More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Says the guy who rejoices in dead white american soldiers, then posts pictures of their corpses being dragged naked through the streets.
This is just non-stop, back and forth email tennis.

You're saying I'm saying rejoicing when white people get killed by black people and I'm saying you're rejoicing when black people get killed black people,

So this is just going back and forth. The only difference is that I have a 300 year history on my side where white people have rejoiced in killing black people.
You don't
You accuse whites of rejoicing, which they aren't for the most part, but you admitted that you rejoice. You can't use history as a crutch, since people of the past are dead. Things have changed. People are not the same people of the past.
Isnt it odd that you even need to explain such a simple point?
Because apparently you don't get it.
No, you and i are in complete agreement. Paul Essien is a stupid racist using history to justify his racism.
You don't get decide how black people react to your bullshit.

I know one thing. If the shoe was on the other foot, whites would have a murderous rage towards black people.
Don't project your bloodthirsty racism onto us, psycho.
The past and present n future of black ppl concern me the most n in that history, white ppl have been the main evil.

Picking a fight with a group that vastly outnumbers you, is generally not in anyone's best interests.

Just keeping it real.

So tell me - What can white ppl do to black ppl that they have not done already ?

LOL!!!!! How silly you are.
Tapping out again ?

Said the man that answered a question, with a question. Loser.
Says the guy who rejoices in dead white american soldiers, then posts pictures of their corpses being dragged naked through the streets.
This is just non-stop, back and forth email tennis.

You're saying I'm saying rejoicing when white people get killed by black people and I'm saying you're rejoicing when black people get killed black people,

So this is just going back and forth. The only difference is that I have a 300 year history on my side where white people have rejoiced in killing black people.
You don't
You accuse whites of rejoicing, which they aren't for the most part, but you admitted that you rejoice. You can't use history as a crutch, since people of the past are dead. Things have changed. People are not the same people of the past.
Isnt it odd that you even need to explain such a simple point?
Because apparently you don't get it.
No, you and i are in complete agreement. Paul Essien is a stupid racist using history to justify his racism.

No, Essen is speaking a truth you can't face.
Other than the KKK, what whites rejoice in killing blacks? I certainly don't rejoice in any killings. While I agree murderers and pedophiles deserve death,I don't rejoice,they get their just punishments, regardless of race. YOU are the one rejoicing in whites being killed, that itself is a very racist statement, you can't deny it.
White people rejoice in killing blacks.

Why ?

Because killing black people get's rationalized

So someone like Godboy would say "Well, it's not about black people, it's about there culture"
harmonica would say "Well, look at the black crime rate"
Correll would say "Well those blacks are a problem"
abu afak would say "Yeah but black people are stupid. Look at their IQ"

You notice white people never done anything wrong

When you talk about racism. White supremacist and non-white-white supremacist always make sure to move the argument on to black people.

This is why when I deal with a white supremacist I prefer dealing with a Richard Spencer because although he still pussy-foots abouts he's as close to giving you the real deal as it get's.

That's why you don't really see him on Fox and CNN and he get's banned from speaking gigs. Because although, they all agree with him, he goes off code.
Says the guy who rejoices in dead white american soldiers, then posts pictures of their corpses being dragged naked through the streets.
This is just non-stop, back and forth email tennis.

You're saying I'm saying rejoicing when white people get killed by black people and I'm saying you're rejoicing when black people get killed black people,

So this is just going back and forth. The only difference is that I have a 300 year history on my side where white people have rejoiced in killing black people.

You don't
Police: Black woman declares 'I hate white people' before attacking Ride On bus passengers
This is just non-stop, back and forth email tennis.

You're saying I'm saying rejoicing when white people get killed by black people and I'm saying you're rejoicing when black people get killed black people,

So this is just going back and forth. The only difference is that I have a 300 year history on my side where white people have rejoiced in killing black people.
You don't
You accuse whites of rejoicing, which they aren't for the most part, but you admitted that you rejoice. You can't use history as a crutch, since people of the past are dead. Things have changed. People are not the same people of the past.
Isnt it odd that you even need to explain such a simple point?
Because apparently you don't get it.
No, you and i are in complete agreement. Paul Essien is a stupid racist using history to justify his racism.

