More than 20 dead after shooting at Sutherland Springs church

Let me ask you this. . . Let's say a person takes and passes a complete background test and they do so with flying colors. They buy themselves no more than a dozen guns over a period of a Dr a Dr or two. They enjoy shooting, hunting, collecting, etc. . . They are typical of the vast majority of gun owners in the country. No red flags.

With me so far?

So, what about that background check will keep him (or her) from later snapping? What is there to keep them from being radicalized at ANY point in time after they already have their guns?

Let me VERY clear about this. I don't care what laws you come up with, no matter what the penalty... nothing will be absolute.

That doesn't mean you quit trying to improve.

What the fuck will it ever take for one of you leftardz to admit that you can NOT prevent CRIMINALS from committing their crimes by passing more and more fucking laws to restrict the rights and freedoms of the fucking law ABIDING?

I'm not a leftard, and when the fuck are you gun nutjobs going to learn that throwing more people in jail isn't going to deter crime? We put more people in jail than any country in the world and still have higher amounts of gun crime.

How about you quit bitching and propose an answer other than lock everyone up?

Let me get this right. . .

You would like to take guns away from law abiding citizens and stop putting actual criminals behind bars. . .

At the same fucking time?

And you still claim NOT to be a leftard?

That's some funny shit right there.

No dipshit. I've SAID OVER AND OVER I'm not for taking away guns from people. Outlawing fucking assault rifles isn't taking guns from people.

What is the REASON behind the 2nd Amendment, fucktard?

Spill it.
Let me VERY clear about this. I don't care what laws you come up with, no matter what the penalty... nothing will be absolute.

That doesn't mean you quit trying to improve.

What the fuck will it ever take for one of you leftardz to admit that you can NOT prevent CRIMINALS from committing their crimes by passing more and more fucking laws to restrict the rights and freedoms of the fucking law ABIDING?

I'm not a leftard, and when the fuck are you gun nutjobs going to learn that throwing more people in jail isn't going to deter crime? We put more people in jail than any country in the world and still have higher amounts of gun crime.

How about you quit bitching and propose an answer other than lock everyone up?

Let me get this right. . .

You would like to take guns away from law abiding citizens and stop putting actual criminals behind bars. . .

At the same fucking time?

And you still claim NOT to be a leftard?

That's some funny shit right there.

No dipshit. I've SAID OVER AND OVER I'm not for taking away guns from people. Outlawing fucking assault rifles isn't taking guns from people.

What is the REASON behind the 2nd Amendment, fucktard?

Spill it.

When the Founders wrote the Second Amendment how long did it take to fire two shots?
What the fuck will it ever take for one of you leftardz to admit that you can NOT prevent CRIMINALS from committing their crimes by passing more and more fucking laws to restrict the rights and freedoms of the fucking law ABIDING?

I'm not a leftard, and when the fuck are you gun nutjobs going to learn that throwing more people in jail isn't going to deter crime? We put more people in jail than any country in the world and still have higher amounts of gun crime.

How about you quit bitching and propose an answer other than lock everyone up?

Let me get this right. . .

You would like to take guns away from law abiding citizens and stop putting actual criminals behind bars. . .

At the same fucking time?

And you still claim NOT to be a leftard?

That's some funny shit right there.

No dipshit. I've SAID OVER AND OVER I'm not for taking away guns from people. Outlawing fucking assault rifles isn't taking guns from people.

What is the REASON behind the 2nd Amendment, fucktard?

Spill it.

When the Founders wrote the Second Amendment how long did it take to fire two shots?

Apparently, it took too long - which is why they worked continuously to improve both their accuracy AND their firing rate capabilities.

What the fuck for you think Paul Revere, Sam Adams or any of the other revolutionaries would have said to King George if he tried to restrict their weapons or their firing rates at the time of the revolutionary War?

Give us a guess.
I'm not a leftard, and when the fuck are you gun nutjobs going to learn that throwing more people in jail isn't going to deter crime? We put more people in jail than any country in the world and still have higher amounts of gun crime.

How about you quit bitching and propose an answer other than lock everyone up?

Let me get this right. . .

You would like to take guns away from law abiding citizens and stop putting actual criminals behind bars. . .

At the same fucking time?

And you still claim NOT to be a leftard?

That's some funny shit right there.

No dipshit. I've SAID OVER AND OVER I'm not for taking away guns from people. Outlawing fucking assault rifles isn't taking guns from people.

What is the REASON behind the 2nd Amendment, fucktard?

Spill it.

When the Founders wrote the Second Amendment how long did it take to fire two shots?

Apparently, it took too long - which is why they worked continuously to improve both their accuracy AND their firing rate capabilities.

What the fuck for you think Paul Revere, Sam Adams or any of the other revolutionaries would have said to King George if he tried to restrict their weapons or their firing rates at the time of the revolutionary War?

