More than 20 dead after shooting at Sutherland Springs church

Another new LOW! For the Great DOUCHE.


FYI: Read the small print before you say Fake News!

Trump approval at new low as Russia concerns grow
New CNN Poll Conducted by SSRS

Donald Trump’s approval rating stands at its lowest point in CNN’s polling as concerns about contacts between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russian operatives have grown sharply in the wake of the first indictments from the special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the US election.

Overall, just 36% say they approve of the way Trump is handling his job as president, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, worse by one percentage point than Trump’s previous low of 37%, reached in October. Disapproval has also reached a new high at 58%, with nearly half (48%) saying they strongly disapprove of the way the President is handling his job.Trump approval at new low as Russia concerns grow - SSRS

About Our Company - SSRS
Last edited:

Let's go ahead and lay this to rest right now. The far-right (badly) put together a collage of images/mock up of a FB profile and are claiming the Texas shooter uploaded a picture of his antifa flag. How do we know its fake?

That's OUR picture. Pulled from our shop website when we had that flag design in stock. The person holding it in the picture is me. The admin of this page. In my office. You can only see a part of my torso but yeah...

Myth: Busted. Good Night Alt-Right.
This thread is unreal. If the guy was Black it would mean he is Black Lives Matter. If he was brown skinned he would be Muslim doing it for ISIS. Now if he is white he is an ANTIFA.

It's unheard of that the guy could just be a whacko gun nutjob who lost his marbles.



And if he were Muslim it would be because of that - not because he was a homicidal whacko. Religion, like guns - is a tool to justify violence.

And...this loon was enamored with his guns.

Perhaps I am misreading your post, but religion does not justify violence, and neither do guns. Many misguided people have attempted to do so in the past, but when you disregard the basic premises of your own religion then religion is not to blame. Does his apparently fervent belief in atheism justify his attack on those who believe in God, any God? I think not.

Yes, this guy apparently loved his guns, so what? That didn't make him a homicidal whack either. Lots of gun collectors out there, no?
Why would some one be allowed 20 Guns and the reason for?????BAN ALL GUNS.....and watch the DEATH RELATED Killings would drop dramatically

Death related killings? What in the hell does that mean?
Thought you were a bit smarter but "GUN DEATHS" should suffice?
This thread is unreal. If the guy was Black it would mean he is Black Lives Matter. If he was brown skinned he would be Muslim doing it for ISIS. Now if he is white he is an ANTIFA.

It's unheard of that the guy could just be a whacko gun nutjob who lost his marbles.



And if he were Muslim it would be because of that - not because he was a homicidal whacko. Religion, like guns - is a tool to justify violence.

And...this loon was enamored with his guns.

Perhaps I am misreading your post, but religion does not justify violence, and neither do guns. Many misguided people have attempted to do so in the past, but when you disregard the basic premises of your own religion then religion is not to blame. Does his apparently fervent belief in atheism justify his attack on those who believe in God, any God? I think not.

Yes, this guy apparently loved his guns, so what? That didn't make him a homicidal whack either. Lots of gun collectors out there, no?
Why would some one be allowed 20 Guns and the reason for?????BAN ALL GUNS.....and watch the DEATH RELATED Killings would drop dramatically

Death related killings? What in the hell does that mean?
Thought you were a bit smarter but "GUN DEATHS" should suffice?

I didn’t write it, blame the idiot that can’t formulate a thought and then write it down.

GB enacted stricter gun laws in 1996 and the murder rate continued to rise until 2003 when GB hired more LE.

People that want to kill will find other ways to murder others if they really want to.
it is not related to age and it was premedited in advance, it was not a blood shot.
All that is on the internet has been removed only those who have put in the favorites who have a backup can have access to information about the shooter.

You can't be serious about whether age matters. A person in their mid-20's will generally have a much larger presence on social media than a guy like Paddock.
No, it does not mean anything today everyone is on the internet. age does not matter, some people are older but go as much on the internet as the youngest.

Did Paddock even have a Facebook account?
He was on the internet, he plays live poker, he left traces

I asked if he had Facebook, not if he got on the internet. That's not the same thing. Kelley had a Facebook page and even put a picture of his rifle on it.

You know... presence on the internet is not measured by number of followers and likes on Facebook.
When that's what the bad guys will have, you bet your ass that's exactly what a homeowner needs.

Again, you are giving thugs and crazies a tactical advantage. That is insane and immoral.

