More than 20 dead after shooting at Sutherland Springs church

When you are able to suggest a law that would have prevented things like this, already against quite a few laws, while not infringing on my right to defend myself and my family.

The floor is yours.

Define "Infringe" with some detail.

You are wasting your breath.

No matter what you say, it will be interpreted as worst case scenario. You could say you want to limit a person to owning only 1,000 guns unless they are a gun dealer, and people on this forum will yell at you saying they need 1,001 guns to defend their home against someone trying to TP their house.

And if you have 1001 guns, and don't use them to hurt anyone or to commit any crime...what is the fucking problem...considering this guy couldn't legally own a gun because of his Dishonorable discharge, yet he still got one..dittos all the terrorists and criminals in Europe where fully automatic rifles, not AR-15s, are completely illegal...

Does a dishonorable discharge abrogate a person's right to own a gun? I thought only a convicted felon couldn't.
They just said on CNN he got it legally and passed a background check

It was on CNN, so it must be truth.
As Sonny & Cher once said "The beat goes on." Yet another 'mass shooting' and nothing will be done about it. 58 in Las Vegas, 26 in Texas another two dozen children in Connecticut and nothing is done.

The body counts betray the problem. Weapons designed for the battlefield in the hands of anybody who wants one. Such a high body count could not have happened without these weapons.

But the NRA tells our political leaders that they will be out of work should they try to rid our streets of these weapons. Our gun lovers will tell us that the 2nd amendment shows clearly that we have an uninfringible right to have them. We will be told that as we can design no law to absolutely prevent these tragedies, we should try nothing. The perfect being the enemy of the good.

And so we must factor in mass shootings as the cost of doing business. We have sown the seeds of violent gun deaths in the fields of our gun loving society. And we must now reap the whirlwind.

So let's talk about football players kneeling. Let's talk about the merits of universal healthcare. Let's talk about removing confederate monuments. But let's not talk about the scourge of high powered weapons on our streets because a few people cannot conceive of a solution.

Guns are cool and guns have consequences but guns are an absolute right never to be questioned by responsible citizens. The cost of doing business.

What kind of assault rifle did Tim McVeigh use?
And how many truck bombings happen?
--------------------------------------------------- too many , even ONE done by an imported muslim is more than enough . Also , see the bombing by some imported 'checens' in Boston .
As Sonny & Cher once said "The beat goes on." Yet another 'mass shooting' and nothing will be done about it. 58 in Las Vegas, 26 in Texas another two dozen children in Connecticut and nothing is done.

The body counts betray the problem. Weapons designed for the battlefield in the hands of anybody who wants one. Such a high body count could not have happened without these weapons.

But the NRA tells our political leaders that they will be out of work should they try to rid our streets of these weapons. Our gun lovers will tell us that the 2nd amendment shows clearly that we have an uninfringible right to have them. We will be told that as we can design no law to absolutely prevent these tragedies, we should try nothing. The perfect being the enemy of the good.

And so we must factor in mass shootings as the cost of doing business. We have sown the seeds of violent gun deaths in the fields of our gun loving society. And we must now reap the whirlwind.

So let's talk about football players kneeling. Let's talk about the merits of universal healthcare. Let's talk about removing confederate monuments. But let's not talk about the scourge of high powered weapons on our streets because a few people cannot conceive of a solution.

Guns are cool and guns have consequences but guns are an absolute right never to be questioned by responsible citizens. The cost of doing business.

What kind of assault rifle did Tim McVeigh use?
And how many truck bombings happen?

How many will it take for you to get the fucking point?
hey Mark , Nosmo just get used to the possibility that this murderer was a socialist 'bernie' supporter Mark / Nosmo . Free country , Free Speech and the guy is rumored to be a socialist bernie supporter so get used to the rumors until they are proven one way or the other Mark and Nosmo .
I'm still laughing at the con fake news that the scumbag converted to islam [after the tantrum over finding out he was white]
hey Mark , Nosmo just get used to the possibility that this murderer was a socialist 'bernie' supporter Mark / Nosmo . Free country , Free Speech and the guy is rumored to be a socialist bernie supporter so get used to the rumors until they are proven one way or the other Mark and Nosmo .
Ascribing all crime to political motives is both stupid and arrogant. You would only do so if you want to put your own political ideology on a pedestal while criminalizing your opposition's politics. It serves no good purpose. It only serves to divide and prove the advocate of the myth to be utterly shallow in thought. So, if you think you're accomplishing anything, wear your banner of idiocy proudly. Responsible adults know the truth.
and with lefties , this thread is 63 pages long . One of the things that i see being wrong with it is even taking seriously the anti gun lefties point of view seriously . Might be fun on a message board to argue but these anti gunners should never be taken seriously and negotiated with . After all , these lefties reject or don't know the reasoning and reasons for the Second Amendment seriously anyway . Yeah , lefties like Lou won't take ' ALL ' your guns . They will just take the most EFFECTIVE Guns . ------------- just a general comment .
Anti-gun Democrats is a republican myth
------------------------------------------- hey , read 'lous' posts , he wants to tell Americans the kinda guns that he and his people will ALLOW Americans to own Mark .
Let me ask you this. . . Let's say a person takes and passes a complete background test and they do so with flying colors. They buy themselves no more than a dozen guns over a period of a Dr a Dr or two. They enjoy shooting, hunting, collecting, etc. . . They are typical of the vast majority of gun owners in the country. No red flags.

