More than 20 dead after shooting at Sutherland Springs church

...I should probably ignore anyone who immediately called this a racially motivated shooting.
You cant ignore me. If you did you would be irrelevant.

Your level of stupidity is hard to ignore. Entertain us some more, please.

I hate the phrase "trust me" but it is fitting here. So, "trust me" and put that dumbass on ignore. Your brain will thank you for doing so.
I believe you, however I have different approach. I want them to talk and expose their true self, and for that reason I don't have anyone on ignore.

You must be a lot younger than I am. The older I get, the more I value my remaining time.

It depends what you consider old. :D I'm 48.

I come to the USMB mostly to kill some time. There are not many on the other side worth of discussion, since most of them are paid shills. I agree, it's wasted time, but again... time enjoyed wasting isn't really wasted. :D
WHEE! NRA! NRA! Provides legal guns by restricting Gun and Mental checks to MAGA!
FFS! The DOPer Congress just passed a law so mental people can get guns.
Always FLIES HIGH! Be their next LIVE TARGETS!


112 killed. 531 wounded. in the last 40 days.

2017 isn’t over yet, but already the deadliest year on record in terms of massacres

Texas church shooter’s troubled past in contrast to Las Vegas gunman

What laws that have been proposed by PROGS would have prevented this shooting? Specifically.

Maybe we should make murder illegal.
Let me VERY clear about this. I don't care what laws you come up with, no matter what the penalty... nothing will be absolute.

That doesn't mean you quit trying to improve.

What the fuck will it ever take for one of you leftardz to admit that you can NOT prevent CRIMINALS from committing their crimes by passing more and more fucking laws to restrict the rights and freedoms of the fucking law ABIDING?

I'm not a leftard, and when the fuck are you gun nutjobs going to learn that throwing more people in jail isn't going to deter crime? We put more people in jail than any country in the world and still have higher amounts of gun crime.

How about you quit bitching and propose an answer other than lock everyone up?

Let me get this right. . .

You would like to take guns away from law abiding citizens and stop putting actual criminals behind bars. . .

At the same fucking time?

And you still claim NOT to be a leftard?

That's some funny shit right there.

No dipshit. I've SAID OVER AND OVER I'm not for taking away guns from people. Outlawing fucking assault rifles isn't taking guns from people.

First of, define assault rifle.

Second, outlawing anything means taking it away.

What are you, like five? We need kiddies board here, for you.

Taking away the right to own an assault rifle isn't taking away "guns."

That's the same failed argument the gun nutjob sheep repeat over and over.
WHEE! NRA! NRA! Provides legal guns by restricting Gun and Mental checks to MAGA!
FFS! The DOPer Congress just passed a law so mental people can get guns.
Always FLIES HIGH! Be their next LIVE TARGETS!


112 killed. 531 wounded. in the last 40 days.

2017 isn’t over yet, but already the deadliest year on record in terms of massacres

Texas church shooter’s troubled past in contrast to Las Vegas gunman

What laws that have been proposed by PROGS would have prevented this shooting? Specifically.

Maybe we should make murder illegal.

It is, sees the cops! It's illegal not to shot unarmed folks.
As they enforce laws on others, not themselves.
WHEE! NRA! NRA! Provides legal guns by restricting Gun and Mental checks to MAGA!
FFS! The DOPer Congress just passed a law so mental people can get guns.
Always FLIES HIGH! Be their next LIVE TARGETS!


112 killed. 531 wounded. in the last 40 days.

2017 isn’t over yet, but already the deadliest year on record in terms of massacres

Texas church shooter’s troubled past in contrast to Las Vegas gunman

What laws that have been proposed by PROGS would have prevented this shooting? Specifically.

Maybe we should make murder illegal.

YES!!! if we make prostitution, drugs and murder LEGAL---
crime will VANISH
What the fuck will it ever take for one of you leftardz to admit that you can NOT prevent CRIMINALS from committing their crimes by passing more and more fucking laws to restrict the rights and freedoms of the fucking law ABIDING?

I'm not a leftard, and when the fuck are you gun nutjobs going to learn that throwing more people in jail isn't going to deter crime? We put more people in jail than any country in the world and still have higher amounts of gun crime.

