More war ?


Gold Member
May 23, 2012
What's it going to be, butter or guns? This is why this country has financial problems. This is small change compared to what bush spent, but still, like Ike said "One bomber could pay for 30 brick school houses etc. Let South Korea fight her own battles. Let's spend on people, education, hospitals. We might have to do as Shakespeare said "first, we kill all the republicans who worship military spending for whatever reason" but it'll be worth it.
Just joking, we could just send the republicans to Israel if Israel will have them.

US sends B-2s to South Korea for military drills
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Let South Korea fight her own battles.

Not only do we have legal and moral obligations regarding our ally South Korea, it is in fact OUR battle as well. Don't be one of these short-sighted emo libs.
The primary legal obligation that exists between parasite nations and US citizens is for the US Treasury to pay US cash to parasite nations for rents and supplies ON TOP OF keeping these parasite nation in some condition of "safe". Americans have put blood on foreigners' ground saving the scum of the earth from themselves since 1945 and got very little back in return. Cheap goods and cheaper labor doing jobs taken from US workers hasn't been that much of a benefit, but it is interesting that you cite Paul Krugman's 1988 "new economy" view (since revised toward sanity).

Not only do parasite nations bleat about rents and various payments "owed" them, costs to the US come in other forms like emigrants from parasite nations fleeing as fast as they can toward opportunity in the greatest nation in history. The only just thing about corporatists looting America's treasury pretending to save the world is that most of the white trash screwed by these policies celebrate the destruction of their section of the late American Dream in feverish denials of the disastrous results of neocon war mongering in combination with FriedmaNUT economics.

Probably the starkest view of the fruits of America's labors since WWII (morally legal, practical necessity) meddling in civil wars (cold war jingoism, neocon idiocies) can be seen in the ascent of Vietnam as proved by current global trade agreements. Most Americans today, draft dodging/remf neocon scum for example, don't consider other residuals...

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Short-sighted idiots and isolationist cowards are - thankfully - irrelevant in any real decision-making.
Maybe the next round of US soldiers risking being maimed or killed defending one brand of Asian parasite from another will be more enthusiastic about risking their lives for the scum of the earth?

One thing for sure, Asian parasites hungry for US cash aren't going away any time soon. What remains to be seen is Asians' stomach for having their own blood spilled.
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Maybe the next round of US soldiers risking being maimed or killed defending one brand of Asian parasite from another will be more enthusiastic about risking their lives for the scum of the earth?

One thing for sure, Asian parasites hungry for US cash aren't going away any time soon. What remains to be seen is Asians' stomach for having their own blood spilled.

You're an ignorant fool, and too much of a pussy to be straight forward about your racism. What a fucking loser.
We need South Korea! Who's going to make parts for my girlfriend's Kia? Who is going to manufacture the shirts I buy at Walmart?

Actually North Korea is just bluffing. The last time, they had China backing them up with unlimited military assistance for weapons and manpower. Now, nobody is going to back them up. I should be surprised that our military takes all their sabar rattling seriosly enough to send stealth bombers up there on manuvers, but I'm not. I have a cousin who retired as a full colonel from the army, and he told me that the military has never seen an opportunity for a war that they didn't like.
Most Koreans do not hate the USA.

Most Koreans want the USA if NK comes across the border.

Fact: 28K American troops are on the DMZ with the mission of killing NKs until the last American is dead.

Fact: USA will come to ROK aid massively.
Maybe the next round of US soldiers risking being maimed or killed defending one brand of Asian parasite from another will be more enthusiastic about risking their lives for the scum of the earth?

One thing for sure, Asian parasites hungry for US cash aren't going away any time soon. What remains to be seen is Asians' stomach for having their own blood spilled.

You're an ignorant fool, and too much of a pussy to be straight forward about your racism. What a fucking loser.

Nothing wrong with Asian pussy; runs a little on the lean side, but when in Rome, etc., one makes do.
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Maybe the next round of US soldiers risking being maimed or killed defending one brand of Asian parasite from another will be more enthusiastic about risking their lives for the scum of the earth?

One thing for sure, Asian parasites hungry for US cash aren't going away any time soon. What remains to be seen is Asians' stomach for having their own blood spilled.

You're an ignorant fool, and too much of a pussy to be straight forward about your racism. What a fucking loser.

Nothing wrong with Asian pussy; runs a little on the lean side, but when in Rome, etc., one makes do.

As if the likes of you could get some anywhere, ever, even if you had $100 bills shooting out your ass, loser. Who the fuck do you think you're kidding?
No effort to kid anyone on my part, skunkataro.
The facts about the parasite community are on file.

As to me and pussy, well, imagine the worst, then double that.
If you erred on the high side out of the gate, you'll be within 50%.
Men like me have problems. One of them isn't usually pussy.

And thanks for the neg.
It's the real you.
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> like a little bitch - skunkataro

Oh my.

Can this be the same little girl what criticized me for stereotyping?

Tell you what, skunky, let's let it go. You are what you are and that is God's will.

I am not like that, and so it goes.
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