With me so far?

So, what about that background check will keep him (or her) from later snapping? What is there to keep them from being radicalized at ANY point in time after they already have their guns?

Let me VERY clear about this. I don't care what laws you come up with, no matter what the penalty... nothing will be absolute.

That doesn't mean you quit trying to improve.

What the fuck will it ever take for one of you leftardz to admit that you can NOT prevent CRIMINALS from committing their crimes by passing more and more fucking laws to restrict the rights and freedoms of the fucking law ABIDING?

I'm not a leftard, and when the fuck are you gun nutjobs going to learn that throwing more people in jail isn't going to deter crime? We put more people in jail than any country in the world and still have higher amounts of gun crime.

How about you quit bitching and propose an answer other than lock everyone up?

Let me get this right. . .

You would like to take guns away from law abiding citizens and stop putting actual criminals behind bars. . .

At the same fucking time?

And you still claim NOT to be a leftard?

That's some funny shit right there.

No dipshit. I've SAID OVER AND OVER I'm not for taking away guns from people. Outlawing fucking assault rifles isn't taking guns from people.

First of, define assault rifle.

Second, outlawing anything means taking it away.

What are you, like five? We need kiddies board here, for you.
Shooter was apparently a BERNIE SANDERS supporter.

You know what that means.....all Bernie Sanders supporters are mass murdering gun nuts.

Sorry, Progs, those are the rules you guys made up.
Crimes are not always politically motivated. To ascribe all crimes to politics shows a distinct shallowness of thought. Doing so would criminalize political thought.

Yea, but....all Bernie Sanders supporters are mass murdering gun nuts.

The sample defines the population according to Progs.
And you perpetuating the myth serves what purpose? What is the virtue of perpetuating the myth?
------------------------------------ i also heard that the murderer was a socialist 'bernie' supporter , whats wrong with the bit of info or rumor being mentioned ?? Disprove the info or rumor , you have the entire internet at yer disposal Nosmo .
What I said the virtue of perpetuating the myth? Why is it good?

There is no good or bad. I am following PROG RULES because I don't want to be characterized as a racist misogynist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist.

If you follow their rules, you won' t be personally attacked.

One of their rules is that anyone who does something bad from a particular group they do not like, defines the entire group.

If the shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter, it means all Bernie Sanders supporters support this kind of nonsense.

Prog Logic.
As Sonny & Cher once said "The beat goes on." Yet another 'mass shooting' and nothing will be done about it. 58 in Las Vegas, 26 in Texas another two dozen children in Connecticut and nothing is done.

The body counts betray the problem. Weapons designed for the battlefield in the hands of anybody who wants one. Such a high body count could not have happened without these weapons.

But the NRA tells our political leaders that they will be out of work should they try to rid our streets of these weapons. Our gun lovers will tell us that the 2nd amendment shows clearly that we have an uninfringible right to have them. We will be told that as we can design no law to absolutely prevent these tragedies, we should try nothing. The perfect being the enemy of the good.

And so we must factor in mass shootings as the cost of doing business. We have sown the seeds of violent gun deaths in the fields of our gun loving society. And we must now reap the whirlwind.

So let's talk about football players kneeling. Let's talk about the merits of universal healthcare. Let's talk about removing confederate monuments. But let's not talk about the scourge of high powered weapons on our streets because a few people cannot conceive of a solution.

Guns are cool and guns have consequences but guns are an absolute right never to be questioned by responsible citizens. The cost of doing business.

What kind of assault rifle did Tim McVeigh use?
And how many truck bombings happen?

How many will it take for you to get the fucking point?
How many "mass shootings" will it take for you to realize it's the assault weapon that puts the "mass" in "mass shooting"?
hey Mark , Nosmo just get used to the possibility that this murderer was a socialist 'bernie' supporter Mark / Nosmo . Free country , Free Speech and the guy is rumored to be a socialist bernie supporter so get used to the rumors until they are proven one way or the other Mark and Nosmo .
I'm still laughing at the con fake news that the scumbag converted to islam [after the tantrum over finding out he was white]
--------------------------------------------------- what does WHITE have to do with being 'muslim' Mark ??
Crimes are not always politically motivated. To ascribe all crimes to politics shows a distinct shallowness of thought. Doing so would criminalize political thought.

Yea, but....all Bernie Sanders supporters are mass murdering gun nuts.

The sample defines the population according to Progs.
And you perpetuating the myth serves what purpose? What is the virtue of perpetuating the myth?
------------------------------------ i also heard that the murderer was a socialist 'bernie' supporter , whats wrong with the bit of info or rumor being mentioned ?? Disprove the info or rumor , you have the entire internet at yer disposal Nosmo .
What I said the virtue of perpetuating the myth? Why is it good?

