More than 20 dead after shooting at Sutherland Springs church

no matter where you are

if you hold a FFL

you are required by law to do a background check

A person can go to a gun show in Texas, lie, and buy a gun because background checks are not required.

Only from a private seller......and even then, if he is prohibited, he is still breaking the law and when caught can be arrested.......and how do you know where he got the gun?

That's why we need tighter gun laws... if the background checks were mandatory people couldn't simply lie to get one.

Moron....criminals get passed current, federally mandated background checks by using someone who can pass the background checks buy the gun for them.........and they could pass a check on a private sale don't even know how this guy got his gun yet......

No gun law is going to stop these shooters, since the terrorists in France, on government terrorist watch lists, got several, fully automatic military rifles in a country where they are completely banned and illegal.....they don't have gun shows or stores there.........

Moron... just because there is one loophole, doesn't mean you ignore others.

Holy shit... is this how you act in real life? If you find a failure in something you just throw your hands up in the air and yell, "Fuck it all, if one thing works, no need to try anything else!"

Yeah...your post was crap so now you move on....there is no loophole. you can sell private property...which your own guns are....and a felon already knows they can't buy, own or carry a gun...yet that doesn't stop them, does it?
Important thing to know... Texas is a state that doe not require background checks at gun shows.

no matter where you are

if you hold a FFL

you are required by law to do a background check

A person can go to a gun show in Texas, lie, and buy a gun because background checks are not required.

stop lying

if the seller has a FFL at a gun show

he/she has to conduct a background check

that is the law

There are private sellers at gun shows. At gun shows in Texas, background checks are not mandatory. Quit adding stipulations then calling me a liar.

All FFL gun sellers must do a federal background check...private sellers cannot sell to matter who they are....if they do they are breaking the law and don't care about the consequences.....and the felon already knows they can't buy, own or carry the gun...and if we catch them they go to jail...where people like you then let them back out to commit murder.

Then why not make background checks MANDATORY for all gun show purchases EVERYWHERE?

Your bullshit argument that there are ways to get around rules, so we shouldn't have them is ridiculous.
A person can go to a gun show in Texas, lie, and buy a gun because background checks are not required.

Only from a private seller......and even then, if he is prohibited, he is still breaking the law and when caught can be arrested.......and how do you know where he got the gun?

That's why we need tighter gun laws... if the background checks were mandatory people couldn't simply lie to get one.

Moron....criminals get passed current, federally mandated background checks by using someone who can pass the background checks buy the gun for them.........and they could pass a check on a private sale don't even know how this guy got his gun yet......

No gun law is going to stop these shooters, since the terrorists in France, on government terrorist watch lists, got several, fully automatic military rifles in a country where they are completely banned and illegal.....they don't have gun shows or stores there.........

Moron... just because there is one loophole, doesn't mean you ignore others.

Holy shit... is this how you act in real life? If you find a failure in something you just throw your hands up in the air and yell, "Fuck it all, if one thing works, no need to try anything else!"

Yeah...your post was crap so now you move on....there is no loophole. you can sell private property...which your own guns are....and a felon already knows they can't buy, own or carry a gun...yet that doesn't stop them, does it?


Good lord you are fucking stupid.
Those have been proven to be mostly bull. And nobody gets shot when there is no gun.
Would you like to repeat that utterly stupid statement back to yourself?

"...nobody gets shot when there is no gun.."

Holy crap! At a complete and total loss for words here. Nobody would have been shot had the killer decided against walking into a church to kill the entire congregation. You can kill with many other things besides a gun.

Like I just got through saying, "The gun doesn't shoot itself, nor does the sword unsheathe itself from the scabbard"

You don't need a gun to kill people. Cain killed Abel with a rock (yeah, I stole that one).

When was the last mass rock killing?

When was the last mass car killing?
When is the right time to talk about tighter gun control?

I don't like you, I think you are an asshat, you probably think the same of me...

But in all SERIOUSNESS, WHEN is the right time to talk about this issue? If we don't talk about it after things like this happens, then when? When the next mass shooting happens? A week from now? A month from now? If it is during a time when a mass shooting hasn't happened then people like you that think there should be no new gun control laws will just say, "Why do we need them when nothing is happening?"