No, Essen is speaking a truth you can't face.
ENOUGH ROOM: Black Mob Attacks White Man "For Trayvon"
You accuse whites of rejoicing, which they aren't for the most part, but you admitted that you rejoice. You can't use history as a crutch, since people of the past are dead. Things have changed. People are not the same people of the past.
Isnt it odd that you even need to explain such a simple point?
Because apparently you don't get it.
No, you and i are in complete agreement. Paul Essien is a stupid racist using history to justify his racism.

No, Essen is speaking a truth you can't face.
ENOUGH ROOM: Black Mob Attacks White Man "For Trayvon"
They attacked white people for OJ and Dirt Nap Mike Brown too.
Other than the KKK, what whites rejoice in killing blacks? I certainly don't rejoice in any killings. While I agree murderers and pedophiles deserve death,I don't rejoice,they get their just punishments, regardless of race. YOU are the one rejoicing in whites being killed, that itself is a very racist statement, you can't deny it.
White people rejoice in killing blacks.

Why ?

Because killing black people get's rationalized

So someone like Godboy would say "Well, it's not about black people, it's about there culture"
harmonica would say "Well, look at the black crime rate"
Correll would say "Well those blacks are a problem"
abu afak would say "Yeah but black people are stupid. Look at their IQ"

You notice white people never done anything wrong

When you talk about racism. White supremacist and non-white-white supremacist always make sure to move the argument on to black people.

This is why when I deal with a white supremacist I prefer dealing with a Richard Spencer because although he still pussy-foots abouts he's as close to giving you the real deal as it get's.

That's why you don't really see him on Fox and CNN and he get's banned from speaking gigs. Because although, they all agree with him, he goes off code.
Says the guy who rejoices in dead white american soldiers, then posts pictures of their corpses being dragged naked through the streets.
This is just non-stop, back and forth email tennis.

You're saying I'm saying rejoicing when white people get killed by black people and I'm saying you're rejoicing when black people get killed black people,

So this is just going back and forth. The only difference is that I have a 300 year history on my side where white people have rejoiced in killing black people.

You don't
Police: Black woman declares 'I hate white people' before attacking Ride On bus passengers
This actually proves my point.

The only negative thing black ppl can do to white people n not b severely punished is call them a name.

And even in this example this black wonen bettet not call whites too many names.....she better not. Because you can call the cavalry and they'll ahut her down in a second.

And you know that.

A black person can say they hate whites all day


You still get the job.
You still get the loan.
You still get the house.
You still get the car
You have a system which makes it easier for whites to live as far awsy from blk ppl as poss.
You dont have to worry about your kids getting killed by the police
Your areas dont get gentrified.
You will always b given the benefit of the doubt
You can travel anywhere in the world and you'd b welcome with open arms

So tell me again. How is this black woman affecting your life or any white persons?
It's only a matter of time



You still get the job.
You still get the loan.
You still get the house.
You still get the car
You have a system which makes it easier for whites to live as far awsy from blk ppl as poss.
You dont have to worry about your kids getting killed by the police
Your areas dont get gentrified.
You will always b given the benefit of the doubt
You can travel anywhere in the world and you'd b welcome with open arms.....

And all these are the reasons why you have never accomplished anything and why your life is so terrible? That's a shame.
Other than the KKK, what whites rejoice in killing blacks? I certainly don't rejoice in any killings. While I agree murderers and pedophiles deserve death,I don't rejoice,they get their just punishments, regardless of race. YOU are the one rejoicing in whites being killed, that itself is a very racist statement, you can't deny it.
White people rejoice in killing blacks.

Why ?

Because killing black people get's rationalized

So someone like Godboy would say "Well, it's not about black people, it's about there culture"
harmonica would say "Well, look at the black crime rate"
Correll would say "Well those blacks are a problem"
abu afak would say "Yeah but black people are stupid. Look at their IQ"

You notice white people never done anything wrong

When you talk about racism. White supremacist and non-white-white supremacist always make sure to move the argument on to black people.

This is why when I deal with a white supremacist I prefer dealing with a Richard Spencer because although he still pussy-foots abouts he's as close to giving you the real deal as it get's.

