More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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WOW, I Guess I better quit now. Whiteys mad.

You're a huckster, a clown in a minstrel show. Your goal, and probably your job at some sleazy institution, is to drum up anger and hatred in youth that drive brand new cars, have never missed a meal in their life, and walk around with $1,500 iPhones. You tell them how OPPRESSIFIED DEY IZ, whitey be holding dem down.

You're a fraud, a con man, and hate is what you peddle.

You're not dumb, you just lack even a hint of integrity.

You get paid well to mind fuck a youth that has been conditioned from kindergarten to accept the racist shit you peddle.
BONOBO and Holder sat with their thumbs up each others asses for eight years and didn't lift a finger to stop the negro on negro genocide taking place in the inner city shitholes.
Holder moved to Cal. as fast as posible and BONOBO and his trany wife went on extended luxury yacht cruises.
They had the power to at least try something and did fuck all!

In the United States, a white person is almost six times more likely to be killed by another white person than he or she is to be killed by a black person. Yet, while the media obsesses about black on black violence we rarely if ever hear any mention of the problem of white on white violence. In fact, in 2011 (the most recent year available) according to FBI homicide data there were more instances of white homicides committed against white victims than there were black on black murders. This statistic however has not led to a media outcry about the problem of white on white crime or the unique pathology of the white community.

Why is There no Discussion of White on White Violence?

And this is how dumb whites like you are. You will ignore whites getting murdered by other whites while trying to preach to us. Then as you see your numbers are dwindling, you cry about white genocide when you are killing each other.

Because the intense problems of the Black Community are dragging the whole nation down.
Sounds like you have time for it, because you don’t have a job.

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Funny how you cheeze it's post here all day long then tell us how we don't have jobs

I multitask, work full and part time, and don’t complain about it. I handle my business, and provide for my family. You should try it. You are providing me entertainment.

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You would be wise to stop assuming we don't have jobs. I worked 43 years for others. I have worked the past 5 for me. That's 48 years. How about you? And when you talk about entertainment, I take your punk ass to school very time. I need to start charging.

You are a low IQ person. You can't form an original thought. All you do is repeat the same trifling, dumb, white racist bullshit.

I responded previously to your buddy, who was claiming he wasn’t afforded the opportunity to work. He blamed it on everything else, instead of accepting responsibility. I would never assume that you or anyone else didn’t have a job. I know you work, and have a long history of it. I’m not racist, just throwing stuff back at you. I don’t like being lumped into stereotypes anymore than you do. And I can’t accept responsibility for ignorance from others. I’m breaking balls. We don’t know each other, but I would have your back if we did. I’m going to stop being sarcastic. Nothing good can come from this. It’s a complicated world.

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And you made an assumption that was wrong. It's not a stereotype if you practice the behavior. Whites don't need to be telling us about a responsibility they don't take. So when you can tell me the date white racism ended, then you can talk. Other than that, take the responsibility you have to end racism in the white communiy instead of making excuses about what you are not responsible for. Learn to throw the same shit at the whites here.

Essen is right about the system. It's easy for whites to deny it because they don't have to face it. If you guys had to jump the hurdles and ignore the bullshit we have to in order to become sucessful, you guys would quit before you start.

I really don’t know who the white community is, it’s just not me. I’m a working class guy, and still busting my ass setting up for retirement. I never had anything given to me. I work with people with similar issues and beliefs. People of different races, with no alternative but to work more to pay bills and try and get ahead. We deal with depressing volatility, that most people never know about. We don’t talk about it, unless it’s really bad. It’s easy to throw shit around, and push someone’s buttons on this forum. It doesn’t accomplish anything. The news has capitalized on this over the past few years, and pushes buttons. None of this will stop anytime soon.

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The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history white people have been the main evil

That's because you are a racist.

You have your hate, but you lack facts.

The turning point of every great empire of North Africa from civilized and cultured to primitive shit hole is Islam, As far as Muhammad was sort of white, you can appease your racist hatred and blame a white man.

But Islam destroyed the African empires. Islam sacked the interior dragging slaves across the globe. Islam STILL drags slaves out to work for the Mullahs and Sheiks.

You don't care, you're too consumed with ignorance and racism to open the cesspool that is your mind to actual facts.
The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history white people have been the main evil

That's because you are a racist.

You have your hate, but you lack facts.

The turning point of every great empire of North Africa from civilized and cultured to primitive shit hole is Islam, As far as Muhammad was sort of white, you can appease your racist hatred and blame a white man.

But Islam destroyed the African empires. Islam sacked the interior dragging slaves across the globe. Islam STILL drags slaves out to work for the Mullahs and Sheiks.

