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More than 500 legal scholars agree that Trump has committed impeachable offenses

“There is overwhelming evidence that President Trump betrayed his oath of office by seeking to use presidential power to pressure a foreign government to help him distort an American election, for his personal and political benefit, at the direct expense of national security interests as determined by Congress,”


Those testifying before the Kangaroo Committee have been silent when asked what impeachable offense was in "that" phone call. Total silence. Repeatedly!
You're tone deaf. "Favor."

'I would like you to do us a favor': The 30 minute phone call that changed Trump's presidency

Of course, republican voters only trust what Fox News is the GOP is telling them. They can’t handle any sort of cognitive dissonance. Their pre-conceived notions are too delicate.

It isn't just GOP voters, it is old time Hippies and Beatniks that thought the CIA was fucking evil man, they are the devil. Fucks had a hand in assassinating the good guys.

So Trump is in a war against the CIA and the Deep State and we're supposed to take articles from the CIA's paper seriously?



“There is overwhelming evidence that President Trump betrayed his oath of office by seeking to use presidential power to pressure a foreign government to help him distort an American election, for his personal and political benefit, at the direct expense of national security interests as determined by Congress,”


Those testifying before the Kangaroo Committee have been silent when asked what impeachable offense was in "that" phone call. Total silence. Repeatedly!
You're tone deaf. "Favor."

'I would like you to do us a favor': The 30 minute phone call that changed Trump's presidency

If what Biden and his son did was not wrong, and was not extortion, then Trump is in trouble, what he did was a fishing expedition looking for dirt.

. . . OTH. . . .

If what they did was extortion, then he was just looking into cleaning up corruption.

I don't know why folks have to make this partisan. As far as I am concerned, the DNC is being disingenuous by not admitting the obvious evidence. Americans are not dumb.

18 U.S. Code § 872 - Extortion by officers or employees of the United States
"Whoever, being an officer, or employee of the United States or any department or agency thereof, or representing himself to be or assuming to act as such, under color or pretense of office or employment commits or attempts an act of extortion, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; but if the amount so extorted or demanded does not exceed $1,000, he shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 740; Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 655, § 24(b), 65 Stat. 720; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(G), (K), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147; Pub. L. 104–294, title VI, § 606(a), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3511.)"

Heil Republicans

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Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
The author, Burt Neuborne, is one of America’s top civil liberties lawyers, and questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs... A new book by one of the nation’s foremost civil liberties lawyers powerfully describes how America’s constitutional checks and balances...
You are unbelievable. What an astounding douchebag.
So you want to bring America into the shithole Trump is making of it?
Where is the evidence that Trump is making it a shithole?
Nice when "progressives" tell us what they really think about US.

Yesterday was a GREAT day for Trump!

Democrats have not a shred of evidence for any allegation they have made about Donald Trump for three-and-a-half, going on four years. Meanwhile Trump keeps plugging away. The economy is roaring, its future looks great, wages are up, Trump's job approval numbers are up.

Frank Miele, the retired editor of the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell Montana, wrote,

"No matter how many flags and prayers Speaker Pelosi wraps herself in, she is still standing naked before the American people as the author of the greatest insurrection against constitutional authority in more than 150 years. As the whistleblower’s attorney noted prophetically on Twitter in January 2017, '#coup has started. First of many steps. #rebellion. #impeachment will follow ultimately.'​

"Fortunately, the revolution now moves on to the Senate, it WILL be televised, and it will fail miserably. Madame Speaker, delete your account."​

Washington thinks the opposition to impeachment stems from good PR.

David M. Drucker wrote,

"When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi greenlighted the impeachment proceedings in September, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy made a key tactical decision: He would not worry about blocking it but focus instead on shaping public opinion and influencing lawmakers poised to sit as jurors in a Senate trial.​

"The California Republican spent four-plus years as whip, his party’s chief House vote counter. He intuitively understood that if a previously reluctant Pelosi had opted to put her political muscle behind impeachment, there was little Republicans could do to stop her 233 Democrats from voting for it.​

"McCarthy began huddling with his leadership team and top committee lieutenants, while consulting closely with former congressman Trey Gowdy, to develop a strategy that would unify Republicans in opposition and sow public distrust in the process. Together, they calculated that convincing voters the Democrat-run investigation was unfair, as McCarthy's brain trust initially suspected and came to believe, it would sully the outcome no matter how compelling were the allegations against Trump."​

Salesmanship was involved.


