More Voter Suppression Is Needed, Not Less

Who Can and Can't Vote in U.S. Elections | USAGov › who-can-vote
Jan 13, 2022 — To vote in U.S. elections, you must be a U.S. citizen, turn 18 on or before Election Day, and meet your state's residency and registration ...
Oh well, we all know that illegal aliens are SO FULLY LAW-ABIDING that they would never think of doing anything illegal. You haven't much experience with this issue, it is obvious.

Illegal aliens CAN VOTE just walking into a voting hall and voting just like anybody else. You think they are worried, for 1 second, about what the law says ?
Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle)

Dude, I have spoken to illegal aliens many times (in Spanish of course). They brag about all the illegal things they do. Besides voting, they put stolen license plates on their cars. They drive without a license. They have sex with underage kids (normal in Mexico). They shoplift, etc etc. Their whole lifestyle is doing things illegally, while paying little attention to US laws.
Oh well, we all know that illegal aliens are SO FULLY LAW-ABIDING that they would never think of doing anything illegal. You haven't much experience with this issue, it is obvious.

Illegal aliens CAN VOTE just walking into a voting hall and voting just like anybody else. You think they are worried, for 1 second, about what the law says ?
Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle)

Dude, I have spoken to illegal aliens many times (in Spanish of course). They brag about all the illegal things they do. Besides voting, they put stolen license plates on their cars. They drive without a license. They have sex with underage kids (normal in Mexico). They shoplift, etc etc. Their whole lifestyle is doing things illegally, while paying little attention to US laws.
Dood, I hear ya. Sounds like you are describing many American citizens.
View attachment 604011

Democrats. Oh no doubt about it.

And we all notice that one of their prime tactics is to engage in >> "best defense is a good offense." So they go around accusing conservatives of exactly what it is that THEY are doing. Prime example - the Russian collusion hoax.

And now we have them accusing Republicans of election cheating. OMG, how much more hypocrisy-ludicrous can they get ? After all their fraud in the 2020 election, (on top of DECADES of facilitating illegal immigration, amnesty votes, sanctuary cities, and chocking up election victories from illegal alien votes.). Sickening.
We have reminded you 500 times you cannot use these examples you presented as evidence. Faun is right, you truly are crazy.
"Cannot"! HA HA HA. When you come up with a reason that makes sense, maybe you can use that laughable line. Until then the examples of evidence are rock solid. You and Faun are who is crazy.

You forgot one thing. You and Faun are liberals. Nothing you say can be believed.
"Cannot"! HA HA HA. When you come up with a reason that makes sense, maybe you can use that laughable line. Until then the examples of evidence are rock solid. You and Faun are who is crazy.

You forgot one thing. You and Faun are liberals. Nothing you say can be believed.
Oh the irony. As if repubmicans have a mortgage on intelligence. You numbskulls belch ignorance and lies like lava. You put trump as POTUS. Need I reflect anymore on your low IQ?
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Ludicrous MSNBC video criticizing Trump campaign aide Mike Roman, for reporting TRUE election fraud abuses. The moronic video even shows the abuses, and then disparages Roman for reporting about them. MSNBC is bonkers, and unfortunately so is anyone who watches it for any extended period of time.
Oh the irony. As if repubmicans have a mortgage on intelligence. You numbskulls belch ignorance and lies like lava. You put trump as POTUS. Need I reflect anymore on your low IQ?
What you "Need" to do, is post something of SUBSTANCE, rather than all the meaningless HOT AIR you have here.

Yeah, we put Trump as POTUS, who was the most successful president in US history, with the longest list of accomplishments of any US president, including having kept housing, food, automobiles, and gas prices low, all of which are breaking records right now, in their grossly inflated high prices.
We have reminded you 500 times you cannot use these examples you presented as evidence. Faun is right, you truly are crazy.
:puhleeze:You can "remind" me 500 THOUSAND times if you like, and I just laugh in your face, at the thought that you think you can erase away mountains of evidence posts that I posted, that neither you or Faun took the time to read. Wanna take a QUIZ on them ? :laugh:
I just gave you accuracy. Pay attention.
It is YOU who needs to "Pay attention" to what I posted in Post # 241. Only thing your accuracy post stated was the law pertaining to citizenship and voting. Well, no shit, Sherlock.

As I stated in Post # 241, that law is non-existent in the minds of illegal aliens, who have no obstacle to voting illegally, same way they do most other things. Ho hum. Yawn****

Again, you want RELEVANT accuracy ? Read Post 241.
Suppression of bogus votes is the only valid voter suppression. The Democraps call any effort to curtail illegal votes from being cast as “voter suppression.” 🙄

This is because the Democrap Parody is entirely full of shit.
What you "Need" to do, is post something of SUBSTANCE, rather than all the meaningless HOT AIR you have here.
You're opinion meanothing to me. You're ignorant.
Yeah, we put Trump as POTUS, who was the most successful president in US history,
The rest of the world disagree. If he was, why was he resoundingly thrown out millions of those who supported him? Be ause he wasn't and you were all conned.
ppwith the longest list of accomplishments of any US president, including having kept housing, food, automobiles, and gas prices low, all of which are breaking records right now, in their grossly inflated high prices.
He did of that because the economy slumped because of covid which you interpret as his accomplishments.
You don't even know how and economy works.
As those blacks in no how the housing is going.
Check with the poor if he made it easier to get a house.
Don't make me vomit you idiot.
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It is YOU who needs to "Pay attention" to what I posted in Post # 241. Only thing your accuracy post stated was the law pertaining to citizenship and voting. Well, no shit, Sherlock.

As I stated in Post # 241, that law is non-existent in the minds of illegal aliens, who have no obstacle to voting illegally, same way they do most other things. Ho hum. Yawn****

Again, you want RELEVANT accuracy ? Read Post 241.
You are a typical inaccurate tumphumper. Illegal immigrants do not vote, and I presented you with an article as to what the laws are.
You are a typical inaccurate tumphumper. Illegal immigrants do not vote, and I presented you with an article as to what the laws are.
You are a typical Trump basher, and I presented you with 9 links of information about illegal aliens voting. AGAIN, the only thing you presented was a law (which we all know) about citizenship being required to vote - which without a requirement for PROOF of citizenship, that law is meaningless to illegal aliens.

They have been voting by the MILLIONS, for 60+ years. Some people have to be told twice.

Why do you think Biden is wrecking the country to bring millions of these invaders in unvetted & unvaccinated, no less ? Because he likes the sound of foreign languages ?

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