65.7%). Most family violence offenders were white (79%), and most were age 30 or older (62%).​
Fatal family violence
About 22% of murders in 2002 were family murders. Nearly 9% were murders of a spouse, 6% were murders of sons or daughters by a parent, and 7% were murders by other family members.​
Females were 58% of family murder victims. Of all the murders of females in 2002, family members were responsible for 43%.​
Children under age 13 were 23% of murder victims killed by a family member, and just over 3% of nonfamily murder victims.​
The average age among sons or daughters killed by a parent was 7 years, and 4 out of 5 victims killed by a parent were under age 13.​
Eight in ten murderers who killed a family member were male. Males were 83% of spouse murderers and 75% of murderers who killed a boyfriend or girlfriend.​
In 2002 family murders were less likely than nonfamily murders to involve a firearm (50% versus 68%). Parents were the least likely family murderers to use a firearm (28%), compared to spouses (63%) or other family members (51%).​
Among incidents of parents killing their children, 19% involved one parent killing multiple victims.​
by U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs​
Good. I'm the biggest whiner on planet earth and let's be clear on something

We don't whine. We fight.

Nope, you whine...

Black Americans are the most prosperous blacks in the world, but people talk about that like it was just given to us as a favor. As opposed to something that was fought for every inch of the way, that is to be full participants in society.

Um, they are prosperous here because they are catching a ride with white folks who work hard.

To be allowed to vote, to own property, to not be forced to give up your seat on the bus. None of this was given to blacks by the kindness of white America, it was fought for and paid in blood, sweat and tears.

Actually, it happened because white people said, "You know, that isn't right." Yes, it is the kindness of our hearts. You complain about Jim Crow, but frankly, Jim Crow was pretty tame compared to what the Nazis did to the Jews or the Turks did the Armenians or what the Chinese are doing to the Uighurs.

The difference is black people didn't support the black guy (Darrell Brooks) who ran over those white girls in his car in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

We didn't say "He was mentally ill"
We didn't pour money into his gofundme account.
We didn't say " What about white on crime ? White people kill white ppl more than black do"

Darrel Brooks was not only condemned by black people across the board but black people agreed that he should be punished to the fullest

No, but you seem to think that what that idiot in Buffalo did was far worse. The only reason we talk about Brooks at all is because white people have to keep bringing him up.

Incidentally, I do think Brooks is mentally ill. He should have gotten treatment.


But when white or non black cops kill black people ? The silence is deafening frpm white people. Whites pretty much always support cops who kill blk ppl. Because white supremacists and white society in general gets a kick out of seeing cops mistreat black ppl.

Or we just see that most of the idiots who get shot by cops were doing something they shouldn't have been doing. You pull a knife or a gun on a cop, expect to get shot. No matter what color you are. And, yes, while I will be the first one to say what happened to Laquan McDonald or George Floyd was wrong, they weren't angels. McDonald had managed to accumulate a healthy record of misconduct in his 17 years. (Again, it would be nice if he got the mental health treatment he needed.) Floyd was a career criminal feeding his drug habit. We send cops out to deal with this kind of nonsense, and most of the time, they get it right... but you want to crucify them for the times they don't.

And Japan is still under the system of white supremacy
Um, okay... I heard there's a Klansman hiding under your bed and he's going to get you tonight.

And if you truly believed that Asians have surpassed American companies and they're so great then why aren’t guys like u clamouring for a massive increase in immigration from Asian nations ?

I'd be all for it... especially if they send cute women!!!

Once again. Youre just repeating what I have already wrote. but we agree - Germany has nukes. I'm not interested who owns them. They're on German soil

Um, no, if they don't control the nukes, and the nukes just make their country a target, then it's not really to Germany's benefit.

And that proves my point again. That's just white supremacy. Why couldn't they afford it ? Because of white supremacy Black inner city kids were thrown a few crumbs but there should not be a system of white supremacy to deprive them of anything.

Most white people couldn't afford it at the time, either. I went to UIC because during the time I was in college, both of my parents (who weren't rich by any stretch), died of cancer and bankrupted the family. So I joined the National Guard to pay for tuition, worked two minimum wage jobs to take care of all my other expenses.

And that's because of white supremacy. In this country, whether it be on a national or local level. How are schools financed ? You should know the answer: property taxes. Since Black neighborhoods were INTENTIONALLY deprived of capital, businesses, and municipal resources, and CONTINUE to be deprived of capital, businesses, and municipal resources the value of most Black neighborhoods are less than the value of White neighborhoods.

For states that provide funding to local municipalities, White neighborhoods (per pupil) continue to receive more funding that Black neighborhoods. Since we live in a society where an EDUCATION is the key to success, then what do you think the outcome of that will be ? And even with that advantage whites are still always caught up in cheating scandals and admission scandals. Black people are the only ppl who practice meritocracy because there is no avenue for us to cheat the system. If we get. We earn it.

Except for the affirmative action where you get in with lower test scores and grades... except for that. Come on, man, DEI has been a big deal on College Campuses when I went to college, and I'm fucking old.

they're filled by word-of-mouth and networking: a process which disproportionately disadvantages blk people and favors whites,

Um, yeah.. So what's your point.