Sounds like a reasonable argument, now please share with me how many home intruders used assault rifles over the last year, couple of years, or decade.

Irrelevant. One prepares for the worst and hopes for the best. I choose to be prepared for any eventuality, including more than one man intent on harm.

If you want examples of where an semi-auto rifle in the hands of a good guy proved tactically appropriate, you need look no further than the tragedy in Texas.

How is it irrelevant to ask for the number of times a high powered rifle has been used in home defense when the major defense of them is people saying they need them for home defense?

It's common sense...

Fact is, most will tell you that you shouldn't use a high powered rifle for home defense. The long barrel makes it difficult to use indoors. Not to mention if you fire it, it goes through walls... which if you have neighbors close by, you could be putting them in danger. The #1 gun in home defense? A pump-action shot gun. The sound of jacking a shell into the chamber is often enough deterrent alone.

I've been trained in doing room clearing, and doing so with a rifle or a shotgun is much more difficult than using a hand gun.

First, there is such a thing as a short barreled AR, sometimes called a carbine. With an easily mountable light, it makes a perfect home defense weapon. Further, it is a simple matter to acquire ammunition designed for indoor home defense situations (low velocity, low flash, quick expansion/fragmentation). I load my own. Lastly, one should NEVER fire any weapon such that the bullet could penetrate a wall. Good lord I hope I never live next to you and your shotgun.

Secondly, effectiveness against a burglar is not a "major defense" in the right to own a common firearm. You said that. The major reason is the 2nd amendment in which you'll find nothing about home defense.

Bull. Most people on this forum say they need it for home defense, and then veil it under the idea that they need it in case the government gets to be too oppressive.

I sure am glad to see how you prove my point about using a rifle for home defense... it takes very particular rifles, with particular ammunition, in order for it to be safe and affective.

Not a veil. It's the very reason for the 2nd amendment. Your logical fallacy of anecdote is noted.

Any fireman should be handled in a safe manner, so thanks for making MY point.
Granny says is `cause it's the end times...

Why are US mass shootings getting more deadly?
Tue, 07 Nov 2017 - The number of people killed in US mass shootings has gone up. Analysts have different theories about why.
Three of the worst five shootings in modern US history have happened in the last 16 months. It began - more or less - with 13, the number killed in 1949 in Camden, New Jersey, one of the earliest mass shootings in the US. An army veteran, Howard Unruh, killed his neighbours. Over the next several decades, the numbers went up: 16 in Austin, Texas, on a campus in 1966, and 21 slain at a McDonald's in San Ysidro, California, in 1984.


The past month or so have been especially brutal, as two attacks unfolded - in Las Vegas (58 dead) and Sutherland Springs, Texas (26). They followed a June 2016 assault in an Orlando nightclub in which 49 people were killed. The reasons for this disturbing trend are many and complex, and people across the US and around the world have struggled to understand the violence. Here analysts discuss some of the factors that may lie behind the grim numbers:

Weapons are more powerful - and shoot faster

The shooters have increasingly been using guns with high-capacity magazines, allowing them to fire off dozens of rounds without having to reload. "There are more people being shot in a shorter amount of time - with more bullets in them," explained Harvard School of Public Health's David Hemenway. Adam Lanza, who killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012, and James Holmes, who killed 12 in Aurora, Colorado, that year, both used weapons with this feature. The data's clear: the number of killings in individual attacks goes up when assault rifles are used. Researchers have also examined the laws: a ban on semiautomatic assault weapons and large-capacity magazines was passed in 1994. It was lifted in 2004.


Experts said lifting the ban helped to usher in a new era of mass shootings. With these weapons, individuals could shoot faster and for longer periods of time - and consequently were able to kill more people in their attacks. In addition states have their own laws. After the Sandy Hook massacre, a Connecticut law was passed that banned semiautomatic rifles (or assault weapons, as they're also known). Other states loosened their gun laws, however. In Georgia, for example, a law was passed that allowed people to carry weapons in school classrooms, nightclubs and other places. Experts at the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence wrote that people in states with stricter gun controls tended to see less gun violence.

