More than 30,000 republicans have switched their voter registration since the Capitol riots

Talk about a REAL #walkaway movement!

“Nearly 10,000 Pennsylvania voters dropped out of the Republican Party in the first 25 days of the year, according to the secretary of state’s office. About a third of them, 3,476, have registered as Democrats; the remaining two-thirds opted to register with another party or without any party affiliation.

By contrast, about a third as many Pennsylvania Democrats opted to either join the Republican Party (2,093 through Monday) or to register with no party or a minor party (1,184).”
Well, sorry kiddo, I call bullshit on this.

They are walking away because of cowardly people like Toomey and going as Independents. Larry Schweikart and his wife have done so in Arizona and both are very much pro-Trump.
Obama spied on everyone. He discovered things about them he could use about everyone and then blackmailed people when needed into doing things they normally wouldn't do.
My wife used to live in D.C.
It's a decadent place.....everyone has a secret.
This was true all the way back in the 60s.
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Likely Trump voters pissed off at how the GOP was treating Trump.

They (the GOP) keep sending their pleas for donations...and I keep sending back checks for one penny and a memo line admonishment.

I think they're getting the message...

"Forty-five Senate Republicans voted to declare former President Donald Trump's impeachment trial unconstitutional on Tuesday, all but securing his eventual acquittal."

Thats ok, 15% of Biden voters said they regret voting for him since last week.

15% of 80 million.....Thats 12 million.

Ill see your 30,000 and raise you 13 million. :laughing0301:
Gotta link bub?


Get yer finger out of your rear and search, it wasn't that difficult.

Poll finds some voters regret picking Biden after new revelations
Thats ok, 15% of Biden voters said they regret voting for him since last week.

15% of 80 million.....Thats 12 million.

Ill see your 30,000 and raise you 12 million. :laughing0301:
Unfortunately for you, the OP brought what you didn't. Evidence.
Thats ok, 15% of Biden voters said they regret voting for him since last week.

15% of 80 million.....Thats 12 million.

Ill see your 30,000 and raise you 13 million. :laughing0301:
Gotta link bub?


Get yer finger out of your rear and search, it wasn't that difficult.

Poll finds some voters regret picking Biden after new revelations

How in the FUCK is that anybody's job but the asserter's DICKHEAD??

Wow, evidently any crack-head can get in on the conversation...ASS-WIPE.
And Trump will continue to kill off the Republican party over the next four years.
I’m all for his pathetic attempt at a “patriot party”. His dumbass is apparently too stupid to realize what that would do for Democrats come election time lol
Even without a Patriot Party he stands to tear the party apart by making a Trumpet faction which will oppose any that don't tow the line, all I can say is they had their chance to rid this parasite yet they decided that pandering votes was more important than dignity.

Perhaps he wants to play Teddy Roosevelt all over again. TR enabled Woodrow Wilson to take the office with 42% of the vote.

Of course, it's not quite the same. TR didn't send mobs out to storm capitals and the Capitol, plant bombs, build gallowses, kidnap/execute people, clock guards over the head with fire extinguishers and shit on the floor. Nor was he impeached, even once let alone twice. But I understand he did take over the airports.
Thats ok, 15% of Biden voters said they regret voting for him since last week.

15% of 80 million.....Thats 12 million.

Ill see your 30,000 and raise you 13 million. :laughing0301:
Gotta link bub?


Get yer finger out of your rear and search, it wasn't that difficult.

Poll finds some voters regret picking Biden after new revelations

How in the FUCK is that anybody's job but the asserter's DICKHEAD??

Wow, evidently any crack-head can get in on the conversation...ASS-WIPE.

Go fuck yourself. And when you've done that answer the FUCKING question, Cult-of-Ignorance Freak.
And Trump will continue to kill off the Republican party over the next four years.
I’m all for his pathetic attempt at a “patriot party”. His dumbass is apparently too stupid to realize what that would do for Democrats come election time lol
Even without a Patriot Party he stands to tear the party apart by making a Trumpet faction which will oppose any that don't tow the line, all I can say is they had their chance to rid this parasite yet they decided that pandering votes was more important than dignity.

