More than 20 dead after shooting at Sutherland Springs church

It really is too soon to talk about gun control...just like it was too soon for our effing president to crow about Muslim bans....

From the news...

Texas Church Shooting Leaves at Least 26 Dead, Officials Say
Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas confirmed the death toll, which has steadily increased throughout the day after the shooting at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs. A pregnant woman and children were among the dead.

At least 20 people were also injured. Their conditions ranged from “minor to very severe,” law enforcement officials said at a news conference on Sunday evening.

Among those killed, 23 people died inside the church, two outside the building and one person after being transported to a hospital. The ages of the wounded and dead ranged from 5 to 72, the authorities said.

Suspect was identified as Devin P. Kelly. Not a hell of a lot known about him.
Notice how the usual gun lover's first response to another horrific slaughter by gun is to defend the 2nd A.; there is not a hint of empathy for those murdered today, last week, last month and in the dozens of senseless crimes where guns take the life of innocents.
Yet you celebrate 900,000 abortions each year.

I don't, and this is off topic and reported.
What was he discharged for....?
Notice how the usual gun lover's first response to another horrific slaughter by gun is to defend the 2nd A.; there is not a hint of empathy for those murdered today, last week, last month and in the dozens of senseless crimes where guns take the life of innocents.

It would be nice to be able to take a moment...which I did, off line...moron, but asshats like you come out, before the blood is dry and the bodies are cold and attack the law abiding gun owners and their Right to self defense......

Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent criminals, rapists, robbers, murderers and even like this one, where an armed citizen shot the attacker, in mass shootings....

26 vs. 1,500,000 can you tell which number is bigger?

Did you spend your time away cuddling with your favorite gun? Did she/he feel comforted by your passion?

No....a gun is a tool.....did you cuddle with your favorite sex doll....I am sure she was able to comfort you in this time of crisis....

When you are able to suggest a law that would have prevented things like this, already against quite a few laws, while not infringing on my right to defend myself and my family.

The floor is yours.

Define "Infringe" with some detail.

You are wasting your breath.

No matter what you say, it will be interpreted as worst case scenario. You could say you want to limit a person to owning only 1,000 guns unless they are a gun dealer, and people on this forum will yell at you saying they need 1,001 guns to defend their home against someone trying to TP their house.

And if you have 1001 guns, and don't use them to hurt anyone or to commit any crime...what is the fucking problem...considering this guy couldn't legally own a gun because of his Dishonorable discharge, yet he still got one..dittos all the terrorists and criminals in Europe where fully automatic rifles, not AR-15s, are completely illegal...
Notice how the usual gun lover's first response to another horrific slaughter by gun is to defend the 2nd A.; there is not a hint of empathy for those murdered today, last week, last month and in the dozens of senseless crimes where guns take the life of innocents.

Do you express sympathy for the aborted before discussing abortion?

The word would be empathy, but someone like you wouldn't recognize that emotion; your concern for the fetus is an example of false pathos by a callous conservative.

Q. How do I know that

A. You focus on your rights, not the rights of those killed by guns today, last week, last month and way too often in the United States. A lack of empathy suggests a personality disorder, in this case Narcissism.

When you are able to suggest a law that would have prevented things like this, already against quite a few laws, while not infringing on my right to defend myself and my family.

The floor is yours.

Define "Infringe" with some detail.

You are wasting your breath.

No matter what you say, it will be interpreted as worst case scenario. You could say you want to limit a person to owning only 1,000 guns unless they are a gun dealer, and people on this forum will yell at you saying they need 1,001 guns to defend their home against someone trying to TP their house.

And if you have 1001 guns, and don't use them to hurt anyone or to commit any crime...what is the fucking problem...considering this guy couldn't legally own a gun because of his Dishonorable discharge, yet he still got one..dittos all the terrorists and criminals in Europe where fully automatic rifles, not AR-15s, are completely illegal...

Does a dishonorable discharge abrogate a person's right to own a gun? I thought only a convicted felon couldn't.

When you are able to suggest a law that would have prevented things like this, already against quite a few laws, while not infringing on my right to defend myself and my family.

The floor is yours.

Define "Infringe" with some detail.

You are wasting your breath.

No matter what you say, it will be interpreted as worst case scenario. You could say you want to limit a person to owning only 1,000 guns unless they are a gun dealer, and people on this forum will yell at you saying they need 1,001 guns to defend their home against someone trying to TP their house.