Assailants choose their sites more carefully

See also:

McCain: Armed Services Committee Will Investigate Failure to Report Gunman’s Convictions
November 7, 2017 – The man who shot and killed 26 people at a Sutherland Springs, Texas church should never have been allowed to legally purchase a gun, but he did – four times – because the Air Force failed to report his domestic violence convictions and bad conduct discharge to federal law enforcement.
In a statement issued on Monday, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, promised to look into it: The Air Force has acknowledged that after court martialing and convicting the perpetrator on charges of domestic assault, it failed to report the conviction to the FBI. The Senate Armed Services Committee will conduct rigorous oversight of the Department's investigation into the circumstances that led to this failure. It's critical that each of the military services take the steps necessary to ensure that similar mistakes have not occurred and will not occur in the future. The Air Force also is reviewing how it handled the criminal records of 26-year-old Devin Patrick Kelley.

In a statement released on Monday, Air Force spokesperson Ann Stefanik said Kelly was convicted on two charges of domestic violence against his wife and his stepson at his 2012 court martial. Press reports said he pointed a loaded gun at his former wife and cracked his stepson’s skull. He served 12 months in confinement before being released from the Air Force with a Bad Conduct Discharge in 2014. “Federal law prohibited him from buying or possessing firearms after this conviction,” Stefanik said. “Initial information indicates that Kelley’s domestic violence offense was not entered into the National Criminal Information Center database by the Holloman Air Force Base Office of Special Investigations.”

The National Criminal Information Center is one of the databases checked by the national instant background check system. Stefanik said the Air Force will conduct a “comprehensive review” of its databases to ensure that records in other cases have been reported correctly. The Air Force has also requested that the Department of Defense Inspector General review records and procedures across the Department of Defense. Law enforcement officials said the shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas during Sunday services was not random.

They said Kelley was angry at his mother-in-law who occasionally attended that church, and even sent her threatening texts. She was not there on Sunday, but Kelley did kill his estranged wife’s grandmother. Meanwhile the man who stopped Kelley’s rampage is speaking out.

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Uh, Dood. The shooter was denied a gun permit.
In texASS you need a gun permit only for conceal care, I understand.
I would think so cops can know your armed and dangerous.
You only need to live 6 months in texASS to start carrying a gun all day long.
Do they have other types of permits?

DANG! Shoot'Em Cowgirls.

No permit is necessary for the purchase of rifles, shotguns, ammunition, or any firearm component in the state. The only qualifications pertinent to the purchase of firearms set by Texas gun laws is that the purchaser be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the state.

tezASS! The gun nutter paradise.

Love texas.

Terrorists and antifa hate it though, for obvious reasons.

Gee! Going to church this Sunday?
As our 100% Mental American BORN Terrorist Whitey Gun Nutters are on the hunt.

btw. Americans Terrorist kill more Americans PERIOD!
Where did Antifa score a mass shooting?

Moron. Most shootings in the U.S. are done by jihadists, gang bangers, atheists, leftwing bernie bros, and grown up boys who have been drugged up with psychoactive Big Pharma products.
Another new LOW! For the Great DOUCHE.


FYI: Read the small print before you say Fake News!

Trump approval at new low as Russia concerns grow
New CNN Poll Conducted by SSRS

Donald Trump’s approval rating stands at its lowest point in CNN’s polling as concerns about contacts between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russian operatives have grown sharply in the wake of the first indictments from the special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the US election.

Overall, just 36% say they approve of the way Trump is handling his job as president, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, worse by one percentage point than Trump’s previous low of 37%, reached in October. Disapproval has also reached a new high at 58%, with nearly half (48%) saying they strongly disapprove of the way the President is handling his job.Trump approval at new low as Russia concerns grow - SSRS

About Our Company - SSRS
CNN poll they said already at the end of the electoral campaign that Hillary was well in front of Trump.
Pff we have all seen Trump win it hands down.without a doubt.


Uh, Dood. The shooter was denied a gun permit.
In texASS you need a gun permit only for conceal care, I understand.
I would think so cops can know your armed and dangerous.
You only need to live 6 months in texASS to start carrying a gun all day long.
Do they have other types of permits?

DANG! Shoot'Em Cowgirls.

No permit is necessary for the purchase of rifles, shotguns, ammunition, or any firearm component in the state. The only qualifications pertinent to the purchase of firearms set by Texas gun laws is that the purchaser be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the state.

tezASS! The gun nutter paradise.

Love texas.

Terrorists and antifa hate it though, for obvious reasons.

Gee! Going to church this Sunday?
As our 100% Mental American BORN Terrorist Whitey Gun Nutters are on the hunt.

btw. Americans Terrorist kill more Americans PERIOD!
Where did Antifa score a mass shooting?