How about you quit bitching and propose an answer other than lock everyone up?

Let me get this right. . .

You would like to take guns away from law abiding citizens and stop putting actual criminals behind bars. . .

At the same fucking time?

And you still claim NOT to be a leftard?

That's some funny shit right there.

No dipshit. I've SAID OVER AND OVER I'm not for taking away guns from people. Outlawing fucking assault rifles isn't taking guns from people.

First of, define assault rifle.

Second, outlawing anything means taking it away.

What are you, like five? We need kiddies board here, for you.

Taking away the right to own an assault rifle isn't taking away "guns."

That's the same failed argument the gun nutjob sheep repeat over and over.

Again, define what an assault rifle is!

Las Vegas shooter didn't use it, and Texas shooter neither.
What the fuck will it ever take for one of you leftardz to admit that you can NOT prevent CRIMINALS from committing their crimes by passing more and more fucking laws to restrict the rights and freedoms of the fucking law ABIDING?

I'm not a leftard, and when the fuck are you gun nutjobs going to learn that throwing more people in jail isn't going to deter crime? We put more people in jail than any country in the world and still have higher amounts of gun crime.

How about you quit bitching and propose an answer other than lock everyone up?

Let me get this right. . .

You would like to take guns away from law abiding citizens and stop putting actual criminals behind bars. . .

At the same fucking time?

And you still claim NOT to be a leftard?

That's some funny shit right there.

No dipshit. I've SAID OVER AND OVER I'm not for taking away guns from people. Outlawing fucking assault rifles isn't taking guns from people.

First of, define assault rifle.

Second, outlawing anything means taking it away.

What are you, like five? We need kiddies board here, for you.

Taking away the right to own an assault rifle isn't taking away "guns."

That's the same failed argument the gun nutjob sheep repeat over and over.

What right to arms was the 2nd amendment written to secure, if it was not written to secure the people's right to "assault weapons?"
WHEE! NRA! NRA! Provides legal guns by restricting Gun and Mental checks to MAGA!
FFS! The DOPer Congress just passed a law so mental people can get guns.
Always FLIES HIGH! Be their next LIVE TARGETS!


112 killed. 531 wounded. in the last 40 days.

2017 isn’t over yet, but already the deadliest year on record in terms of massacres

Texas church shooter’s troubled past in contrast to Las Vegas gunman

What laws that have been proposed by PROGS would have prevented this shooting? Specifically.

Maybe we should make murder illegal.

It is, see cops! It's illegal not to shot unarmed folks.
As they enforce laws on others, not themselves.

Than we should make it double super illegal, criminals won't knowingly break a law that's double super illegal.
How many "mass shootings" will it take for you to realize it's the assault weapon that puts the "mass" in "mass shooting"?

No one is disputing the point that guns with higher capacities and higher firing rates can kill more people in less time than lesser capable fire arms can.

Are they?

But you think you can end that problem with simple fucking legislation and taking away rights and freedoms from people like me and other law abiding citizens and that makes YOU an even bigger threat in the end.

Criminals are not called criminals for no reason. You will not get their fucking guns off the street by taking away MY right to have one if I Want to.
What is the virtue of high capacity magazines and semi-automatic firing systems, or modified semi-automatic firing systems such as the Las Vegas shooter used? Why are they good? Why should anyone with means have one?

And how do those dubious virtues trump the safety of the general public?

I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you of any of that. The 2nd amendment and the events detailed in the Declaration of Independence is all I need. Everything else is noise and fluff.
One way of dismissing serious debate is to call it 'noise and fluff'.

I suggest the founders could not conceive of assault weapons. Why should we be able to have them in public use?

Also, check the constitution for how long the army is to be funded. Then read on and understand that the security of a free state requires a well regulated militia. Put the two together and then ask if a well regulated militia amounts to four beer buddies in a Dodge Durango.

When States Constitutions define the "militia" as all persons over the age of 18 (as memory serves me) and not currently serving in the US military? That seems to include the four beer buddies in a Dodge Durango. Doesn't it?
It may define "militia", but it comes short of defining "well regulated ".

