More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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So wealth is your only measure of success? If so that's very interesting since racist laws and policies made it difficult if not outright impossible for people of African descent to accumulate wealth in the same way as whites have, one of the most significanct being through the acquisition of real property (land), through participation in the political arena in order to fight and advocate for things of concern to them (only white male land holders could vote), etc.

Your warped perception of black people as a race is as disingenuous as a parent who forces one of their children to leave school and work to help support the family financially while allowing his siblings to continue their education and then denigrates the working child for not doing as well in life as his brothers/sisters when the parent is the one who deprived him of the opportunity to have a better life, whether through greed, indifference, as punishment, etc. it matters not.

This is no different and IM2 is not a victim, he's a survivor.

Name the "racist" law or policy that prevents a black family from buying real property.

Or apologize for your vile smearing of the great white people of this great nation.

If you had read what she posted as opposed to glossing over it, you would understand that she was referring to previous laws that existed that prevented past black citizens from accumulating generational wealth through ownership of real estate. Even in my own lifetime, during the 50's and 60's my parents experienced racist real estate agents who tried to steer them into properties with less upside potential.

And as an editorial comment, you are not the board police or in any position to "demand" an apology from anyone.


1. The consensus among the race baiting lefties, is that America is a racist nation NOW, and MORE government "solution" is required, not less.

2. IF she was referring to the past, and her response, is to agree that, those laws and polices are past, then that's fine and we should be seeing blacks steadily accumulating wealth any day now.

3. If I point out how someone's rationalization for smearing good people, is utter bullshit, then of course I have the right to demand an apology to those good people. Anyone would. How can you not understand that?

4. You got a point to make, make it. Links are to SUPPORT points, not in place of them.

1. Your "fixation" with so called "race baiting" lefties, causes you to lack objectivity and jump to conclusions without thought or reason. There is no monopoly on race baiting in this forum by any side, right. Right, left or middle.

2. It is obvious that she was referring to the past, and the fact that you could not initially see that is a testament to my point above, regarding your your bias. Anyone with a sound understanding of the history of this country, understands the residual effect of past laws and policies. Why dont

3. She did not reference any one in particular. She referenced "past restrictions" so no one person or group of people was being "smeared". That was a hypersensitive defense mechanism on your point. She never even specifically referenced '"white people" was you who did so, which in my opinion makes you just as much, if not more of a "race baiter" than the so called "lefties" that you are obsessed with. If anything she should have demanded an apology from you. And YOU should understand that.

4. You are the last one who should be complaining about "providing links". Many of your posts contain no links, and some that you do provide, are not supported by sound rationalizing on your part. And that is a fact that anyone would quickly notice by reading some of what you post. That aside, I provided a link, to support her statement, which really was not even that necessary, because her statement was common knowledge to even the most casually informed about the history of access to land ownership by the black population of this country.

Is that remedial enough for you? Or do you want more "links"?

1. My point about the left's position on America being racist, stands.

2. And my point is, that it is the past, and today, it is not the case.

3. Correct. She smeared the great white people of this nation as a whole, and if she cannot support her smear, she owes them an apology.

4. Most of my posts are my own arguments and logic. I make my points, in my own words. I provide links when reasonable requested to support a claim I have made.

1. Then follow your own soapbox dissertation about "providing links" to support your opinion. Otherwise it is only your opinion and doesn't "stand" for anything except that.

2. And her point is that the past affects the present and future. My middle school aged grandkids even understand that. Why don't you?

3. She did not "smear" any white people.....definitely not any who are or were "great".
You interpreted it that way based on your own lack of objectivity and lack of understanding of history. You saw an opportunity to twist her statement into an atrack on white people, which is nothing more than race baiting on your part. She owes no one an apology and there will not be one issued.

In fact, YOU should apologize to her for misinterpreting and manipulaing her statement for the purpose of race baiting.

4. You just contradicted what you previously stated. So it is acceptable for YOU to provide links "when YOU think it is reasonable"? And most of YOUR points are in YOUR
"own words"? And the same right does not apply to her? That's BULLSHIT.

