More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Educated Blacks don’t have many kind words for the “Reparations” crowd.

That depends on the definition of "educated."

During my doctoral program, I ran across several black graduate students in "ethnic studies" and other such non-majors who were as hate filled and ignorant as Paul Essien - small minded turds who could not construct a proper sentence who demanded masters or doctoral degrees because they were black and filled with hatred.

I would not be surprised at all if this moron Essien is working on a masters in "hate whitey" as we speak.

You reap what you sow "whitey". 242 years of racism is what you have sown thus far.

What of the 10,000 years of racism you sowed against whites prior to that, "blacky?"

The problem you have is that you're a liar, and everyone knows it. You entice those who want something for nothing with your agenda of hate and lies, but no one on any side thinks there is any merit to the utter bullshit you spew.


Well, welcome to the human race, bitch. Now grow the fuck up.
1. So explain that in greater detail.

2. Your stonewalling is noted and dismissed.

3. Your desire for equal outcomes despite the huge problems in the black community, is a request for MORE discrimination than already exists.

Instead of more discrimination to put a band aid on the problems in the black community, why don't we address the problems in the black community?
Racism is a systematic way of harming people of another group and that requires power and systems and the collective agreement by that group to support and participate in the mistreatment of people outside that group

The only people on the planet who systematically exhibit these kind of behaviours toward people just because they look different (no matter where they go) from North America to Africa to New Zealand and Australia are white people

That is a nonsensical definition.

A racist who calls you a name, does not need to have power over you, nor the support of a system behind him, nor any large group.

He can be racist and do racist things all by himself.

That is obviously true.

YOUR desire for an equal outcome is a desire for racial discrimination to get more for you and your people.

YOu want to use the power of government to forces widespread discrimination against whites to gain benefits to your race.

THAT IS RACISM, and that is the current law and system.
Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.
Whites created the shitholes.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos

How did piracy develop in Somalia? Who are those pirates?

Since 1990, there has been no government in Somalia. The country is in the hands of warlords. European and Asiatic ships took advantage of this chaotic situation and fished along the Somali coast without a license or respect for elementary rules. They did not observe the quotas in force in their own country to protect the species and they used fishing techniques –even bombs!- that created huge damages to the wealth of the Somali seas.

That’s not all! Taking also advantage of this lack of any political authority, European companies, with the help of the mafia, dumped nuclear wastes offshore Somali coasts. Europe knew of this but turned a blind eye as that solution presented a practical and economical advantage for the nuclear waste management. Yet, the 2005 Tsunami brought a big part of these wastes into the Somali lands. Unfamiliar diseases appeared for the first time among the population. This is the context in which the piracy mainly developed. Somali fishermen, who had primitive fishing techniques, were no more able to work. So they decided to protect themselves and their seas. This is exactly what the United States did during the civilian war against the British (1756-1763): with no naval forces, President George Washington made a deal with pirates to protect the wealth of the American seas.

No Somali state for almost twenty years! How is that possible?

This is the result of an American strategy. In 1990, the country was bruised by conflicts, famine and lootings; the state collapsed. Facing this situation, the United States, who discovered oil in Somalia a few years ago, launched Operation Restore Hope in 1992. For the first time, US marines intervened in Africa to take control of a country. It was also the first time that a military invasion was launched in the name of humanitarian interference.

The famous rice bag exhibited on a Somali beach by Bernard Kouchner?

Yes, everybody remembers those pictures carefully showcased. But the real reasons were strategic. An US State Department report recommended indeed that the United States must stay the lonely global superpower after the Soviet Bloc collapse. To reach that goal, the report advocated to occupy a hegemonic position in Africa, which enjoys a vast amount of raw materials.

However, Restore Hope will be a failure. There was even that Hollywood movie “Black Hawk Down”, with those poor G.I.’s “attacked by the bad Somali rebels”…

US soldiers were indeed defeated by a Somali nationalist resistance. Since then, American policy was to keep Somalia without any real government, even to balkanize it. This is the old British strategy, already applied in many places: setting weak and divided states in order to better rule them. That is why there has been no Somali state for almost twenty years. The United States has implemented a chaos theory in order to stop any Somali reconciliation and keep the country divided.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos - Global Research
Yeah, Black Hawk Down showed our superiority. A group of 120 US soldiers were surrounded by those vile people, in the heart of their own city, yet 120 soldiers were able to kill 2,000 somali fuckwads and wound 4,000. Its one of the most amazing victories in military history. We rock, they suck, they got their asses handed to them, rightfully so.