Uh, Dood. The shooter was denied a gun permit.
In texASS you need a gun permit only for conceal care, I understand.
I would think so cops can know your armed and dangerous.
You only need to live 6 months in texASS to start carrying a gun all day long.
Do they have other types of permits?

DANG! Shoot'Em Cowgirls.

No permit is necessary for the purchase of rifles, shotguns, ammunition, or any firearm component in the state. The only qualifications pertinent to the purchase of firearms set by Texas gun laws is that the purchaser be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the state.

tezASS! The gun nutter paradise.

BTW. The Great Douche new Gun Distribution Director.
Keeping with the All Russians theme of the
Great Douche Administration Standards.

DANG! The American DICKok45 did not meet MAGA standards.
TO hire non-Americans first, the standards of the Great Douche!


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No one is disputing the point that guns with higher capacities and higher firing rates can kill more people in less time than lesser capable fire arms can.

Are they?

But you think you can end that problem with simple fucking legislation and taking away rights and freedoms from people like me and other law abiding citizens and that makes YOU an even bigger threat in the end.

Criminals are not called criminals for no reason. You will not get their fucking guns off the street by taking away MY right to have one if I Want to.
What is the virtue of high capacity magazines and semi-automatic firing systems, or modified semi-automatic firing systems such as the Las Vegas shooter used? Why are they good? Why should anyone with means have one?

And how do those dubious virtues trump the safety of the general public?

I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you of any of that. The 2nd amendment and the events detailed in the Declaration of Independence is all I need. Everything else is noise and fluff.
One way of dismissing serious debate is to call it 'noise and fluff'.

I suggest the founders could not conceive of assault weapons. Why should we be able to have them in public use?

Also, check the constitution for how long the army is to be funded. Then read on and understand that the security of a free state requires a well regulated militia. Put the two together and then ask if a well regulated militia amounts to four beer buddies in a Dodge Durango.

When States Constitutions define the "militia" as all persons over the age of 18 (as memory serves me) and not currently serving in the US military? That seems to include the four beer buddies in a Dodge Durango. Doesn't it?
It may define "militia", but it comes short of defining "well regulated ".

Funny how leftardz get so excited about that when it was just another way of saying "well trained, well regimented or well disciplined" at the time it was written.
WHEE! NRA! NRA! Provides legal guns by restricting Gun and Mental checks to MAGA!
FFS! The DOPer Congress just passed a law so mental people can get guns.
Always FLIES HIGH! Be their next LIVE TARGETS!


112 killed. 531 wounded. in the last 40 days.

2017 isn’t over yet, but already the deadliest year on record in terms of massacres

Texas church shooter’s troubled past in contrast to Las Vegas gunman

What laws that have been proposed by PROGS would have prevented this shooting? Specifically.

Maybe we should make murder illegal.

YES!!! if we make prostitution, drugs and murder LEGAL---
crime will VANISH

Yeah that's why it's a good thing narcotics are illegal, can you imagine how shit everything would be if people actually used those?
What is the virtue of high capacity magazines and semi-automatic firing systems, or modified semi-automatic firing systems such as the Las Vegas shooter used? Why are they good? Why should anyone with means have one?

And how do those dubious virtues trump the safety of the general public?

I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you of any of that. The 2nd amendment and the events detailed in the Declaration of Independence is all I need. Everything else is noise and fluff.
One way of dismissing serious debate is to call it 'noise and fluff'.

I suggest the founders could not conceive of assault weapons. Why should we be able to have them in public use?

Also, check the constitution for how long the army is to be funded. Then read on and understand that the security of a free state requires a well regulated militia. Put the two together and then ask if a well regulated militia amounts to four beer buddies in a Dodge Durango.

When States Constitutions define the "militia" as all persons over the age of 18 (as memory serves me) and not currently serving in the US military? That seems to include the four beer buddies in a Dodge Durango. Doesn't it?
It may define "militia", but it comes short of defining "well regulated ".

Funny how leftardz get so excited about that when it was just another way of saying "well trained, well regimented or well disciplined" at the time it was written.
Where do those beer buddies in the Durango fit into being well trained, well regimented and well disciplined?

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