Moron. Most shootings in the U.S. are done by jihadists, gang bangers, atheists, leftwing bernie bros, and grown up boys who have been drugged up with psychoactive Big Pharma products.

We have a winner here! A Super-Class DOPer ALT-FACTS Devotee! MAGA! -Making Arguments Generating ALT-FACTS

hanks down there.

Australian politician trolls US lawmakers with mass shooting stats: Guess when we passed our gun laws? Australian politician trolls US over mass shootings



texASS holds the most top spots with three NRA LEAD Lottery Game Wins! WHEEEE! MAGA!

The Great Douche is in Japan. Outside of real organized Terror attack in Japan.

Shootings like today's doesn't happen in Japan!
The following is a list of
massacres that have occurred in Japan:

Name Date Location Perpetrator Deaths Notes
Shinano River incident July 1922 Shinano River Okura zaibatsu 26 Documentation on death incomplete
Tsuyama massacre May 21, 1938 Tsuyama Mutsuo Toi 30 3 injured
Sakamoto family murder November 4, 1989 Yokohama Aum Shinrikyo 3
Matsumoto incident June 27–28, 1994 Matsumoto Aum Shinrikyo 8 200+ injured
Tokyo subway sarin attack March 20, 1995 Tokyo Aum Shinrikyo 12 1,050 injured
Shimonoseki Station massacre September 29, 1999 Shimonoseki Yasuaki Uwabe 5 10 injured
Setagaya family murder December 30, 2000 Setagaya Unknown 4 Perpetrator never caught
Osaka school massacre June 8, 2001 Ikeda Mamoru Takuma 8 15 injured
Myojo 56 building fire September 1, 2001 Shinjuku Unknown 44 Perpetrator never caught
Akihabara massacre June 8, 2008 Chiyoda Tomohiro Katō 7 10 injured
Osaka Movie Theater fire
[1] October 1, 2008 Osaka Unknown 15 Perpetrator's name never revealed to the public.
Sagamihara stabbings July 26, 2016 Sagamihara Satoshi Uematsu 19 26 injured

List of massacres in Japan - Wikipedia

Why is THAT FFS! Anyone?
Japan must be thinking. America is a wild west Crazy Gun Nutter Nation.

Time to repeal the Fully-Auto Machine gun restrictions in America! MAGA!

WE need better Rates of FIREPOWER for self-Protection.
So WE Can Score MORE BAD/Good KILLS!
Go 100% Americans!

Don't let outsider NON-Americans take or get your Wall Trophies!
Sponsored by the NRA!
Last edited:
Another new LOW! For the Great DOUCHE.


FYI: Read the small print before you say Fake News!

Trump approval at new low as Russia concerns grow
New CNN Poll Conducted by SSRS

Donald Trump’s approval rating stands at its lowest point in CNN’s polling as concerns about contacts between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russian operatives have grown sharply in the wake of the first indictments from the special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the US election.

Overall, just 36% say they approve of the way Trump is handling his job as president, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, worse by one percentage point than Trump’s previous low of 37%, reached in October. Disapproval has also reached a new high at 58%, with nearly half (48%) saying they strongly disapprove of the way the President is handling his job.Trump approval at new low as Russia concerns grow - SSRS

About Our Company - SSRS
CNN poll they said already at the end of the electoral campaign that Hillary was well in front of Trump.
Pff we have all seen Trump win it hands down.without a doubt.

View attachment 159132

Bush won by SCOTUS ruling.
The Great Douche won by 77K votes in three states.

Many, Many voters did not vote for the reason, The Douche can't win.
Based on all IT's Spews of BS! LIES and Racism. They learned.

Long-Term still looks bad for the GOP/DOPer party in the Growth area.
As the Great Douche just changing so much..

it is not related to age and it was premedited in advance, it was not a blood shot.
All that is on the internet has been removed only those who have put in the favorites who have a backup can have access to information about the shooter.

You can't be serious about whether age matters. A person in their mid-20's will generally have a much larger presence on social media than a guy like Paddock.
No, it does not mean anything today everyone is on the internet. age does not matter, some people are older but go as much on the internet as the youngest.

Did Paddock even have a Facebook account?
He was on the internet, he plays live poker, he left traces

I asked if he had Facebook, not if he got on the internet. That's not the same thing. Kelley had a Facebook page and even put a picture of his rifle on it.
No, he was not on Facebook...Kelley my little finger tell me he was a Antifa !
Another new LOW! For the Great DOUCHE.