Give us a guess.

I hate to break this to you, but England isn't invading the U.S. any time soon, and if they did, it wouldn't be you and your neighbor beating them back with you "hunting" rifle.
Let me get this right. . .

You would like to take guns away from law abiding citizens and stop putting actual criminals behind bars. . .

At the same fucking time?

And you still claim NOT to be a leftard?

That's some funny shit right there.

No dipshit. I've SAID OVER AND OVER I'm not for taking away guns from people. Outlawing fucking assault rifles isn't taking guns from people.

What is the REASON behind the 2nd Amendment, fucktard?

Spill it.

When the Founders wrote the Second Amendment how long did it take to fire two shots?

Apparently, it took too long - which is why they worked continuously to improve both their accuracy AND their firing rate capabilities.

What the fuck for you think Paul Revere, Sam Adams or any of the other revolutionaries would have said to King George if he tried to restrict their weapons or their firing rates at the time of the revolutionary War?

Give us a guess.

I hate to break this to you, but England isn't invading the U.S. any time soon, and if they did, it wouldn't be you and your neighbor beating them back with you "hunting" rifle.

You are dodging the question, Leftard

What is the reason for the 2nd Amendment?
No dipshit. I've SAID OVER AND OVER I'm not for taking away guns from people. Outlawing fucking assault rifles isn't taking guns from people.

What is the REASON behind the 2nd Amendment, fucktard?

Spill it.

When the Founders wrote the Second Amendment how long did it take to fire two shots?

Apparently, it took too long - which is why they worked continuously to improve both their accuracy AND their firing rate capabilities.

What the fuck for you think Paul Revere, Sam Adams or any of the other revolutionaries would have said to King George if he tried to restrict their weapons or their firing rates at the time of the revolutionary War?

Give us a guess.

I hate to break this to you, but England isn't invading the U.S. any time soon, and if they did, it wouldn't be you and your neighbor beating them back with you "hunting" rifle.

You are dodging the question, Leftard

What is the reason for the 2nd Amendment?

I know what the Second Amendment is for. I've had to study it quite extensively in getting my degree in criminal justice, but the Constitution was also written to be amended to meet the change in technology throughout time. The Constitution doesn't say you can't have a tank or a bazooka, do you think people should be allowed to have those too? Like military assault rifles?
What is the REASON behind the 2nd Amendment, fucktard?

Spill it.

When the Founders wrote the Second Amendment how long did it take to fire two shots?

Apparently, it took too long - which is why they worked continuously to improve both their accuracy AND their firing rate capabilities.

What the fuck for you think Paul Revere, Sam Adams or any of the other revolutionaries would have said to King George if he tried to restrict their weapons or their firing rates at the time of the revolutionary War?

Give us a guess.

I hate to break this to you, but England isn't invading the U.S. any time soon, and if they did, it wouldn't be you and your neighbor beating them back with you "hunting" rifle.

You are dodging the question, Leftard

What is the reason for the 2nd Amendment?

I know what the Second Amendment is for. I've had to study it quite extensively in getting my degree in criminal justice, but the Constitution was also written to be amended to meet the change in technology throughout time. The Constitution doesn't say you can't have a tank or a bazooka, do you think people should be allowed to have those too? Like military assault rifles?

People do have tanks and bazooks, leftard.

Do you really think they don't?

Of course, they are not easy to get and to maintain but citizens who want them bad enough CAN get and have them.

Do you have any fucking clue about what the "CONSENT of the governed" means?
When the Founders wrote the Second Amendment how long did it take to fire two shots?

Apparently, it took too long - which is why they worked continuously to improve both their accuracy AND their firing rate capabilities.

What the fuck for you think Paul Revere, Sam Adams or any of the other revolutionaries would have said to King George if he tried to restrict their weapons or their firing rates at the time of the revolutionary War?

Give us a guess.

I hate to break this to you, but England isn't invading the U.S. any time soon, and if they did, it wouldn't be you and your neighbor beating them back with you "hunting" rifle.

You are dodging the question, Leftard

What is the reason for the 2nd Amendment?

I know what the Second Amendment is for. I've had to study it quite extensively in getting my degree in criminal justice, but the Constitution was also written to be amended to meet the change in technology throughout time. The Constitution doesn't say you can't have a tank or a bazooka, do you think people should be allowed to have those too? Like military assault rifles?

People do have tanks and bazooks, leftard.

Do you really think they don't?

Of course, they are not easy to get and to maintain but citizens who want them bad enough CAN get and have them.

Do you have any fucking clue about what the "CONSENT of the governed" means?

I love how you think something is only true in an absolute situation. I guess that's how your simple mind works. No wonder our country has gotten into the political mess we have today... too many simple minded people that think because nothing is absolute we are better off doing nothing than trying to do something.
What is the REASON behind the 2nd Amendment, fucktard?