That's why you don't really see him on Fox and CNN and he get's banned from speaking gigs. Because although, they all agree with him, he goes off code.
Says the guy who rejoices in dead white american soldiers, then posts pictures of their corpses being dragged naked through the streets.
This is just non-stop, back and forth email tennis.

You're saying I'm saying rejoicing when white people get killed by black people and I'm saying you're rejoicing when black people get killed black people,

So this is just going back and forth. The only difference is that I have a 300 year history on my side where white people have rejoiced in killing black people.

You don't
Police: Black woman declares 'I hate white people' before attacking Ride On bus passengers
This actually proves my point.

The only negative thing black ppl can do to white people n not b severely punished is call them a name.

And even in this example this black wonen bettet not call whites too many names.....she better not. Because you can call the cavalry and they'll ahut her down in a second.

And you know that.

A black person can say they hate whites all day


You still get the job.
You still get the loan.
You still get the house.
You still get the car
You have a system which makes it easier for whites to live as far awsy from blk ppl as poss.
You dont have to worry about your kids getting killed by the police
Your areas dont get gentrified.
You will always b given the benefit of the doubt
You can travel anywhere in the world and you'd b welcome with open arms

So tell me again. How is this black woman affecting your life or any white persons?
You can get jobs, houses, cars, loans etc if you get off your butt and get an education or get the skills. Don't get into trouble you wont get killed. According to your posts, there shouldn't be any working blacks or successful black people.
White people rejoice in killing blacks.

Why ?

Because killing black people get's rationalized

So someone like Godboy would say "Well, it's not about black people, it's about there culture"
harmonica would say "Well, look at the black crime rate"
Correll would say "Well those blacks are a problem"
abu afak would say "Yeah but black people are stupid. Look at their IQ"

You notice white people never done anything wrong

When you talk about racism. White supremacist and non-white-white supremacist always make sure to move the argument on to black people.

This is why when I deal with a white supremacist I prefer dealing with a Richard Spencer because although he still pussy-foots abouts he's as close to giving you the real deal as it get's.

That's why you don't really see him on Fox and CNN and he get's banned from speaking gigs. Because although, they all agree with him, he goes off code.
Says the guy who rejoices in dead white american soldiers, then posts pictures of their corpses being dragged naked through the streets.
This is just non-stop, back and forth email tennis.

You're saying I'm saying rejoicing when white people get killed by black people and I'm saying you're rejoicing when black people get killed black people,

So this is just going back and forth. The only difference is that I have a 300 year history on my side where white people have rejoiced in killing black people.

You don't
Police: Black woman declares 'I hate white people' before attacking Ride On bus passengers
This actually proves my point.

The only negative thing black ppl can do to white people n not b severely punished is call them a name.

And even in this example this black wonen bettet not call whites too many names.....she better not. Because you can call the cavalry and they'll ahut her down in a second.

And you know that.

A black person can say they hate whites all day


You still get the job.
You still get the loan.
You still get the house.
You still get the car
You have a system which makes it easier for whites to live as far awsy from blk ppl as poss.
You dont have to worry about your kids getting killed by the police
Your areas dont get gentrified.
You will always b given the benefit of the doubt
You can travel anywhere in the world and you'd b welcome with open arms

So tell me again. How is this black woman affecting your life or any white persons?
You can get jobs, houses, cars, loans etc if you get off your butt and get an education or get the skills. Don't get into trouble you wont get killed. According to your posts, there shouldn't be any working blacks or successful black people.
After all of this time, you still don' get it. There are tons of black people who are educated/college educated/advanced degrees, have good jobs, no criminal history, good credit, are good people yet they STILL get denied "good" jobs, loans at good interest rates instead of rates approaching usury, are denied the housing they want and instead are steered to less desirable structures or neighborhoods, etc. And I emphasized "good" jobs as opposed to just a job because when I was younger and working my way through college I was always able to find a job doing secretarial work, however once I graduated with a degree and attempted to obtain a job as a computer programmer, it was as if the whole industry had collectively decided to freeze me out even though I out scored 80% of my competitors on an COBOL exam that granted the top 10 candidates the opportunity for a job interview. And this was right after I had graduated so I hadn't even had time to acquire any experience is anyone would have been inclined to grant me the opportunity to do so. And my experiences are not unique.

