More Than 1,500 Attorneys Seek Sanction of Trump's Legal Team for 'Historic Abuse'

It's about time. Someone needs to put a stop to this clown show.

After something like 35 losses trump should stop abusing our court system and the people of our nation.

trump lost. He should put on his big boy pants, suck it up and show some maturity and concern for our nation.

His lawyers are bringing frivolous law suits over and over to court with everyone of them ending the same way. Thrown out of court due to lack of evidence and proof.

Maybe if his lawyers face some consequences for their actions they just might think twice about continuing this sad charade.

1500 out of approx 1,250,000 attorneys in the US?

STOP THE PRESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are INVESTIGATING, Jack. Sure, there isn't conclusive evidence yet. But there is plenty of evidence as far as signed affidavits, etc. Looking into the election is a longer term project.

But assuming that it all turns out kosher, how is it "seditious" to look into possible wrongdoing?

One must NEVER question the party.

Obey without question or face severe consequence.

About time. This would never be tolerated at any other time in our history. Straight up sedition.
Yes, I am in favor of a list being kept on these people.

Fight until you can't fight, then fight some more.

You morons made this personal, now fucking deal with it you spineless gutter trash.

No one made it personal. Trump supporters did. Cults will do that. Instead of people just to be laughed at, you've turned into cancers. Trump lost. Deal with it.

Bullshit. From calling his supporters deplorables, to constant personal attacks on Trump regardless of what his policy was, to calls for lists and reconciliation panels for political disagreements your side has tilted it into a zero sum fight. Now you want to back out because we have decided to take the fucking gloves off.

What a fucking pussy you are.

Oh, quit your fucking bellyaching. From the moment he was inaugurated, Trump made his own issues. He could have made the pivot and at least gave the impression that he had some interest in the job, but that was beyond him. He was what he was. A corrupt, incompetent boob who had no interest in being President. He rode the good times wave for three years and the first time his Presidency was tested, he failed spectacularly.

Now you and the rest of Trump nation are throwing a hissy fit because his incompetence and inaction caught up with him. So the voters showed him the door. And given the fact that I've seen all manner of BS from Trump supporters both in the media and on these boards and the fact that Trump supporters behavior over the last month has been downright seditious...I'm thinking the term "deplorable" actually came off as somewhat of a complement.

Now, I'd just use the term "cancers".
About time. This would never be tolerated at any other time in our history. Straight up sedition.
Yes, I am in favor of a list being kept on these people.

Oh, so going to court is "sedition."

Maybe your party can institute loyalty oaths to the party and present elect Harris? Executing anyone not enthusiastic enough in their support of the GLORIOUS PEOPLES PARTY.

An attempt to undermine, subvert, and overturn the results of a free and fair election?....why, yes.
I'm for holding anyone signing on to this accountable...forever. This cannot be allowed to happen again.
About time. This would never be tolerated at any other time in our history. Straight up sedition.
Yes, I am in favor of a list being kept on these people.

Fight until you can't fight, then fight some more.

You morons made this personal, now fucking deal with it you spineless gutter trash.

No one made it personal. Trump supporters did. Cults will do that. Instead of people just to be laughed at, you've turned into cancers. Trump lost. Deal with it.

Bullshit. From calling his supporters deplorables, to constant personal attacks on Trump regardless of what his policy was, to calls for lists and reconciliation panels for political disagreements your side has tilted it into a zero sum fight. Now you want to back out because we have decided to take the fucking gloves off.

What a fucking pussy you are.

Oh, quit your fucking bellyaching. From the moment he was inaugurated, Trump made his own issues. He could have made the pivot and at least gave the impression that he had some interest in the job, but that was beyond him. He was what he was. A corrupt, incompetent boob who had no interest in being President. He rode the good times wave for three years and the first time his Presidency was tested, he failed spectacularly.

Now you and the rest of Trump nation are throwing a hissy fit because his incompetence and inaction caught up with him. So the voters showed him the door. And given the fact that I've seen all manner of BS from Trump supporters both in the media and on these boards and the fact that Trump supporters behavior over the last month has been downright seditious...I'm thinking the term "deplorable" actually came off as somewhat of a complement.

Now, I'd just use the term "cancers".

He got plenty done, you just didn't like what he did. You can try to ignore reality, but you get to look like the clueless hack you are. 3 SC justices, countless lower court justices, relaxed regulations, higher illegal immigration prosecution, better economy.