"US soldiers were indeed defeated by a Somali nationalist resistance."
We only lost 19 people, they lost 2,000. Are you having problems with numbers again? Do you need one of us to walk you through it?
The discrimination has been documented and linked
Why don’t you get angry at the University of Michigan (And many uni's in America) who give out 16 points to kids from certain lily-white Upper Peninsulas ?

And 4 points for children of overwhelmingly white alumni ?

And 10 points for students who went to the state’s “top” schools ?

And 8 points for those who took a full slate of Advanced Placement classes in high schools (which classes are far less available in schools serving students blk students) ?

Na. To you this is seen as perfectly fair, and not at all racially preferential. Right ?....l.

I've told you many times before, that my reason for citing the Ivy League admission discrimination is solely because of it's extensive documentation.

The point is to show massive and widespread anti-white discrimination. That you respond with defenses that are limited to University admissions is basically irrelevant.

Though out our whole society, celebration of diversity, and fear of being sued for unequal outcomes, drives anti-white discrimination.

As demonstrated by the linked and peer reviewed study.
No. You didn't. You just went onto google to find the Answers

Which is FAR more effort than you put into any of the moronic shit you post.

You're just an evil little bigot posting the words of your racist massahs in hopes of fomenting ever more hatred.

Fuck off and die now.
Educated Blacks don’t have many kind words for the “Reparations” crowd.

That depends on the definition of "educated."

During my doctoral program, I ran across several black graduate students in "ethnic studies" and other such non-majors who were as hate filled and ignorant as Paul Essien - small minded turds who could not construct a proper sentence who demanded masters or doctoral degrees because they were black and filled with hatred.

I would not be surprised at all if this moron Essien is working on a masters in "hate whitey" as we speak.

You reap what you sow "whitey". 242 years of racism is what you have sown thus far.

What of the 10,000 years of racism you sowed against whites prior to that, "blacky?"

The problem you have is that you're a liar, and everyone knows it. You entice those who want something for nothing with your agenda of hate and lies, but no one on any side thinks there is any merit to the utter bullshit you spew.


Well, welcome to the human race, bitch. Now grow the fuck up.

First, those 10,000 years never existed.

And since you were not there for those 10,000 years and maggots like you tell us 50 years ago is living in the past, we will deal with white racism now. Since I am a liar,

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.
1. The fact is that opportunity and outcome are more often than not aligned, more so in academics as opposed to sports. What is the primary reason that most students attend college? To develop a skillset and level of expertise to meet the demands of a chosen field. Statistics do not support the assertion that the pool of candidates from colleges nationwide is being shifted by the displacement of potential white students. In fact, labor statistics state the exact opposite.

2. By choosing Ivy Leaugue colleges as your "control sample", all that you did was to prove the opposite of of what you are attempting to. Black students are underrepresented at the majority of those schools, and have been for generations, in spite of affirmative action.

Even in the ONE 15 year old study that you keep referring to, there has been literally no change in the presence of white or black students since the study was conducted.

3. The only noticeable difference in the presence of minorities in Ivy League colleges in decades is the spike in Asian students. Truthfully, they are discriminated against in favor of white students far more than whites being impacted by a small fraction of black students.

This "Black Bogeyman", that is "stealing opportunities" from "poor maligned, victimized" white people, that you are attempting to create does not exist.

There is no anti white discrimination.

1. What do you mean, "opportunity and out come are not aligned"?

2. Nope. THe widespread and very high level of anti-White Discrimination was documented. YOur stonewalling on this is either dishonestly or delusion on your part.

3. The effective 310 sat point bonus that black skin gets you has been documented and is a hard fact. Your denial of this is just you being either dishonest or delusional.

1. Pay attention, and read what I stated. I stated that opportunity and outcome "ARE MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, ALIGNED." Which is a fact.