But it was like selling steak to a hungry man.

After 4 years of Democrats refusing to accept the election results, President Donald John Trump's supporters have had it and they are not budging.

Meanwhile, after 4 years of watching Wile E. Coyote, the other side is tired of this Road Runner cartoon and changing channels.

The Daily Caller joyfully reported, "CNN Hits Three-Year Ratings Low Amid Impeachment Drama."

Meanwhile, the deplorables laugh at them. We are having fun. Fun is the one thing that money can't buy.

Ace of Spades (and others) mocked a column on the failure of impeachment to catch fire that Margaret Sullivan, the media maven of Jeff Bezos's Washington Post, wrote.

She wrote, "After endless testimony, reporting and punditry, maybe it’s time to do something different."​

Maybe they should try some journalism and stop calling every utterance of some resistance deep stater a bombshell.

Nyah, she wrote,

"Columbia University journalism professor Bill Grueskin suggests the movie-trailer approach. In a message, he explains: 'Studios spend a $1 million or more on a trailer, because they know it’s essential to boil down the essentials of the film — explaining but not giving away the plot, providing a quick but intense insight into the characters, setting the scene with vivid imagery — to entice people to come back to the theatre a month later for the full movie.'"​

Heaven's Gate had a good trailer.

Ace wrote, "Does the media think there's any coming back from this?

"I think they don't think there's any coming back from this -- I think they realize that they made it all too obvious three or four years ago.​

"No one believes them any longer -- not even their progressive customer base actually believes them; their progressive customer base merely supports their lying to others for shared goals -- and they're now just an all-but-admitted propaganda industry, and the only way out is through."​

Of course there is no coming back. Journalism is a dying trade. Nationally, we went from 114,000 paid journalists to 86,000 in the last 9 years. We could get by with half that.

But a few people in the trade get it. Jake Novak at CNBC wrote, "Democrats need to realize that impeaching Trump may not accomplish anything at all."

Novak said, "As the impeachment process moves forward and likely moves to a trial in the Senate, the Democrats are getting what amounts to a free 24/7 negative political ad against Trump on the TV news networks.​

"So what else is new?​

"In case you haven’t noticed. Just about all the TV news coverage of this president has been negative and those networks have barely covered anything else. A recent study by the conservative Media Research Council found that 96% of network news stories covering President Trump were negative since the impeachment inquiry began. But that’s only 4% points higher than the same group’s results from a study about one year ago."​

The media is impotent, not important.

Democrats went all in on the media. President Trump wisely ran against it.

He also said he would Make America Great Again.

Rep. Jim Jordan


.@SpeakerPelosi is counting impeachment votes. Here’s what President Trump is counting:

-266k new jobs
-54k in manufacturing
-Unemployment at 50 yr low
-Wages up 3%

Less taxes and regulation, more freedom for you and your family. Get gov’t out of the way, and the economy booms.

10:42 AM - Dec 6, 2019
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Small wonder Democrats want him impeached. A successful people don't need handouts from the Democrats.
FU youve been taking handouts from the dems for 50 years or more medi care SS etc etc
Dims are paying for these programs? I thought they took the money out of my check.
Who hasn't taken money from your check?? Dems just don't give it to the 1%
Only the federal government takes money out of my check, shit for brains, and then they give it to useless parasites, or even to people who want to destroy me.
Last edited:
DJT is an Idiot Snake Oil Sales Man that folks voted for. And don't want to admit that they were Steam Rolled.
I'm I happy I voted for Trump, especially considering the alternative. You don't convince us you're smart when you tell us that we should have voted for Hitlery.