Her statement was obviously in reference to past laws and policies. Why does she have to provide a link to compensate for YOUR lack of understanding of the residual effect of previous laws? That is the epitome of hypocrisy on your part.

You should be embarrassed for such questionable logic.
Correl is now in the meat grinder.
Other than the KKK, what whites rejoice in killing blacks? I certainly don't rejoice in any killings. While I agree murderers and pedophiles deserve death,I don't rejoice,they get their just punishments, regardless of race. YOU are the one rejoicing in whites being killed, that itself is a very racist statement, you can't deny it.
White people rejoice in killing blacks.

Why ?

Because killing black people get's rationalized

So someone like Godboy would say "Well, it's not about black people, it's about there culture"
harmonica would say "Well, look at the black crime rate"
Correll would say "Well those blacks are a problem"
abu afak would say "Yeah but black people are stupid. Look at their IQ"

You notice white people never done anything wrong

When you talk about racism. White supremacist and non-white-white supremacist always make sure to move the argument on to black people.

This is why when I deal with a white supremacist I prefer dealing with a Richard Spencer because although he still pussy-foots abouts he's as close to giving you the real deal as it get's.

That's why you don't really see him on Fox and CNN and he get's banned from speaking gigs. Because although, they all agree with him, he goes off code.

Why would they want to? What whites are doing anything to blacks? Your post indicate you do not think any blacks can do any wrong. Evil whitey brought all the negative into your bullshit. Yes, SOME whites in the past were guilty. NO whites today are not.
I've never said black people can't do anything wrong

Questions ?

"OK. So if black people can do wrong then why don't you talk about what black people do wrong"

Because what black people do wrong is not the issue

When the husband or boyfriend beats the wife or girlfriend he'll blame his violence on her: if dinner was on time, if the house was cleaner, etc, then he would not have to hit her.

Is the woman perfect? No. Does she have faults? Yes. Should she do better. Of course.

But it is also besides the point.

Even if she were perfect, her troubles would not go away. Because he would be unchanged.

That's why I never talk about what black people do wrong when I'm around white or non black people.

Realize that, as a White person, you have also been “taught” certain things about racism from the time that you were very small. Don’t assume that you are speaking from a lack of indoctrination yourself.
So tell me - What can white ppl do to black ppl that they have not done already ?
Exterminate them. Just keep giving them an excuse. You make it seem like a more palatable ideea.
So black people should b exterminated ? Is that what ypur saying ?
If they all were like you. and rejoiced at the killing of white people, hell yes! I would say the same of bubonic-plagued invested rats, but would feel some an iota of remorse because of their lack of intent or at least gratification. Scumbag.
You and most white people rejoice at the killing of black people by whites
The same way you rejoice when whites kill blacks. I rejoice when blacks kills whites

Don't project your bloodthirsty racism onto us, psycho.
The past and present n future of black ppl concern me the most n in that history, white ppl have been the main evil.

Picking a fight with a group that vastly outnumbers you, is generally not in anyone's best interests.

Just keeping it real.

So tell me - What can white ppl do to black ppl that they have not done already ?

LOL!!!!! How silly you are.
Tapping out again ?
Other than the KKK, what whites rejoice in killing blacks? I certainly don't rejoice in any killings. While I agree murderers and pedophiles deserve death,I don't rejoice,they get their just punishments, regardless of race. YOU are the one rejoicing in whites being killed, that itself is a very racist statement, you can't deny it.
White people rejoice in killing blacks.

Why ?

Because killing black people get's rationalized

So someone like Godboy would say "Well, it's not about black people, it's about there culture"
harmonica would say "Well, look at the black crime rate"
Correll would say "Well those blacks are a problem"
abu afak would say "Yeah but black people are stupid. Look at their IQ"

You notice white people never done anything wrong

When you talk about racism. White supremacist and non-white-white supremacist always make sure to move the argument on to black people.

This is why when I deal with a white supremacist I prefer dealing with a Richard Spencer because although he still pussy-foots abouts he's as close to giving you the real deal as it get's.