FYI: Read the small print before you say Fake News!

Trump approval at new low as Russia concerns grow
New CNN Poll Conducted by SSRS

Donald Trump’s approval rating stands at its lowest point in CNN’s polling as concerns about contacts between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russian operatives have grown sharply in the wake of the first indictments from the special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the US election.

Overall, just 36% say they approve of the way Trump is handling his job as president, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, worse by one percentage point than Trump’s previous low of 37%, reached in October. Disapproval has also reached a new high at 58%, with nearly half (48%) saying they strongly disapprove of the way the President is handling his job.Trump approval at new low as Russia concerns grow - SSRS

About Our Company - SSRS
CNN poll they said already at the end of the electoral campaign that Hillary was well in front of Trump.
Pff we have all seen Trump win it hands down.without a doubt.

View attachment 159132

Bush won by SCOTUS ruling.
The Great Douche won by 77K votes in three states.

Many, Many voters did not vote for the reason, The Douche can't win.
Based on all IT's Spews of BS! LIES and Racism. They learned.

Long-Term still looks bad for the GOP/DOPer party in the Growth area.
As the Great Douche just changing so much..

Obama was your President for 8 years he could have change the Guns laws.
Another new LOW! For the Great DOUCHE.


FYI: Read the small print before you say Fake News!

Trump approval at new low as Russia concerns grow
New CNN Poll Conducted by SSRS

Donald Trump’s approval rating stands at its lowest point in CNN’s polling as concerns about contacts between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russian operatives have grown sharply in the wake of the first indictments from the special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the US election.

Overall, just 36% say they approve of the way Trump is handling his job as president, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, worse by one percentage point than Trump’s previous low of 37%, reached in October. Disapproval has also reached a new high at 58%, with nearly half (48%) saying they strongly disapprove of the way the President is handling his job.Trump approval at new low as Russia concerns grow - SSRS

About Our Company - SSRS
CNN poll they said already at the end of the electoral campaign that Hillary was well in front of Trump.
Pff we have all seen Trump win it hands down.without a doubt.

View attachment 159132

Bush won by SCOTUS ruling.
The Great Douche won by 77K votes in three states.

Many, Many voters did not vote for the reason, The Douche can't win.
Based on all IT's Spews of BS! LIES and Racism. They learned.

Long-Term still looks bad for the GOP/DOPer party in the Growth area.
As the Great Douche just changing so much..

Obama was your President for 8 years he could have change the Guns laws.

He did, He signed a law that said no guns for mental Gun Nutters.
Which should have covered all Gun Nutters. As all are Mental...defects
Mental people could not have guns.

But wait!......... The Great Mental Douche has arrived!.

The Great Douche said YES! Mental People can have Guns.
So IT reversed the law. Wheee! MAGA.
OOPS! Feel that Orange Douche slime.

Time to repeal the Fully-Auto Machine gun restrictions in America! MAGA!
WE need better Rates of FIREPOWER for self-Protection.
So WE Can Score MORE BAD/Good KILLS!
Go 100% Americans!
Don't let outsider NON-Americans take or get your Wall Trophies!
Sponsored by the NRA!
Last edited:
WHeee! We got a new shooter. MAGA. L

btw. et the Blood flow!

One person was shot during an incident near the University of South Carolina Upstate on Tuesday.

The person who was shot was not a student and suffered non-life-threatening injuries, said Tammy E. Whaley, spokeswoman for USC Upstate.
Shooting reported near USC Upstate; campus lockdown lifted

DANG! Just one.:dunno:
If only an old Gun law was reversed!
That would be a great MAGA solution!

Time to repeal the Fully-Auto Machine gun restrictions in America! MAGA!
WE need better Rates of FIREPOWER for self-Protection.
So WE Can Score MORE BAD/Good KILLS!
Go 100% Americans!
Don't let outsider NON-Americans take or get your Wall Trophies!
Sponsored by the NRA!

BTW: Thanks, NRA.
Columbine is no longer one of the 10 deadliest shootings in modern US history - CNN
Last edited:
Another new LOW! For the Great DOUCHE.


FYI: Read the small print before you say Fake News!