And if you have 1001 guns, and don't use them to hurt anyone or to commit any crime...what is the fucking problem...considering this guy couldn't legally own a gun because of his Dishonorable discharge, yet he still got one..dittos all the terrorists and criminals in Europe where fully automatic rifles, not AR-15s, are completely illegal...

We don't know 100% for a fact that was how he was discharged. And if he did own it illegally, does that mean we should make it easier for people to illegally obtain guns and quit trying to fix the problem?
Notice how the usual gun lover's first response to another horrific slaughter by gun is to defend the 2nd A.; there is not a hint of empathy for those murdered today, last week, last month and in the dozens of senseless crimes where guns take the life of innocents.

Do you express sympathy for the aborted before discussing abortion?

The word would be empathy, but someone like you wouldn't recognize that emotion; your concern for the fetus is an example of false pathos by a callous conservative.

Q. How do I know that

A. You focus on your rights, not the rights of those killed by guns today, last week, last month and way too often in the United States. A lack of empathy suggests a personality disorder, in this case Narcissism.

Those people had their Right to self defense taken away from them by their church....and they were slaughtered.....the Catholic church mandates all of their churches are gun free zones.....

The Right to stop these killers with our own guns shows we want to actually do something that saves want to take guns away from people who would use them to stop a killer like this...
Who is Devin Kelly?

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

He is a man who shoots kids...this five year old was shot 4 times and is in surgery...

No, it proves that you have faulty cognitive abilities. Here's the flaw in what you substitute for a rational thought process:

Gun grabbers are, at bottom, prohibitionists. You all want to make not owning a gun mandatory. The goal of your gun regulations is to make owning a gun increasingly difficult, to the point where the cumulative effect of gun laws is de facto a ban on guns (much like Obabblecare is the road to nationalized health care).

2nd Amendment advocates, on the other hand, are for freedom of choice. One may choose, or not choose, to own a gun. Your claim that the shooting proves that looser gun laws don't stop mass shooting is specious. No one is obligated to own a gun. Given the small community in which the church is located, the logical assumption is that the members of the congregation had no reason to fear for their safety as they knew their local community. I'll bet that nobody had a gun, unless the person who did was one of the first victims and had no chance to respond.

Talk about a faulty argument, I NEVER said I wanted to prohibit owning a gun.


But you vote for politicians who will do it for you.

No... I didn't. I've always voted Republican up until this election where I would have voted for Sanders who is for tighter gun laws but not prohibition.

Omigawd! A Bernie Bro. *snicker*

From his Facebook page, now taken down but there are people out there who are working to retrieve what they can.

Devin P. Kelley was a committed Athiest and belonged to several Athiest organisations:

View attachment 158839

Picture of Devin P. Kelley when he still had his beard.

View attachment 158854

He seems to have shaved his beard off sometime around and/or on October 31:

View attachment 158852

View attachment 158846

Devin Patrick Kelley: What we know about the Texas church shooting suspect

Doh the attachment that did not appear, that is Devin P. Kelley's Court Martial #

Hmmmmmm...muslims also shave their body hair before they commit mass murder......

When you are able to suggest a law that would have prevented things like this, already against quite a few laws, while not infringing on my right to defend myself and my family.

The floor is yours.

Define "Infringe" with some detail.

You are wasting your breath.

No matter what you say, it will be interpreted as worst case scenario. You could say you want to limit a person to owning only 1,000 guns unless they are a gun dealer, and people on this forum will yell at you saying they need 1,001 guns to defend their home against someone trying to TP their house.

And if you have 1001 guns, and don't use them to hurt anyone or to commit any crime...what is the fucking problem...considering this guy couldn't legally own a gun because of his Dishonorable discharge, yet he still got one..dittos all the terrorists and criminals in Europe where fully automatic rifles, not AR-15s, are completely illegal...

We don't know 100% for a fact that was how he was discharged. And if he did own it illegally, does that mean we should make it easier for people to illegally obtain guns and quit trying to fix the problem? is already illegal for a felon to own a you want a new law that says that it is Really Really Really illegal for a felon to own a gun...

Do you think that will work better?
Notice how the usual gun lover's first response to another horrific slaughter by gun is to defend the 2nd A.; there is not a hint of empathy for those murdered today, last week, last month and in the dozens of senseless crimes where guns take the life of innocents.

Tons of empathy for the victims here. May they find peace.

Thank God there was a good guy with a firearm, one that knew how to use it, that prevented more victims.

See, we can entertain more than one thought at a time.

Nice try.

So you say. Define "Infringe"

When you are able to suggest a law that would have prevented things like this, already against quite a few laws, while not infringing on my right to defend myself and my family.

The floor is yours.