That's why you don't really see him on Fox and CNN and he get's banned from speaking gigs. Because although, they all agree with him, he goes off code.

Says the guy who rejoices in dead white american soldiers, then posts pictures of their corpses being dragged naked through the streets.
So tell me - What can white ppl do to black ppl that they have not done already ?
Exterminate them. Just keep giving them an excuse. You make it seem like a more palatable ideea.
So black people should b exterminated ? Is that what ypur saying ?
If they all were like you. and rejoiced at the killing of white people, hell yes! I would say the same of bubonic-plagued invested rats, but would feel some an iota of remorse because of their lack of intent or at least gratification. Scumbag.
You and most white people rejoice at the killing of black people by whites
"Rejoice" is a pretty strong word, but few get upset when a thug gets himself killed regardless of who does it. I certainly did not mourn the loss of Trayvon or Big Mike for example.
So tell me - What can white ppl do to black ppl that they have not done already ?
Exterminate them. Just keep giving them an excuse. You make it seem like a more palatable ideea.
So black people should b exterminated ? Is that what ypur saying ?
If they all were like you. and rejoiced at the killing of white people, hell yes! I would say the same of bubonic-plagued invested rats, but would feel some an iota of remorse because of their lack of intent or at least gratification. Scumbag.
You and most white people rejoice at the killing of black people by whites
"Rejoice" is a pretty strong word, but few get upset when a thug gets himself killed regardless of who does it. I certainly did not mourn the loss of Trayvon or Big Mike for example.
I rest my case.
Other than the KKK, what whites rejoice in killing blacks? I certainly don't rejoice in any killings. While I agree murderers and pedophiles deserve death,I don't rejoice,they get their just punishments, regardless of race. YOU are the one rejoicing in whites being killed, that itself is a very racist statement, you can't deny it.
White people rejoice in killing blacks.

Why ?

Because killing black people get's rationalized

So someone like Godboy would say "Well, it's not about black people, it's about there culture"
harmonica would say "Well, look at the black crime rate"
Correll would say "Well those blacks are a problem"
abu afak would say "Yeah but black people are stupid. Look at their IQ"

You notice white people never done anything wrong

When you talk about racism. White supremacist and non-white-white supremacist always make sure to move the argument on to black people.

This is why when I deal with a white supremacist I prefer dealing with a Richard Spencer because although he still pussy-foots abouts he's as close to giving you the real deal as it get's.

That's why you don't really see him on Fox and CNN and he get's banned from speaking gigs. Because although, they all agree with him, he goes off code.
Says the guy who rejoices in dead white american soldiers, then posts pictures of their corpses being dragged naked through the streets.
This is just non-stop, back and forth email tennis.

You're saying I'm saying rejoicing when white people get killed by black people and I'm saying you're rejoicing when black people get killed black people,

So this is just going back and forth. The only difference is that I have a 300 year history on my side where white people have rejoiced in killing black people.

You don't
Other than the KKK, what whites rejoice in killing blacks? I certainly don't rejoice in any killings. While I agree murderers and pedophiles deserve death,I don't rejoice,they get their just punishments, regardless of race. YOU are the one rejoicing in whites being killed, that itself is a very racist statement, you can't deny it.
White people rejoice in killing blacks.

Why ?

Because killing black people get's rationalized

So someone like Godboy would say "Well, it's not about black people, it's about there culture"
harmonica would say "Well, look at the black crime rate"
Correll would say "Well those blacks are a problem"
abu afak would say "Yeah but black people are stupid. Look at their IQ"

You notice white people never done anything wrong

When you talk about racism. White supremacist and non-white-white supremacist always make sure to move the argument on to black people.

This is why when I deal with a white supremacist I prefer dealing with a Richard Spencer because although he still pussy-foots abouts he's as close to giving you the real deal as it get's.

That's why you don't really see him on Fox and CNN and he get's banned from speaking gigs. Because although, they all agree with him, he goes off code.
Says the guy who rejoices in dead white american soldiers, then posts pictures of their corpses being dragged naked through the streets.
This is just non-stop, back and forth email tennis.