So when?

I have no trouble talking about it right after....but don't fucking preach to us when a muslim terrorist murders people........

And again, he could have killed just as many with a rental truck.....driving through the crowd as they left the church.....

And what gun control laws do we need...again? It is already against the law to murder 26 people....he could have used pistols, like the Virginia Tech shooter who murdered 32 then you would want those pistols banned too....

And of course there are 16 million semi auto rifles in private hands........they were not used to murder anyone.......

Cars killed 35,000 people in 2015 don't call for those to be what is the difference?

Mosquitoes kill more people world wide than any other, does that mean would should allow people to own exotic pets like bears and tigers?

Quit brining up car deaths to defend the right to own a rifle like the ones used in many of these mass shootings, it's not relevant.

So many people were killed in this church shooting because they were trapped inside, and it is impossible to know how many people he could have killed using a rental truck. If you want to make up imaginary situations then I could too. I could say that if there were tighter laws that banned ownership of these rifles, NO ONE would have been killed. See how that works? How about we stick to facts?

Car deaths....35,000 are relevant...because more people die from those every single year than all mass public shootings combined........especially by rifles....

And we know a rental truck actually did murder 89 people and injured over 450.....more than any mass public shooting in this country, which is why you want to stop talking about it.

I could say that if there were tighter laws that banned ownership of these rifles, NO ONE would have been killed

And you would be stupid for saying that, since the Virginia tech shooter used pistols and murdered 32 people...

I'll tell you this again, and if it doesn't sink in this time, then I'm done arguing with you because you refuse to use common sense... car deaths ARE NOT relevant to gun violence. Not even close to being relevant... at all. As proof, give me a list of times mass amounts of people were murdered by a car inside a church. I'm just using your reasoning here...

Car deaths are completely fucking relevant......more people are killed accidentally with cars....35,000 people every year, the leading cause of death for opposed to mass shooters with guns...

In fact, knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year...mass shooters don't even come close...yet you want to use the rarest of these deaths to ban guns for the owners of 600 million guns...

That is why they are relevant....

And then there's the morality of it. The idea of restricting my ability to defend myself and my family against thugs and crazies that couldn't give two shits about rules and laws is highly immoral.

A good guy with a gun prevented further massacre today. That only happens in a free society. The only way to prevent bad people from doing bad things is a tyrannous society. North Korean doesn't have mass murders. I'll take freedom ever time.
More than 20 dead after shooting at Sutherland Springs church

"More than 20 people are dead after a man walked into First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs in Wilson County Sunday morning and opened fire.

"I would say it's up there around 20-plus, I'm not sure," Wilson County Commissioner Paul Pheil said of the number of deceased.

Twenty more were wounded, Pheil told

Wilson County Sheriff Joe Tackitt told The Wilson County News that the shooter has been killed.

Another local official who wished to remain anonymous said there are at least 25 dead and 15 wounded. Eight of the wounded were transported to Brooke Army Medical Center and and seven others to area hospitals.

Wilson County Commissioner Larry Wiley told the shooter was a man. Wiley did not know if he was a member of the church. He also said that 24-27 people are dead.

"I am hearing 24-27 are, in fact, dead and I have not heard from anyone the exact number of injured," he said.

At least 10 victims were transported to Connally Memorial Medical Center in Floresville, said spokeswoman Megan Posey. She could not speak to their age or gender, but said there are multiple victims with gunshot wounds, and some have had to be taken by helicopter to a different treatment center."
It is 28 DEAD now,but you Americans don't give a Shit because no matter what happens to the Innocent,you still Love your Guns MORE,so cut the sympathy and grow a backbone.....You are Appauling Got It

Hey...dumb shit....Americans use our guns to stop violent criminals on average 1,500,000 times a year.....

26 dead, vs. 1,500,000 rapes, robberies and murders stopped, including mass shootings....those are lives saved, more than are taken with guns...