Spill it.

When the Founders wrote the Second Amendment how long did it take to fire two shots?

Apparently, it took too long - which is why they worked continuously to improve both their accuracy AND their firing rate capabilities.

What the fuck for you think Paul Revere, Sam Adams or any of the other revolutionaries would have said to King George if he tried to restrict their weapons or their firing rates at the time of the revolutionary War?

Give us a guess.

I hate to break this to you, but England isn't invading the U.S. any time soon, and if they did, it wouldn't be you and your neighbor beating them back with you "hunting" rifle.

You are dodging the question, Leftard

What is the reason for the 2nd Amendment?

I know what the Second Amendment is for. I've had to study it quite extensively in getting my degree in criminal justice, but the Constitution was also written to be amended to meet the change in technology throughout time. The Constitution doesn't say you can't have a tank or a bazooka, do you think people should be allowed to have those too? Like military assault rifles?

Do you think banning or adding laws would decrease the number of murders? I don’t think it would decrease murders, it would decrease murder by guns. The issue is a mental health and a culture of not holding life sacred. Marriage, the family, God, how we easily abort “mistakes”, no respect for authority, no respect for the elderly, a society built on being entitled. The generation of WWII took care of the sick, the elderly, kids were taught respect, people were grateful to work, nobody owed anyone anything, the family unit was important, God was important. That was the last great generation.

We created this mess, not gun laws or lack of gun laws. It’s time to instill in the next generation the values of that generation.
When the Founders wrote the Second Amendment how long did it take to fire two shots?

Apparently, it took too long - which is why they worked continuously to improve both their accuracy AND their firing rate capabilities.

What the fuck for you think Paul Revere, Sam Adams or any of the other revolutionaries would have said to King George if he tried to restrict their weapons or their firing rates at the time of the revolutionary War?

Give us a guess.

I hate to break this to you, but England isn't invading the U.S. any time soon, and if they did, it wouldn't be you and your neighbor beating them back with you "hunting" rifle.

You are dodging the question, Leftard

What is the reason for the 2nd Amendment?

I know what the Second Amendment is for. I've had to study it quite extensively in getting my degree in criminal justice, but the Constitution was also written to be amended to meet the change in technology throughout time. The Constitution doesn't say you can't have a tank or a bazooka, do you think people should be allowed to have those too? Like military assault rifles?

Do you think banning or adding laws would decrease the number of murders? I don’t think it would decrease murders, it would decrease murder by guns. The issue is a mental health and a culture of not holding life sacred. Marriage, the family, God, how we easily abort “mistakes”, no respect for authority, no respect for the elderly, a society built on being entitled. The generation of WWII took care of the sick, the elderly, kids were taught respect, people were grateful to work, nobody owed anyone anything, the family unit was important, God was important. That was the last great generation.

We created this mess, not gun laws or lack of gun laws. It’s time to instill in the next generation the values of that generation.

Ultimately the answer to having less murders, especially those with guns, will begin with teaching children the consequences of their actions. That starts at home, and continues into the rest of the extended support system that are a part of their lives. Part of that includes the children having both parents in their lives... and those parents being able to be part of their children's lives and not working 60 hours a week just to get by, and their kids being raised by a stranger in day care. There are so many elements that are an important part of the solution...

How do we get there? Can we get there? I don't know... because there are too many people in this country that just don't care about other people, and only care about themselves, what size house they live in, what brand car they drive... and a great deal of those people are the powerful ones that can buy off politicians to vote for what they want. Take for example the new tax bill.
Apparently, it took too long - which is why they worked continuously to improve both their accuracy AND their firing rate capabilities.

What the fuck for you think Paul Revere, Sam Adams or any of the other revolutionaries would have said to King George if he tried to restrict their weapons or their firing rates at the time of the revolutionary War?

Give us a guess.

I hate to break this to you, but England isn't invading the U.S. any time soon, and if they did, it wouldn't be you and your neighbor beating them back with you "hunting" rifle.

You are dodging the question, Leftard

What is the reason for the 2nd Amendment?

I know what the Second Amendment is for. I've had to study it quite extensively in getting my degree in criminal justice, but the Constitution was also written to be amended to meet the change in technology throughout time. The Constitution doesn't say you can't have a tank or a bazooka, do you think people should be allowed to have those too? Like military assault rifles?

People do have tanks and bazooks, leftard.

Do you really think they don't?

Of course, they are not easy to get and to maintain but citizens who want them bad enough CAN get and have them.

Do you have any fucking clue about what the "CONSENT of the governed" means?

I love how you think something is only true in an absolute situation. I guess that's how your simple mind works. No wonder our country has gotten into the political mess we have today... too many simple minded people that think because nothing is absolute we are better off doing nothing than trying to do something.

