More vote buying by the left. 14 billion on internet for lowlifes.

Good thing they have an intelligent, educated liberal self-appointed to swoop in and save them from themselves, isn't it?

Now do ghettos in Democrat-run cities.
Did I say anything like that?

By all means, go ahead and quote me again so I can correct you with facts once again.
I do, actually. I get to apply labels just like you. Your little bitch fit is meaningless. People don't need you to make decisions and judgments for them. That's just cold, hard reality. If you disagree, please tell us what gave you that authority.
Actually, you don’t. You can apply whatever spurious label you want, but you don’t get to decide that your labels are the correct ones.

You should learn to accept that insanely simple fact.
Instead of us being like any one of these countries you brag about why not just move to one if you think it's so bad here. Our founders specified what we were to spend money on and that's it. We were never intended to be a Socialist or Communist country like you so desire. If you don't like what our founders created......move. There is only one USA in the entire world and nobody else comes close.
Until the last 40 years of GOP giveaway, dunce. Try being a good citizen instead of a racist GOP misinfo drone lol. Move to Russia, Trump will...
Until the last 40 years of GOP giveaway, dunce. Try being a good citizen instead of a racist GOP misinfo drone lol. Move to Russia, Trump will...

Why would I move there. That's the kind of government you want; everybody depending on the government.
Actually, you don’t. You can apply whatever spurious label you want, but you don’t get to decide that your labels are the correct ones.

You should learn to accept that insanely simple fact.
I do, in fact, have the right to say what I want. Your approval is neither sought nor required.

There are a lot of facts you either don't know or are pretending don't exist. Either way, reality will not be kind to you.
Until the last 40 years of GOP giveaway, dunce. Try being a good citizen instead of a racist GOP misinfo drone lol. Move to Russia, Trump will...

Why would I move there. That's the kind of government you want; everybody depending on the government.
It's a corrupt oligarchy like Trump wants. Not a modern have no clue. Better than relying on corporations and Fox lol...The gov't having a living wage, fair taxation, cheap college and training is not dependence, it's intelligence.
I do, in fact, have the right to say what I want. Your approval is neither sought nor required.

There are a lot of facts you either don't know or are pretending don't exist. Either way, reality will not be kind to you.
You have the right to say what you want. You don’t have the right to decide that your labels are the correct ones.

You should learn to accept this insanely simple fact or reality will not be kind to you.
Democrats sure don't agree. But then, Democrats do everything with an eye to how it benefits the Party. If somebody else happens to get ahead with it, that's just gravy -- but it is not the Democrats' goal.
If you have something specific in mind, you can go ahead and just say it.
It's a corrupt oligarchy like Trump wants. Not a modern have no clue. Better than relying on corporations and Fox lol...The gov't having a living wage, fair taxation, cheap college and training is not dependence, it's intelligence.

You must be a complete moron. Expecting government to determine your wage instead of yourself is government dependence. Expecting taxpayers to fund your college is government dependence. Wanting others to pay taxes instead of you is government dependence.

You simply hate this country and need to move to another one. If you're too lazy to do that, we already have leftist places where everything is run the way you want: government provides your food, government provides for your healthcare, government provides your shelter, nobody has guns or money except for government, everybody is treated equally, working is an option, if you do work, government determines your pay scale, and yes, back to topic, government even provides free internet. We call these places prisons, and they're not hard to get into.
You must be a complete moron. Expecting government to determine your wage instead of yourself is government dependence. Expecting taxpayers to fund your college is government dependence. Wanting others to pay taxes instead of you is government dependence.

You simply hate this country and need to move to another one. If you're too lazy to do that, we already have leftist places where everything is run the way you want: government provides your food, government provides for your healthcare, government provides your shelter, nobody has guns or money except for government, everybody is treated equally, working is an option, if you do work, government determines your pay scale, and yes, back to topic, government even provides free internet. We call these places prisons, and they're not hard to get into.
You are absolutely clueless, superdupe. Tax the rich again and invest in America again. No one said any of that, hater dupe. This is about $30 internet. Everywhere else they pay $20 in the modern world. Which we ain't.....zzzzz. So are you a LIAR or totally brainwashed? I say the latter. Try the BBC and journalism, fool.
You are absolutely clueless, superdupe. Tax the rich again and invest in America again. No one said any of that, hater dupe. This is about $30 internet. Everywhere else they pay $20 in the modern world. Which we ain't.....zzzzz. So are you a LIAR or totally brainwashed? I say the latter. Try the BBC and journalism, fool.

If it's about $30.00 internet then why do we need taxpayers going in the hole even more for it? You can make $30.00 working a half a day at McDonald's. Yes, tax the rich, and tax them again even higher. It's your leaders that promised us all these taxes, so where are they? It's been a year and a half and they have full power. You can't make the slaughter this November large enough for me after all. Tax the rich and they increase prices on goods and services like they always do. Let's see if you economic morons can get our inflation rate to double digits by November.
If it's about $30.00 internet then why do we need taxpayers going in the hole even more for it? You can make $30.00 working a half a day at McDonald's. Yes, tax the rich, and tax them again even higher. It's your leaders that promised us all these taxes, so where are they? It's been a year and a half and they have full power. You can't make the slaughter this November large enough for me after all. Tax the rich and they increase prices on goods and services like they always do. Let's see if you economic morons can get our inflation rate to double digits by November.
Fox 29 just said gas would be 3.25 without the Putin/Trump are clueless. 49 votes doesn't pass anything duh...thanks gop scumbag liars and dupes like you....
Fox 29 just said gas would be 3.25 without the Putin/Trump are clueless. 49 votes doesn't pass anything duh...thanks gop scumbag liars and dupes like you....

So where is the bill and how did people vote? Even your own party laughs at you. They tell you of a national MW of $15.00 an hour and they don't need 60 votes to pass it. They give you this tax the rich speech and they won't even try because they know the negative effect on the economy it would have. But you keep buying their BS anyway.

There was no war involving Russia with Trump. Putin was too scared of him. They invaded Crimea under the Kenyan lawn jockey, waited for Trump to get out of office, and invaded Ukraine since our leadership is so weak now.
So where is the bill and how did people vote? Even your own party laughs at you. They tell you of a national MW of $15.00 an hour and they don't need 60 votes to pass it. They give you this tax the rich speech and they won't even try because they know the negative effect on the economy it would have. But you keep buying their BS anyway.

There was no war involving Russia with Trump. Putin was too scared of him. They invaded Crimea under the Kenyan lawn jockey, waited for Trump to get out of office, and invaded Ukraine since our leadership is so weak now.
Ask the idiot from WVA or your heroes, dupe.

Bolton says Putin was waiting for his pal Trump to get reelected and dismantle NATO....Trump and Pal Putin both believe their own crap thank God...

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