Can you tell which number is bigger?
A bigger IDIOT COMMENT on here would be hard to find,but by your Gun Toting attitude it is OK to Murder the Innocent,You are an IDIOT

Fuck twit.......the only ones making it easier to murder innocent people are you and the other gun grabbers who make every foot of public space into gun free zones for good people.......
You Lie,You are A TYPICAL of the type of Idiot that will Never make America Great Again,just admit you have a Gun Addiction,at least we can then put you in touch with the Mental Services for a Lobotamy
Only from a private seller......and even then, if he is prohibited, he is still breaking the law and when caught can be arrested.......and how do you know where he got the gun?

That's why we need tighter gun laws... if the background checks were mandatory people couldn't simply lie to get one.

Moron....criminals get passed current, federally mandated background checks by using someone who can pass the background checks buy the gun for them.........and they could pass a check on a private sale don't even know how this guy got his gun yet......

No gun law is going to stop these shooters, since the terrorists in France, on government terrorist watch lists, got several, fully automatic military rifles in a country where they are completely banned and illegal.....they don't have gun shows or stores there.........

Moron... just because there is one loophole, doesn't mean you ignore others.

Holy shit... is this how you act in real life? If you find a failure in something you just throw your hands up in the air and yell, "Fuck it all, if one thing works, no need to try anything else!"

Yeah...your post was crap so now you move on....there is no loophole. you can sell private property...which your own guns are....and a felon already knows they can't buy, own or carry a gun...yet that doesn't stop them, does it?


Good lord you are fucking stupid.

Do you think that would have prevented this shooting or any other shooting?

Yes or no?
I have no trouble talking about it right after....but don't fucking preach to us when a muslim terrorist murders people........

And again, he could have killed just as many with a rental truck.....driving through the crowd as they left the church.....

And what gun control laws do we need...again? It is already against the law to murder 26 people....he could have used pistols, like the Virginia Tech shooter who murdered 32 then you would want those pistols banned too....

And of course there are 16 million semi auto rifles in private hands........they were not used to murder anyone.......

Cars killed 35,000 people in 2015 don't call for those to be what is the difference?

Mosquitoes kill more people world wide than any other, does that mean would should allow people to own exotic pets like bears and tigers?

Quit brining up car deaths to defend the right to own a rifle like the ones used in many of these mass shootings, it's not relevant.

So many people were killed in this church shooting because they were trapped inside, and it is impossible to know how many people he could have killed using a rental truck. If you want to make up imaginary situations then I could too. I could say that if there were tighter laws that banned ownership of these rifles, NO ONE would have been killed. See how that works? How about we stick to facts?

Car deaths....35,000 are relevant...because more people die from those every single year than all mass public shootings combined........especially by rifles....

And we know a rental truck actually did murder 89 people and injured over 450.....more than any mass public shooting in this country, which is why you want to stop talking about it.

I could say that if there were tighter laws that banned ownership of these rifles, NO ONE would have been killed

And you would be stupid for saying that, since the Virginia tech shooter used pistols and murdered 32 people...

I'll tell you this again, and if it doesn't sink in this time, then I'm done arguing with you because you refuse to use common sense... car deaths ARE NOT relevant to gun violence. Not even close to being relevant... at all. As proof, give me a list of times mass amounts of people were murdered by a car inside a church. I'm just using your reasoning here...

Car deaths are completely fucking relevant......more people are killed accidentally with cars....35,000 people every year, the leading cause of death for opposed to mass shooters with guns...

In fact, knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year...mass shooters don't even come close...yet you want to use the rarest of these deaths to ban guns for the owners of 600 million guns...

That is why they are relevant....

And then there's the morality of it. The idea of restricting my ability to defend myself and my family against thugs and crazies that couldn't give two shits about rules and laws is highly immoral.

A good guy with a gun prevented further massacre today. That only happens in a free society. The only way to prevent bad people from doing bad things is a tyrannous society. North Korean doesn't have mass murders. I'll take freedom ever time.

There are LOTS of other countries other than North Korea with lower gun violence crimes.
That's why we need tighter gun laws... if the background checks were mandatory people couldn't simply lie to get one.

Moron....criminals get passed current, federally mandated background checks by using someone who can pass the background checks buy the gun for them.........and they could pass a check on a private sale don't even know how this guy got his gun yet......

