More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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If they treated Derick Chauvin just like they treated Mohamed Noor, Minneapolis and other cities wouldn't be out of control, businesses would still be standing, and mostly operational right now. That's how you know that George Floyd's death was a racial killing, and Derick Chauvin was being protected by his fellow anti-Black racists in Minneapolis injustice system.

All they had to do is arrest the other cops and charge all of them with first degree murder. It’s that simple but white supremacy hates taking L’s so they rather let the country burn than charge those cops.

Further proof that you can’t put a price tag on white supremacy. They will destroy the world before they give it up. For them there is no purpose to life without white supremacy and privilege.
uhhh for the most part its businesses in black neighborhoods being burnt down ...its hurting minorities in those areas not whites ..
"Looting and destroying property shows their thug mentality."

The person posting this comment would whine like Paull Masson if we applied her mentality when we talk about white racism. At least 95 percent of the protesters did no looting or rioting. But the ignorant scrubs among us are looking for anything they can use to dismiss the legitimacy of the protest. Furthermore, both DHS and the FBI have shown documented evidence of WHITE looters and rioters who are purposefully doing so to discredit the protests. It is this type of thug mentality blacks have been up against for 401 years now.

The quote reflect the low behavior that exists among some in the white community. We blacks here have read the bullshit posts of whites looking for excuses to justify this murder. We read garbage about how the mans death was not caused by the police, but by poor health, and what we don't read is the fact that an American citizen was killed by the state. The same state you sad sorry pieces of trash say you arm your punk asses against.

When we talk about thug mentality, it belongs to whites like the one quoted in this post who would rather run her mouth about 2 percent of the people every day instead of using the same time she wasted sputtering her racist views, discussing the murder of a citizen by the police. She and others like her are examples of failed human beings.
Most of the b
"Looting and destroying property shows their thug mentality."

The person posting this comment would whine like Paull Masson if we applied her mentality when we talk about white racism. At least 95 percent of the protesters did no looting or rioting. But the ignorant scrubs among us are looking for anything they can use to dismiss the legitimacy of the protest. Furthermore, both DHS and the FBI have shown documented evidence of WHITE looters and rioters who are purposefully doing so to discredit the protests. It is this type of thug mentality blacks have been up against for 401 years now.

The quote reflect the low behavior that exists among some in the white community. We blacks here have read the bullshit posts of whites looking for excuses to justify this murder. We read garbage about how the mans death was not caused by the police, but by poor health, and what we don't read is the fact that an American citizen was killed by the state. The same state you sad sorry pieces of trash say you arm your punk asses against.

When we talk about thug mentality, it belongs to whites like the one quoted in this post who would rather run her mouth about 2 percent of the people every day instead of using the same time she wasted sputtering her racist views, discussing the murder of a citizen by the police. She and others like her are examples of failed human beings.
Most of the cops don't brutalized citizens. But when they do you usually advocate looting and destruction when it does are such an angry idiot. I have no racist views. This cop deserves harsh punishment. I never blamed the victim for his own death. How the hell can you perceive me as having thug mentality? Where did I justify this murder. You can't tell the truth so you fabricate more bullshit.
Where are the white leaders to speak out against these looters ?

How does destroying your own white communities bring justice?

All Looters Matter.


I don't know about anyone else but I blame the rampant single motherhood in the white community and the lawlessness.
Where do you see the majority of whites condoning looting?
Where do you see the majority of whites condoning looting?

Go to any museum. White people have looted the whole world. White people condone not just looting but they condone pedophilia. That's why it's mainly whites on the dark web. You condone violence as long as it's aimed at blk ppl.
Where do you see the majority of whites condoning looting?

Go to any museum. White people have looted the whole world. White people condone not just looting but they condone pedophilia. That's why it's mainly whites on the dark web. You condone violence as long as it's aimed at blk ppl.
You are such a liar. Whites do not condone looting or pedophilia. You spew filthy lies and you know it.
I've been thinking about this for a while.

But can anyone explain to me what the police do ?

Besides vicariously giving white supremacists satisfaction by abusing Black people, what real purpose do we have for a highly funded, militarized police force?

The police don't actually STOP crimes. And they drain city budgets with unnecessary funding and racial abuse payouts.