2. The so called "widespead anti white discrimination" that you are angry about, resides
in your mind, not in reality. There are no statistics in existence that even remotely support that such discrimination exists. What you say has been "documented" certainly has not had any long term or short term effect on the white population in the job market. The white population in this country has NEVER been marginalized as an entire group by lawful discrimination.
And for you to even imply that this is the case, is dishonesty on YOUR part.

3. You posted ONE single study from 15 years ago, and nothing recent to support your "conspiracy theory". Which is exactly what your grievance is..

Lastly, I dont put ANY credence into speculation, but I do recognize "effect caused by action". There is NO residual past effect or any current effect caused by any anti white discrimination, because it does not exist in a country that was founded by white people, for white people.

That is not dishonest. It is the truth.

Suck it up and get over it. You are not a victim.
The very thought that white people are discriminated against in this country for anything is laughable, ludicrous, and obviously the result of some low hanging fruit white boy that is too lazy to get of his ass..

The discrimination has been documented and linked. YOur flat denial, is nothing but dishonest stonewalling.

And you are an asshole.
There is no discrimination and just because you wrote something down it doesnt count as being documented.

And you are a lice head. :rolleyes:

1. The discrimination has been demonstrated with a very well documented example.

2. Your inability to understand that, is just a reflection of your limited intelligence.

3. I've never had lice. In my day, the government was quite good at controlling such outbreaks, and we had far less immigration and travel with shitty Third World.
You didnt see any resistance?! The judge said she would have been in the right to shoot him. Anyway, you dont need to continue believing in your racist conspiracy theory now that youve been shown video proof that it isnt true.
of course the judge is gonna say the blk man should have been killed.

Of course the judge is gonna say that. We live in a system of white supremacy. I did not see any resistance at all
Even a black judge would say that
Educated Blacks don’t have many kind words for the “Reparations” crowd.


Should there be reparations for African Americans? Scholars tackle the topic at Monday panel

What did you say?

We demand reparations for past and continuing harms. The government, responsible corporations and other institutions that have profited off of the harm they have inflicted on Black people — from colonialism to slavery through food and housing redlining, mass incarceration, and surveillance — must repair the harm done.

Reparations - The Movement for Black Lives

Members of the United Front
Black Alliance for Just Immigration
Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100)
Project South
Southerners On New Ground
Philadelphia Student Union
Alliance for Educational Justice
Black Lives Matter Network
Dream Defenders
Baltimore Bloc
Freedom Inc.
Organization for Black Struggle
Highlander Research and Education Center
Million Hoodies Movement for Justice
The National Conference of Black Lawyers
Black Women’s Blueprint
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
SpiritHouse Inc.
The Worker’s Center for Racial Justice
The BlackOut Collective
Open Democracy Project at Crescent City Media Group
National Black Food and Justice Alliance
Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth
Dignity and Power Now
Center for Media Justice
Environmental Justice Advocates of Minnesota
BIG: Blacks in Green
Mothers Against Police Brutality

Endorsing Organizations
Color of Change
Black Leadership Organizing Collaborative
Black Liberation Collective
Black Organizing for Leadership & Dignity
Center for Constitutional Rights
The Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Central Illinois CBTU
Racial Justice Action Center (RJAC)
Solutions Not Punishment Coalition (Snap Co.)
Causa Justa Just Cause
National Black Justice Coalition
Brooklyn Community Bail Fund
FUREE (Families United for Racial and Economic Equality)
Girls for Gender Equity
ArchCity Defenders
The National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
Women of Color Network, Inc.
Right To The City
Freedom Side
Jobs With Justice
Philly Coalition for REAL Justice
Race Forward
Center for Social Inclusion
Center For Third World Organizing
PICO’s Live Free Campaign
Southeast Asian Freedom Network
National Economic & Social Rights Initiative
Center for Popular Democracy
Chicago Anti-Eviction Campaign
Picture The Homeless
Project NIA
Community Justice Network for Youth
Institute of the Black World 21st Century
National African American Reparations Commission
Brooklyn Movement Center
The Truth Telling Project
New York State Prisoner Justice Network
Good Jobs Now
The Ordinary People’s Society
People’s Justice Project
Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment
Urban Youth Collaborative
European Reparations Commission (ERC)
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)
Direct Action for Rights and Equality (DARE)
Minnesota Voice
Fellowship of Reconciliation, USA
North Star Fund
James and Grace Lee Boggs Center to Nurture Community Leadership
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Ferguson Response Network
Democratic Socialists of America
National Lawyer’s Guild
Citizen Action of New York
Jewish Voice for Peace
Working Families Party: People of Color Caucus
Queer Palestinian Empowerment Network
New York Communities for Change
The Power Shift Network
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Ashoka Changemakers
Partnership for Working Families
Wildfire Project
Prison Action Network