No gun law is going to stop these shooters, since the terrorists in France, on government terrorist watch lists, got several, fully automatic military rifles in a country where they are completely banned and illegal.....they don't have gun shows or stores there.........

Moron... just because there is one loophole, doesn't mean you ignore others.

Holy shit... is this how you act in real life? If you find a failure in something you just throw your hands up in the air and yell, "Fuck it all, if one thing works, no need to try anything else!"

Yeah...your post was crap so now you move on....there is no loophole. you can sell private property...which your own guns are....and a felon already knows they can't buy, own or carry a gun...yet that doesn't stop them, does it?


Good lord you are fucking stupid.

Do you think that would have prevented this shooting or any other shooting?

Yes or no?

No one can possibly answer that... but it is obvious what we are doing now isn't working, and we KNOW that in other countries with stricter gun laws have less deaths by firearms.
Mosquitoes kill more people world wide than any other, does that mean would should allow people to own exotic pets like bears and tigers?

Quit brining up car deaths to defend the right to own a rifle like the ones used in many of these mass shootings, it's not relevant.

So many people were killed in this church shooting because they were trapped inside, and it is impossible to know how many people he could have killed using a rental truck. If you want to make up imaginary situations then I could too. I could say that if there were tighter laws that banned ownership of these rifles, NO ONE would have been killed. See how that works? How about we stick to facts?

Car deaths....35,000 are relevant...because more people die from those every single year than all mass public shootings combined........especially by rifles....

And we know a rental truck actually did murder 89 people and injured over 450.....more than any mass public shooting in this country, which is why you want to stop talking about it.

I could say that if there were tighter laws that banned ownership of these rifles, NO ONE would have been killed

And you would be stupid for saying that, since the Virginia tech shooter used pistols and murdered 32 people...

I'll tell you this again, and if it doesn't sink in this time, then I'm done arguing with you because you refuse to use common sense... car deaths ARE NOT relevant to gun violence. Not even close to being relevant... at all. As proof, give me a list of times mass amounts of people were murdered by a car inside a church. I'm just using your reasoning here...

Car deaths are completely fucking relevant......more people are killed accidentally with cars....35,000 people every year, the leading cause of death for opposed to mass shooters with guns...

In fact, knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year...mass shooters don't even come close...yet you want to use the rarest of these deaths to ban guns for the owners of 600 million guns...

That is why they are relevant....

And then there's the morality of it. The idea of restricting my ability to defend myself and my family against thugs and crazies that couldn't give two shits about rules and laws is highly immoral.

A good guy with a gun prevented further massacre today. That only happens in a free society. The only way to prevent bad people from doing bad things is a tyrannous society. North Korean doesn't have mass murders. I'll take freedom ever time.

There are LOTS of other countries other than North Korea with lower gun violence crimes.
Yes Every Country,unless it is a Banana Republic,even then I still think the US is top of the list.....WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT America,yes Import More Bananas
Mosquitoes kill more people world wide than any other, does that mean would should allow people to own exotic pets like bears and tigers?

Quit brining up car deaths to defend the right to own a rifle like the ones used in many of these mass shootings, it's not relevant.

So many people were killed in this church shooting because they were trapped inside, and it is impossible to know how many people he could have killed using a rental truck. If you want to make up imaginary situations then I could too. I could say that if there were tighter laws that banned ownership of these rifles, NO ONE would have been killed. See how that works? How about we stick to facts?

Car deaths....35,000 are relevant...because more people die from those every single year than all mass public shootings combined........especially by rifles....

And we know a rental truck actually did murder 89 people and injured over 450.....more than any mass public shooting in this country, which is why you want to stop talking about it.

I could say that if there were tighter laws that banned ownership of these rifles, NO ONE would have been killed

And you would be stupid for saying that, since the Virginia tech shooter used pistols and murdered 32 people...

I'll tell you this again, and if it doesn't sink in this time, then I'm done arguing with you because you refuse to use common sense... car deaths ARE NOT relevant to gun violence. Not even close to being relevant... at all. As proof, give me a list of times mass amounts of people were murdered by a car inside a church. I'm just using your reasoning here...