No criminologist will ever argue that more policing stops crime. It’s a complete joke. They’d rather try to fix the individual rather than fixing the system that caused the problem in the first place. Oh and they gotta keep those prisons full.

And then waste money on gear such as body cameras that mysteriously DONT WORK when need the most.

I remember the countless times I canvassed the area afterwards, and asked everyone “did you see who did it”, and the popular response from the very same family members was always, “Fuck the Police, I aint no snitch, I’m gonna take care of this myself. This happened every single time, every single homicide, black on black, and then my realization became clearer.

I woke up every morning, put my freshly pressed uniform on, shined my badge, functioned checked my weapon, kissed my wife and kid, and waited for my wife to say the same thing she always does before I leave, “Make sure you come back home to us”. I always replied, “I will”, but the truth was I was never sure if I would. I almost lost my life on this job, and every call, every stop, every moment that I had this uniform on, was another possibility for me to almost lose my life again. I was a target in the very community I swore to protect, the very community I wanted to help. As a matter of fact, they hated my very presence. They called me “Uncle Tom”, and “wanna be white boy”, and I couldn’t understand why. My own fellow black men and women attacking me, wishing for my death, wishing for the death of my family. I was so confused, so torn, I couldn’t understand why my own black people would turn against me, when every time they called …I was there. Every time someone died….I was there. Every time they were going through one of the worst moments in their lives…I was there. So why was I the enemy? I dove deep into that question…Why was I the enemy? Then my realization became clearer.

Complaint: Police always targeting us, they always messing with the black man.

Fact: A city where the majority of citizens are black (Baltimore for example) …will ALWAYS have a higher rate of black people getting arrested, it will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks getting stopped, and will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks getting killed, and the reason why is because a city with those characteristics will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks committing crime. The statistics will follow the same trend for Asians if you go to China, for Hispanics if you go to Puerto Rico, for whites if you go to Russia, and the list goes on. It’s called Demographics

Complaint: More black people get arrested than white boys.

Fact: Black People commit a grossly disproportionate amount of crime. Data from the FBI shows that Nationwide, Blacks committed 5,173 homicides in 2014, whites committed 4,367. Chicago’s death toll is almost equal to that of both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined. Chicago’s death toll from 2001–November, 26 2015 stands at 7,401. The combined total deaths during Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2015: 4,815) and Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan (2001-2015: 3,506), total 8,321.

Complaint: Blacks are the only ones getting killed by police, or they are killed more.

Fact: As of July 2016, the breakdown of the number of US Citizens killed by Police this year is, 238 White people killed, 123 Black people killed, 79 Hispanics, 69 other/or unknown race.

Fact: Black people kill more other blacks than Police do, and there are only protest and outrage when a cop kills a black man. University of Toledo criminologist Dr. Richard R. Johnson examined the latest crime data from the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports and Centers for Disease Control and found that an average of 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012. Professor Johnson’s research further concluded that 112 black men died from both justified and unjustified police-involved killings annually during this same period.

Complaint: Well we already doing a good job of killing ourselves, we don’t need the Police to do it. Besides they should know better.

The more I listened, the more I realized. The more I researched, the more I realized. I would ask questions, and would only get emotional responses & inferences based on no facts at all. The more killing I saw, the more tragedy, the more savagery, the more violence, the more loss of life of a black man at the hands of another black man….the more I realized.

I haven’t slept well in the past few nights. Heartbreak weighs me down, rage flows through my veins, and tears fills my eyes. I watched my fellow officers assassinated on live television, and the images of them laying on the ground are seared into my brain forever. I couldn’t help but wonder if it had been me, a black man, a black cop, on TV, assassinated, laying on the ground dead,..would my friends and family still think black lives mattered? Would my life have mattered? Would they make t-shirts in remembrance of me? Would they go on tv and protest violence? Would they even make a Facebook post, or share a post in reference to my death?

