More Voter Suppression Is Needed, Not Less

Usually, the side that has no problem with an investigation has a clear conscience. I only see Democrats objecting with the election fraud investigations.
How many investigations have found ZERO evidence of widespread voter fraud??

Too many to count......

Come on Biff you and I know Trump was cheated and Deep State is covering it all up so now we must restrict the vote that only allows a certain candidate that the OP supports to win and if not the we must put more restrictions in place!

We must stop all illegal voting and that mean anything that is not for the OP candidate should be tossed!


William Barr stated not enough fraud was committed to overturn the 2020 election, so until someone prove Barr wrong then the discussion is over and all these new laws will bite the GOP hard and when it does just smile and laugh while they try to change the law again!
If they have a State issued ID that allow them to vote mean they are legal to vote...

Do illegals vote?

Yes, but not at a level to swing any election and those caught should be deported to Syria and left there so they can not make it back here...
FALSE! Illegal alien voting has swung elections for decades, and has turned entire states from red to blue, most notably California. Nine links in post # 4 attest.
Paul Weyrich agrees:

"I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of the people. They never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."
Of course "everybody" should not vote. Only those who are legally eligible should be permitted to vote. Others must be stopped.
If they have a State issued ID that allow them to vote mean they are legal to vote...

Do illegals vote?

Yes, but not at a level to swing any election and those caught should be deported to Syria and left there so they can not make it back here...
FALSE! Illegal alien voting has swung elections for decades, and has turned entire states from red to blue, most notably California. Nine links in post # 4 attest.

Yawn, California swings Blue to Red from time to time and will swing red again in another few years...

Voter fraud happens every election and William Barr said not enough to swing the election...
Too many people here think the right to vote is sacred and Georgians should be encouraged to vote.
That depends on WHO you define as a "Georgian". If you are including aliens, then NO thy should NOT be encouraged to vote, and they should be stopped from doing so.
Paul Weyrich agrees:

"I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of the people. They never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."
Of course "everybody" should not vote. Only those who are legally eligible should be permitted to vote. Others must be stopped.

But who you want to stop might be someone that has the right to vote...

Let be clear I have read many of your threads and you would limit access to anyone that does not vote for your candidate which make you a sore loser.

Truthfully I believe as long as they have the proper ID and are a legal citizen then let them vote and I know you will proclaim that is what you also want but is it or will you then move the goal posts and declare more restrictions are needed because you did not get the results your were attempting to get?
The OP would be funny if it wasn't so desperately sad.
How many investigations have found ZERO evidence of widespread voter fraud??

Too many to count......
MILLIONS of investigations have found evidence of voter fraud. Every viral video of Republican poll watchers being denied access, is an investigation of widespread voter fraud, in multiple states.

The Georgia frauders pulling tubs of hidden ballots out from underneath tables (after the Republicans were sent home) is another example. The cases where there were hundreds more ballots than registered voters is another. The list is long.

I could post many videos here, but this is off topic. The topic is non-citizens voting, and the need for CITIZENSHIP ID PROOF for voting.
How many investigations have found ZERO evidence of widespread voter fraud??

Too many to count......
MILLIONS of investigations have found evidence of voter fraud. Every viral video of Republican poll watchers being denied access, is an investigation of widespread voter fraud, in multiple states.

The Georgia frauders pulling tubs of hidden ballots out from underneath tables (after the Republicans were sent home) is another example. The cases where there were hundreds more ballots than registered voters is another. The list is long.

I could post many videos here, but this is off topic. The topic is non-citizens voting, and the need for CITIZENSHIP ID PROOF for voting.
“Millions of investigations.”

Too many people here think the right to vote is sacred and Georgians should be encouraged to vote.
That depends on WHO you define as a "Georgian". If you are including aliens, then NO thy should NOT be encouraged to vote, and they should be stopped from doing so.

Aliens can't vote in Georgia. I already told you that Georgia has very strict voter registration. You have to provide a birth certificate or current US passport or your naturalization documents. Georgians means US citizens from Georgia, stupid.
Lol.. You right-wing loons do not know what you want. Now, you want a national identification card. You were opposed to it for years, but now you want it. You also want ”papers” for citizens like they have in authoritarian countries. When the police pull you over for some minor offense, if you do not have your ”papers” you are taken to the gulag. If you care for democracy, do not vote for these right wing goons.
HA HA. Nice sensationalist try. Actually, the US is one of the very few countries in the world that does not have CITIZENSHIP ID PROOF required for voting. This is the basis for Biden's foreignization of America, dumping (he hopes) millions of aliens into the country, and spreading them around to make the whole country blue, while destroying the country in the process. Few actions in American history have eve been more damaging to the nation than this.

Conservatives know exactly what they want. They want a NATION, and want to preserve it as that.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)
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Paul Weyrich agrees:

"I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of the people. They never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."
Of course "everybody" should not vote. Only those who are legally eligible should be permitted to vote. Others must be stopped.

No one is disputing that. However:

“Suppression” is not synonymous with “integrity”.
Seems to me that its a certain tough guy posturing.... Not very bright or effective.
You could be "effective" if you could contribute some factual substance to the thread, instead of meaningless rhetoric.
They’re idiots.
That's what you and your fellow leftists are, and worse yet, you are ignorant idiots, because of your devotion to liberal, OMISSION media, keeping you the information-deprived fools that you are. Ho hum. Yawn****

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