More war ?

Skull Pilot, if the NKs go to war, our men and women are in harm's way.

You would do nothing?

Get our people the fuck out of there

problem solved and we can get into rehab for our war addiction.

SP, Korea is called the lynch pin of NE Asia: Japan, Russia, China, the two Koreas, and the USA are involved because of the commercial internationalism of the region.

Our interest in preventing war there by keeping our troops in SK outweigh the virtual certainty of war by removing them.

Your mistake is that the NK leadership is nuanced and rational: they are neither.
Of course we have to get involved in another undeclared war.

We need to feed our addiction.
The mutual defense treaty signed in 1954 and again recently obligates us to defend South Korea. If the US failed to live up to it's obligations, it would hurt us around the world.

South Korea is one of our largest trading pardners with over 100 billion in trade each year. Household names such as Samsung, Hyundai Motor, and LG manufacture most of their products in South Korea., some plants only miles from the DMZ.

If the North Koreans cross the DMZ we will be at war; there is no doubt about it.
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Skull Pilot, if the NKs go to war, our men and women are in harm's way.

You would do nothing?

Get our people the fuck out of there

problem solved and we can get into rehab for our war addiction.

SP, Korea is called the lynch pin of NE Asia: Japan, Russia, China, the two Koreas, and the USA are involved because of the commercial internationalism of the region.

Our interest in preventing war there by keeping our troops in SK outweigh the virtual certainty of war by removing them.

Your mistake is that the NK leadership is nuanced and rational: they are neither.

Slippery slope, domino theory crap.
Of course we have to get involved in another undeclared war.

We need to feed our addiction.
The mutual defense treaty signed in 1954 and again recently obligates us to defend South Korea. If the US failed to live up to it's obligations, it would hurt us around the world.

South Korea is one of our largest trading pardners with over 100 billion in trade each year. Household names such as Samsung, Hyundai Motor, and LG manufacture most of their products in South Korea., some plants only miles from the DMZ.

If the North Koreans cross the DMZ we will at war; there is no doubt about it.

Time to stop signing protection agreements.

It's time we focused on cleaning up our own house and let others do the same.

We throw the lives of our soldiers away at the drop of a fucking hat and it has to stop.
There is nothing standing in Kim Jong Un's way. There's obama but that's nothing. The prosperity of the south is there for the north's taking. Everything to gain. Nothing to lose. No real opposition from the US. Just a stupid fool in the white house who thinks he can fumble and mumble his way through the next three years.
Get our people the fuck out of there

problem solved and we can get into rehab for our war addiction.

SP, Korea is called the lynch pin of NE Asia: Japan, Russia, China, the two Koreas, and the USA are involved because of the commercial internationalism of the region.

Our interest in preventing war there by keeping our troops in SK outweigh the virtual certainty of war by removing them.

Your mistake is that the NK leadership is nuanced and rational: they are neither.

Slippery slope, domino theory crap.

Yes, exactly that prevents us from withdrawing our troops and following your slippery slope. Won't happen.
SP, Korea is called the lynch pin of NE Asia: Japan, Russia, China, the two Koreas, and the USA are involved because of the commercial internationalism of the region.

Our interest in preventing war there by keeping our troops in SK outweigh the virtual certainty of war by removing them.

Your mistake is that the NK leadership is nuanced and rational: they are neither.

Slippery slope, domino theory crap.

Yes, exactly that prevents us from withdrawing our troops and following your slippery slope. Won't happen.

political brinksmanship is no reason to send brave soldiers to their death.

We have stopped fighting wars for just reasons and have become addicted to the blood of our soldiers.
Of course we have to get involved in another undeclared war.

We need to feed our addiction.
The mutual defense treaty signed in 1954 and again recently obligates us to defend South Korea. If the US failed to live up to it's obligations, it would hurt us around the world.

South Korea is one of our largest trading pardners with over 100 billion in trade each year. Household names such as Samsung, Hyundai Motor, and LG manufacture most of their products in South Korea., some plants only miles from the DMZ.

If the North Koreans cross the DMZ we will at war; there is no doubt about it.

Time to stop signing protection agreements.

It's time we focused on cleaning up our own house and let others do the same.

We throw the lives of our soldiers away at the drop of a fucking hat and it has to stop.
I do agree with your first statement, the US should not take on more obligations to defend the world, however we are stuck with long term alliances and defense agreements of the 20th century.