Perhaps he wants to play Teddy Roosevelt all over again. TR enabled Woodrow Wilson to take the office with 42% of the vote.

Of course, it's not quite the same. TR didn't send mobs out to storm capitals and the Capitol, plant bombs, build gallowses, kidnap/execute people, clock guards over the head with fire extinguishers and shit on the floor. Nor was he impeached, even once let alone twice. But I understand he did take over the airports.
That's because Teddy only carried the gay gilded Republican coalition unlike Trump who has the he-men constituency.
I’m all for his pathetic attempt at a “patriot party”. His dumbass is apparently too stupid to realize what that would do for Democrats come election time lol

He is not part of any such Party. Duh.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Doddering Biden has reallowed his ChiComm masters to be involved in our power system.

Traitor Joe's©™ open for business, and Xi is one happy shopper.
Whatever the fuck Trump decides to call his juvenile attempt, it will still split the vote.
You sure hope so.
I know one thing for sure....none of those people will be voting for communists in the Democrat party.
I guess they'll just have to keep stealing elections.
Thats ok, 15% of Biden voters said they regret voting for him since last week.

15% of 80 million.....Thats 12 million.

Ill see your 30,000 and raise you 13 million. :laughing0301:
Gotta link bub?


Get yer finger out of your rear and search, it wasn't that difficult.

Poll finds some voters regret picking Biden after new revelations

How in the FUCK is that anybody's job but the asserter's DICKHEAD??

Wow, evidently any crack-head can get in on the conversation...ASS-WIPE.

Go fuck yourself. And when you've done that answer the FUCKING question, Cult-of-Ignorance Freak.

How about you answer the FUCKING question, you decided to jump your ass in, cult-of stupidity freak.
Thats ok, 15% of Biden voters said they regret voting for him since last week.

15% of 80 million.....Thats 12 million.

Ill see your 30,000 and raise you 13 million. :laughing0301:
Gotta link bub?


Get yer finger out of your rear and search, it wasn't that difficult.

Poll finds some voters regret picking Biden after new revelations

How in the FUCK is that anybody's job but the asserter's DICKHEAD??
I am calling bullshit on this. I am the posterchild of the #walkaway movement. Because I've seen way too much from the inside, the Democratic party lost its identity. They reduced themselves to the level of political con artist or scammers. The modern democratic party is stark raving pathologically mad. They are con artists looking for a way to scam people into supporting them. Yes, it IS that simple.
Thats ok, 15% of Biden voters said they regret voting for him since last week.

15% of 80 million.....Thats 12 million.

Ill see your 30,000 and raise you 13 million. :laughing0301:
Gotta link bub?


Get yer finger out of your rear and search, it wasn't that difficult.

Poll finds some voters regret picking Biden after new revelations

How in the FUCK is that anybody's job but the asserter's DICKHEAD??

Wow, evidently any crack-head can get in on the conversation...ASS-WIPE.

Go fuck yourself. And when you've done that answer the FUCKING question, Cult-of-Ignorance Freak.

How about you answer the FUCKING question, you decided to jump your ass in, cult-of stupidity freak.

*I* handed *YOUR ASS* the question, Bubbles. That being, on what the FUCK planet is it the responsibility of the receiving end to do the FUCKING ASS-serter's homework the fuck for him?
I am calling bullshit on this. I am the posterchild of the #walkaway movement. Because I've seen way too much from the inside, the Democratic party lost its identity. They reduced themselves to the level of political con artist or scammers. The modern democratic party is stark raving pathologically mad. They are con artists look for a way to scam people into supporting them. Yes, it IS that simple.
So you not only don't know how to post links --- you don't know how to read them either.

How do you even turn your computer on?
Talk about a REAL #walkaway movement!