I WISH I had voted for Trump.

I sure the hell will this time.
So you want to bring America into the shithole Trump is making of it?
Where is the evidence that Trump is making it a shithole?
85 Environmental Rules Being Rolled Back Under Trump
Good! Thank god for Trump!
My problem is that soon the scumbag trump will be gone BUT the Moron shitheads ,braindeads AH'srepublicans, will still be there
I honestly do not know if we will actually see him removed from office after he is impeached, as was Bill Clinton and allowed to stay. The conservatives are gone, mostly retired and those that remain have fallen in line with the totalitarian strongman crowd. The few center right that remain are struggling between desire to do the right thing and a deep desire to not be primaried from their cushy job by the radical right totalitarian strongman crowd. The Senate doesn't exactly seem like the last bastion of moral courage and deep commitment to the country over self right now. I did not vote for Trump or Hillary, but voted for a 3rd party candidate, knowing he never stood a chance. I definitely will vote Democrat this time and will continue to vote against Republicans for national office for the foreseeable future. If the corrupted Republican party survives this cult-like rejection of the founding father's intention of oversight of the executive branch, as passed down in our Constitution, they deserve to wander in the desert as the Jews did for their abominable lack of faith and and commitment to God until that entire generation passed. I recommend this to you and all people of conscience.
How does anyone with self respect spew this kind of brainless horseshit?
All you do is scream and call folks names everyday on USMB.
I simply label morons like you correctly.
“There is overwhelming evidence that President Trump betrayed his oath of office by seeking to use presidential power to pressure a foreign government to help him distort an American election, for his personal and political benefit, at the direct expense of national security interests as determined by Congress,”


Those testifying before the Kangaroo Committee have been silent when asked what impeachable offense was in "that" phone call. Total silence. Repeatedly!
You're tone deaf. "Favor."

'I would like you to do us a favor': The 30 minute phone call that changed Trump's presidency

If what Biden and his son did was not wrong, and was not extortion, then Trump is in trouble, what he did was a fishing expedition looking for dirt.

. . . OTH. . . .

If what they did was extortion, then he was just looking into cleaning up corruption.

I don't know why folks have to make this partisan. As far as I am concerned, the DNC is being disingenuous by not admitting the obvious evidence. Americans are not dumb.

18 U.S. Code § 872 - Extortion by officers or employees of the United States
"Whoever, being an officer, or employee of the United States or any department or agency thereof, or representing himself to be or assuming to act as such, under color or pretense of office or employment commits or attempts an act of extortion, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; but if the amount so extorted or demanded does not exceed $1,000, he shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 740; Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 655, § 24(b), 65 Stat. 720; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(G), (K), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147; Pub. L. 104–294, title VI, § 606(a), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3511.)"

Conspiracy Theory Debunked.
My problem is that soon the scumbag trump will be gone BUT the Moron shitheads ,braindeads AH'srepublicans, will still be there
I honestly do not know if we will actually see him removed from office after he is impeached, as was Bill Clinton and allowed to stay. The conservatives are gone, mostly retired and those that remain have fallen in line with the totalitarian strongman crowd. The few center right that remain are struggling between desire to do the right thing and a deep desire to not be primaried from their cushy job by the radical right totalitarian strongman crowd. The Senate doesn't exactly seem like the last bastion of moral courage and deep commitment to the country over self right now. I did not vote for Trump or Hillary, but voted for a 3rd party candidate, knowing he never stood a chance. I definitely will vote Democrat this time and will continue to vote against Republicans for national office for the foreseeable future. If the corrupted Republican party survives this cult-like rejection of the founding father's intention of oversight of the executive branch, as passed down in our Constitution, they deserve to wander in the desert as the Jews did for their abominable lack of faith and and commitment to God until that entire generation passed. I recommend this to you and all people of conscience.
How does anyone with self respect spew this kind of brainless horseshit?
All you do is scream and call folks names everyday on USMB.
I simply label morons like you correctly.