Car deaths are completely fucking relevant......more people are killed accidentally with cars....35,000 people every year, the leading cause of death for opposed to mass shooters with guns...

In fact, knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year...mass shooters don't even come close...yet you want to use the rarest of these deaths to ban guns for the owners of 600 million guns...

That is why they are relevant....

And then there's the morality of it. The idea of restricting my ability to defend myself and my family against thugs and crazies that couldn't give two shits about rules and laws is highly immoral.

A good guy with a gun prevented further massacre today. That only happens in a free society. The only way to prevent bad people from doing bad things is a tyrannous society. North Korean doesn't have mass murders. I'll take freedom ever time.

There are LOTS of other countries other than North Korea with lower gun violence crimes.

What the hell difference does it make if the murder rate is via a firearm or a other means? Dead is dead.

In that regard, there are well over 100 countries with higher murder rates than the US, and all of them have de facto bans on civilian firearm ownership. Hmm...

MORE IMPORTANTLY, you completely overlook the IMMORALITY of seeking to restrict my ability to defend myself and my family.

What kind of fool would purposely give a tactical advantage to people that are simply not going to follow your rules?

Has logic and reason completely evaded you?
Car deaths....35,000 are relevant...because more people die from those every single year than all mass public shootings combined........especially by rifles....

And we know a rental truck actually did murder 89 people and injured over 450.....more than any mass public shooting in this country, which is why you want to stop talking about it.

I could say that if there were tighter laws that banned ownership of these rifles, NO ONE would have been killed

And you would be stupid for saying that, since the Virginia tech shooter used pistols and murdered 32 people...

I'll tell you this again, and if it doesn't sink in this time, then I'm done arguing with you because you refuse to use common sense... car deaths ARE NOT relevant to gun violence. Not even close to being relevant... at all. As proof, give me a list of times mass amounts of people were murdered by a car inside a church. I'm just using your reasoning here...

Car deaths are completely fucking relevant......more people are killed accidentally with cars....35,000 people every year, the leading cause of death for opposed to mass shooters with guns...

In fact, knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year...mass shooters don't even come close...yet you want to use the rarest of these deaths to ban guns for the owners of 600 million guns...

That is why they are relevant....

And then there's the morality of it. The idea of restricting my ability to defend myself and my family against thugs and crazies that couldn't give two shits about rules and laws is highly immoral.

A good guy with a gun prevented further massacre today. That only happens in a free society. The only way to prevent bad people from doing bad things is a tyrannous society. North Korean doesn't have mass murders. I'll take freedom ever time.

There are LOTS of other countries other than North Korea with lower gun violence crimes.
Yes Every Country,unless it is a Banana Republic,even then I still think the US is top of the list.....WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT America,yes Import More Bananas

Americans use their guns on average, 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent crime....rapes, robberies and murders, and also mass public shootings that are stopped when the police are not around.......

That says more about our country than the criminals who break the laws to get illegal guns...

And Britain...banned and confiscated guns..and their gun crime rate is going up...our rate is going down...what does that say, genius?
Moron....criminals get passed current, federally mandated background checks by using someone who can pass the background checks buy the gun for them.........and they could pass a check on a private sale don't even know how this guy got his gun yet......

No gun law is going to stop these shooters, since the terrorists in France, on government terrorist watch lists, got several, fully automatic military rifles in a country where they are completely banned and illegal.....they don't have gun shows or stores there.........

Moron... just because there is one loophole, doesn't mean you ignore others.

Holy shit... is this how you act in real life? If you find a failure in something you just throw your hands up in the air and yell, "Fuck it all, if one thing works, no need to try anything else!"

Yeah...your post was crap so now you move on....there is no loophole. you can sell private property...which your own guns are....and a felon already knows they can't buy, own or carry a gun...yet that doesn't stop them, does it?


Good lord you are fucking stupid.

Do you think that would have prevented this shooting or any other shooting?

Yes or no?

No one can possibly answer that... but it is obvious what we are doing now isn't working, and we KNOW that in other countries with stricter gun laws have less deaths by firearms.