Then COVID came along and your side just assumed everything he did would be wrong. Nevermind that he pushed vaccine progress, or used laws to prod manufacturers to make PPE, or moved military and FEMA assets when States asked for it. Or tried to shut down travel when Dems said he was wrong to do it.

Would you even care if your side cheated? I doubt it, because from what I see from your posts, you have the integrity of a fucking leech.
About time. This would never be tolerated at any other time in our history. Straight up sedition.
Yes, I am in favor of a list being kept on these people.

Fight until you can't fight, then fight some more.

You morons made this personal, now fucking deal with it you spineless gutter trash.

No one made it personal. Trump supporters did. Cults will do that. Instead of people just to be laughed at, you've turned into cancers. Trump lost. Deal with it.

Bullshit. From calling his supporters deplorables, to constant personal attacks on Trump regardless of what his policy was, to calls for lists and reconciliation panels for political disagreements your side has tilted it into a zero sum fight. Now you want to back out because we have decided to take the fucking gloves off.

What a fucking pussy you are.

Oh, quit your fucking bellyaching. From the moment he was inaugurated, Trump made his own issues. He could have made the pivot and at least gave the impression that he had some interest in the job, but that was beyond him. He was what he was. A corrupt, incompetent boob who had no interest in being President. He rode the good times wave for three years and the first time his Presidency was tested, he failed spectacularly.

Now you and the rest of Trump nation are throwing a hissy fit because his incompetence and inaction caught up with him. So the voters showed him the door. And given the fact that I've seen all manner of BS from Trump supporters both in the media and on these boards and the fact that Trump supporters behavior over the last month has been downright seditious...I'm thinking the term "deplorable" actually came off as somewhat of a complement.

Now, I'd just use the term "cancers".

He got plenty done, you just didn't like what he did. You can try to ignore reality, but you get to look like the clueless hack you are. 3 SC justices, countless lower court justices, relaxed regulations, higher illegal immigration prosecution, better economy.

Then COVID came along and your side just assumed everything he did would be wrong. Nevermind that he pushed vaccine progress, or used laws to prod manufacturers to make PPE, or moved military and FEMA assets when States asked for it. Or tried to shut down travel when Dems said he was wrong to do it.

Would you even care if your side cheated? I doubt it, because from what I see from your posts, you have the integrity of a fucking leech.

Let's see, one good jurist, one scumbag, and one illegitimate pick (even though as a jurist, I like her). A tax cut he absolutely NOTHING to do with (McConnell and Ryan's baby), a war on immigrants from "dark" countries, and a growing economy and falling UE that he inherited from his predecessor. About the only thing I can see giving him credit for prior to January, 2020 is signing The First Step Act. But, as with all things Trump, come the caveats.

No one cheated. Nothing was stolen. Nothing was "rigged". Trump lost. I understand you're upset (for what reason I have no idea, the man is a worthless sack). But his blown response to the pandemic is the reason he lost. Best if you deal with it and move on.
I am sure none of these attorneys have ulterior motives. Just concerned citizens.

you liberals are fucking rubes.

Not rubes, evil. They are how the Nazis, Khmer Rouge, Mao, etc. were able to slaughter unopposed.

These 1500 lawyers would be saying the exact opposite if it had been Trump who stole the election...thats the truly sick part.
About time. This would never be tolerated at any other time in our history. Straight up sedition.
Yes, I am in favor of a list being kept on these people.

Fight until you can't fight, then fight some more.

You morons made this personal, now fucking deal with it you spineless gutter trash.

No one made it personal. Trump supporters did. Cults will do that. Instead of people just to be laughed at, you've turned into cancers. Trump lost. Deal with it.

Bullshit. From calling his supporters deplorables, to constant personal attacks on Trump regardless of what his policy was, to calls for lists and reconciliation panels for political disagreements your side has tilted it into a zero sum fight. Now you want to back out because we have decided to take the fucking gloves off.

What a fucking pussy you are.

Oh, quit your fucking bellyaching. From the moment he was inaugurated, Trump made his own issues. He could have made the pivot and at least gave the impression that he had some interest in the job, but that was beyond him. He was what he was. A corrupt, incompetent boob who had no interest in being President. He rode the good times wave for three years and the first time his Presidency was tested, he failed spectacularly.