Again, Screaming, Yelling, Calling Folks names. DJT.
“There is overwhelming evidence that President Trump betrayed his oath of office by seeking to use presidential power to pressure a foreign government to help him distort an American election, for his personal and political benefit, at the direct expense of national security interests as determined by Congress,”


Those testifying before the Kangaroo Committee have been silent when asked what impeachable offense was in "that" phone call. Total silence. Repeatedly!
You're tone deaf. "Favor."

'I would like you to do us a favor': The 30 minute phone call that changed Trump's presidency

If what Biden and his son did was not wrong, and was not extortion, then Trump is in trouble, what he did was a fishing expedition looking for dirt...
He asked them to look into that. I think they should as well, it looks just horrible. There is no obvious reason for them to have hired Hunter, and paid him all that money, other than to curry illicit favor with Joe Biden. That's not a controversial take nor an invalid opinion to hold. We as Americans are free to voice our opinions even if the Deep State doesn't like them. Who the world do these clowns think they are?

Every other impeachment has included a statutory crime. We have not seen any specific evidence that Trump himself personally violated any statute.

Pelosi’ tries to map onto the standards for liability under 18 U.S.C. § 201, the federal bribery statute. The statute provides, in relevant part:

“Whoever ... being a public official ... directly or indirectly, corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally ... in return for ... being influenced in the performance of any official act” has committed the offense (emphasis added).​

A White House meeting is not an “official act” under McDonnell v. United States. Generally, who the president meets with, and what he says to them—even in the White House—remains constitutionally protected free speech.

Pelosi contends that Trump solicited a bribe because the benefit from the proposed investigations by Ukraine into the family of presidential candidate Joe Biden would be personally valuable to the president.

This nation has never adopted this framework for analyzing bribery in the political context. This theory, if adopted by the House, could have consequences for the separation of powers. The executive branch could come to view routine political compromises and horse-trading as illegal, and subject members of Congress to investigation and indictment. This theory would also make it effectively impossible for the president to exercise his personal constitutional authority to investigate wrongdoing by anyone, including those closely affiliated with his opponents, lest he be charged with a quid pro quo. President Trump made a lawful request to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to begin an investigation of Hunter Biden, just as he could regarding any other Americans for that matter.

When government officials act, they almost always act with mixed motives: They act in part to promote the public good and in part to remain in office, or perhaps to seek higher office. Often, the two concepts overlap: What’s good for the country is good for the official and his or her chances at reelection. All politicians understand this dynamic. And there is nothing corrupt about acting based on such competing and overlapping concerns. Politicians can, and do, check the polls before casting a difficult vote.

If a government official demands a briefcase full of cash in exchange for voting for a particular bill, the politician receives a benefit that inures entirely to his or her personal advantage. The case for bribery is straightforward.

A politician running for reelection holds a fundraiser. He asks a donor to contribute to his reelection campaign. The donor tells the candidate that passage of a particular bill is very important to him. Then the donor writes a contribution check for the maximum amount permitted by law. Ultimately, the politician votes for the bill and states that he did so to promote the general welfare. In this scenario, the benefit does not go to the candidate’s private coffers but, instead, is deposited into his campaign’s treasury. Of course, the candidate cannot legally spend that money on his personal expenses, but the existence of those funds helps to ensure he remains in office. This run-of-the-mill scenario does not amount to bribery and is commonplace in Congress.

Take another example: Two members of Congress are engaged in negotiations about a bill. Each agrees to support the bill only after it is amended to provide $1 billion in additional spending in their respective districts. They each have mixed motives. First, they believe that the extra $1 billion will help improve the welfare of their districts—which is part of the public good, as they conceive it. Second, they understand that bringing home the bacon will help their reelection campaigns. “All politics is local,” the old adage goes. The run-of-the-mill horse-trading described in this example might be bad policy and, arguably, is a misuse of discretion. But whatever else it is, it is not bribery.

