More Voter Suppression Is Needed, Not Less

The word alleged is used as a verb, meaning SAID.

The word potentially only refers to the number of ballots . Oh, so it wasn't actually 288,000 missing ballots ? (and a postal truck) Maybe only 250,000 ?

Doesn't make a bit of difference. Nice try, except it was stupid. :rolleyes:
And the judge ruled? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:


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Thy were NOT "tossed" because they never handled them to begin with.

As for the postal service > Jesse Morgan, a truck driver for a subcontractor with the United States Postal Service, claimed that a trailer he was driving, one full of potentially upwards of 288,000 ballots, disappeared from its parked location at a Lancaster, Pa. USPS depot after Morgan dropped it off there. Morgan had transported those ballots from Bethpage, N.Y.

Another whistleblower, Nathan Pease of Madison, Wisc. — himself also a subcontractor for USPS — alleged that he was told the postal service was planning to backdate tens of thousands of ballots in the days after the Nov. 3 election in order to circumvent the ballot submission deadline.

A third witness, Gregory Stenstrom — who testified at a Pennsylvania legislature hearing in Gettysburg last week — claimed to have witnessed a Dominion Voting Systems vendor inserting jump drives into voting aggregation machines in Delaware County, Pa. Election officials also reportedly commingled various jump drives from aggregation machines, potentially frustrating the ability of auditors to properly certify the election results.

So who do we believe ? These whistleblowers risking their jobs to testify the truth, OR YOU ? I'll go with the postal workers (whistleblowers)

They were tossed because they were so ridiculous that they did not merit attention. The fraud id all trump, who knows that he lost and who is manipulating his very naive supporters. That is why he "loves" you.
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Saying and doing are two different things. Get a fucking clue.
"Saying and doing" ? :dunno: What in the world is this liberal loon yammering about now ? Actually, I don't have a clue about what the hell you're babbling about, but that's Ok. I've got the feeling that if I did know, I 'd be qualified to enter the same mental hospital that you are, so I'm better off not knowing. :rolleyes:
And the judge ruled? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
They didn't make any rulings, Mr Information-Deprived. You are lost. But that's what happens when you watch leftist media, and bypass conservative ones. Watch Newsmax.
No, not me, just 60 Republican judges. They left you looking like the dunce;
YOU are the dunce for not knowing that they never reviewed/saw the cases/evidence.

And for being DUPED into believing they were Republican judges. They were almost entirely Democrat.
That doesn`t answer the question of WHY an illegal would vote.
Think hard now. You're an illegal alien. If Trump is elected, you stand a strong chance of being deported. If Biden if elected, you have zero chance of being deported + you get lots of welfare goddies$$$, bribing you for your vote. That was tough, huh ? :rolleyes::slap:
They were tossed because they were so ridiculous that they did not merit attention. The fraud id all trump, who knows that he lost and who is manipulating his very naive supporters. That is why he "loves" you.
:puhleeze:FALSE! Since they were tossed without being reviewed, the judges had no value judgement (as you are ludicrously doing)

YOU are who is being manipulated by your lying media. Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ? half-price
NO, it is YOU who has no idea what I'm talking about. Let me ask you this > Have you watched Newsmax over the past 6 months ?

This map begins by showing Native Americans' land in 1794, demarcated by tribe and marked in green. In 1795, the US and Spain signed the Treaty of San Lorenzo, carving up much of the continent between them. What followed was a century of catastrophes for Native Americans as their land was taken piece by piece. By the time the US passed the Dawes Act in 1887, effectively abolishing tribal self-governance and forcing assimilation, there was very little left.

European settlers who arrived in North America found it filled with diverse, long-established societies. They may well have become sovereign nation-states had the settlers, and later the United States, not sought to purge them from their lands, deny them self-rule, and, once they had been reduced to a tiny minority, forcibly assimilate them and their land. These acts are the foundation upon which the United States as we know it today was built.
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This map begins by showing Native Americans' land in 1794, demarcated by tribe and marked in green. In 1795, the US and Spain signed the Treaty of San Lorenzo, carving up much of the continent between them. What followed was a century of catastrophes for Native Americans as their land was taken piece by piece. By the time the US passed the Dawes Act in 1887, effectively abolishing tribal self-governance and forcing assimilation, there was very little left.

European settlers who arrived in North America found it filled with diverse, long-established societies. They may well have become sovereign nation-states had the settlers, and later the United States, not sought to purge them from their lands, deny them self-rule, and, once they had been reduced to a tiny minority, forcibly assimilate them and their land. These acts are the foundation upon which the United States as we know it today was built.
Aren't the tribes still sovereign nation states ? And do they not still have self-rule on their reservations ? (which are not part of the USA)

And the populations of them have dwindled primarily because of diseases (ex Smallpox) and intermarriage with whites and Hispanics.
:puhleeze:FALSE! Since they were tossed without being reviewed, the judges had no value judgement (as you are ludicrously doing)

YOU are who is being manipulated by your lying media. Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ? half-price
FALSE! There was nothing to review--60 times! Recounts numerous times--all not in your favor and at taxpayer expense. Grow up!
FALSE! There was nothing to review--60 times! Recounts numerous times--all not in your favor and at taxpayer expense. Grow up!
The reason was you say there was nothing to review, is because you have not been INFORMED of what there is to review, and therefore you are IGNORANT of what there is to review. The evidences from hundreds of whistleblowers has been reviewed many times over by state legisalture committees who agreed that there was fraud.

I've posted mountains of fraud evidence in this forum, and I've posted it over and over again. You are OBLIVIOUS.

The recounts were jokes. They were simply repeats of fraudulent counts done under fraudulent conditions. Read my list of the evidences. Get INFORMED before you post.
The reason was you say there was nothing to review, is because you have not been INFORMED of what there is to review, and therefore you are IGNORANT of what there is to review. The evidences from hundreds of whistleblowers has been reviewed many times over by state legisalture committees who agreed that there was fraud.

I've posted mountains of fraud evidence in this forum, and I've posted it over and over again. You are OBLIVIOUS.

The recounts were jokes. They were simply repeats of fraudulent counts done under fraudulent conditions. Read my list of the evidences. Get INFORMED before you post.
You mean the trump supporting legislature committees and what they find is pure horseshit. You have posted nothing of substance.
I am informed, lamb chop. I did my homework on trump very early in the 2016 campaign, and what I found was contemptuous. Maybe you should become more informed before you support a con.
"Big steal" my ass. The only big steal was by trump in his effort to steal the election.
YOU are the dunce for not knowing that they never reviewed/saw the cases/evidence.

And for being DUPED into believing they were Republican judges. They were almost entirely Democrat.
You can't see what isn't there you idiot. :cuckoo:

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