Now you and the rest of Trump nation are throwing a hissy fit because his incompetence and inaction caught up with him. So the voters showed him the door. And given the fact that I've seen all manner of BS from Trump supporters both in the media and on these boards and the fact that Trump supporters behavior over the last month has been downright seditious...I'm thinking the term "deplorable" actually came off as somewhat of a complement.

Now, I'd just use the term "cancers".

He got plenty done, you just didn't like what he did. You can try to ignore reality, but you get to look like the clueless hack you are. 3 SC justices, countless lower court justices, relaxed regulations, higher illegal immigration prosecution, better economy.

Then COVID came along and your side just assumed everything he did would be wrong. Nevermind that he pushed vaccine progress, or used laws to prod manufacturers to make PPE, or moved military and FEMA assets when States asked for it. Or tried to shut down travel when Dems said he was wrong to do it.

Would you even care if your side cheated? I doubt it, because from what I see from your posts, you have the integrity of a fucking leech.

Let's see, one good jurist, one scumbag, and one illegitimate pick (even though as a jurist, I like her). A tax cut he absolutely NOTHING to do with (McConnell and Ryan's baby), a war on immigrants from "dark" countries, and a growing economy and falling UE that he inherited from his predecessor. About the only thing I can see giving him credit for prior to January, 2020 is signing The First Step Act. But, as with all things Trump, come the caveats.

No one cheated. Nothing was stolen. Nothing was "rigged". Trump lost. I understand you're upset (for what reason I have no idea, the man is a worthless sack). But his blown response to the pandemic is the reason he lost. Best if you deal with it and move on.

All were picked within the rules. All are far better than lefty "lets re-write the Constitution because we feel like it" cocksuckers.

Illegal immigration rewards bad behavior, amnesty will give us 22 million more in 1/2 the time it took to get the current crop. You just think they will all vote for your people, you don't give a rats ass about them.

The election has multiple red flags, lack of coat-tails for Biden, lax mail in ballot supervision, sudden changes in vote counts, questions on machine counts, scummy vote oversight.

You only don't care because you got the result you wanted.
About time. This would never be tolerated at any other time in our history. Straight up sedition.
Yes, I am in favor of a list being kept on these people.

Fight until you can't fight, then fight some more.

You morons made this personal, now fucking deal with it you spineless gutter trash.

No one made it personal. Trump supporters did. Cults will do that. Instead of people just to be laughed at, you've turned into cancers. Trump lost. Deal with it.

Bullshit. From calling his supporters deplorables, to constant personal attacks on Trump regardless of what his policy was, to calls for lists and reconciliation panels for political disagreements your side has tilted it into a zero sum fight. Now you want to back out because we have decided to take the fucking gloves off.

What a fucking pussy you are.

Oh, quit your fucking bellyaching. From the moment he was inaugurated, Trump made his own issues. He could have made the pivot and at least gave the impression that he had some interest in the job, but that was beyond him. He was what he was. A corrupt, incompetent boob who had no interest in being President. He rode the good times wave for three years and the first time his Presidency was tested, he failed spectacularly.

Now you and the rest of Trump nation are throwing a hissy fit because his incompetence and inaction caught up with him. So the voters showed him the door. And given the fact that I've seen all manner of BS from Trump supporters both in the media and on these boards and the fact that Trump supporters behavior over the last month has been downright seditious...I'm thinking the term "deplorable" actually came off as somewhat of a complement.

Now, I'd just use the term "cancers".

He got plenty done, you just didn't like what he did. You can try to ignore reality, but you get to look like the clueless hack you are. 3 SC justices, countless lower court justices, relaxed regulations, higher illegal immigration prosecution, better economy.

Then COVID came along and your side just assumed everything he did would be wrong. Nevermind that he pushed vaccine progress, or used laws to prod manufacturers to make PPE, or moved military and FEMA assets when States asked for it. Or tried to shut down travel when Dems said he was wrong to do it.

Would you even care if your side cheated? I doubt it, because from what I see from your posts, you have the integrity of a fucking leech.

Let's see, one good jurist, one scumbag, and one illegitimate pick (even though as a jurist, I like her). A tax cut he absolutely NOTHING to do with (McConnell and Ryan's baby), a war on immigrants from "dark" countries, and a growing economy and falling UE that he inherited from his predecessor. About the only thing I can see giving him credit for prior to January, 2020 is signing The First Step Act. But, as with all things Trump, come the caveats.

