More than 1 million voters switch to the GOP

The list begins with oxygen and the number two is sunshine without those two your list would not exist. What one does to their own body is their own business.
Her stance is, if you aren't prochoice, you aren't Democrat, and we need to get you out of office.

I have no idea what your post is about,

do you?
My spouse and I are registered republican's and haven't voted for one since Mitt and Desantis. Desantis is definitely off my list this time. We know quite a few republican's around are area here in Florida that are registered as so to vote in the primaries. So be happy all you want I doubt 1 million new republican's are going to vote republican in any elections or maybe just for what they think is the best person running for office.

What they are doing is counting the Indies and Dems that voted in the Rep Primaries like I did. We voted like that to rid the GOP of the bulk of the MAGA Rumpster Terrorists and Traitors.
Republicans won in the House and Senate in 2020. I guess you forgot that part. The ONLY part of the election that Republicans lost was the Presidency, and that's because even Republicans refused to vote for Trump.
Repubs were cheated out of the House and Senate easily. The differences in the way both parties are, or spout is enormous now. Unfortunately, the RINOS always show up to nudge us a little further left or to promote an issue such as the Ukraine War. if this war goes on, we will be spending a few hundred billion dollars by the end of Biden's term.
What they are doing is counting the Indies and Dems that voted in the Rep Primaries like I did. We voted like that to rid the GOP of the bulk of the MAGA Rumpster Terrorists and Traitors.
Lucky. My interests are not represented by either party. Either financially on taxes and spending, or on social issues. But tomorrow I have to vote for a guy who voted to authorize investigating Jan 6, but who is firmly in the anti-Roe group, because the other guy was given support by some Trump boosters even though he supported Medicare for All. Don't that take the focking cake. LOL
Only one million in a midterm supposedly so important?
Republicans won in the House and Senate in 2020. I guess you forgot that part. The ONLY part of the election that Republicans lost was the Presidency, and that's because even Republicans refused to vote for Trump.
Well it definitely was until the odd timing of the Roe vs Wade decision. Knowing how politically charged this issue was, what was the impetus for the S.C to decide this at this time?

It may not change the mid-term outcome but it could soften the blow. Notice how many are blaming Trump for this, they want to try and stick any "less than dominant" midterm results on him.

Furthermore, Bush appointed judge Thomas, a family that is now more Democrat than GOP; comes out and suggests that "more could be coming" opening the door for more allegations by MSM and the Dems, accurate of not, that all types of laws could be overturned.

It's why I said immediately that it's vital for the GOP to get explain this decision to citizens because CNN and MSNBC are just going to politicize it and misrepresent the ruling.

The Neo-Cons don't WANT GOP to win the House, like all ideologues, their big donors would burn the nation if it lead to them grasping power again. The Dems had zero inspiration or momentum before this decision.
The protests and whining about Roe v Wade are decidedly lackluster given the alleged magnitude of the issue. Every city that has seen protests haven't drawn even a fraction of the people that protested/rioted/looted for fentanyl Floyd. Liberals overplayed their hand. There are simply too many easily accessible methods to avoid pregnancy now.
My spouse and I are registered republican's and haven't voted for one since Mitt and Desantis. Desantis is definitely off my list this time. We know quite a few republican's around are area here in Florida that are registered as so to vote in the primaries. So be happy all you want I doubt 1 million new republican's are going to vote republican in any elections or maybe just for what they think is the best person running for office.
Off-topic but Gov. DeSantis has done a great job for the state of Florida. Why would you now oppose him?
Republicans won in the House and Senate in 2020. I guess you forgot that part. The ONLY part of the election that Republicans lost was the Presidency, and that's because even Republicans refused to vote for Trump.
um what? they lost seats
Lucky. My interests are not represented by either party. Either financially on taxes and spending, or on social issues. But tomorrow I have to vote for a guy who voted to authorize investigating Jan 6, but who is firmly in the anti-Roe group, because the other guy was given support by some Trump boosters even though he supported Medicare for All. Don't that take the focking cake. LOL

Sounds to me like you are in the twilight zone. Where is Pat Paulson when you need him.
Why? Trump fans love America. They won't let a democrat win. Democrats hate America, look around. Name one thing a democrat did for America in the past decade?

They let Democrats win the Senate in 2021. Why wouldn't they do it again?

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