You're saying I'm saying rejoicing when white people get killed by black people and I'm saying you're rejoicing when black people get killed black people,

So this is just going back and forth. The only difference is that I have a 300 year history on my side where white people have rejoiced in killing black people.

You don't
If you dont want to be called out for mocking dead US soldiers, maybe you shouldnt mock dead US soldiers. You gleefully posted pictures and everything! What kind of vile person does that?
Once again. Another day and another video showing how cowardly these whites supremacist are

This white supremacist (Greg Reinke) does a knife attack against four black inmates who were chained at the table at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville Ohio.

I mean

Where do you even begin ?

Just typical Hoe sh*t.

But it don’t surprise me. Some sorta handicap is always a prerequisite to success in their endeavors.

Of course that was a setup. They made sure the Black inmates were cuffed at a table by themselves and the white inmate with 2 shanks behind them was at a table by himself, magically uncuffed himself, started attacking out of nowhere and notice at the end the way the guards were walking in awfully slow, very casual and without purpose

That's because they orchestrated the whole thing and the prison is staying on code by releasing this bullsh*t


And guess what ?

With all that advantage. He (Greg Reinke) had four inmates chained up and he STILL couldn't kill one. All the brothers survived.

Just typical Hoe sh*t.
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Once again. Another day and another video showing how cowardly these whites supremacist are

This white supremacist (Greg Reinke) does a knife attack against four black inmates who were chained at the table at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville Ohio.

I mean

Where do you even begin ?

Just typical Hoe sh*t.

But it don’t surprise me. Some sorta handicap is always a prerequisite to success in their endeavors.

Of course that was a setup. They made sure the Black inmates were cuffed at a table by themselves and the white inmate with 2 shanks behind them was at a table by himself, magically uncuffed himself, started attacking out of nowhere and notice at the end the way the guards were walking in awfully slow, very casual and without purpose

That's because they orchestrated the whole thing and the prison is staying on code by releasing this bullsh*t


And guess what ?

With all that advantage. He (Greg Reinke) had four inmates chained up and he STILL couldn't kill one. All the brothers survived.

Just typical Hoe sh*t.

Other than the KKK, what whites rejoice in killing blacks? I certainly don't rejoice in any killings. While I agree murderers and pedophiles deserve death,I don't rejoice,they get their just punishments, regardless of race. YOU are the one rejoicing in whites being killed, that itself is a very racist statement, you can't deny it.
White people rejoice in killing blacks.

Why ?

Because killing black people get's rationalized

So someone like Godboy would say "Well, it's not about black people, it's about there culture"
harmonica would say "Well, look at the black crime rate"
Correll would say "Well those blacks are a problem"
abu afak would say "Yeah but black people are stupid. Look at their IQ"

You notice white people never done anything wrong

When you talk about racism. White supremacist and non-white-white supremacist always make sure to move the argument on to black people.

This is why when I deal with a white supremacist I prefer dealing with a Richard Spencer because although he still pussy-foots abouts he's as close to giving you the real deal as it get's.

That's why you don't really see him on Fox and CNN and he get's banned from speaking gigs. Because although, they all agree with him, he goes off code.
Says the guy who rejoices in dead white american soldiers, then posts pictures of their corpses being dragged naked through the streets.
This is just non-stop, back and forth email tennis.

You're saying I'm saying rejoicing when white people get killed by black people and I'm saying you're rejoicing when black people get killed black people,

So this is just going back and forth. The only difference is that I have a 300 year history on my side where white people have rejoiced in killing black people.
You don't
You accuse whites of rejoicing, which they aren't for the most part, but you admitted that you rejoice. You can't use history as a crutch, since people of the past are dead. Things have changed. People are not the same people of the past.
Other than the KKK, what whites rejoice in killing blacks? I certainly don't rejoice in any killings. While I agree murderers and pedophiles deserve death,I don't rejoice,they get their just punishments, regardless of race. YOU are the one rejoicing in whites being killed, that itself is a very racist statement, you can't deny it.
White people rejoice in killing blacks.