Trump approval at new low as Russia concerns grow
New CNN Poll Conducted by SSRS

Donald Trump’s approval rating stands at its lowest point in CNN’s polling as concerns about contacts between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russian operatives have grown sharply in the wake of the first indictments from the special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the US election.

Overall, just 36% say they approve of the way Trump is handling his job as president, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, worse by one percentage point than Trump’s previous low of 37%, reached in October. Disapproval has also reached a new high at 58%, with nearly half (48%) saying they strongly disapprove of the way the President is handling his job.Trump approval at new low as Russia concerns grow - SSRS

About Our Company - SSRS
CNN poll they said already at the end of the electoral campaign that Hillary was well in front of Trump.
Pff we have all seen Trump win it hands down.without a doubt.

View attachment 159132

Bush won by SCOTUS ruling.
The Great Douche won by 77K votes in three states.

Many, Many voters did not vote for the reason, The Douche can't win.
Based on all IT's Spews of BS! LIES and Racism. They learned.

Long-Term still looks bad for the GOP/DOPer party in the Growth area.
As the Great Douche just changing so much..

Obama was your President for 8 years he could have change the Guns laws.

He did, He signed a law that said no guns for mental Gun Nutters.
Which should have covered all Gun Nutters. As all are Mental...defects
Mental people could not have guns.

But wait!......... The Great Mental Douche has arrived!.

The Great Douche said YES! Mental People can have Guns.
So IT reversed the law. Wheee! MAGA.
OOPS! Feel that Orange Douche slime.

Time to repeal the Fully-Auto Machine gun restrictions in America! MAGA!
WE need better Rates of FIREPOWER for self-Protection.
So WE Can Score MORE BAD/Good KILLS!
Go 100% Americans!
Don't let outsider NON-Americans take or get your Wall Trophies!
Sponsored by the NRA!

Obama Made Bump Stocks Legal Paddock use it well.
Another new LOW! For the Great DOUCHE.


FYI: Read the small print before you say Fake News!

Trump approval at new low as Russia concerns grow
New CNN Poll Conducted by SSRS

Donald Trump’s approval rating stands at its lowest point in CNN’s polling as concerns about contacts between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russian operatives have grown sharply in the wake of the first indictments from the special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the US election.

Overall, just 36% say they approve of the way Trump is handling his job as president, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, worse by one percentage point than Trump’s previous low of 37%, reached in October. Disapproval has also reached a new high at 58%, with nearly half (48%) saying they strongly disapprove of the way the President is handling his job.Trump approval at new low as Russia concerns grow - SSRS

About Our Company - SSRS
CNN poll they said already at the end of the electoral campaign that Hillary was well in front of Trump.
Pff we have all seen Trump win it hands down.without a doubt.

View attachment 159132

Bush won by SCOTUS ruling.
The Great Douche won by 77K votes in three states.

Many, Many voters did not vote for the reason, The Douche can't win.
Based on all IT's Spews of BS! LIES and Racism. They learned.

Long-Term still looks bad for the GOP/DOPer party in the Growth area.
As the Great Douche just changing so much..

Obama was your President for 8 years he could have change the Guns laws.

He did, He signed a law that said no guns for mental Gun Nutters.
Which should have covered all Gun Nutters. As all are Mental...defects
Mental people could not have guns.

But wait!......... The Great Mental Douche has arrived!.

The Great Douche said YES! Mental People can have Guns.
So IT reversed the law. Wheee! MAGA.
OOPS! Feel that Orange Douche slime.

Time to repeal the Fully-Auto Machine gun restrictions in America! MAGA!
WE need better Rates of FIREPOWER for self-Protection.
So WE Can Score MORE BAD/Good KILLS!
Go 100% Americans!
Don't let outsider NON-Americans take or get your Wall Trophies!
Sponsored by the NRA!

Obama Made Bump Stocks Legal Paddock use it well.

Provide the Law Obama signed.

ATP ruled it had no regulations, to stop sales of faster killing bump stocks.