And it has nothing to do wit htheir gun laws..since their criminals have easy access to guns, they just don't use them to commit have seen the links that show British gun crime is exploding, and the same thing is happening in Australia, you ignore the truth, because you hate gun owners.
Car deaths....35,000 are relevant...because more people die from those every single year than all mass public shootings combined........especially by rifles....

And we know a rental truck actually did murder 89 people and injured over 450.....more than any mass public shooting in this country, which is why you want to stop talking about it.

I could say that if there were tighter laws that banned ownership of these rifles, NO ONE would have been killed

And you would be stupid for saying that, since the Virginia tech shooter used pistols and murdered 32 people...

I'll tell you this again, and if it doesn't sink in this time, then I'm done arguing with you because you refuse to use common sense... car deaths ARE NOT relevant to gun violence. Not even close to being relevant... at all. As proof, give me a list of times mass amounts of people were murdered by a car inside a church. I'm just using your reasoning here...

Car deaths are completely fucking relevant......more people are killed accidentally with cars....35,000 people every year, the leading cause of death for opposed to mass shooters with guns...

In fact, knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year...mass shooters don't even come close...yet you want to use the rarest of these deaths to ban guns for the owners of 600 million guns...

That is why they are relevant....

And then there's the morality of it. The idea of restricting my ability to defend myself and my family against thugs and crazies that couldn't give two shits about rules and laws is highly immoral.

A good guy with a gun prevented further massacre today. That only happens in a free society. The only way to prevent bad people from doing bad things is a tyrannous society. North Korean doesn't have mass murders. I'll take freedom ever time.

There are LOTS of other countries other than North Korea with lower gun violence crimes.

What the hell difference does it make if the murder rate is via a firearm or a other means? Dead is dead.

In that regard, there are well over 100 countries with higher murder rates than the US, and all of them have de facto bans on civilian firearm ownership. Hmm...

MORE IMPORTANTLY, you completely overlook the IMMORALITY of seeking to restrict my ability to defend myself and my family.

What kind of fool would purposely give a tactical advantage to people that are simply not going to follow your rules?

Has logic and reason completely evaded you?

Oh lord... again I have to say this. I'm not for the abolishment of the Second Amendment. I'm not for taking away your right to defend your family... but NO ONE needs a fucking military grade rifle to defend their home in the United States.
They just said he had a Ruger assault rifle.

If a person puts that they care about social issues they are ANTIFA?

Good lord stop the fucking madness! You can't care about people without being ANTIFA?????
Just another fruit if ANTIFA would target a church. Why is it you all insist that every demon be YOUR personal demon?

My question for the day..a dishonorable discharge carries the same penalties as a felony..that includes the loss of gun rights. So..where did he get his weapon? Was LE aware that he was armed?
This is not a 2nd amendment calm the f down. This is a convicted criminal with an illegal weapon.
------------------------------------------- why wouldn't 'antifa' target a Church full of Conservative Baptist white people , possible / probable Trump supporters , 'antifa' declared war on Trump and Pense and Americans just yesterday on Nov. 4th EEFleegle ??
---------------------------------------------- but good old 'Evil eyeFleegle' just ignore the question don't EEFleegle ?? I have a life..not always at the computer.
Hmm..having to parse out your awkward construction..I think you are alluding to some half-baked theory, making the to a 'war against whites'?

Well, other than I think the whole idea is bat-shit crazy--and that anyone who seriously ascribes to it..should have THEIR weapons taken away...I cannot think of a reason.

I cannot really get in the head of people who think like is foreign to me. I believe it to be pure-bred stupidity..and I can only hope that people who think like that don't breed..and screw up my gene pool. If I fail to respond to posts such as's just that I realize that your reality and mine are so far apart..that trying to bridge the gap is fruitless.

Go continue without me....

------------------------------------------------------------ this is what i refer to EEF . Anyway , maybe this church shooting was planned by' antifa' or inspired by 'antifa' warning of War on the Trump - Pense administration . No matter , i know you now so respond or don't respond and its cool EEFleegle . --- Antifa apocalypse? Anarchist group's plan to overthrow Trump 'regime' starts Saturday ---
Moron... just because there is one loophole, doesn't mean you ignore others.

Holy shit... is this how you act in real life? If you find a failure in something you just throw your hands up in the air and yell, "Fuck it all, if one thing works, no need to try anything else!"