Why ?

Because killing black people get's rationalized

So someone like Godboy would say "Well, it's not about black people, it's about there culture"
harmonica would say "Well, look at the black crime rate"
Correll would say "Well those blacks are a problem"
abu afak would say "Yeah but black people are stupid. Look at their IQ"

You notice white people never done anything wrong

When you talk about racism. White supremacist and non-white-white supremacist always make sure to move the argument on to black people.

This is why when I deal with a white supremacist I prefer dealing with a Richard Spencer because although he still pussy-foots abouts he's as close to giving you the real deal as it get's.

That's why you don't really see him on Fox and CNN and he get's banned from speaking gigs. Because although, they all agree with him, he goes off code.
Says the guy who rejoices in dead white american soldiers, then posts pictures of their corpses being dragged naked through the streets.
This is just non-stop, back and forth email tennis.

You're saying I'm saying rejoicing when white people get killed by black people and I'm saying you're rejoicing when black people get killed black people,

So this is just going back and forth. The only difference is that I have a 300 year history on my side where white people have rejoiced in killing black people.
You don't
You accuse whites of rejoicing, which they aren't for the most part, but you admitted that you rejoice. You can't use history as a crutch, since people of the past are dead. Things have changed. People are not the same people of the past.
Isnt it odd that you even need to explain such a simple point?
Other than the KKK, what whites rejoice in killing blacks? I certainly don't rejoice in any killings. While I agree murderers and pedophiles deserve death,I don't rejoice,they get their just punishments, regardless of race. YOU are the one rejoicing in whites being killed, that itself is a very racist statement, you can't deny it.
White people rejoice in killing blacks.

Why ?

Because killing black people get's rationalized

So someone like Godboy would say "Well, it's not about black people, it's about there culture"
harmonica would say "Well, look at the black crime rate"
Correll would say "Well those blacks are a problem"
abu afak would say "Yeah but black people are stupid. Look at their IQ"

You notice white people never done anything wrong

When you talk about racism. White supremacist and non-white-white supremacist always make sure to move the argument on to black people.

This is why when I deal with a white supremacist I prefer dealing with a Richard Spencer because although he still pussy-foots abouts he's as close to giving you the real deal as it get's.

That's why you don't really see him on Fox and CNN and he get's banned from speaking gigs. Because although, they all agree with him, he goes off code.
Says the guy who rejoices in dead white american soldiers, then posts pictures of their corpses being dragged naked through the streets.
This is just non-stop, back and forth email tennis.

You're saying I'm saying rejoicing when white people get killed by black people and I'm saying you're rejoicing when black people get killed black people,

So this is just going back and forth. The only difference is that I have a 300 year history on my side where white people have rejoiced in killing black people.
You don't
You accuse whites of rejoicing, which they aren't for the most part, but you admitted that you rejoice. You can't use history as a crutch, since people of the past are dead. Things have changed. People are not the same people of the past.
Isnt it odd that you even need to explain such a simple point?
Because apparently you don't get it.
White people rejoice in killing blacks.

Why ?

Because killing black people get's rationalized

So someone like Godboy would say "Well, it's not about black people, it's about there culture"
harmonica would say "Well, look at the black crime rate"
Correll would say "Well those blacks are a problem"
abu afak would say "Yeah but black people are stupid. Look at their IQ"

You notice white people never done anything wrong

When you talk about racism. White supremacist and non-white-white supremacist always make sure to move the argument on to black people.

This is why when I deal with a white supremacist I prefer dealing with a Richard Spencer because although he still pussy-foots abouts he's as close to giving you the real deal as it get's.

That's why you don't really see him on Fox and CNN and he get's banned from speaking gigs. Because although, they all agree with him, he goes off code.
Says the guy who rejoices in dead white american soldiers, then posts pictures of their corpses being dragged naked through the streets.
This is just non-stop, back and forth email tennis.