I realized that they refuse to believe that most cops acknowledge that there are Bad cops who should have never been given a badge & gun, who are chicken shit and will shoot a cockroach if it crawls at them too fast, who never worked in the hood and may be intimidated. That most cops dread the thought of having to shoot someone, and never see the turmoil and mental anguish that a cop goes through after having to kill someone to save his own life. Instead they believe that we are all blood thirsty killers, because the media says so, even though the numbers prove otherwise. I realize that they truly feel as if the death of cops will help people realize the false narrative that Black Lives Matter, when all it will do is take their movement two steps backwards and label them domestic terrorist. I realized that some of these people, who say Black Lives Matter, are full of hate and racism. Hate for cops, because of the false narrative that more black people are targeted and killed. Racism against white people, for a tragedy that began 100’s of years ago, when most of the white people today weren’t even born yet. I realized that some in the African-American community’s idea of “Justice” is the prosecution of ANY and EVERY cop or white man that kills or is believed to have killed a black man, no matter what the circumstances are. I realized the African American community refuses to look within to solve its major issues, and instead makes excuses and looks outside for solutions. I realized that a lot of people in the African American lead with hate, instead of love. Division instead of Unity. Turmoil and rioting, instead of Peace. I realized that they have become the very entity that they claim they are fighting against.

I realized that the very reasons I became a cop, are the very reasons my own people hate me, and now in this toxic hateful racially charged political climate, I am now more likely to die,… and it is still hard for me to understand…. to this day.

Officer Stalien
#police #bluelivesmatter #policeofficer #cop #cops #sheriff #deputy #policeman #policelivesmatter #lawenforcement #firstresponder #emergency #thinblueline #k9 #CorrectionsOfficer #ThinGrayLine #dispatch #charity #giveback #nonprofit #causes #family #donations #nationalbakesale #frba #dearfirstresponder
I remember the countless times I canvassed the area afterwards, and asked everyone “did you see who did it”, and the popular response from the very same family members was always, “Fuck the Police, I aint no snitch, I’m gonna take care of this myself. This happened every single time, every single homicide, black on black, and then my realization became clearer.

I cant think why blk ppl dont trust the police.


I woke up every morning, put my freshly pressed uniform on, shined my badge, functioned checked my weapon, kissed my wife and kid, and waited for my wife to say the same thing she always does before I leave, “Make sure you come back home to us”. I always replied, “I will”, but the truth was I was never sure if I would. I almost lost my life on this job, and every call, every stop, every moment that I had this uniform on, was another possibility for me to almost lose my life again. I was a target in the very community I swore to protect, the very community I wanted to help. As a matter of fact, they hated my very presence. They called me “Uncle Tom”, and “wanna be white boy”, and I couldn’t understand why. My own fellow black men and women attacking me, wishing for my death, wishing for the death of my family. I was so confused, so torn, I couldn’t understand why my own black people would turn against me, when every time they called …I was there. Every time someone died….I was there. Every time they were going through one of the worst moments in their lives…I was there. So why was I the enemy? I dove deep into that question…Why was I the enemy? Then my realization became clearer.


Fact: A city where the majority of citizens are black (Baltimore for example) …will ALWAYS have a higher rate of black people getting arrested, it will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks getting stopped, and will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks getting killed, and the reason why is because a city with those characteristics will ALWAYS have a higher rate of blacks committing crime. The statistics will follow the same trend for Asians if you go to China, for Hispanics if you go to Puerto Rico, for whites if you go to Russia, and the list goes on. It’s called Demographics

Complaint: More black people get arrested than white boys.

Fact: Black People commit a grossly disproportionate amount of crime. Data from the FBI shows that Nationwide, Blacks committed 5,173 homicides in 2014, whites committed 4,367. Chicago’s death toll is almost equal to that of both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined. Chicago’s death toll from 2001–November, 26 2015 stands at 7,401. The combined total deaths during Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-2015: 4,815) and Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan (2001-2015: 3,506), total 8,321.


The FBI have illegally sabotaged & assassinated every black leader from Garvey to MLK

The FBI have a history with black people of

    • Planting false stories in the press.
    • Planting false witnesses in court trials.
    • Sending false letters to create distrust and division among leaders.
    • Planting informers everywhere and then falsely named others as informers.
    • Got people fired at work.
    • Breaking up marriages.
    • Breaking into people’s houses to search them.
    • Arresting leaders for minor traffic violations.
    • Framing people for murder and other false charges – to lock them up or at least keep them tied up in court till something stuck.
    • Committing murder.
They killed Fred Hampton (A black panther leader in Chicago) That was proved in court.