“Nearly 10,000 Pennsylvania voters dropped out of the Republican Party in the first 25 days of the year, according to the secretary of state’s office. About a third of them, 3,476, have registered as Democrats; the remaining two-thirds opted to register with another party or without any party affiliation.

By contrast, about a third as many Pennsylvania Democrats opted to either join the Republican Party (2,093 through Monday) or to register with no party or a minor party (1,184).”
can you blame them? What a bunch of fucking GOP pussies did absolutely cocksucking shit with stuff slapping them right in the face. They deserve to lose all their party members. They can go straight to fucking hell.

And the United States of America can go to fucking hell to because we're out of here.

Thats ok, 15% of Biden voters said they regret voting for him since last week.

15% of 80 million.....Thats 12 million.

Ill see your 30,000 and raise you 13 million. :laughing0301:
Gotta link bub?


Get yer finger out of your rear and search, it wasn't that difficult.

Poll finds some voters regret picking Biden after new revelations

How in the FUCK is that anybody's job but the asserter's DICKHEAD??

Wow, evidently any crack-head can get in on the conversation...ASS-WIPE.

Go fuck yourself. And when you've done that answer the FUCKING question, Cult-of-Ignorance Freak.

How about you answer the FUCKING question, you decided to jump your ass in, cult-of stupidity freak.

*I* handed *YOUR ASS* the question, Bubbles. That being, on what the FUCK planet is it the responsibility of the receiving end to do the FUCKING ASS-serter's homework the fuck for him?

Guess you and the first clown asking for a link should have both gotten your fingers out of your asses and searched for a link.
Thats ok, 15% of Biden voters said they regret voting for him since last week.

15% of 80 million.....Thats 12 million.

Ill see your 30,000 and raise you 13 million. :laughing0301:
Gotta link bub?


Get yer finger out of your rear and search, it wasn't that difficult.

Poll finds some voters regret picking Biden after new revelations

How in the FUCK is that anybody's job but the asserter's DICKHEAD??

Wow, evidently any crack-head can get in on the conversation...ASS-WIPE.

Go fuck yourself. And when you've done that answer the FUCKING question, Cult-of-Ignorance Freak.

How about you answer the FUCKING question, you decided to jump your ass in, cult-of stupidity freak.

*I* handed *YOUR ASS* the question, Bubbles. That being, on what the FUCK planet is it the responsibility of the receiving end to do the FUCKING ASS-serter's homework the fuck for him?

Guess you and the first clown asking for a link should have both gotten your fingers out of your asses and searched for a link.

I guess you're a fucking fascist toting around this "alternate reality" song and dance.

Is it something in the water that makes you this level of Stupid?

Post Fucking 6 made ASSERTIONS, Dumbass. He brought no link for those ass-sertions. NO quote, NO source, NO NOTHING.

IT's FUCKING HIS responsibility to do that, NO ONE ELSE's. It's how the fucking world works, Dipshit.

And what did you do, Twinkletoes? Demand he post a link?
Nope. You sat here and whined that somebody else should do his homework for him because reasons.

Which means you're either too fucking STUPID, or too fucking BALLLESS, to call out the proper poster. Who, we might add, STILL hasn't followed through.

So yeah. Fuck you and your entire Cult of Ignorance.
I am calling bullshit on this. I am the posterchild of the #walkaway movement. Because I've seen way too much from the inside, the Democratic party lost its identity. They reduced themselves to the level of political con artist or scammers. The modern democratic party is stark raving pathologically mad. They are con artists looking for a way to scam people into supporting them. Yes, it IS that simple.
Hmm okay. So the Republican Party is better because...
Scammers know their targets. They know how to manipulate psychologically their targets. Scammers use certain hedges to get their victims confidence...Democrats are using "racism" or pushing hysteria of a pandemic (over a virus that is 99% survivable) ? …How in the hell can anyone be so goddamned dumb to believe these creeps anymore? Democrats aren't so much a party, they are an crime organization. Lets get real here...

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