More Voter Suppression Is Needed, Not Less

Voter registration in every state requires proof of citizenship...
Either a birth certificate or naturalization papers.
Absolutely 100% FALSE!
Not a single one of the 50 states requires proof of citizenship.. Liberals say the darndest things. Maybe they hear these goofy things on CNN, MSNBC, PBS et al BS channels.
Because Republican election officials are NOT deciding who the winner is, regardless of the legal vote count - that is what Democrats do.
That's not what some of their bills say. Have you even read any of their bills? They're straight out of cheating 101.
Yup. That's why it was posted in Posts # 151....152.....153.....154.....155......156.

A Project Veritas video claims observers 'heard' votes for Trump being counted for Biden. This is one of your posts where you claim voter fraud. "Heard?" Another one says "allege." And this your idea of voter fraud? This would be laughable beyond my imagination, but it's just too sad. You have no critical thinking skills, to go with your non-existent comprehension skills, to go with a non-existent argument. You are the Emperor with no clothes here. Do you actually think a court of law is going to take you seriously, with what you presented? Serious question? With this level of desperation, we all need for you to answer this question, and show us precisely how the wording of these claims of yours, "INTELLIGENTLY" equates to voter fraud. By reading what you've posted, I know I cannot. So, you need to show us how "heard" and "allege" prove fraud?
Because Republican election officials are NOT deciding who the winner is, regardless of the legal vote count - that is what Democrats do.
Yea, yesterday they weren't, but tomorrow looks different; Additionally, state legislators introduced three bills in 2021 that would have directly empowered partisan officials to reject or overturn election results. So, show me the election integrity there hot shot?
I lived in a red state and the voting was... well, the word Normal comes to mind.

You register
you show up to vote
you show your ID (which, contrary to the opinion of the retards... i mean the libtards.. is quite doable in this country... strange but true)
you get a ballot
you go to a privacy booth and fill out the ballot
you hand the finished ballot to a precinct worker who places it in a machine to be counted, while you watch (in case u are skeptical... which I never really was until 2020 and i --un-freaking-fortunately-- lived in a blue state.. )
you get your little I Voted sticker and go out the door. Happy Trails!

Why is that so hard?

Why is that voter suppression?

But the dims lie to us all the time and they know there are plenty of people out there who will be gullible and believe their evil lies... and hopefully others will listen to the useful idiots and also become same...

if not:

just import illegals who will vote Dim out of gratitude
Illegal immigrants do not vote, and the process by which you cast your vote is marvelous, just marvelous. And so is the process that others use to vote with same result, since the name of the game is to make it easy for all to vote. That is what you want, yes? The voting system, as it is, has worked perfectly. Why make things difficult, unless you want to make it difficult for others to vote?
It worked in 2016, yes? All of a sudden, it's no good? Tump lost and that is why the tumphumpers say it is no good.
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Illegal immigrants do not vote, and the process by which you cast your vote is marvelous, just marvelous. And so is the process that others use to vote with same result, since the name of the game is to make it easy for all to vote. That is what you want, yes? The voting system, as it is, has worked perfectly. Why make things difficult, unless you want to make it difficult for others to vote?
It worked in 2016, yes? All of a sudden, it's no good? Tump lost and that is why the tumphumpers say it is no good.
They're obvious cheaters with zero integrity and honesty.
A Project Veritas video claims observers 'heard' votes for Trump being counted for Biden. This is one of your posts where you claim voter fraud. "Heard?" Another one says "allege." And this your idea of voter fraud? This would be laughable beyond my imagination, but it's just too sad. You have no critical thinking skills, to go with your non-existent comprehension skills, to go with a non-existent argument. You are the Emperor with no clothes here. Do you actually think a court of law is going to take you seriously, with what you presented? Serious question? With this level of desperation, we all need for you to answer this question, and show us precisely how the wording of these claims of yours, "INTELLIGENTLY" equates to voter fraud. By reading what you've posted, I know I cannot. So, you need to show us how "heard" and "allege" prove fraud?

By blabbering about a few words here and there, you DEFLECT from the massive amount of postings about the 2020 election fraud, that you haven't even read 99 or 100% of it........... Watch out! There may be a QUIZ.
Yea, yesterday they weren't, but tomorrow looks different; Additionally, state legislators introduced three bills in 2021 that would have directly empowered partisan officials to reject or overturn election results. So, show me the election integrity there hot shot?
Obviously, you would have present links to those bills here, so I could see them, and make my own judgement. You dont think I'm going to take your word (for Anything) do you ?
You can't prove that. You're a liar.
:puhleeze::whip:I proved it 1,000 times over, Mr Idiot - in Posts # 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 166. And you haven't read them, so you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Wanna take a QUIZ ? :biggrin:
Illegal immigrants do not vote, and the process by which you cast your vote is marvelous, just marvelous. And so is the process that others use to vote with same result, since the name of the game is to make it easy for all to vote. That is what you want, yes? The voting system, as it is, has worked perfectly. Why make things difficult, unless you want to make it difficult for others to vote?
It worked in 2016, yes? All of a sudden, it's no good? Tump lost and that is why the tumphumpers say it is no good.
Decades of Illegal alien voting is what turned California from a red state to a blue one. Same with New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado.

So you don't want to make it difficult for illegal aliens to vote. Of course not. If they didn't vote, Democrats would never be able to win another election. You think we don't know what's going on ?
Decades of Illegal alien voting is what turned California from a red state to a blue one. Same with New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado.

So you don't want to make it difficult for illegal aliens to vote. Of course not. If they didn't vote, Democrats would never be able to win another election. You think we don't know what's going on ?
Make it illegal for "illegal aliens" to vote, but do not punish other voters.
They're obvious cheaters with zero integrity and honesty.

Democrats. Oh no doubt about it.

And we all notice that one of their prime tactics is to engage in >> "best defense is a good offense." So they go around accusing conservatives of exactly what it is that THEY are doing. Prime example - the Russian collusion hoax.

And now we have them accusing Republicans of election cheating. OMG, how much more hypocrisy-ludicrous can they get ? After all their fraud in the 2020 election, (on top of DECADES of facilitating illegal immigration, amnesty votes, sanctuary cities, and chocking up election victories from illegal alien votes.). Sickening.
Make it illegal for "illegal aliens" to vote, but do not punish other voters.
That is understood, and need not even be stated.

BUT, Democrats DON'T WANT to make it illegal or difficult for illegal aliens to vote. They want to legalize voting for illegal aliens (as they have done in San Francisco, and are now doing in New York).

And they don't want to stop illegal aliens from voting, as they show by opposing all forms of voter ID (especially proof of citizenship). The whole reason for the massive invasion of illegals being conducted by the Biden administration, is for them to be here VOTING (for Democrats of course) - which the dishonest rats then lie about that.
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Then stop whining, because illegals do not vote.

Who Can and Can't Vote in U.S. Elections | USAGov › who-can-vote
Jan 13, 2022 — To vote in U.S. elections, you must be a U.S. citizen, turn 18 on or before Election Day, and meet your state's residency and registration ...
OMG. Is that the ABSURD talk being fed to you on liberal TV ? You might as well be saying birds don't fly, and fish don't swim.

EARTH TO BOBOB: The have been voting by the MILLIONS for over 60 years now, and NOW more than ever.

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot

Exclusive: Florida Investigating Potential Non-Citizen Voters

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