The excuses are numerous and as transparent as glass, not much different than they are on this site.

You still get the job.
You still get the loan.
You still get the house.
You still get the car
You have a system which makes it easier for whites to live as far awsy from blk ppl as poss.
You dont have to worry about your kids getting killed by the police
Your areas dont get gentrified.
You will always b given the benefit of the doubt
You can travel anywhere in the world and you'd b welcome with open arms.....

And all these are the reasons why you have never accomplished anything and why your life is so terrible? That's a shame.
Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind.

My life is fine, financially speaking, without being arrogant I'd guess I'm among the top earners on USMB. But I understand that the white supremacists can take everything I have away from me. I also understand that I got to this position in spite of the system of the white supremacy, not because of the system of white supremacy.

So I don't get gassed because I have money, that don't mean nothing. Because I look at he black collective as a group.
You can get jobs, houses, cars, loans etc if you get off your butt and get an education or get the skills.
The white supremacists control all the jobs, the cars, the loans and the education.
Don't get into trouble you wont get killed.
To be black is trouble to the white supremacist. It does not matter if black people committed no crime. The white supremacists would create more laws to criminalize black people. Those prisons have to be filled.
According to your posts, there shouldn't be any working blacks or successful black people.
I've never said that but there were successful and working blacks 50 years ago but there was still racism 50 years ago

You still get the job.
You still get the loan.
You still get the house.
You still get the car
You have a system which makes it easier for whites to live as far awsy from blk ppl as poss.
You dont have to worry about your kids getting killed by the police
Your areas dont get gentrified.
You will always b given the benefit of the doubt
You can travel anywhere in the world and you'd b welcome with open arms.....

And all these are the reasons why you have never accomplished anything and why your life is so terrible? That's a shame.
Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind.

My life is fine, financially speaking, without being arrogant I'd guess I'm among the top earners on USMB. But I understand that the white supremacists can take everything I have away from me. I also understand that I got to this position in spite of the system of the white supremacy, not because of the system of white supremacy.

So I don't get gassed because I have money, that don't mean nothing. Because I look at he black collective as a group.
Yes, we're all amazingly successful billionaires here on USMB. It may be the only place in the world where blacks are more successful than whites too.

You still get the job.
You still get the loan.
You still get the house.
You still get the car
You have a system which makes it easier for whites to live as far awsy from blk ppl as poss.
You dont have to worry about your kids getting killed by the police
Your areas dont get gentrified.
You will always b given the benefit of the doubt
You can travel anywhere in the world and you'd b welcome with open arms.....

And all these are the reasons why you have never accomplished anything and why your life is so terrible? That's a shame.
Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind.

My life is fine, financially speaking, without being arrogant I'd guess I'm among the top earners on USMB. But I understand that the white supremacists can take everything I have away from me. I also understand that I got to this position in spite of the system of the white supremacy, not because of the system of white supremacy.

So I don't get gassed because I have money, that don't mean nothing. Because I look at he black collective as a group.
Yes, we're all amazingly successful billionaires here on USMB. It may be the only place in the world where blacks are more successful than whites too.

We are certainly better off than you.

You still get the job.
You still get the loan.
You still get the house.
You still get the car
You have a system which makes it easier for whites to live as far awsy from blk ppl as poss.
You dont have to worry about your kids getting killed by the police
Your areas dont get gentrified.
You will always b given the benefit of the doubt
You can travel anywhere in the world and you'd b welcome with open arms.....

And all these are the reasons why you have never accomplished anything and why your life is so terrible? That's a shame.
Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind.

My life is fine, financially speaking, without being arrogant I'd guess I'm among the top earners on USMB. But I understand that the white supremacists can take everything I have away from me. I also understand that I got to this position in spite of the system of the white supremacy, not because of the system of white supremacy.

So I don't get gassed because I have money, that don't mean nothing. Because I look at he black collective as a group.
Yes, we're all amazingly successful billionaires here on USMB. It may be the only place in the world where blacks are more successful than whites too.
Any success that whites achieve is because of the system of white supremacy. Any success that blacks achieve is in spite of the system of white supremacy.

Plus you need to define success. Otherwise Paris Hilton is successful, I suppose, if you just bring it down to money but is she anything to look up to ?