Regulatory status in the United States[edit]
Devices (from complex, specially made triggers to a low-tech rubber band) may be employed to aid in "bumping". However, not all such devices or modifications are legal. A famous example in the US is the case of the Akins Accelerator for the Ruger 10/22.[3] Though the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) initially approved the device, they later reversed this ruling in 2005, two years after they had approved it for sale.[4] This reversal was made due to a difference in the device submitted for approval and the device issued for sale. An additional spring was added after approval which caused the withdrawal. It has since been returned to market.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ruled in 2010 that bump stocks were not a firearm subject to regulation and allowed their sale as an unregulated firearm part. The ATF does not track production, so no one knows how many are in circulation.[2]

In the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, twelve bump fire stock devices were found at the scene.[5] The National Rifle Association stated on 5 October, "Devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations", and called on regulators to "immediately review whether these devices comply with federal law".[6] The 2017 shooting generated bipartisan interest in regulating bump stocks.[7] On 4 October 2017 senator Dianne Feinstein introduced a bill to ban bump stocks,[2] but as of November 3, 2017, no Congressional action had resulted.

On November 3, 2017, Massachusetts became the first state to enact a ban on both sale and possession of bump stocks after the Las Vegas shooting.[8] Sale of bump stocks had been illegal in California since 1990; legal status is unclear in Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and Washington, D.C.[9]----
Bump fire - Wikipedia

Try Again! ALL NRA LIES! Thay were always block restrictions.
Last edited:
Uh, Dood. The shooter was denied a gun permit.
In texASS you need a gun permit only for conceal care, I understand.
I would think so cops can know your armed and dangerous.
You only need to live 6 months in texASS to start carrying a gun all day long.
Do they have other types of permits?

DANG! Shoot'Em Cowgirls.

No permit is necessary for the purchase of rifles, shotguns, ammunition, or any firearm component in the state. The only qualifications pertinent to the purchase of firearms set by Texas gun laws is that the purchaser be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the state.

tezASS! The gun nutter paradise.

Love texas.

Terrorists and antifa hate it though, for obvious reasons.

Gee! Going to church this Sunday?
As our 100% Mental American BORN Terrorist Whitey Gun Nutters are on the hunt.

btw. Americans Terrorist kill more Americans PERIOD!
Where did Antifa score a mass shooting?

Moron. Most shootings in the U.S. are done by jihadists, gang bangers, atheists, leftwing bernie bros, and grown up boys who have been drugged up with psychoactive Big Pharma products.

We have a winner here! A Super-Class DOPer ALT-FACTS Devotee! MAGA! -Making Arguments Generating ALT-FACTS

hanks down there.

Australian politician trolls US lawmakers with mass shooting stats: Guess when we passed our gun laws? Australian politician trolls US over mass shootings



texASS holds the most top spots with three NRA LEAD Lottery Game Wins! WHEEEE! MAGA!

The Great Douche is in Japan. Outside of real organized Terror attack in Japan.

Shootings like today's doesn't happen in Japan!
The following is a list of
massacres that have occurred in Japan:

Name Date Location Perpetrator Deaths Notes
Shinano River incident July 1922 Shinano River Okura zaibatsu 26 Documentation on death incomplete
Tsuyama massacre May 21, 1938 Tsuyama Mutsuo Toi 30 3 injured
Sakamoto family murder November 4, 1989 Yokohama Aum Shinrikyo 3
Matsumoto incident June 27–28, 1994 Matsumoto Aum Shinrikyo 8 200+ injured
Tokyo subway sarin attack March 20, 1995 Tokyo Aum Shinrikyo 12 1,050 injured
Shimonoseki Station massacre September 29, 1999 Shimonoseki Yasuaki Uwabe 5 10 injured
Setagaya family murder December 30, 2000 Setagaya Unknown 4 Perpetrator never caught
Osaka school massacre June 8, 2001 Ikeda Mamoru Takuma 8 15 injured
Myojo 56 building fire September 1, 2001 Shinjuku Unknown 44 Perpetrator never caught
Akihabara massacre June 8, 2008 Chiyoda Tomohiro Katō 7 10 injured
Osaka Movie Theater fire
[1] October 1, 2008 Osaka Unknown 15 Perpetrator's name never revealed to the public.
Sagamihara stabbings July 26, 2016 Sagamihara Satoshi Uematsu 19 26 injured

List of massacres in Japan - Wikipedia

Why is THAT FFS! Anyone?
Japan must be thinking. America is a wild west Crazy Gun Nutter Nation.

Time to repeal the Fully-Auto Machine gun restrictions in America! MAGA!

WE need better Rates of FIREPOWER for self-Protection.
So WE Can Score MORE BAD/Good KILLS!
Go 100% Americans!

Don't let outsider NON-Americans take or get your Wall Trophies!
Sponsored by the NRA!

Texas didn't kill those people and the guns didn't kill those people.

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