I have the same simple mindset that the founders and framers had.

You seem to think that's a bad thing.

I don't.
I'll tell you this again, and if it doesn't sink in this time, then I'm done arguing with you because you refuse to use common sense... car deaths ARE NOT relevant to gun violence. Not even close to being relevant... at all. As proof, give me a list of times mass amounts of people were murdered by a car inside a church. I'm just using your reasoning here...

Car deaths are completely fucking relevant......more people are killed accidentally with cars....35,000 people every year, the leading cause of death for opposed to mass shooters with guns...

In fact, knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year...mass shooters don't even come close...yet you want to use the rarest of these deaths to ban guns for the owners of 600 million guns...

That is why they are relevant....

And then there's the morality of it. The idea of restricting my ability to defend myself and my family against thugs and crazies that couldn't give two shits about rules and laws is highly immoral.

A good guy with a gun prevented further massacre today. That only happens in a free society. The only way to prevent bad people from doing bad things is a tyrannous society. North Korean doesn't have mass murders. I'll take freedom ever time.

There are LOTS of other countries other than North Korea with lower gun violence crimes.

What the hell difference does it make if the murder rate is via a firearm or a other means? Dead is dead.

In that regard, there are well over 100 countries with higher murder rates than the US, and all of them have de facto bans on civilian firearm ownership. Hmm...

MORE IMPORTANTLY, you completely overlook the IMMORALITY of seeking to restrict my ability to defend myself and my family.

What kind of fool would purposely give a tactical advantage to people that are simply not going to follow your rules?

Has logic and reason completely evaded you?

Oh lord... again I have to say this. I'm not for the abolishment of the Second Amendment. I'm not for taking away your right to defend your family... but NO ONE needs a fucking military grade rifle to defend their home in the United States.

When that's what the bad guys will have, you bet your ass that's exactly what a homeowner needs.

Again, you are giving thugs and crazies a tactical advantage. That is insane and immoral.
Notice how the usual gun lover's first response to another horrific slaughter by gun is to defend the 2nd A.; there is not a hint of empathy for those murdered today, last week, last month and in the dozens of senseless crimes where guns take the life of innocents.

Do you express sympathy for the aborted before discussing abortion?

The word would be empathy, but someone like you wouldn't recognize that emotion; your concern for the fetus is an example of false pathos by a callous conservative.

Q. How do I know that

A. You focus on your rights, not the rights of those killed by guns today, last week, last month and way too often in the United States. A lack of empathy suggests a personality disorder, in this case Narcissism.

Those people had their Right to self defense taken away from them by their church....and they were slaughtered.....the Catholic church mandates all of their churches are gun free zones.....

The Right to stop these killers with our own guns shows we want to actually do something that saves want to take guns away from people who would use them to stop a killer like this...

Admit you are a wannabe vigilante because your're mentally and physically incapable of meeting the MQ's to qualify for a real job in LE.
The shooter was likely on his way to read fairytales to blind orphans after he was finished shooting the church.

The hero citizen committed murder, and should be in prison forever....right, Progs?
Car deaths are completely fucking relevant......more people are killed accidentally with cars....35,000 people every year, the leading cause of death for opposed to mass shooters with guns...

In fact, knives are used to murder over 1,500 people every single year...mass shooters don't even come close...yet you want to use the rarest of these deaths to ban guns for the owners of 600 million guns...

That is why they are relevant....

And then there's the morality of it. The idea of restricting my ability to defend myself and my family against thugs and crazies that couldn't give two shits about rules and laws is highly immoral.

A good guy with a gun prevented further massacre today. That only happens in a free society. The only way to prevent bad people from doing bad things is a tyrannous society. North Korean doesn't have mass murders. I'll take freedom ever time.

There are LOTS of other countries other than North Korea with lower gun violence crimes.

What the hell difference does it make if the murder rate is via a firearm or a other means? Dead is dead.

In that regard, there are well over 100 countries with higher murder rates than the US, and all of them have de facto bans on civilian firearm ownership. Hmm...

MORE IMPORTANTLY, you completely overlook the IMMORALITY of seeking to restrict my ability to defend myself and my family.

What kind of fool would purposely give a tactical advantage to people that are simply not going to follow your rules?

Has logic and reason completely evaded you?

Oh lord... again I have to say this. I'm not for the abolishment of the Second Amendment. I'm not for taking away your right to defend your family... but NO ONE needs a fucking military grade rifle to defend their home in the United States.

When that's what the bad guys will have, you bet your ass that's exactly what a homeowner needs.

Again, you are giving thugs and crazies a tactical advantage. That is insane and immoral.

Sounds like a reasonable argument, now please share with me how many home intruders used assault rifles over the last year, couple of years, or decade.

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