They had the Chicago police break down his door in the middle of the night and gun him down. The FBI had been keeping a file on him even before he joined the Panthers.

They framed Geronimo Pratt (Below) for murder


And they made sure one of his defence lawyers was an FBI informer

Panthers secretly working for the FBI talked about the FBI blowing up department stores and giving the police an excuse to arrest top panthers and throw them in prison.

The press and the police did the FBI’s bidding. The Panthers found much of its leadership killed, sent to prison or driven out of the country.

J Edgar Hoover was a cross dressing gay man who hated black people and he had a lover who was one of his top FBI Agents. Also the FBI wrote an anonymous letter to Martin Luther King encouraging him to kill himself ?

Or how about MKULTRA and those deeds? FBN and CIA connections with international crime syndicates and co-operation to bring in tons of drugs for the consumption of inner city blacks.

That started in the 1940’s and devastated whole cities eventually. A book about that and the whole war on drugs by Douglas Valentine: The Strength of the Wolf: The secret history of America’s war on drugs.

Fact: As of July 2016, the breakdown of the number of US Citizens killed by Police this year is, 238 White people killed, 123 Black people killed, 79 Hispanics, 69 other/or unknown race.

Shut the fk up.

Let me telling you something.

If cops were killing unarmed whites at the rate they kill blks ?

Whites would be blowing up police stations today.

You see that's one thing I respect about white people.

You have a liberty or death mentality. You would rather die than be treated like black ppl.

And you know what ?

I gotta respect that.

Hell whites were protesting at not being to get a haircut and play golf or that COVID restrictions should only apply to "urban areas" (black) not "rural areas" (white)

And on top of that white ppl dont give a shit if a few whites are killed by police. They only give a care when the privilege of the police being able to kill blk ppl is threatened.

Thats why whites poured thousands over night into Darren Wilson's (killer of Mike Brown) GoFundMe account and the same of many other cops who have killed blk ppl.

Are they pouring thousands into the accounts of the odd white person killed by police ?

I think we both know the answer.

Black ppl are the only ppl who have to regulate this madness. We are ones who everyone is looking to, to lead into decency and morality and justice.

There is demos in Sweden, France, Germany, Australia, Brazil all over the world.

Massive companies like Apple, Pepsi, Coco Cola, Nike, Microsoft spend millions trying influence and mobilize ppl.

A few black men from Minneapolis have done what they can only dream of in a week.

This is not even about George Floyd. This is standing up against anti blackness.

This is a very bad look for the USA. America loves flexing its muscles to other countries about violating human rights. The next time they do that most countries are gonna tell them to f-off
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There are good and bad white cops and black cops. What I posted was what a black cop had to say.
There are good and bad white cops and black cops. What I posted was what a black cop had to say.
I know it was a black man who wrote it. I did read your stupid post.

But that means what ? Often blk cops are worse bcoz they feel they have to b even harder on blk ppl to show there white bosses whose side they're.

And blk ppl can be easily anti black in their thoughts and actions. Black ppl are just as susceptible to soaking up the racist anti bk bs as whites are.


Police officers today are a protected class, one no politician wants to oppose.

Law enforcement interests may occasionally come up short on budgetary issues, but legislatures rarely if ever pass new laws to hold police more accountable, to restrict their powers, or to make them more transparent.

Police today embody all of the threats the Founders feared were posed by standing armies, plus a few additional ones they couldn’t have anticipated.

A police officer’s power and authority over the people he interacts with day to day is near complete.

Absent video, if the officer’s account an incident differs from that of a citizen— even several citizens— his superiors, the courts, and prosecutors will nearly always defer to the officer even more so if the citizen is blk.

If other officers are nearby, there are policies in place—official and unofficial—to encourage them to back one another up. Even if the officer does violate the citizen’s rights, the officer is protected by qualified immunity.
There are good and bad white cops and black cops. What I posted was what a black cop had to say.
I know it was a black man who wrote it. I did read your stupid post.

But that means what ? Often blk cops are worse bcoz they feel they have to b even harder on blk ppl to show there white bosses whose side they're.

And blk ppl can be easily anti black in their thoughts and actions. Black ppl are just as susceptible to soaking up the racist anti bk bs as whites are.