Word of mouth works because you have people who can vouch for you. Otherwise, you are just seeing who was able to hire the best resume writer.
First off, you don't know any affirmative action hires. It is illegal for an employer to disclose such information to any employee. Seek help for that racism. I was wrong about your character.

Oh, okay, so when I see a person who was less qualified than I am get a full time position (even after I had temped there for nearly a year), and she is so bad at her job she constantly had to ask me how to do basic function of her job, and they constantly had to reallocate work away from her because she wasn't getting it done... DON'T YOU DARE CONCLUDE she was an affirmative action hire. And when she spends half her day surfing on Amazon, and the managers don't touch her, nope, making any assumptions would just be racist....

I mean, I made a joke that she must have had a picture of a manager with a farm animal, and everyone else on the team (most of whom hated her more than I did) laughed.

Now, I don't want to come off like I'm bitter about this experience, because I'm not. I should be. Especially after the contractors got cut and Ms. AA kept her job (and actually had the nerve to call me at home to ask how to do something!) But then I got a better paying job because a woman of color vouched for me at the company she worked at. I also realize that being white has helped me in my career, and I know damned well that being a veteran has given me a leg up in hiring. (Even though my military career was mostly shuffling paperwork).

And Joe, we aren't talking about 100 years ago. You read the racism posted here and you are so fucking obtuse as to make that statement? Do you think Lisa goes to her job and drops the racism?

Lisa can't go to the mall without dropping her racism, and I've called her out on it. I also call out you and Paul on your incessant whining. that's my thing, man. I call people out. I am a dispenser of harsh truths. Life isn't always going to be fair, and you just have to deal with it.
Jordan Woods did a 10-year study of police stops, and it is considered one of the most in-depth studies on this issue. The findings were published in 2019 and are available on the Michigan Law Review repository website. Here are his words:

"To summarize, the findings do not support the dominant danger narrative surrounding routine traffic stops. Based on a conservative estimate, I found that the rate for a felonious killing of an officer during a routine traffic stop for a traffic violation was only 1 in every 6.5 million stops. The rate for an assault that results in serious injury to an officer was only 1 in every 361,111 stops. Finally, the rate for an assault (whether it results in officer injury or not) was only 1 in every 6,959 stops. Less conservative estimates suggest that these rates may be much lower. In addition, the vast majority (over 98%) of the evaluated cases in the study resulted in no or minor injuries to the officers. Further, only a very small percentage of cases (about 3%) involved violence against officers in which a gun or knife was used or found at the scene, and the overwhelming majority of those cases resulted in no or minor injuries to an officer. Less than 1% of the evaluated cases involved guns or knives and resulted in serious injury to or the felonious killing of an officer.

Wow... so your argument is the cops shouldn't whine because they only have small chance of being killed doing their jobs?


You are fine with the fact that very few cops are killed in interactions, but not so fine when it's an equally low number of civilians.
Just one point because your babbling and repeating what you have already said n I dont wanna go over old ground. Just gonna focus on this point

Except for the affirmative action where you get in with lower test scores and grades... except for that. Come on, man, DEI has been a big deal on College Campuses when I went to college, and I'm fucking old.

Name the universities that are letting all these dumb blk ppl in with lower scores ?
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I'm not ignoring anything, I don't do criminal defense work.

Why are you ignoring the daily number of White people committing domestic violence, including murder, all over the United States?
I'm not ignoring anything. I don't do criminal defense work. Also, I'm not a race hustler, like you.
Just one point because your babbling and repeating what you have already said n I dont wanna go over old ground. Just gonna focus on this point

Except for the affirmative action where you get in with lower test scores and grades... except for that. Come on, man, DEI has been a big deal on College Campuses when I went to college, and I'm fucking old.

Name the universities that are letting all these dumb blk ppl in with lower scores ?
This white supremacist was CLEARLY not acting alone. Click on pic - 15 people joined Buffalo shooting suspect Payton Gendron's private chat shortly before massacre.


White people dominate the best neighborhoods, best jobs, best schools, they make up the majority of the top 1%, they are treated the best in this country .... what the fuck are they mad about?

Is it bcoz they think they know they are inferior ?

If he has all of that gear, and supplies, did he work for it. At 18, it’s hard to believe a kid would grab all of that without saving for a while. They can have 200+ mass shootings done by white males with white identitarian talking points and this country will still refer to them as "lone wolves"
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Have you got a link from Harvard were they state that they're allowing blk ppl with lower score in over whites who have higher scores ?
No one is going to admit it, and you know it. Do you honestly believe Obama was the President of the Law School because of his grades?
This white supremacist was CLEARLY not acting alone. Click o pic - 15 people joined Buffalo shooting suspect Payton Gendron's private chat shortly before massacre.

View attachment 647247

White people dominate the best neighborhoods, best jobs, best schools, they make up the majority of the top 1%, they are treated the best in this country .... what the fuck are they mad about?

Is it bcoz they think they know they are inferior ?

If he has all of that gear, and supplies, did he work for it. At 18, it’s hard to believe a kid would grab all of that without saving for a while. They can have 200+ mass shootings done by white males with white identitarian talking points and this country will still refer to them as "lone wolves"

Really? Who else was arrested? What other shooters were seen on the videos? Why don't you grow a pair and act like an adult?
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