No one cheated. Nothing was stolen. Nothing was "rigged". Trump lost. I understand you're upset (for what reason I have no idea, the man is a worthless sack). But his blown response to the pandemic is the reason he lost. Best if you deal with it and move on.

All were picked within the rules. All are far better than lefty "lets re-write the Constitution because we feel like it" cocksuckers.

Illegal immigration rewards bad behavior, amnesty will give us 22 million more in 1/2 the time it took to get the current crop. You just think they will all vote for your people, you don't give a rats ass about them.

The election has multiple red flags, lack of coat-tails for Biden, lax mail in ballot supervision, sudden changes in vote counts, questions on machine counts, scummy vote oversight.

You only don't care because you got the result you wanted.

Undocumented immigrants aren't allowed to vote. Just stop with the bullshit. There were no red flags at all. Nothing was "rigged". The rest of your line is alt-right conspiracy theory postulating. Nothing proven in a court of law. All lawsuits thrown out. But you'll whine...just because you didn't like the result. You need look only to Trump to find the reason for his loss.
About time. This would never be tolerated at any other time in our history. Straight up sedition.
Yes, I am in favor of a list being kept on these people.

Fight until you can't fight, then fight some more.

You morons made this personal, now fucking deal with it you spineless gutter trash.

No one made it personal. Trump supporters did. Cults will do that. Instead of people just to be laughed at, you've turned into cancers. Trump lost. Deal with it.

Bullshit. From calling his supporters deplorables, to constant personal attacks on Trump regardless of what his policy was, to calls for lists and reconciliation panels for political disagreements your side has tilted it into a zero sum fight. Now you want to back out because we have decided to take the fucking gloves off.

What a fucking pussy you are.

Oh, quit your fucking bellyaching. From the moment he was inaugurated, Trump made his own issues. He could have made the pivot and at least gave the impression that he had some interest in the job, but that was beyond him. He was what he was. A corrupt, incompetent boob who had no interest in being President. He rode the good times wave for three years and the first time his Presidency was tested, he failed spectacularly.

Now you and the rest of Trump nation are throwing a hissy fit because his incompetence and inaction caught up with him. So the voters showed him the door. And given the fact that I've seen all manner of BS from Trump supporters both in the media and on these boards and the fact that Trump supporters behavior over the last month has been downright seditious...I'm thinking the term "deplorable" actually came off as somewhat of a complement.

Now, I'd just use the term "cancers".

He got plenty done, you just didn't like what he did. You can try to ignore reality, but you get to look like the clueless hack you are. 3 SC justices, countless lower court justices, relaxed regulations, higher illegal immigration prosecution, better economy.

Then COVID came along and your side just assumed everything he did would be wrong. Nevermind that he pushed vaccine progress, or used laws to prod manufacturers to make PPE, or moved military and FEMA assets when States asked for it. Or tried to shut down travel when Dems said he was wrong to do it.

Would you even care if your side cheated? I doubt it, because from what I see from your posts, you have the integrity of a fucking leech.

Let's see, one good jurist, one scumbag, and one illegitimate pick (even though as a jurist, I like her). A tax cut he absolutely NOTHING to do with (McConnell and Ryan's baby), a war on immigrants from "dark" countries, and a growing economy and falling UE that he inherited from his predecessor. About the only thing I can see giving him credit for prior to January, 2020 is signing The First Step Act. But, as with all things Trump, come the caveats.

No one cheated. Nothing was stolen. Nothing was "rigged". Trump lost. I understand you're upset (for what reason I have no idea, the man is a worthless sack). But his blown response to the pandemic is the reason he lost. Best if you deal with it and move on.

All were picked within the rules. All are far better than lefty "lets re-write the Constitution because we feel like it" cocksuckers.

Illegal immigration rewards bad behavior, amnesty will give us 22 million more in 1/2 the time it took to get the current crop. You just think they will all vote for your people, you don't give a rats ass about them.

The election has multiple red flags, lack of coat-tails for Biden, lax mail in ballot supervision, sudden changes in vote counts, questions on machine counts, scummy vote oversight.

You only don't care because you got the result you wanted.

Undocumented immigrants aren't allowed to vote. Just stop with the bullshit. There were no red flags at all. Nothing was "rigged". The rest of your line is alt-right conspiracy theory postulating. Nothing proven in a court of law. All lawsuits thrown out. But you'll whine...just because you didn't like the result. You need look only to Trump to find the reason for his loss.

