More than 2 MILLION of Hillary Clinton's Twitter Followers are Fake or never Tweet


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009

No wonder they are trying to steal our wallets


  • Two different online audit tools say no more than 44 per cent of Hillary's 3.6 million Twitter fans are real people who participate in the platform
  • The newly minted presidential candidate is fending off accusations that her Facebook page is full of fake 'likes'
  • Her Facebook fan base includes more people from Baghdad, Iraq than any US city
  • When she was secretary of state, her agency paid $630,000 to bulk up its Facebook likes, but pledged to stop after she left
If she could get all of Bill's girlfriends to tweet, she wouldn't have to make up millions of tweeters
What ISN'T fake with this party and people in it. You think their voters would get tired all the games they play on them

but I guess not...they are orgasmic on this board over her running AGAIN after they made her a LOSER to the man/child, Obama

LOL. Well, need we post some of the predictions you silly people made right up to 6Nov12? How did that Romney Landslide work out?
Everything about HiLIARy is astroturfed.....


Campaign staff recruited everyday Iowans to Hillary Clinton s first campaign stop Daily Mail Online

Hillary Clinton's astroturf candidacy is in full swing in Iowa.

Her Tuesday morning visit to a coffee shop in LeClaire, Iowa was staged from beginning to end, according to Austin Bird, one of the men pictured sitting at the table with Mrs. Clinton.

Bird told Daily Mail Online that campaign staffer Troy Price called and asked him and two other young people to meet him Tuesday morning at a restaurant in Davenport, a nearby city.

Price then drove them to the coffee house to meet Clinton after vetting them for about a half-hour.

The three got the lion's share of Mrs. Clinton's time and participated in what breathless news reports described as a 'roundtable'– the first of many in her brief Iowa campaign swing.

Bird himself is a frequent participant in Iowa Democratic Party events. He interned with President Obama's 2012 presidential re-election campaign, and was tapped to chauffeur Vice President Joe Biden in October 2014 when he visited Davenport.

'What happened is, we were just asked to be there by Troy,' Bird said Wednesday in a phone interview.


it's all a vast right wing conspiracy!!!

No wonder they are trying to steal our wallets


  • Two different online audit tools say no more than 44 per cent of Hillary's 3.6 million Twitter fans are real people who participate in the platform
  • The newly minted presidential candidate is fending off accusations that her Facebook page is full of fake 'likes'
  • Her Facebook fan base includes more people from Baghdad, Iraq than any US city
  • When she was secretary of state, her agency paid $630,000 to bulk up its Facebook likes, but pledged to stop after she left
And this is how Memories Pizza got millions of death threats and other hate tweets. It's astroturf.

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