You're saying I'm saying rejoicing when white people get killed by black people and I'm saying you're rejoicing when black people get killed black people,

So this is just going back and forth. The only difference is that I have a 300 year history on my side where white people have rejoiced in killing black people.
You don't
You accuse whites of rejoicing, which they aren't for the most part, but you admitted that you rejoice. You can't use history as a crutch, since people of the past are dead. Things have changed. People are not the same people of the past.
Isnt it odd that you even need to explain such a simple point?
Because apparently you don't get it.
Wrong poster.
White people rejoice in killing blacks.

Why ?

Because killing black people get's rationalized

So someone like Godboy would say "Well, it's not about black people, it's about there culture"
harmonica would say "Well, look at the black crime rate"
Correll would say "Well those blacks are a problem"
abu afak would say "Yeah but black people are stupid. Look at their IQ"

You notice white people never done anything wrong

When you talk about racism. White supremacist and non-white-white supremacist always make sure to move the argument on to black people.

This is why when I deal with a white supremacist I prefer dealing with a Richard Spencer because although he still pussy-foots abouts he's as close to giving you the real deal as it get's.

That's why you don't really see him on Fox and CNN and he get's banned from speaking gigs. Because although, they all agree with him, he goes off code.
Says the guy who rejoices in dead white american soldiers, then posts pictures of their corpses being dragged naked through the streets.
This is just non-stop, back and forth email tennis.

You're saying I'm saying rejoicing when white people get killed by black people and I'm saying you're rejoicing when black people get killed black people,

So this is just going back and forth. The only difference is that I have a 300 year history on my side where white people have rejoiced in killing black people.
You don't
You accuse whites of rejoicing, which they aren't for the most part, but you admitted that you rejoice. You can't use history as a crutch, since people of the past are dead. Things have changed. People are not the same people of the past.
Isnt it odd that you even need to explain such a simple point?
Because apparently you don't get it.
No, you and i are in complete agreement. Paul Essien is a stupid racist using history to justify his racism.
Other than the KKK, what whites rejoice in killing blacks? I certainly don't rejoice in any killings. While I agree murderers and pedophiles deserve death,I don't rejoice,they get their just punishments, regardless of race. YOU are the one rejoicing in whites being killed, that itself is a very racist statement, you can't deny it.
White people rejoice in killing blacks.

Why ?

Because killing black people get's rationalized

So someone like Godboy would say "Well, it's not about black people, it's about there culture"
harmonica would say "Well, look at the black crime rate"
Correll would say "Well those blacks are a problem"
abu afak would say "Yeah but black people are stupid. Look at their IQ"

You notice white people never done anything wrong

When you talk about racism. White supremacist and non-white-white supremacist always make sure to move the argument on to black people.

This is why when I deal with a white supremacist I prefer dealing with a Richard Spencer because although he still pussy-foots abouts he's as close to giving you the real deal as it get's.

That's why you don't really see him on Fox and CNN and he get's banned from speaking gigs. Because although, they all agree with him, he goes off code.
Says the guy who rejoices in dead white american soldiers, then posts pictures of their corpses being dragged naked through the streets.
This is just non-stop, back and forth email tennis.

You're saying I'm saying rejoicing when white people get killed by black people and I'm saying you're rejoicing when black people get killed black people,

So this is just going back and forth. The only difference is that I have a 300 year history on my side where white people have rejoiced in killing black people.
You don't
You accuse whites of rejoicing, which they aren't for the most part, but you admitted that you rejoice. You can't use history as a crutch, since people of the past are dead. Things have changed. People are not the same people of the past.
Whites and non blacks love harming black people


But here's the thing any harm to a black person get's rationlized in the white mind

"O, well, they attacked them first"
"O, well those blacks are violent"
"O, well those protestors need act responsible"

That's fun. That's what all the so called white anger is about. That's what all the fuss about S.Africa is about "Hang on. We can't outright oppress black people. We can't exploit them ? I mean Cmon now buddy. How can I live ? That's what I do for kicks. That's reverse racism !!"

So it's turns into a

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