More Threats from Hamas

that isnt going to stop Israel. This wont be measured in days; it will be MANY months of one sided ass whoopins. How anyone feels about it is irrellevent. Its still going to happen.
The longer it goes on , the greater the switch of sympathy and support to the Palestinians and the more hate toward a genocidal Israel .
Let alone the possibility of escalation when Israel might find itself in an inextricable mess .
The wickedness is that this desire to eliminate Gaza is also importantly about taking the Gas reserves off the Gaza coast with the Deep State at the bottom of matters and the usual suspects like the Rothschild group, Goldman Sachs personnel , Dick Cheney etc at the forefront.
I have warned about this in several threads but naturally hysteria and blindness have ensured it went almost unnoticed .
The longer it goes on , the greater the switch of sympathy and support to the Palestinians and the more hate toward a genocidal Israel .
Let alone the possibility of escalation when Israel might find itself in an inextricable mess .
The wickedness is that this desire to eliminate Gaza is also importantly about taking the Gas reserves off the Gaza coast with the Deep State at the bottom of matters and the usual suspects like the Rothschild group, Goldman Sachs personnel , Dick Cheney etc at the forefront.
I have warned about this in several threads but naturally hysteria and blindness have ensured it went almost unnoticed .
Gaza is still going to get wrecked, deservedly so. Muslims will always hate jews, so the lesson we have now learned is... you may as well just go all the way and ignore any complaints. :dunno:
The longer it goes on , the greater the switch of sympathy and support to the Palestinians and the more hate toward a genocidal Israel .
Let alone the possibility of escalation when Israel might find itself in an inextricable mess .
The wickedness is that this desire to eliminate Gaza is also importantly about taking the Gas reserves off the Gaza coast with the Deep State at the bottom of matters and the usual suspects like the Rothschild group, Goldman Sachs personnel , Dick Cheney etc at the forefront.
I have warned about this in several threads but naturally hysteria and blindness have ensured it went almost unnoticed .
Before October 7 Hamas had greater world sympathy than Israel. Except for short bursts of time hours after an attack it always will.
They're promising more massacres, more evil.

Remember, their antics are CELEBRATED by the Palestinians.

The thing is they believe in Allah and they believe that if they start a world war in the Middle East, Allah will be on their side. This is what they want. They know they can't do it alone so they are trying to force Arab countries to take a side.
The thing is they believe in Allah and they believe that if they start a world war in the Middle East, Allah will be on their side. This is what they want. They know they can't do it alone so they are trying to force Arab countries to take a side.
They've been defeated EVERY time they went against Israel. They haven't learned.

That is the definition of crazy
Their antics are celebrated by Muslims throughout this country as well.
Let's not say all Muslims though. Our Muslim neighbors deplore what Hamas did and is doing and, while they are not exactly pro-Israel, they do condemn those they think have done serious wrong and reflect badly on Muslims everywhere. They do believe Israel has every right to defend itself against an unprovoked vicious attack.
Let's not say all Muslims though. Our Muslim neighbors deplore what Hamas did and is doing and, while they are not exactly pro-Israel, they do condemn those they think have done serious wrong and reflect badly on Muslims everywhere.

There's bad in any faction, right, left, religion, politics on and on.
There's bad in any faction, right, left, religion, politics on and on.
Exactly. My Muslim neighbors aren't exactly pro Israel or at least I've never heard them commend Israel (or Hamas for that matter). And they probably vote Democrat. I never asked. But they always fly the American flag, not the Palestinian or some other flag, on special days. They are Americans, not transplanted malcontents who hate America.
Exactly. My Muslim neighbors aren't exactly pro Israel or at least I've never heard them commend Israel (or Hamas for that matter). And they probably vote Democrat. I never asked. But they always fly the American flag, not the Palestinian or some other flag, on special days. They are Americans, not transplanted malcontents who hate America.

Our Church Outreach couples with a Muslim group. Good people and Israel, religion, etc is never discussed.

I doubt they're terrorists
Our Church Outreach couples with a Muslim group. Good people and Israel, religion, etc is never discussed.

I doubt they're terrorists
And that is how world peace is achieved. The islamofascists like Hamas don't want world peace. They want world domination. As do some non Muslims.

Good people always need to be aware of the difference between these two things.
Let's not say all Muslims though. Our Muslim neighbors deplore what Hamas did and is doing and, while they are not exactly pro-Israel, they do condemn those they think have done serious wrong and reflect badly on Muslims everywhere. They do believe Israel has every right to defend itself against an unprovoked vicious attack.
I have had many Muslim friends. I lived in a Muslim neighborhood in Los Angeles. I worked with a Muslim group that "rescued" child brides and brought them here for safety. (one of the biggest scams in the world). I took instruction in Islam from the neighborhood mosque.

If they are good Muslims they all practice Taqiyyah. It is a precautionary denial of religious belief for a pious goal. It is not a sin to lie if the goal is the furtherance of islam. Believe your Muslim friends. Just don't trust them.
I have had many Muslim friends. I lived in a Muslim neighborhood in Los Angeles. I worked with a Muslim group that "rescued" child brides and brought them here for safety. (one of the biggest scams in the world). I took instruction in Islam from the neighborhood mosque.

If they are good Muslims they all practice Taqiyyah. It is a precautionary denial of religious belief for a pious goal. It is not a sin to lie if the goal is the furtherance of islam. Believe your Muslim friends. Just don't trust them.
Yes. We had a very knowledgeable pastor one time who spent a whole summer teaching the basics of the Qu'ran. And there are teachings in it that if not down right scary are at best disconcerting. But I have never been insulted, offended, or treated badly by any Muslim person. None I have known have talked/ranted as does somebody like Tlaib or others on television.

As for trusting our neighbors, if it was a matter of ethical conduct and/or life and death, I believe I could.
Let's not say all Muslims though. Our Muslim neighbors deplore what Hamas did and is doing and, while they are not exactly pro-Israel, they do condemn those they think have done serious wrong and reflect badly on Muslims everywhere. They do believe Israel has every right to defend itself against an unprovoked vicious attack.
Let's say they need to stand up against evil then. I'm not seeing it.

Like I said a thousand times before, the Palestinians never once asked for help removing Hamas. But they all celebrate October 7th. Not one decent one tipped off Israel. So now they all suffer, and I really don't care
Let's say they need to stand up against evil then. I'm not seeing it.

Like I said a thousand times before, the Palestinians never once asked for help removing Hamas. But they all celebrate October 7th. Not one decent one tipped off Israel. So now they all suffer, and I really don't care
Then again we only see those shown on television. There may be some, many, millions who do not agree with those on television. I don't know. But I do know that Hamas demands the people, especially the children, see the Jews as evil to be exterminated. They absolute preach a doctrine of genocide.

And that should be acceptable to nobody who claims to have any honor at all.
Then again we only see those shown on television
No, we know no one tipped off Israel about the attack. We know no one has asked the world to help them rid themselves of Hamas -- unless you're one of the Conspiricists here too

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