White people need to get off this idea that you're special and white people are a special group of people.

You still get the job.
You still get the loan.
You still get the house.
You still get the car
You have a system which makes it easier for whites to live as far awsy from blk ppl as poss.
You dont have to worry about your kids getting killed by the police
Your areas dont get gentrified.
You will always b given the benefit of the doubt
You can travel anywhere in the world and you'd b welcome with open arms.....

And all these are the reasons why you have never accomplished anything and why your life is so terrible? That's a shame.
Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind.

My life is fine, financially speaking, without being arrogant I'd guess I'm among the top earners on USMB. But I understand that the white supremacists can take everything I have away from me. I also understand that I got to this position in spite of the system of the white supremacy, not because of the system of white supremacy.

So I don't get gassed because I have money, that don't mean nothing. Because I look at he black collective as a group.
Yes, we're all amazingly successful billionaires here on USMB. It may be the only place in the world where blacks are more successful than whites too.
Any success that whites achieve is because of the system of white supremacy. Any success that blacks achieve is in spite of the system of white supremacy.

Plus you need to define success. Otherwise Paris Hilton is successful, I suppose, if you just bring it down to money but is she anything to look up to ?

White people need to get off this idea that you're special and white people are a special group of people.
As terrible as Paris Hilton is, shes still better than Kardi B. :laugh:


You still get the job.
You still get the loan.
You still get the house.
You still get the car
You have a system which makes it easier for whites to live as far awsy from blk ppl as poss.
You dont have to worry about your kids getting killed by the police
Your areas dont get gentrified.
You will always b given the benefit of the doubt
You can travel anywhere in the world and you'd b welcome with open arms.....

And all these are the reasons why you have never accomplished anything and why your life is so terrible? That's a shame.
Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind.

My life is fine, financially speaking, without being arrogant I'd guess I'm among the top earners on USMB. But I understand that the white supremacists can take everything I have away from me. I also understand that I got to this position in spite of the system of the white supremacy, not because of the system of white supremacy.

So I don't get gassed because I have money, that don't mean nothing. Because I look at he black collective as a group.
Yes, we're all amazingly successful billionaires here on USMB. It may be the only place in the world where blacks are more successful than whites too.
Any success that whites achieve is because of the system of white supremacy. Any success that blacks achieve is in spite of the system of white supremacy.

Plus you need to define success. Otherwise Paris Hilton is successful, I suppose, if you just bring it down to money but is she anything to look up to ?

White people need to get off this idea that you're special and white people are a special group of people.
As terrible as Paris Hilton is, shes still better than Kardi B. :laugh:


Is she?

How many porn videos has she made?

You still get the job.
You still get the loan.
You still get the house.
You still get the car
You have a system which makes it easier for whites to live as far awsy from blk ppl as poss.
You dont have to worry about your kids getting killed by the police
Your areas dont get gentrified.
You will always b given the benefit of the doubt
You can travel anywhere in the world and you'd b welcome with open arms.....

And all these are the reasons why you have never accomplished anything and why your life is so terrible? That's a shame.
Read my words. Instead of trying to read my mind.

My life is fine, financially speaking, without being arrogant I'd guess I'm among the top earners on USMB. But I understand that the white supremacists can take everything I have away from me. I also understand that I got to this position in spite of the system of the white supremacy, not because of the system of white supremacy.

So I don't get gassed because I have money, that don't mean nothing. Because I look at he black collective as a group.
Yes, we're all amazingly successful billionaires here on USMB. It may be the only place in the world where blacks are more successful than whites too.
Any success that whites achieve is because of the system of white supremacy. Any success that blacks achieve is in spite of the system of white supremacy.

Plus you need to define success. Otherwise Paris Hilton is successful, I suppose, if you just bring it down to money but is she anything to look up to ?

White people need to get off this idea that you're special and white people are a special group of people.
As terrible as Paris Hilton is, shes still better than Kardi B. :laugh:

Why you brought up Cardi B I'll never know.

But now that you did. I'd give a woman who started from the bottom in the Bronx, N.York and still made it big in the hip-hop game (Cardi B) more respect than a woman who has never had to work for anything and was born into wealth (Paris Hilton)
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