They become documented, they become citizens, and the only reason dems care is they think they will become part of the welfare class that depends on Dems, and vote for dems.

Not going away bitch, I will respond to every fucking post, even if it takes me a day or two to get back. I own you bitch.
The replies from the far right are so predictable and typical.

Keep clinging to the lies.

You all are in for a very rude awakening on January 20th.

Get used to President Joe Biden for the next 4 years.

About time. This would never be tolerated at any other time in our history. Straight up sedition.
Yes, I am in favor of a list being kept on these people.

Fight until you can't fight, then fight some more.

You morons made this personal, now fucking deal with it you spineless gutter trash.

No one made it personal. Trump supporters did. Cults will do that. Instead of people just to be laughed at, you've turned into cancers. Trump lost. Deal with it.

Bullshit. From calling his supporters deplorables, to constant personal attacks on Trump regardless of what his policy was, to calls for lists and reconciliation panels for political disagreements your side has tilted it into a zero sum fight. Now you want to back out because we have decided to take the fucking gloves off.

What a fucking pussy you are.

Oh, quit your fucking bellyaching. From the moment he was inaugurated, Trump made his own issues. He could have made the pivot and at least gave the impression that he had some interest in the job, but that was beyond him. He was what he was. A corrupt, incompetent boob who had no interest in being President. He rode the good times wave for three years and the first time his Presidency was tested, he failed spectacularly.

Now you and the rest of Trump nation are throwing a hissy fit because his incompetence and inaction caught up with him. So the voters showed him the door. And given the fact that I've seen all manner of BS from Trump supporters both in the media and on these boards and the fact that Trump supporters behavior over the last month has been downright seditious...I'm thinking the term "deplorable" actually came off as somewhat of a complement.

Now, I'd just use the term "cancers".

He got plenty done, you just didn't like what he did. You can try to ignore reality, but you get to look like the clueless hack you are. 3 SC justices, countless lower court justices, relaxed regulations, higher illegal immigration prosecution, better economy.

Then COVID came along and your side just assumed everything he did would be wrong. Nevermind that he pushed vaccine progress, or used laws to prod manufacturers to make PPE, or moved military and FEMA assets when States asked for it. Or tried to shut down travel when Dems said he was wrong to do it.

Would you even care if your side cheated? I doubt it, because from what I see from your posts, you have the integrity of a fucking leech.

Let's see, one good jurist, one scumbag, and one illegitimate pick (even though as a jurist, I like her). A tax cut he absolutely NOTHING to do with (McConnell and Ryan's baby), a war on immigrants from "dark" countries, and a growing economy and falling UE that he inherited from his predecessor. About the only thing I can see giving him credit for prior to January, 2020 is signing The First Step Act. But, as with all things Trump, come the caveats.

No one cheated. Nothing was stolen. Nothing was "rigged". Trump lost. I understand you're upset (for what reason I have no idea, the man is a worthless sack). But his blown response to the pandemic is the reason he lost. Best if you deal with it and move on.

All were picked within the rules. All are far better than lefty "lets re-write the Constitution because we feel like it" cocksuckers.

Illegal immigration rewards bad behavior, amnesty will give us 22 million more in 1/2 the time it took to get the current crop. You just think they will all vote for your people, you don't give a rats ass about them.

The election has multiple red flags, lack of coat-tails for Biden, lax mail in ballot supervision, sudden changes in vote counts, questions on machine counts, scummy vote oversight.

You only don't care because you got the result you wanted.

Undocumented immigrants aren't allowed to vote. Just stop with the bullshit. There were no red flags at all. Nothing was "rigged". The rest of your line is alt-right conspiracy theory postulating. Nothing proven in a court of law. All lawsuits thrown out. But you'll whine...just because you didn't like the result. You need look only to Trump to find the reason for his loss.

They become documented, they become citizens, and the only reason dems care is they think they will become part of the welfare class that depends on Dems, and vote for dems.

Not going away bitch, I will respond to every fucking post, even if it takes me a day or two to get back. I own you bitch.

Your foaming at the mouth conspiracy theories aside, all you have here are generalizations. Immigrants who come to this country are here to work, not sponge off the government teat. When they become citizens, they will vote Republican just as easily as they might vote Democrat. Try harder. You're proving to be a toothless tiger. :)

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