More Tolerance From The left


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Anybody as shocked as I am? :eek:


Lib Rag Salon Says Mozilla CEO Just The Start, Calls For Getting Every Executive Who Donated To Pro-Traditional Marriage Group Fired…

Purge the Bigots

Brendan Eich is just the beginning. Let’s oust everyone who donated to the campaign against gay marriage.


FUCK Salon. I refuse to post a link to that scum-sucking piece of intolerant shit.

Find it yourselves.

Via Salon:

Brendan Eich is gone. The creator of JavaScript and co-founder of has quit as Mozilla’s CEO, forced out by the uproar over a donation he made six years ago to a ballot measure against gay marriage. There’s no record of Eich discriminating against gay employees—“I never saw any kind of behavior or attitude from him that was not in line with Mozilla’s values of inclusiveness,” says the company’s chairwoman, Mitchell Baker. [...]

Some of my colleagues are celebrating. They call Eich a bigot who got what he deserved. I agree. But let’s not stop here. If we’re serious about enforcing the new standard, thousands of other employees who donated to the same anti-gay ballot measure must be punished.

More than 35,000 people gave money to the campaign for Proposition 8, the 2008 ballot measure that declared, “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” You can download the entire list, via the Los Angeles Times, as a compressed spreadsheet. Each row lists the donor’s employer. If you organize the data by company, you can add up the total number of donors and dollars that came from people associated with that company.

The first thing you’ll notice, if you search for Eich, is that he’s the only Mozilla employee who gave to the campaign for Prop 8. His $1,000 was more than canceled out by three Mozilla employees who donated to the other side.

The next thing you’ll notice is that other companies, including other tech firms, substantially outscored Mozilla in pro-Prop 8 contributions attributed to their employees. That includes Adobe, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, and Yahoo, as well as Disney, DreamWorks, Gap, and Warner Bros.

Thirty-seven companies in the database are linked to more than 1,300 employees who gave nearly $1 million in combined contributions to the campaign for Prop 8. Twenty-five tech companies are linked to 435 employees who gave more than $300,000. Many of these employees gave $1,000 apiece, if not more. Some, like Eich, are probably senior executives.

Why do these bigots still have jobs? Let’s go get them.

To organize the next stage of the purge, I’ve compiled the financial data into three tables. Here’s the first table. It shows 37 companies whose names, in one form or another, appear next to a total of at least $10,000 (per company) in donations to Prop 8. The list isn’t complete, but it’s a start.
You know why they're doing this don't you? They see the writing on the wall and know the moment Harvey Milk vs Utah goes down in flames, it will instantly be re-avered that California's law is legal and binding retroactive to the founding of the country.

So they're embarking on a vicious 'pre-emptive persecution' of heretics to the cult. Because now they know the only way to get gay marriage legal in California is to put it back on the ballot again. Right now the California State constitution defines the only legal marriage there as "between one man and one woman". That's the law. That's always been the law. And the Supreme Court already upheld that in Windsor last Summer and will "remind" people of that again when Utah comes before them.

In short, they're supremely pissed off. You've never seen a tantrum quite like a spoiled whining brat when the first time it gets called up short on its overweening and fascist ambitions...

I'm sure as an added benefit to this rage and vengeance campaign, this "well balanced and sane" sector of our population also sees as a matter of strategy fending off any future donations to yet another [the third] proposition that will attempt to make gay marriage legal there.

California is a black eye for this bullly that it can't forget. After all, if gays can't convince the nuttiest state in the union to legitimize their insanity through marriage, other states might balk too.

Like the cult declares aloud to anyone who will listen: "this is war". I think that any attempt to silence people for donating to traditional marriage should be met with a VERY CONSPICUOUS and VERY LOUD coverage in the people know how to vote in their state when the question of the cult I mean.. "gay marriage" comes up...
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There are always casualties in a war, a war your side lost. I would not be calling for heads but I would also not be surprised when they are cut off.
There are always casualties in a war, a war your side lost. I would not be calling for heads but I would also not be surprised when they are cut off.

Freedom lost. As your side pushed the courts to override the will of the people.

If you can't do it by the Constitution, your side pisses on it and finds a new way to get your way.

One battle doesn't end the WAR. Unless you are naive...............This battle isn't over and your days in the sun bragging about it will come to an end as they always do...........

I heard Hitler was bragging early in WWII as well...................How'd that turn out for him................
There are always casualties in a war, a war your side lost. I would not be calling for heads but I would also not be surprised when they are cut off.

Usually winners aren't angry and vindictive. I'm suspecting they just let the cat out of the bag on where their lawyers told them Utah is likely to know...the way Windsor went...and the Court's penchant for not overturning itself within a year's time..

In an ironic twist it is likely these activist judges in contempt of Windsor who are going to be looking for work in the near future. Hope they were paid off well by the LGBT cult's equivalent of the Coch Brothers to circumvent the legislative process and defy the 9 Justices.. Unemployment can be a real bitch..
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There are always casualties in a war, a war your side lost. I would not be calling for heads but I would also not be surprised when they are cut off.

We may have lost a battle or two, but the War is far from over.

Don't count your chickens just yet.

We offered the degenerate, butt-fucking deviants a Civil Union.

One that was identical to a Marriage with the lone exception being that one piece of paper said "Civil Union" at the top of the document and the other said "Certificate of Marriage"

But that wasn't good enough for the backers of the deviant, degenerate butt fucking, disease-carrying faggots...... You

Know why, scumbag?

Because it isn't the goal of leftist scum like you to provide fags with equal treatment and equal protection..... It is your goal to destroy the foundations of our society so you can replace them with the State.

Same with Religion. The State's biggest competition for hearts and minds is Religion. Your side wants to stomp it out. That war isn't over, either.

