More than 20 dead after shooting at Sutherland Springs church

WHEE! NRA! NRA! Provides legal guns by restricting Gun and Mental checks to MAGA!
FFS! The DOPer Congress just passed a law so mental people can get guns.


Always FLIES HIGH! Be their next LIVE TARGETS!

112 killed. 531 wounded. in the last 38 days.

2017 isn’t over yet, but already the deadliest year on record in terms of massacres

Texas church shooter’s troubled past in contrast to Las Vegas gunman
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What kind of assault rifle did Tim McVeigh use?
And how many truck bombings happen?

How many will it take for you to get the fucking point?
How many "mass shootings" will it take for you to realize it's the assault weapon that puts the "mass" in "mass shooting"?

No one is disputing the point that guns with higher capacities and higher firing rates can kill more people in less time than lesser capable fire arms can.

Are they?

But you think you can end that problem with simple fucking legislation and taking away rights and freedoms from people like me and other law abiding citizens and that makes YOU an even bigger threat in the end.

Criminals are not called criminals for no reason. You will not get their fucking guns off the street by taking away MY right to have one if I Want to.
What is the virtue of high capacity magazines and semi-automatic firing systems, or modified semi-automatic firing systems such as the Las Vegas shooter used? Why are they good? Why should anyone with means have one?

And how do those dubious virtues trump the safety of the general public?
Yep, it is not about guns, it is about firepower
WHEE! NRA! NRA! Provides legal guns by restricting Gun and Mental checks to MAGA!
FFS! The DOPer Congress just passed a law so mental people can get guns.
Always FLIES HIGH! Be their next LIVE TARGETS!


112 killed. 531 wounded. in the last 40 days.

2017 isn’t over yet, but already the deadliest year on record in terms of massacres

Texas church shooter’s troubled past in contrast to Las Vegas gunman

What laws that have been proposed by PROGS would have prevented this shooting? Specifically.
...I should probably ignore anyone who immediately called this a racially motivated shooting.
You cant ignore me. If you did you would be irrelevant.

Your level of stupidity is hard to ignore. Entertain us some more, please.

I hate the phrase "trust me" but it is fitting here. So, "trust me" and put that dumbass on ignore. Your brain will thank you for doing so.
I believe you, however I have different approach. I want them to talk and expose their true self, and for that reason I don't have anyone on ignore.
...I should probably ignore anyone who immediately called this a racially motivated shooting.
You cant ignore me. If you did you would be irrelevant.

Your level of stupidity is hard to ignore. Entertain us some more, please.

I hate the phrase "trust me" but it is fitting here. So, "trust me" and put that dumbass on ignore. Your brain will thank you for doing so.
I believe you, however I have different approach. I want them to talk and expose their true self, and for that reason I don't have anyone on ignore.

You must be a lot younger than I am. The older I get, the more I value my remaining time.
And how many truck bombings happen?

How many will it take for you to get the fucking point?
How many "mass shootings" will it take for you to realize it's the assault weapon that puts the "mass" in "mass shooting"?

No one is disputing the point that guns with higher capacities and higher firing rates can kill more people in less time than lesser capable fire arms can.

Are they?

But you think you can end that problem with simple fucking legislation and taking away rights and freedoms from people like me and other law abiding citizens and that makes YOU an even bigger threat in the end.

Criminals are not called criminals for no reason. You will not get their fucking guns off the street by taking away MY right to have one if I Want to.
What is the virtue of high capacity magazines and semi-automatic firing systems, or modified semi-automatic firing systems such as the Las Vegas shooter used? Why are they good? Why should anyone with means have one?

And how do those dubious virtues trump the safety of the general public?
Yep, it is not about guns, it is about firepower
----------------------------------------------------------------------- i agree with that simple statement and i certainly don't want libs , progressives , lou's or anyone else LIMITING Free Americans access to firepower . As a loose definition , every American has the RIGHT to the same personal weapons that are issued to the average American combat soldier Mark .
WHEE! NRA! NRA! Provides legal guns by restricting Gun and Mental checks to MAGA!
FFS! The DOPer Congress just passed a law so mental people can get guns.


Always FLIES HIGH! Be their next LIVE TARGETS!

112 killed. 531 wounded. in the last 38 days.

2017 isn’t over yet, but already the deadliest year on record in terms of massacres

Texas church shooter’s troubled past in contrast to Las Vegas gunman

I'm not an NRA member but I can't imagine their flag would be plain white.
And how many truck bombings happen?

How many will it take for you to get the fucking point?
How many "mass shootings" will it take for you to realize it's the assault weapon that puts the "mass" in "mass shooting"?

No one is disputing the point that guns with higher capacities and higher firing rates can kill more people in less time than lesser capable fire arms can.

Are they?

But you think you can end that problem with simple fucking legislation and taking away rights and freedoms from people like me and other law abiding citizens and that makes YOU an even bigger threat in the end.

Criminals are not called criminals for no reason. You will not get their fucking guns off the street by taking away MY right to have one if I Want to.
What is the virtue of high capacity magazines and semi-automatic firing systems, or modified semi-automatic firing systems such as the Las Vegas shooter used? Why are they good? Why should anyone with means have one?

And how do those dubious virtues trump the safety of the general public?

I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you of any of that. The 2nd amendment and the events detailed in the Declaration of Independence is all I need. Everything else is noise and fluff.
One way of dismissing serious debate is to call it 'noise and fluff'.

I suggest the founders could not conceive of assault weapons. Why should we be able to have them in public use?

Also, check the constitution for how long the army is to be funded. Then read on and understand that the security of a free state requires a well regulated militia. Put the two together and then ask if a well regulated militia amounts to four beer buddies in a Dodge Durango.
How many will it take for you to get the fucking point?
How many "mass shootings" will it take for you to realize it's the assault weapon that puts the "mass" in "mass shooting"?

No one is disputing the point that guns with higher capacities and higher firing rates can kill more people in less time than lesser capable fire arms can.

Are they?

But you think you can end that problem with simple fucking legislation and taking away rights and freedoms from people like me and other law abiding citizens and that makes YOU an even bigger threat in the end.

Criminals are not called criminals for no reason. You will not get their fucking guns off the street by taking away MY right to have one if I Want to.
What is the virtue of high capacity magazines and semi-automatic firing systems, or modified semi-automatic firing systems such as the Las Vegas shooter used? Why are they good? Why should anyone with means have one?

And how do those dubious virtues trump the safety of the general public?

I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you of any of that. The 2nd amendment and the events detailed in the Declaration of Independence is all I need. Everything else is noise and fluff.
One way of dismissing serious debate is to call it 'noise and fluff'.

I suggest the founders could not conceive of assault weapons. Why should we be able to have them in public use?

Also, check the constitution for how long the army is to be funded. Then read on and understand that the security of a free state requires a well regulated militia. Put the two together and then ask if a well regulated militia amounts to four beer buddies in a Dodge Durango.

When States Constitutions define the "militia" as all persons over the age of 18 (as memory serves me) and not currently serving in the US military? That seems to include the four beer buddies in a Dodge Durango. Doesn't it?
Sounds like the dude was gunning for his ex in laws.

Seems like a justifiable use of your 2nd Anal rights' to do so.

NRA MAGA! I'm so proud. Should have voted Great Douche.
He's making sure we have more mass shootings!

The ASSHOLE whines that the shooter has mental issues.
Signs the LAW that gives him the mental, legal guns to express his
2nd anal rights' on others! In a massive way.

YEP! All true!


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