Under the framework these clowns are trying to erect to frame Trump, almost every member of Congress could be indicted under the federal bribery statute. If every such deal or compromise is a presumptive crime, then the Department of Justice will have the power to investigate every set of political compromises that accrue on nearly all major spending bills. Such a theory of bribery would allow the department to investigate, and later indict and seek to convict, members of Congress involved in political compromise and log-rolling. Even public knowledge of a mere Justice Department investigation might tip a close House or Senate race and thereby effectively decide what party controls Congress. This theory would weaken Congress and make its members wholly subservient either to what unelected Justice Department officials imagine to be the public interest, or to the president’s competing vision of the public good.

Defining a Theory of ‘Bribery’ for Impeachment

Once the GOP regains the majority, Schiff should be expelled for the bald faced lies he told on the floor and attributed to Trump, claiming that he was quoting Zelenski to "dig up dirt" on the Bidens, to manufacture false evidence of criminality.

The House might adopt the theory of bribery articulated by Pelosi and others, but, it is ridiculous and will quickly die in The Senate.
Um no you have no formal legal knowledge whatsoever.

Ummm, neither do you dumb ass.
I don’t, but I don’t trust my own judgement. I trust what actual experts say. I don’t pretend I am smarter than they are. Duh.
But Trump is ,,, Smarter than lawyers scientists Generals
Maybe, and me too. Many people are smarter than others.your point?
DJT is an Idiot Snake Oil Sales Man that folks voted for. And don't want to admit that they were Steam Rolled.
/—-/ Too bad you clowns could only field a lazy, fat azz, corrupt career politician who needed a rigged primary to win the nomination.

Of course, republican voters only trust what Fox News is the GOP is telling them. They can’t handle any sort of cognitive dissonance. Their pre-conceived notions are too delicate.

clearly using the powers of the presidency to dig up dirt on a political rival is an impeachable offense as it is an abuse of power.

accepting such behavior shows how crooked the Republicans are

If a former VP may have been the lead dog in a bribery scheme that used US taxpayers dollars as a carrot to financially benefit his family, that should not be investigated if that former VP happens to be political opponent of the current administration. Just want to make sure we are all hearing you correctly.

BTW, the Democrats are currently using their power to do EXACTLY the same thing to Trump. They are trying to influence the 2020 election in broad daylight using taxpayer money.
Ummm, neither do you dumb ass.
I don’t, but I don’t trust my own judgement. I trust what actual experts say. I don’t pretend I am smarter than they are. Duh.
But Trump is ,,, Smarter than lawyers scientists Generals
Maybe, and me too. Many people are smarter than others.your point?
DJT is an Idiot Snake Oil Sales Man that folks voted for. And don't want to admit that they were Steam Rolled.
/—-/ Too bad you clowns could only field a lazy, fat azz, corrupt career politician who needed a rigged primary to win the nomination.

CELL Get over it

Of course, republican voters only trust what Fox News is the GOP is telling them. They can’t handle any sort of cognitive dissonance. Their pre-conceived notions are too delicate.

clearly using the powers of the presidency to dig up dirt on a political rival is an impeachable offense as it is an abuse of power.

accepting such behavior shows how crooked the Republicans are
Abuse of congress too
Really? You voted for the guy who'd take you deeper into the cesspool ?? Ever look at the scumbags record of ripping off anyone he came in contact with?

Frankly, I appreciate Trump's ripping of NY government scumbags. He is a winner, something maybe you know nothing about. Are you a government worker or something?
A winner?? Born on 3rd base and thought he hit a triple Borrowing and not paying back 10's of millions from his daddy , bankrupt many times ,and no American bank will lend the crook a dime Yeah he's your winner everyone elses POS
“There is overwhelming evidence that President Trump betrayed his oath of office by seeking to use presidential power to pressure a foreign government to help him distort an American election, for his personal and political benefit, at the direct expense of national security interests as determined by Congress,”


Those testifying before the Kangaroo Committee have been silent when asked what impeachable offense was in "that" phone call. Total silence. Repeatedly!

Only silence I notice is anyone saying that asking foreign nations for personal help in our elections is not impeachable

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