Define "Infringe" with some detail.

You are wasting your breath.

No matter what you say, it will be interpreted as worst case scenario. You could say you want to limit a person to owning only 1,000 guns unless they are a gun dealer, and people on this forum will yell at you saying they need 1,001 guns to defend their home against someone trying to TP their house.

And if you have 1001 guns, and don't use them to hurt anyone or to commit any crime...what is the fucking problem...considering this guy couldn't legally own a gun because of his Dishonorable discharge, yet he still got one..dittos all the terrorists and criminals in Europe where fully automatic rifles, not AR-15s, are completely illegal...

Does a dishonorable discharge abrogate a person's right to own a gun? I thought only a convicted felon couldn't.

From one source I found, a legal expert? Stated the discharge is equal to a felony.....
It's sad when NPR is focusing on that 39 yr old gunning down of Harvey Milk and in real time Christians are being gunned down a few hours ago and they missed that. Wow. I love NPR, they used to be topical, not panders. Now they missed the mark and a day late. They ARE panders. No if and or butts.
NPR probably plays recorded programs on the weekends.
When you are able to suggest a law that would have prevented things like this, already against quite a few laws, while not infringing on my right to defend myself and my family.

The floor is yours.

Define "Infringe" with some detail.

You are wasting your breath.

No matter what you say, it will be interpreted as worst case scenario. You could say you want to limit a person to owning only 1,000 guns unless they are a gun dealer, and people on this forum will yell at you saying they need 1,001 guns to defend their home against someone trying to TP their house.

And if you have 1001 guns, and don't use them to hurt anyone or to commit any crime...what is the fucking problem...considering this guy couldn't legally own a gun because of his Dishonorable discharge, yet he still got one..dittos all the terrorists and criminals in Europe where fully automatic rifles, not AR-15s, are completely illegal...

We don't know 100% for a fact that was how he was discharged. And if he did own it illegally, does that mean we should make it easier for people to illegally obtain guns and quit trying to fix the problem? is already illegal for a felon to own a you want a new law that says that it is Really Really Really illegal for a felon to own a gun...

Do you think that will work better?

No, I want to make it more difficult for a person to illegally own a gun, not easier.

That means not giving up...
Devin Kelly taught Bible School to kids...yet also liked pages on atheism.

Devin Kelley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Devin Kelley’s LinkedIn page says that he was a VBS “teacher aid (sic)” for “VBS AT KINGSVILLE FBC” and notes, “Dates volunteered Jun 2013 – Jun 2013 Volunteer duration 1 mo. Cause Children. Teaching children ages 4-6 at vocational bible schools helping their minds grow and prosper.” However, multiple children are reportedly among those shot in the church. Kelley’s Facebook page also showed that he had liked pages devoted to atheism, as well as those on German Shepherds, Glocks, and karate.

...Although he liked multiple atheist-related pages on Facebook, it is not known if he considered himself to be an atheist or was simply interested in it. Some doctored photos have circulated on social media, and people identified the wrong people as suspects early on.

How could someone who taught Christian teaching to kids then shoot them?
Define "Infringe" with some detail.

You are wasting your breath.

No matter what you say, it will be interpreted as worst case scenario. You could say you want to limit a person to owning only 1,000 guns unless they are a gun dealer, and people on this forum will yell at you saying they need 1,001 guns to defend their home against someone trying to TP their house.

And if you have 1001 guns, and don't use them to hurt anyone or to commit any crime...what is the fucking problem...considering this guy couldn't legally own a gun because of his Dishonorable discharge, yet he still got one..dittos all the terrorists and criminals in Europe where fully automatic rifles, not AR-15s, are completely illegal...

We don't know 100% for a fact that was how he was discharged. And if he did own it illegally, does that mean we should make it easier for people to illegally obtain guns and quit trying to fix the problem? is already illegal for a felon to own a you want a new law that says that it is Really Really Really illegal for a felon to own a gun...

Do you think that will work better?

No, I want to make it more difficult for a person to illegally own a gun, not easier.

That means not giving up...

Same here...that is why I want anyone who uses a gun for an actual crime to go to jail for 30 years....and any violent felon caught with a gun needs to go away for 30 years....

Right now...people like you let these repeat....repeat, violent gun offenders back on the street......
It's sad when NPR is focusing on that 39 yr old gunning down of Harvey Milk and in real time Christians are being gunned down a few hours ago and they missed that. Wow. I love NPR, they used to be topical, not panders. Now they missed the mark and a day late. They ARE panders. No if and or butts.

NPR is where I heard about this story first.

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