The State's biggest competitor to overall control of The People is the Family Unit.

But you're too stupid to see this. You're blinded by your own ignorance.

A common trait among dimocraps.

You've destroyed the family Unit among African Americans and you know that if you can duplicate that feat in the general populace, the Country will be yours to do with as you please.

We've just got to quit pussy-footing around and publicly call you people what you are....

the scum of the earth
There are always casualties in a war, a war your side lost. I would not be calling for heads but I would also not be surprised when they are cut off.

Freedom lost. As your side pushed the courts to override the will of the people.

If you can't do it by the Constitution, your side pisses on it and finds a new way to get your way.

One battle doesn't end the WAR. Unless you are naive...............This battle isn't over and your days in the sun bragging about it will come to an end as they always do...........

I heard Hitler was bragging early in WWII as well...................How'd that turn out for him................
Civil Rights should never have been up for a vote in the first place. We don't have mob rule here, you'd just like it if we did, sometimes. Besides, you had your way here for ages and no matter how long it takes to get all the states to have marriage equality on the books, the war is all over but for the shoutin', on your side.
Civil Rights should never have been up for a vote in the first place. We don't have mob rule here, you'd just like it if we did, sometimes. Besides, you had your way here for ages and no matter how long it takes to get all the states to have marriage equality on the books, the war is all over but for the shoutin', on your side.

Marriage is not now nor ever has been a civil right. It is a privelege denied to many but only those who qualify.

As an example, gay marraige is illegal in California. In the Constitution there it says that only a man and a woman may marry. Denied are polygamists, minors, incest and gay marriages. The privelege, like driving, is reseved for those who qualify.

So unless gays are applying for tax exempt status as a federally recognized religion, they're screwed if they want the 14th to save them. For they are not race, gender or country of origin either.

But you already know this Paint my house. You just think if you repeat your false premise enough, your conclusions will become "real and binding"...
Civil Rights should never have been up for a vote in the first place. We don't have mob rule here, you'd just like it if we did, sometimes. Besides, you had your way here for ages and no matter how long it takes to get all the states to have marriage equality on the books, the war is all over but for the shoutin', on your side.

Marriage is not now nor ever has been a civil right. It is a privelege denied to many but only those who qualify.

As an example, gay marraige is illegal in California. In the Constitution there it says that only a man and a woman may marry. Denied are polygamists, minors, incest and gay marriages. The privelege, like driving, is reseved for those who qualify.

So unless gays are applying for tax exempt status as a federally recognized religion, they're screwed if they want the 14th to save them. For they are not race, gender or country of origin either.

But you already know this Paint my house. You just think if you repeat your false premise enough, your conclusions will become "real and binding"...
It is real and binding. It's called Equal before the Law.
When CEOs get picked or canned on the basis of their personal beliefs then we are seriously fucked.

I am waiting for the next cock-sucker/carpet muncher to start with "Would you support a racist CEO" bullcrap.
Civil Rights should never have been up for a vote in the first place. We don't have mob rule here, you'd just like it if we did, sometimes. Besides, you had your way here for ages and no matter how long it takes to get all the states to have marriage equality on the books, the war is all over but for the shoutin', on your side.

Marriage is not now nor ever has been a civil right. It is a privelege denied to many but only those who qualify.

As an example, gay marraige is illegal in California. In the Constitution there it says that only a man and a woman may marry. Denied are polygamists, minors, incest and gay marriages. The privelege, like driving, is reseved for those who qualify.

So unless gays are applying for tax exempt status as a federally recognized religion, they're screwed if they want the 14th to save them. For they are not race, gender or country of origin either.

But you already know this Paint my house. You just think if you repeat your false premise enough, your conclusions will become "real and binding"...
It is real and binding. It's called Equal before the Law.

No actually it isn.t
When CEOs get picked or canned on the basis of their personal beliefs then we are seriously fucked.

I am waiting for the next cock-sucker/carpet muncher to start with "Would you support a racist CEO" bullcrap.
Some beliefs are worthy of such things. We have freedom of religion here, not freedom of it won't come back to bite you on the ass.

All donations to such things should be public. That solves most of this right there. "Donater" Beware.
When CEOs get picked or canned on the basis of their personal beliefs then we are seriously fucked.

I am waiting for the next cock-sucker/carpet muncher to start with "Would you support a racist CEO" bullcrap.
Some beliefs are worthy of such things. We have freedom of religion here, not freedom of it won't come back to bite you on the ass.

All donations to such things should be public. That solves most of this right there. "Donater" Beware.

IOW Mob rule. Whichever side can get more of its members to commit more violent acts wins.
Yeah, that's the formula right there.
When CEOs get picked or canned on the basis of their personal beliefs then we are seriously fucked.

I am waiting for the next cock-sucker/carpet muncher to start with "Would you support a racist CEO" bullcrap.
Some beliefs are worthy of such things. We have freedom of religion here, not freedom of it won't come back to bite you on the ass.

All donations to such things should be public. That solves most of this right there. "Donater" Beware.

IOW Mob rule. Whichever side can get more of its members to commit more violent acts wins.
Yeah, that's the formula right there.
No violence is required, just shame. That's a lot of how societies control people you know. Worked great for the Catholic Church and made them rich as hell in the process.
Some beliefs are worthy of such things. We have freedom of religion here, not freedom of it won't come back to bite you on the ass.

All donations to such things should be public. That solves most of this right there. "Donater" Beware.

IOW Mob rule. Whichever side can get more of its members to commit more violent acts wins.
Yeah, that's the formula right there.
No violence is required, just shame. That's a lot of how societies control people you know. Worked great for the Catholic Church and made them rich as hell in the process.

Not required, merely threatened.
Back in the '50s liberals decried that as "McCarthyism". Today liberals ARE the McCarthyites.

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