More war ?

Ah so! The English...
... it is not your first language?
Or did public schools inhibit all traces of literacy?

Or... is it that you have a crush on me?
Is that it you little rascal?
North Korean wants recognition from the US and South Korea. To think a country would go to war over this sounds crazy, at least to us. However, this is a huge issue for Pyongyang. They want assurance from the US and South Korea that they will not be attacked. North Korea is still living in the 20th century. There was only a truce signed that stopped the Korean War. To the North, the war never ended.

If the North attacks the South, the US and it's allies will be drug into yet another war. It seems like our sins of the 20th century continue to haunt us in 21st century.
North Korean wants recognition from the US and South Korea. To think a country would go to war over this sounds crazy, at least to us. However, this is a huge issue for Pyongyang.

It's more SOP than "a huge issue." NK has been pulling this same shit for decades. The problem is that it only takes one major miscalculation...

If this goes the way it usually does, after all this saber-rattling, NK will offer to come to the negotiating table on all sorts of issues. They will then request increased food and fuel aid from China, Japan, SK, and the US, and they will probably get it. And on and on it goes...
Every Obama golf outing could pay for a dozen kids in a year tuition to a Ivy League college. Joe Biden just spent about 350k and another 400k on trips to London and Paris. 42% of democrats authorized Bush's use of the Military and then they undermined the mission for the next 7 or 8 years. Timid Harry Truman's character flaw cost the lives of about 25,000 Americans when he couldn't bring himself to stop his own general from ordering Troops to the biggest ambush in history in Korea.
whitehall, old buddy.

Give us what Clinton, Bush, and Obama have spent on holidays: the number of days and the costs.

It will be interesting what you find out.
North Korean wants recognition from the US and South Korea. To think a country would go to war over this sounds crazy, at least to us. However, this is a huge issue for Pyongyang.

It's more SOP than "a huge issue." NK has been pulling this same shit for decades. The problem is that it only takes one major miscalculation...

If this goes the way it usually does, after all this saber-rattling, NK will offer to come to the negotiating table on all sorts of issues. They will then request increased food and fuel aid from China, Japan, SK, and the US, and they will probably get it. And on and on it goes...
When is the last time the US sat down with North Korea to negotiate anything?
North Korean wants recognition from the US and South Korea. To think a country would go to war over this sounds crazy, at least to us. However, this is a huge issue for Pyongyang.

It's more SOP than "a huge issue." NK has been pulling this same shit for decades. The problem is that it only takes one major miscalculation...

If this goes the way it usually does, after all this saber-rattling, NK will offer to come to the negotiating table on all sorts of issues. They will then request increased food and fuel aid from China, Japan, SK, and the US, and they will probably get it. And on and on it goes...
When is the last time the US sat down with North Korea to negotiate anything?

Last year.
It's more SOP than "a huge issue." NK has been pulling this same shit for decades. The problem is that it only takes one major miscalculation...

If this goes the way it usually does, after all this saber-rattling, NK will offer to come to the negotiating table on all sorts of issues. They will then request increased food and fuel aid from China, Japan, SK, and the US, and they will probably get it. And on and on it goes...
When is the last time the US sat down with North Korea to negotiate anything?

Last year.
Thanks, I thought it was in 2009.

I notice on NBC, news they mention 124 South Korean owned industrial plants just across the DMZ on the South Korean side that employ 50,000 North Koreans bringing to North Korea much needed hard currency. North Korea is threaten to close the boarder which would be a sign that the North Koreans are serious about the latest threats.

Provocation in the Yellow Sea where there are islands in dispute seems a more likely target than the DMZ, but a misstep on either side of the boarder could touch off a power keg.
We can no more go back to isolation then we can teach pigs to fly. We have treaties and we are obligated to honor them. You don't like the treaty? Get Congress to change it.

I served at the flag pole and at Liberty Bell in 2ID. Almost no one on this board understands the reality of what can possibly happen to our men and women in Korea except those of us who did our tours there.

If the NKs come, our troops, much less the ROKs and the civilians, will suffer greatly.

And our armed forces will make North Korea burn.
We can no more go back to isolation then we can teach pigs to fly. We have treaties and we are obligated to honor them. You don't like the treaty? Get Congress to change it.

I served at the flag pole and at Liberty Bell in 2ID. Almost no one on this board understands the reality of what can possibly happen to our men and women in Korea except those of us who did our tours there.

If the NKs come, our troops, much less the ROKs and the civilians, will suffer greatly.

And our armed forces will make North Korea burn.

Spent 3 years in 3rd Mar Div. I know about Korea.
When is the last time the US sat down with North Korea to negotiate anything?

Last year.
Thanks, I thought it was in 2009.

I notice on NBC, news they mention 124 South Korean owned industrial plants just across the DMZ on the South Korean side that employ 50,000 North Koreans bringing to North Korea much needed hard currency. North Korea is threaten to close the boarder which would be a sign that the North Koreans are serious about the latest threats.

Provocation in the Yellow Sea where there are islands in dispute seems a more likely target than the DMZ, but a misstep on either side of the boarder could touch off a power keg.

It seems to me (as no expert of any sort at all) that the NKs are swiftly running out of leverage, and they know it.
The Chinese are turning away from them and they know that the US could level them without having to land troops.
If their latest threats don't get them what they want (food aid and lifting of sanctions) their only other tactic would be, presumably, to try and stir up a conflict between China and/or Russia and the West.
Those two countries will still be concerned about the loss of NK to the West so NK will try to use that concern.
We can no more go back to isolation then we can teach pigs to fly. We have treaties and we are obligated to honor them. You don't like the treaty? Get Congress to change it.

Clue, gunny: fair trade + fair foreign policy ≠ isolation.

We should be paid for having troops in parasite nations. That the US welcomes goods made by coerced labor is an abomination on its face, PLUS it damages the United States of America's blue collar workforce.

Even a filthy god damned neocon scum like Reagan who granted amnesty to at least 4kk illegal parasites would NEVER have allowed goods made by child labor or forced labor into the US, especially duty free. Further, any sovereign can abrogate any treaty any time with or without notice by simply announcing its withdrawal. There isn't any need to file paperwork or do anything more than make the announcement - despite the custom of filing paperwork. And that includes treaties with timetables. A sovereign is a sovereign is a sovereign. Period.

I am laughing out loud clicking this out at the degradation evident in public education since the '50s and '60s. This is no accident.

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Of course we have to get involved in another undeclared war.

We need to feed our addiction.
Skull Pilot, if the NKs go to war, our men and women are in harm's way.

You would do nothing?
You guys must think its easy to run a country with 25 million people and a GDP $1,800 pp, and 600 people per square mile?

Boardered a wealthy nation to the South, and a prospering China?

What's a dictator supposed to do to hold this shit together?

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