Endorsing Organizations (continued) - The Movement for Black Lives

You are wrong. As usual.

In answer to your "demand"

Suck it.

WOW, I Guess I better quit now. Whiteys mad.
Yeah, Black Hawk Down showed our superiority. A group of 120 US soldiers were surrounded by those vile people, in the heart of their own city, yet 120 soldiers were able to kill 2,000 somali fuckwads and wound 4,000. Its one of the most amazing victories in military history. We rock, they suck, they got their asses handed to them, rightfully so.

Are you sure about that ?

You don't know the true story about the Battle of Mogadishui. Do you ?




They dragged those stinking dead white supremacist USA soldiers like pigs through the town square as an example.
First, those 10,000 years never existed.


What a fucking retard

History - Ethiopia

At the time of the Romans, Ethiopia was a great empire, raping, slaving and pillaging all the way to the borders of Persia.

The Arabs themselves came from North Africa, you uneducated dolt. The Arabs who RAN THE SLAVE TRADE, retard.

And since you were not there for those 10,000 years and maggots like you tell us 50 years ago is living in the past, we will deal with white racism now. Since I am a liar,

Prove when racism ended and its effects were allayed. Show, with data and peer-reviewed studies supporting your argument, when the effects of the hundreds of years of anti-Black racism from chattel slavery through Old Jim Crow leveled off. Show when the wealth expropriated during that oppression was repaid to those it was expropriated from and through. And remember, after you’ve addressed the end of anti-Black racism you’ll still have to explain when anti-Latinx, anti-Asian, anti-Arab, and anti-Native racism came to an end as well.

Racism didn't "end," it just changed target. Now the government under democrats is racist against whites.

Racism is part of the human condition. You are racist because you are ignorant and do nothing to overcome your base instincts.
Yeah, Black Hawk Down showed our superiority. A group of 120 US soldiers were surrounded by those vile people, in the heart of their own city, yet 120 soldiers were able to kill 2,000 somali fuckwads and wound 4,000. Its one of the most amazing victories in military history. We rock, they suck, they got their asses handed to them, rightfully so.

Are you sure about that ?

You don't know the true story about the Battle of Mogadishui. Do you ?




They dragged those stinking dead white supremacist USA soldiers like pigs through the town square as an example

Muzzie Beasts will be Muzzie Beasts.

They paid a heavy price for their acts.

4,000 savages died in response.
Whites created the shitholes.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos

How did piracy develop in Somalia? Who are those pirates?

Since 1990, there has been no government in Somalia. The country is in the hands of warlords. European and Asiatic ships took advantage of this chaotic situation and fished along the Somali coast without a license or respect for elementary rules. They did not observe the quotas in force in their own country to protect the species and they used fishing techniques –even bombs!- that created huge damages to the wealth of the Somali seas.

That’s not all! Taking also advantage of this lack of any political authority, European companies, with the help of the mafia, dumped nuclear wastes offshore Somali coasts. Europe knew of this but turned a blind eye as that solution presented a practical and economical advantage for the nuclear waste management. Yet, the 2005 Tsunami brought a big part of these wastes into the Somali lands. Unfamiliar diseases appeared for the first time among the population. This is the context in which the piracy mainly developed. Somali fishermen, who had primitive fishing techniques, were no more able to work. So they decided to protect themselves and their seas. This is exactly what the United States did during the civilian war against the British (1756-1763): with no naval forces, President George Washington made a deal with pirates to protect the wealth of the American seas.