Police officers today are a protected class, one no politician wants to oppose.

Law enforcement interests may occasionally come up short on budgetary issues, but legislatures rarely if ever pass new laws to hold police more accountable, to restrict their powers, or to make them more transparent.

Police today embody all of the threats the Founders feared were posed by standing armies, plus a few additional ones they couldn’t have anticipated.

A police officer’s power and authority over the people he interacts with day to day is near complete.

Absent video, if the officer’s account an incident differs from that of a citizen— even several citizens— his superiors, the courts, and prosecutors will nearly always defer to the officer even more so if the citizen is blk.

If other officers are nearby, there are policies in place—official and unofficial—to encourage them to back one another up. Even if the officer does violate the citizen’s rights, the officer is protected by qualified immunity.
Lol you should be pitied. The cop in my post respects the law. Yes, there are bad cops and I don’t like bad cops either. What’s with your hissy fit? Just because I don’t agree with looting and destroying property? I also have posted an article showing a bad black cop, not one black poster responded with outrage. All bad cops deserve punishment. Condoning hurting
others or their property is criminal and those people should be punished. And putting the blame on whites when black cops are bad is ridiculous.
Lol you should be pitied.

Black ppl are the engine for freedom and justice. The world is looking to us. Black ppl are in a good position at the moment.

No one is laughing now

The cop in my post respects the law.

How do you know ?

Yes, there are bad cops and I don’t like bad cops either.

I know white ppl dont like cops. The only thing they admire about the police is coz they kill blk ppl.

What’s with your hissy fit?

Thats just your racism showing were you think blk ppl are angry

Why do white ppl always try to read my mind instead of my words ?

Just because I don’t agree with looting and destroying property?

Ok. So what is the solution to stopping the police killing blk ppl ?

Give me a good laugh.

I also have posted an article showing a bad black cop, not one black poster responded with outrage.

You can count the blk posters on 1 hand on USMB. Secondly there you go again. Getting emotional. Using words like "outrage". I just pointed out the fact that many blk cops r just as hard on blk ppl as whites to show whose side they are on

All bad cops deserve punishment.

Bad cops in your opinion. What I think is a bad cop and what you think is a bad cop is gonna be different.
Lol you should be pitied.

Black ppl are the engine for freedom and justice. The world is looking to us. Black ppl are in a good position at the moment.

No one is laughing now

The cop in my post respects the law.

How do you know ?

Yes, there are bad cops and I don’t like bad cops either.

I know white ppl dont like cops. The only thing they admire about the police is coz they kill blk ppl.

What’s with your hissy fit?

Thats just your racism showing were you think blk ppl are angry

Why do white ppl always try to read my mind instead of my words ?

Just because I don’t agree with looting and destroying property?

Ok. So what is the solution to stopping the police killing blk ppl ?

Give me a good laugh.

I also have posted an article showing a bad black cop, not one black poster responded with outrage.

You can count the blk posters on 1 hand on USMB. Secondly there you go again. Getting emotional. Using words like "outrage". I just pointed out the fact that many blk cops r just as hard on blk ppl as whites to show whose side they are on

All bad cops deserve punishment.

Bad cops in your opinion. What I think is a bad cop and what you think is a bad cop is gonna be different.
Just like IM2 there you go calling me racist. Such bullshit. Cops also kill white people and more of them. I don’t condone cops killing anyone unless their life or another is in danger. You think white people like cops because they kill black people? You are the one with stupid posts. No, I’m not getting emotional. The word outrage is correct to describe how good people feel about the idiots looting and burning. Outrage describes people who want justice for the victim, and rightly so. Yes, you have hissy fits, it is not racist to point out your weakness. If the world is looking to black people perhaps being violent to innocent people in response to a crime is not setting a good example. Why would our opinions of bad cops be different?
Just like IM2 there you go calling me racist. Such bullshit. Cops also kill white people and more of them. I don’t condone cops killing anyone unless their life or another is in danger. You think white people like cops because they kill black people? You are the one with stupid posts. No, I’m not getting emotional. The word outrage is correct to describe how good people feel about the idiots looting and burning. Outrage describes people who want justice for the victim, and rightly so. Yes, you have hissy fits, it is not racist to point out your weakness. If the world is looking to black people perhaps being violent to innocent people in response to a crime is not setting a good example. Why would our opinions of bad cops be different?