You don't care, you're too consumed with ignorance and racism to open the cesspool that is your mind to actual facts.
Right. So let me get this straight.

Your teaching me about black history. Is that whats going on here ? lol
Anyway I'm logging off. The likes of Godboy and Correll and Meathead are simple to debate.
Run away now. We will remain here and comment on your vile posts that celebrate the deaths of US soldiers being dragged naked through the streets.
The same way you rejoice when whites kill blacks. I rejoice when blacks kills whites
I dont recall rejoicing the deaths of black people. I do however celebrate the deaths of people who deserve it.
Anyway I'm logging off. The likes of Godboy and Correll and Meathead are simple to debate.
Run away now. We will remain here and comment on your vile posts that celebrate the deaths of US soldiers being dragged naked through the streets.
The same way you rejoice when whites kill blacks. I rejoice when blacks kills whites
I dont recall rejoicing the deaths of black people. I do however celebrate the deaths of people who deserve it.

Well that, in a nutshell, is how white supremacy Is maintained That is, always trying to rationalize why blk ppl deserve to b mistreated.

You were rejoicing when white us ssoldiers killedpeople black ppl on Somalia.

But when I showed u images of black ppl dragging white usa soldiers butt naked through the streets of Somalia

All of a sudden, they're savages.

This is the insanity I have to deal with
All the jobs are controlled by the white supremacists. Whites have system set up so that a sizeable % of black men can't get a job.
Maybe once you stop thinking every employer is a white supremecist, you might get a job. How do you expect to have a good interview while your seething across the table at the interviewer? Your racism is holding you back.
You have no idea who you are speaking to, do you?

Me ? Financially speaking I'm comfortable. But I got to this position in spite of the system, not because of it.

I don't have kiss a white person's ass. I work for myself with my Web business. They have no idea that the webmaster is black.

And yes every white person is a white supremacist. That's not the same as saying every white person hates blackppl

You have a business on the interwebs - that's excellent!

It's a shame you don't grok that a great deal of the infrastructure, systems and tools you use to run your business are the products of white people whom you falsely vilify as white supremacists. If you had any integrity, you'd thank them for their accomplishments that make your life better.

Since whites did not do all this, you thank the blacks who also created these things. If you had any integrity, you'd stop lying to yourself about these things.

Reading comprehension challenged much?

I said a "great deal of" not "all of".

The inventors of many of the things upon which we depend for our developed world lifestyles were white. That doesn't mean that their race was the cause of their ingenuity. They as individual are the creators. It is important to note, however, that the Values promoted by Western Civilization established an environment in which they were free to create.
It's a shame you don't grok that a great deal of the infrastructure, systems and tools you use to run your business are the products of white people whom you falsely vilify as white supremacists. If you had any integrity, you'd thank them for their accomplishments that make your life better.
Sometimes I gotta reply, not for you, but for others to see the counter points.

First off mine is a bricks and mortar business and if I was white I would have had all types of business loans thrown at me. I would not have faced the hell I went through to get it started and keep it open. The website is just an offshoot of the business.

But yes - True most important inventions of the past few hundred years were made by white people. But that's only because they have been on top during that time. If it was because white people are born with more brains, then white people would have been on top all throughout history – not just a fifth of it. Anglo power – British and American – is fresh in our minds, but it is merely the latest chapter in the book of history. And that is the Historical Context that this argument forgets.

Sure white people have invented things. But at the same time 99.99% of white people have invented nothing.

So called western contributions are not because white people are so much smarter than everyone else but because progress in science and invention is built on what has gone before. The more science you know the more science you can discover.

The more inventions you have at hand, the more new inventions you can come up with. That is why the progress is exponential. It comes from the nature of science and technology, not from the nature of white intelligence.

If you want to take in all of human history, that is the 100 thousand years modern man has been on the planet, not just the last 300 years where Northern white Europeans have got their act together, then the Egyptians are by far the most inventive. They invented stuff like, oh, civilization. They have been on top for 40% of human history, more than twice as long as whites. A good fraction of what we think of as “Greek” is Egyptian. Egypt is African. In the past it was much blacker than it is now.

Black people were the original inventors of the disciplines that helped bring the world into the technological age. Mathematics, physics, astronomy, building in stone and bricks, metallurgy and all the root subjects that were necessary to push the world into today's modern age, were begun by in Egypt, Nubia-Kush, Mesopotamia, Sabea and Black Naga India.

Therefore, even if people of European origins have made improvements in ancient technologies and ancient inventions, such as rocketry, computer technology, aerodynamics and others, the basic mathematical formulas and ancient prototypes were invented by Africans.

For example, the Africans invented the binary system which is still used in the Yoruba oracle and was copied by German scientists and applied to computer programming. Many ancient formulas in trigonometry, calculus and physics as well as chemistry (Khem mysteries) came from the scientific discoveries of Blacks in Egypt and Nubia-Kush.