There is no good or bad. I am following PROG RULES because I don't want to be characterized as a racist misogynist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist.

If you follow their rules, you won' t be personally attacked.

One of their rules is that anyone who does something bad from a particular group they do not like, defines the entire group.

If the shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter, it means all Bernie Sanders supporters support this kind of nonsense.

Prog Logic.
Do you ever win the arguments you have in your hallucinations?
Crimes are not always politically motivated. To ascribe all crimes to politics shows a distinct shallowness of thought. Doing so would criminalize political thought.

Yea, but....all Bernie Sanders supporters are mass murdering gun nuts.

The sample defines the population according to Progs.
And you perpetuating the myth serves what purpose? What is the virtue of perpetuating the myth?
------------------------------------ i also heard that the murderer was a socialist 'bernie' supporter , whats wrong with the bit of info or rumor being mentioned ?? Disprove the info or rumor , you have the entire internet at yer disposal Nosmo .
What I said the virtue of perpetuating the myth? Why is it good?

There is no good or bad. I am following PROG RULES because I don't want to be characterized as a racist misogynist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist.

If you follow their rules, you won' t be personally attacked.

One of their rules is that anyone who does something bad from a particular group they do not like, defines the entire group.

If the shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter, it means all Bernie Sanders supporters support this kind of nonsense.

Prog Logic.
And yet I have demonstrated actual logic. You persist in perpetuating the myth. Why should I then respect your point of view?
I know what the Second Amendment is for. I've had to study it quite extensively in getting my degree in criminal justice, but the Constitution was also written to be amended to meet the change in technology throughout time. The Constitution doesn't say you can't have a tank or a bazooka, do you think people should be allowed to have those too? Like military assault rifles?

Where does it say that constitution was written to be amended to meet technological change?
Yea, but....all Bernie Sanders supporters are mass murdering gun nuts.

The sample defines the population according to Progs.
And you perpetuating the myth serves what purpose? What is the virtue of perpetuating the myth?
------------------------------------ i also heard that the murderer was a socialist 'bernie' supporter , whats wrong with the bit of info or rumor being mentioned ?? Disprove the info or rumor , you have the entire internet at yer disposal Nosmo .
What I said the virtue of perpetuating the myth? Why is it good?

There is no good or bad. I am following PROG RULES because I don't want to be characterized as a racist misogynist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist.

If you follow their rules, you won' t be personally attacked.

One of their rules is that anyone who does something bad from a particular group they do not like, defines the entire group.

If the shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter, it means all Bernie Sanders supporters support this kind of nonsense.

Prog Logic.
And yet I have demonstrated actual logic. You persist in perpetuating the myth. Why should I then respect your point of view?
-------------------------------------------------------- don't respect it , i don't care Nosmo . But here , a blast from the past info for you Nosmo . --- James T. Hodgkinson: Bernie Sanders supporter, strongly anti-Trump - CNN --- just for grins Nosmo .
I know what the Second Amendment is for. I've had to study it quite extensively in getting my degree in criminal justice, but the Constitution was also written to be amended to meet the change in technology throughout time. The Constitution doesn't say you can't have a tank or a bazooka, do you think people should be allowed to have those too? Like military assault rifles?

Where does it say that constitution was written to be amended to meet technological change?
Article V
As Sonny & Cher once said "The beat goes on." Yet another 'mass shooting' and nothing will be done about it. 58 in Las Vegas, 26 in Texas another two dozen children in Connecticut and nothing is done.

The body counts betray the problem. Weapons designed for the battlefield in the hands of anybody who wants one. Such a high body count could not have happened without these weapons.

But the NRA tells our political leaders that they will be out of work should they try to rid our streets of these weapons. Our gun lovers will tell us that the 2nd amendment shows clearly that we have an uninfringible right to have them. We will be told that as we can design no law to absolutely prevent these tragedies, we should try nothing. The perfect being the enemy of the good.

And so we must factor in mass shootings as the cost of doing business. We have sown the seeds of violent gun deaths in the fields of our gun loving society. And we must now reap the whirlwind.

So let's talk about football players kneeling. Let's talk about the merits of universal healthcare. Let's talk about removing confederate monuments. But let's not talk about the scourge of high powered weapons on our streets because a few people cannot conceive of a solution.

Guns are cool and guns have consequences but guns are an absolute right never to be questioned by responsible citizens. The cost of doing business.

What kind of assault rifle did Tim McVeigh use?
And how many truck bombings happen?

How many will it take for you to get the fucking point?
How many "mass shootings" will it take for you to realize it's the assault weapon that puts the "mass" in "mass shooting"?

No one is disputing the point that guns with higher capacities and higher firing rates can kill more people in less time than lesser capable fire arms can.

Are they?

But you think you can end that problem with simple fucking legislation and taking away rights and freedoms from people like me and other law abiding citizens and that makes YOU an even bigger threat in the end.

Criminals are not called criminals for no reason. You will not get their fucking guns off the street by taking away MY right to have one if I Want to.

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