Yeah...your post was crap so now you move on....there is no loophole. you can sell private property...which your own guns are....and a felon already knows they can't buy, own or carry a gun...yet that doesn't stop them, does it?


Good lord you are fucking stupid.

Do you think that would have prevented this shooting or any other shooting?

Yes or no?

No one can possibly answer that... but it is obvious what we are doing now isn't working, and we KNOW that in other countries with stricter gun laws have less deaths by firearms.

And it has nothing to do wit htheir gun laws..since their criminals have easy access to guns, they just don't use them to commit have seen the links that show British gun crime is exploding, and the same thing is happening in Australia, you ignore the truth, because you hate gun owners.

Exploding? Do I need to explain your failed argument on percentages again?
Moron....criminals get passed current, federally mandated background checks by using someone who can pass the background checks buy the gun for them.........and they could pass a check on a private sale don't even know how this guy got his gun yet......

No gun law is going to stop these shooters, since the terrorists in France, on government terrorist watch lists, got several, fully automatic military rifles in a country where they are completely banned and illegal.....they don't have gun shows or stores there.........

Moron... just because there is one loophole, doesn't mean you ignore others.

Holy shit... is this how you act in real life? If you find a failure in something you just throw your hands up in the air and yell, "Fuck it all, if one thing works, no need to try anything else!"

Yeah...your post was crap so now you move on....there is no loophole. you can sell private property...which your own guns are....and a felon already knows they can't buy, own or carry a gun...yet that doesn't stop them, does it?


Good lord you are fucking stupid.

Do you think that would have prevented this shooting or any other shooting?

Yes or no?

No one can possibly answer that... but it is obvious what we are doing now isn't working, and we KNOW that in other countries with stricter gun laws have less deaths by firearms.

Let me ask you this. . . Let's say a person takes and passes a complete background test and they do so with flying colors. They buy themselves no more than a dozen guns over a period of a Dr a Dr or two. They enjoy shooting, hunting, collecting, etc. . . They are typical of the vast majority of gun owners in the country. No red flags.

With me so far?

So, what about that background check will keep him (or her) from later snapping? What is there to keep them from being radicalized at ANY point in time after they already have their guns?
Last edited:
I'll tell you this again, and if it doesn't sink in this time, then I'm done arguing with you because you refuse to use common sense... car deaths ARE NOT relevant to gun violence. Not even close to being relevant... at all. As proof, give me a list of times mass amounts of people were murdered by a car inside a church. I'm just using your reasoning here...

Car deaths are completely fucking relevant......more people are killed accidentally with cars....35,000 people every year, the leading cause of death for opposed to mass shooters with guns...

In fact, knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year...mass shooters don't even come close...yet you want to use the rarest of these deaths to ban guns for the owners of 600 million guns...

That is why they are relevant....

And then there's the morality of it. The idea of restricting my ability to defend myself and my family against thugs and crazies that couldn't give two shits about rules and laws is highly immoral.

A good guy with a gun prevented further massacre today. That only happens in a free society. The only way to prevent bad people from doing bad things is a tyrannous society. North Korean doesn't have mass murders. I'll take freedom ever time.

There are LOTS of other countries other than North Korea with lower gun violence crimes.

What the hell difference does it make if the murder rate is via a firearm or a other means? Dead is dead.

In that regard, there are well over 100 countries with higher murder rates than the US, and all of them have de facto bans on civilian firearm ownership. Hmm...

MORE IMPORTANTLY, you completely overlook the IMMORALITY of seeking to restrict my ability to defend myself and my family.

What kind of fool would purposely give a tactical advantage to people that are simply not going to follow your rules?

Has logic and reason completely evaded you?

Oh lord... again I have to say this. I'm not for the abolishment of the Second Amendment. I'm not for taking away your right to defend your family... but NO ONE needs a fucking military grade rifle to defend their home in the United States.

Moron...the AR-15, if that is what he used, is not a military grade is a civilian self defense rifle also used by police......and tell the Swiss that they don't need actual military grade rifles...they have them and don't have the same number of mass shootings we isn't the guns...moron.

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