No Somali state for almost twenty years! How is that possible?

This is the result of an American strategy. In 1990, the country was bruised by conflicts, famine and lootings; the state collapsed. Facing this situation, the United States, who discovered oil in Somalia a few years ago, launched Operation Restore Hope in 1992. For the first time, US marines intervened in Africa to take control of a country. It was also the first time that a military invasion was launched in the name of humanitarian interference.

The famous rice bag exhibited on a Somali beach by Bernard Kouchner?

Yes, everybody remembers those pictures carefully showcased. But the real reasons were strategic. An US State Department report recommended indeed that the United States must stay the lonely global superpower after the Soviet Bloc collapse. To reach that goal, the report advocated to occupy a hegemonic position in Africa, which enjoys a vast amount of raw materials.

However, Restore Hope will be a failure. There was even that Hollywood movie “Black Hawk Down”, with those poor G.I.’s “attacked by the bad Somali rebels”…

US soldiers were indeed defeated by a Somali nationalist resistance. Since then, American policy was to keep Somalia without any real government, even to balkanize it. This is the old British strategy, already applied in many places: setting weak and divided states in order to better rule them. That is why there has been no Somali state for almost twenty years. The United States has implemented a chaos theory in order to stop any Somali reconciliation and keep the country divided.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos - Global Research
Yeah, Black Hawk Down showed our superiority. A group of 120 US soldiers were surrounded by those vile people, in the heart of their own city, yet 120 soldiers were able to kill 2,000 somali fuckwads and wound 4,000. Its one of the most amazing victories in military history. We rock, they suck, they got their asses handed to them, rightfully so.

Are you sure about that ?

You don't know the true story about the Battle of Mogadishui. Do you ?




They dragged those stinking dead white supremacist USA soldiers like pigs through the town square as an example
Yes, they did do that. As any civilized person would know, that is some barbaric vile shit. It is no surprise that you as a black man are so happy about it. Thats the problem with black culture everywhere in the world it exists. You are uncivilized people. Thank you for proving my point.
Whites created the shitholes.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos

How did piracy develop in Somalia? Who are those pirates?

Since 1990, there has been no government in Somalia. The country is in the hands of warlords. European and Asiatic ships took advantage of this chaotic situation and fished along the Somali coast without a license or respect for elementary rules. They did not observe the quotas in force in their own country to protect the species and they used fishing techniques –even bombs!- that created huge damages to the wealth of the Somali seas.

That’s not all! Taking also advantage of this lack of any political authority, European companies, with the help of the mafia, dumped nuclear wastes offshore Somali coasts. Europe knew of this but turned a blind eye as that solution presented a practical and economical advantage for the nuclear waste management. Yet, the 2005 Tsunami brought a big part of these wastes into the Somali lands. Unfamiliar diseases appeared for the first time among the population. This is the context in which the piracy mainly developed. Somali fishermen, who had primitive fishing techniques, were no more able to work. So they decided to protect themselves and their seas. This is exactly what the United States did during the civilian war against the British (1756-1763): with no naval forces, President George Washington made a deal with pirates to protect the wealth of the American seas.

No Somali state for almost twenty years! How is that possible?

This is the result of an American strategy. In 1990, the country was bruised by conflicts, famine and lootings; the state collapsed. Facing this situation, the United States, who discovered oil in Somalia a few years ago, launched Operation Restore Hope in 1992. For the first time, US marines intervened in Africa to take control of a country. It was also the first time that a military invasion was launched in the name of humanitarian interference.

The famous rice bag exhibited on a Somali beach by Bernard Kouchner?

Yes, everybody remembers those pictures carefully showcased. But the real reasons were strategic. An US State Department report recommended indeed that the United States must stay the lonely global superpower after the Soviet Bloc collapse. To reach that goal, the report advocated to occupy a hegemonic position in Africa, which enjoys a vast amount of raw materials.