Most important inventions were made by black people because whites

The oldest university in the world today is in timbuctoo which is in Africa. The Moors, a great black people who are the ones who reawakened the white Europeans. These blacks are responsible for the white boy ‘renaissance’ where you had to refocus on science, learning and math. Black men are the ones who inspired this reawakening. We gave the world the alphabet (Phoenicians were black Moorish people from Africa…the word PHONICS comes from them!) and numbers (Numbers are 0-9 as opposed to Roman numerals which don’t have a zero making higher math impossible).

Plus blacks were called animals and property in America and the U.K denied being recognized as a human being and all the normal things humans get like school, communities, families, marriages…all denied. White people have systematically denied us any access to anything just because we were black. Since whites theorize blacks are subhuman, then why should you give rights to a monkey ? That is the devils logic, and if they never let blacks get into anything, your logic is ‘safe"

So you bragging about white inventions is like bragging winning a 100m race with you having an 80m head start.

To be honest I should thank bees more than whites because of what bees accomplish everyday: pollinating plants that bring forth fruit, nuts and berries, and thereby keep the chain of life trotting along. Without bees humans would have little to eat and struggle to feed the planet. So even creatures to which you'd extend little if any credit for their intelligence, are more important to life on this planet than even the most impressive pile of technological junk you're blabbing on about.

And many of the inventions you claim, were not even invented by the people you claim they were, as it's not about who invents, but who gets the ownership and thus claim it for oneself.

It's about who gets the patent first.

US and UK companies and business people have done it for ages. They see an idea, invention, something which is common somewhere else, go back home, patent it and claim the rights. After that they become the inventors and owners of the said product, no matter how many centuries it has been used by other people in their culture.

Finally black people were the first people on the planet. You come from us. So whites would not even exist if it wasn't for black people

I reject your implication that RACE is the driver of creativity and industriousness.

As I mentioned in my prior post, the values of Western Civilization (developed by mostly white people in Europe) fostered the environment of individual liberty and property rights that encourage entrepreneurship.

Slaves and serfs generally do not create as whatever they produce is seized from them. That is why GDP per person remained flat until the industrial revolution in Europe and the U.S.

GDP per Person - Capitalism.jpg
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Anyway I'm logging off. The likes of Godboy and Correll and Meathead are simple to debate.
Run away now. We will remain here and comment on your vile posts that celebrate the deaths of US soldiers being dragged naked through the streets.
The same way you rejoice when whites kill blacks. I rejoice when blacks kills whites

Don't project your bloodthirsty racism onto us, psycho.
The past and present n future of black ppl concern me the most n in that history, white ppl have been the main evil.
Anyway I'm logging off. The likes of Godboy and Correll and Meathead are simple to debate.
Run away now. We will remain here and comment on your vile posts that celebrate the deaths of US soldiers being dragged naked through the streets.
The same way you rejoice when whites kill blacks. I rejoice when blacks kills whites

Don't project your bloodthirsty racism onto us, psycho.
The past and present n future of black ppl concern me the most n in that history, white ppl have been the main evil.

Picking a fight with a group that vastly outnumbers you, is generally not in anyone's best interests.

Just keeping it real.
Anyway I'm logging off. The likes of Godboy and Correll and Meathead are simple to debate.
Run away now. We will remain here and comment on your vile posts that celebrate the deaths of US soldiers being dragged naked through the streets.
The same way you rejoice when whites kill blacks. I rejoice when blacks kills whites

Don't project your bloodthirsty racism onto us, psycho.
The past and present n future of black ppl concern me the most n in that history, white ppl have been the main evil.

Picking a fight with a group that vastly outnumbers you, is generally not in anyone's best interests.

Just keeping it real.

So tell me - What can white ppl do to black ppl that they have not done already ?
Anyway I'm logging off. The likes of Godboy and Correll and Meathead are simple to debate.
Run away now. We will remain here and comment on your vile posts that celebrate the deaths of US soldiers being dragged naked through the streets.
The same way you rejoice when whites kill blacks. I rejoice when blacks kills whites

Don't project your bloodthirsty racism onto us, psycho.
The past and present n future of black ppl concern me the most n in that history, white ppl have been the main evil.

The main evil is the way you think.
The same way you rejoice when whites kill blacks. I rejoice when blacks kills whites
You're one sick fuck. Being of very low IQ makes no difference. There is no excuse.
Call me intellectually inferior all day.

I don't give a crap about that.

All I want to know from all these guys running around trying to prove how stupid black ppl r is

What do you with a race of ppl who you claim is stupid on average ?
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