You're just repeating what you have already wrote. Plus you don't actually respond to anything I specifically say. Where as I specifically respond to your comments.

But until you come with something new then this convo is over as it's turning into one of them "last person talking" contests.
Just like IM2 there you go calling me racist. Such bullshit. Cops also kill white people and more of them. I don’t condone cops killing anyone unless their life or another is in danger. You think white people like cops because they kill black people? You are the one with stupid posts. No, I’m not getting emotional. The word outrage is correct to describe how good people feel about the idiots looting and burning. Outrage describes people who want justice for the victim, and rightly so. Yes, you have hissy fits, it is not racist to point out your weakness. If the world is looking to black people perhaps being violent to innocent people in response to a crime is not setting a good example. Why would our opinions of bad cops be different?

You're just repeating what you have already wrote. Plus you don't actually respond to anything I specifically say. Where as I specifically respond to your comments.

But until you come with something new then this convo is over as it's turning into one of them "last person talking" contests.
My response to you is clearly in my last post. All you do is spew your anger and look for something racist in my posts, which doesn’t exist.
My response to you is clearly in my last post.

You're response was repeating what you have said.

All you do is spew your anger

What's good for the wolf is not going to be good for the sheep. What's good for the fox is not going to be good for the hound.

and look for something racist in my posts, which doesn’t exist.

I don't look for racism in your posts. It screams out but what you do is that you present your point of view right up until it is a clearly racist statement.

You wont say "Blks are savages" but you will say "Well according to the FBI the crime rate for black ppl is...."

White supremacists make a big deal out of crime statistics bcoz they give you a moral cover for what you were going to believe anyway

You make these statements that lead up to an obvious conclusion (that black folks are violent savages) but short of saying that, b4 you stop n wink at other white supremacists.

You don't say black ppl are savages but you will not disagree with others who say it for you.

You are more interested in covering your prejudice rather than discovering the objective truth.
My response to you is clearly in my last post.

You're response was repeating what you have said.

All you do is spew your anger

What's good for the wolf is not going to be good for the sheep. What's good for the fox is not going to be good for the hound.

and look for something racist in my posts, which doesn’t exist.

I don't look for racism in your posts. It screams out but what you do is that you present your point of view right up until it is a clearly racist statement.

You wont say "Blks are savages" but you will say "Well according to the FBI the crime rate for black ppl is...."

White supremacists make a big deal out of crime statistics bcoz they give you a moral cover for what you were going to believe anyway

You make these statements that lead up to an obvious conclusion (that black folks are violent savages) but short of saying that, b4 you stop n wink at other white supremacists.

You don't say black ppl are savages but you will not disagree with others who say it for you.

You are more interested in covering your prejudice rather than discovering the objective truth.
You just post what you ASSume, which are lies. Nobody has said black are savages for me. Nobody speaks for me. Where have I ever posted anything saying blacks are savages? Once again, you make up lies to bolster your pathetic attempt to prove me racist. IM2 constantly posts statistics or cut and paste what he perceives as proof of whatever he believes. Any whites posting statistics are racists? Where have I ever agreed with racists? I don’t believe people are savages because of their skin color. Savages come in all races. I don’t give a shit what race you are, if you loot and destroy property you are a savage. If you take that as racist, that is your problem.
A glimpse of how biased the police system really is as

This guy did worst and was not shot. Not even a gun came out for even a warning.

Or how about this white guy who killed 2 women & 1 child. Attacked officers while naked. Choked a church groundskeeper. But was detained alive.

This is what happens when a white man fights the police & then grabs the taser & then runs away & then attempts to steal the officer's car. What a surprise he lives.
A glimpse of how biased the police system really is as

This guy did worst and was not shot. Not even a gun came out for even a warning.

Or how about this white guy who killed 2 women & 1 child. Attacked officers while naked. Choked a church groundskeeper. But was detained alive.

This is what happens when a white man fights the police & then grabs the taser & then runs away & then attempts to steal the officer's car. What a surprise he lives.

Not all blacks are killed when approached by cops.
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