However, Restore Hope will be a failure. There was even that Hollywood movie “Black Hawk Down”, with those poor G.I.’s “attacked by the bad Somali rebels”…

US soldiers were indeed defeated by a Somali nationalist resistance. Since then, American policy was to keep Somalia without any real government, even to balkanize it. This is the old British strategy, already applied in many places: setting weak and divided states in order to better rule them. That is why there has been no Somali state for almost twenty years. The United States has implemented a chaos theory in order to stop any Somali reconciliation and keep the country divided.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos - Global Research

Colonial powers my ass, motherfucker.

Islam turned Somalia from a great empire to shit hole.

Islam is the great destroyer of civilization.
No. You didn't. You just went onto google to find the Answers

Which is FAR more effort than you put into any of the moronic shit you post.

You're just an evil little bigot posting the words of your racist massahs in hopes of fomenting ever more hatred.

Fuck off and die now.
The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history white people have been the main evil
Black women falsely accuse black men also. And white men for the matter.
OK. Name them. Not just one or two. Name as many I named

That is name these black women who falsely accused white men of rape and the white man went down and did time and I'll do the same for white women lying and let's see who ?

  • Harvey Weinstein will never see the inside of a jail cell
  • Chartlie Sheen will never see the inside of a jail cell
  • Keven Spacey will never see the inside of a jail cell
  • Louis C K will never see the inside of a jail cell
  • Dustin Hoffman will never see the inside of a jail cell
If you understand how systematic white supremacy works, you won’t be surprised that Bill Cosby is sitting in prison, and Harvey Weinstein is having charges dropped as we speak. White supremacy is all about staying on CODE. (Black people need to learn this)

Those white dudes might end up paying off a few civil suits, but other than that NOTHING is gonna happen to them. White rapists are protected

Where as we get this


That you assume this is racial, shows what you are focused, on, not anything relevant to these individual or category of crime.
The fk you talking about ? I just gave you examples of white women lying about raped by black men and then you say that I'm assuming this is racial.

Think before you type.
The only case I have read about a black female falsely reporting a rape was Tawana Brawley. Any false reporting is wrong. There are far too many rapists who are not prosecuted for the actual crime.
Duke lacrosse team too. Who keeps track of false rape accusations? I still easily came up with 2.

The vast majority will not have been documented. Especially in dem cities.
1. What do you mean, "opportunity and out come are not aligned"?

2. Nope. THe widespread and very high level of anti-White Discrimination was documented. YOur stonewalling on this is either dishonestly or delusion on your part.

3. The effective 310 sat point bonus that black skin gets you has been documented and is a hard fact. Your denial of this is just you being either dishonest or delusional.

1. Pay attention, and read what I stated. I stated that opportunity and outcome "ARE MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, ALIGNED." Which is a fact.

2. The so called "widespead anti white discrimination" that you are angry about, resides
in your mind, not in reality. There are no statistics in existence that even remotely support that such discrimination exists. What you say has been "documented" certainly has not had any long term or short term effect on the white population in the job market. The white population in this country has NEVER been marginalized as an entire group by lawful discrimination.
And for you to even imply that this is the case, is dishonesty on YOUR part.

3. You posted ONE single study from 15 years ago, and nothing recent to support your "conspiracy theory". Which is exactly what your grievance is..

Lastly, I dont put ANY credence into speculation, but I do recognize "effect caused by action". There is NO residual past effect or any current effect caused by any anti white discrimination, because it does not exist in a country that was founded by white people, for white people.

That is not dishonest. It is the truth.

Suck it up and get over it. You are not a victim.
The very thought that white people are discriminated against in this country for anything is laughable, ludicrous, and obviously the result of some low hanging fruit white boy that is too lazy to get of his ass..

The discrimination has been documented and linked. YOur flat denial, is nothing but dishonest stonewalling.

And you are an asshole.
There is no discrimination and just because you wrote something down it doesnt count as being documented.

And you are a lice head. :rolleyes:

1. The discrimination has been demonstrated with a very well documented example.

2. Your inability to understand that, is just a reflection of your limited intelligence.

3. I've never had lice. In my day, the government was quite good at controlling such outbreaks, and we had far less immigration and travel with shitty Third World.

Asslips doesn't have limited intelligence, IM2 (I am asslips too?) has severely limited integrity. He knows full well that the shit he posts is false.
Whites created the shitholes.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos

How did piracy develop in Somalia? Who are those pirates?

Since 1990, there has been no government in Somalia. The country is in the hands of warlords. European and Asiatic ships took advantage of this chaotic situation and fished along the Somali coast without a license or respect for elementary rules. They did not observe the quotas in force in their own country to protect the species and they used fishing techniques –even bombs!- that created huge damages to the wealth of the Somali seas.

That’s not all! Taking also advantage of this lack of any political authority, European companies, with the help of the mafia, dumped nuclear wastes offshore Somali coasts. Europe knew of this but turned a blind eye as that solution presented a practical and economical advantage for the nuclear waste management. Yet, the 2005 Tsunami brought a big part of these wastes into the Somali lands. Unfamiliar diseases appeared for the first time among the population. This is the context in which the piracy mainly developed. Somali fishermen, who had primitive fishing techniques, were no more able to work. So they decided to protect themselves and their seas. This is exactly what the United States did during the civilian war against the British (1756-1763): with no naval forces, President George Washington made a deal with pirates to protect the wealth of the American seas.

No Somali state for almost twenty years! How is that possible?

This is the result of an American strategy. In 1990, the country was bruised by conflicts, famine and lootings; the state collapsed. Facing this situation, the United States, who discovered oil in Somalia a few years ago, launched Operation Restore Hope in 1992. For the first time, US marines intervened in Africa to take control of a country. It was also the first time that a military invasion was launched in the name of humanitarian interference.

The famous rice bag exhibited on a Somali beach by Bernard Kouchner?

Yes, everybody remembers those pictures carefully showcased. But the real reasons were strategic. An US State Department report recommended indeed that the United States must stay the lonely global superpower after the Soviet Bloc collapse. To reach that goal, the report advocated to occupy a hegemonic position in Africa, which enjoys a vast amount of raw materials.

However, Restore Hope will be a failure. There was even that Hollywood movie “Black Hawk Down”, with those poor G.I.’s “attacked by the bad Somali rebels”…

US soldiers were indeed defeated by a Somali nationalist resistance. Since then, American policy was to keep Somalia without any real government, even to balkanize it. This is the old British strategy, already applied in many places: setting weak and divided states in order to better rule them. That is why there has been no Somali state for almost twenty years. The United States has implemented a chaos theory in order to stop any Somali reconciliation and keep the country divided.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos - Global Research
Yeah, Black Hawk Down showed our superiority. A group of 120 US soldiers were surrounded by those vile people, in the heart of their own city, yet 120 soldiers were able to kill 2,000 somali fuckwads and wound 4,000. Its one of the most amazing victories in military history. We rock, they suck, they got their asses handed to them, rightfully so.

Are you sure about that ?

You don't know the true story about the Battle of Mogadishui. Do you ?




They dragged those stinking dead white supremacist USA soldiers like pigs through the town square as an example
Yes, they did do that. As any civilized person would know, that is some barbaric vile shit. It is no surprise that you as a black man are so happy about it. Thats the problem with black culture everywhere in the world it exists. You are uncivilized people.
Once again.

Do you really go there with me ? Do you want to try and seriously debate with me about who has been the most vile and evil : whites or blacks ? Do you really wanna go there ?
BONOBO and Holder sat with their thumbs up each others asses for eight years and didn't lift a finger to stop the negro on negro genocide taking place in the inner city shitholes.
Holder moved to Cal. as fast as posible and BONOBO and his trany wife went on extended luxury yacht cruises.
They had the power to at least try something and did fuck all!

In the United States, a white person is almost six times more likely to be killed by another white person than he or she is to be killed by a black person. Yet, while the media obsesses about black on black violence we rarely if ever hear any mention of the problem of white on white violence. In fact, in 2011 (the most recent year available) according to FBI homicide data there were more instances of white homicides committed against white victims than there were black on black murders. This statistic however has not led to a media outcry about the problem of white on white crime or the unique pathology of the white community.

Why is There no Discussion of White on White Violence?

And this is how dumb whites like you are. You will ignore whites getting murdered by other whites while trying to preach to us. Then as you see your numbers are dwindling, you cry about white genocide when you are killing each other.
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