The US should pick it's wars carefully and screw the nation building. In the Croatia war, 7 servicemen lost their life with a cost in the millions. The Libyan military operation that took out Gaddafi cost the US less than a billion dollars and without a single military loss of life. We could do 100 Libyas for less than the cost of one Afghanistan.
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We should be paid for having troops in parasite nations. That the US welcomes goods made by coerced labor is an abomination on its face, PLUS it damages the United States of America's blue collar workforce. .

You are truly and fully stupid, and you have absolutely no idea about what you think you are talking about. Our presence overseas is in furtherance of our OWN national interests, as is our involvement in the global economy, you dimwit.
It is more than childishly simplistic and naïve to think that we enter into, or continue to honor, agreements with allied nations just because we love them so much we want to be their protector. We enter into such agreements for the only reason that any nation ever enters into any agreement: because it is in OUR OWN national interests. We are pursuing and protecting OUR interests, not protecting anyone else for the sake of protecting them. Is this really so hard to understand, or is the urge to emote about "addiction to blood" and "bringing our boys home" and "let them protect themselves" too strong to resist?
What's it going to be, butter or guns? This is why this country has financial problems. This is small change compared to what bush spent, but still, like Ike said "One bomber could pay for 30 brick school houses etc. Let South Korea fight her own battles. Let's spend on people, education, hospitals. We might have to do as Shakespeare said "first, we kill all the republicans who worship military spending for whatever reason" but it'll be worth it.
Just joking, we could just send the republicans to Israel if Israel will have them.

US sends B-2s to South Korea for military drills

You blame Republicans when it's Obama and the Democrats who will own North Korea. Ridiculous partisan hack.
What's it going to be, butter or guns? This is why this country has financial problems. This is small change compared to what bush spent, but still, like Ike said "One bomber could pay for 30 brick school houses etc. Let South Korea fight her own battles. Let's spend on people, education, hospitals. We might have to do as Shakespeare said "first, we kill all the republicans who worship military spending for whatever reason" but it'll be worth it.
Just joking, we could just send the republicans to Israel if Israel will have them.

US sends B-2s to South Korea for military drills

You blame Republicans when it's Obama and the Democrats who will own North Korea. Ridiculous partisan hack.
The Democrats and Obama should be proud to take responsibly for US involvement if South Korea is attacked. This country has pledged to defend South Korea for over 60 years. For the US to renege on it's obligation would be unthinkable. We had no obligation to attack Iraq or Afghanistan. These were wars of choice.
Slippery slope, domino theory crap.

Yes, exactly that prevents us from withdrawing our troops and following your slippery slope. Won't happen.

political brinksmanship is no reason to send brave soldiers to their death.

We have stopped fighting wars for just reasons and have become addicted to the blood of our soldiers.

shrill, hyperbolic, and hysterical, much like dick cheney's wife
Discussing what we owe South Korea and worthless treaties is nonsense that defies reality. obama's enemies are Americans. They are republicans. If he felt a benefit to him personally to wring his hands and snivel that he can do nothing because republicans won't let him he will do it. He can take his personal angst to the world stage trolling for sympathy. He would abide by the treaty but republicans just keep stopping him. They are so bad that maybe the whole world will just rise up against George Bush. He could certainly sqeeze out a tear or two when the cameras are rolling. Rather than South Korea demanding that we abide by a treaty, they should feel sorry that obama has to put up with the likes of us. The soth Koreans are nothing but heartless wretches who put the existence of Korea above obama's needs.

Did we learn nothing from Benghazi?
Obama's American opponents are Republicans. We are not BhO's enemies as that wack Katzndogz suggests in SA terms. Obama, in fact, will stand behind the ROK. Anybody who thinks differently cares not for America and her honor. Unlike Benghazi, the USA can and will respond immediately.

It is reactionaries like Katzndogz who are dividing are country. Thank heavens these SA wannabees are losing power in the party daily.
Yes, exactly that prevents us from withdrawing our troops and following your slippery slope. Won't happen.

political brinksmanship is no reason to send brave soldiers to their death.

We have stopped fighting wars for just reasons and have become addicted to the blood of our soldiers.

shrill, hyperbolic, and hysterical, much like dick cheney's wife

Tell me that when your father, son or grandson is killed in a game of political brinksmanship because some fucking politician says that a spit of land in the ass end of nowhere is vital to the security of the USA.
Fact: 28K American troops are on the DMZ with the mission of killing NKs until the last American is dead.

Yes, well, that's the thing. I question the value to our current national interest of some of these antique Cold War treaties. This one, specifying "tripwire" troops there to die to make us mad enough to go to war for South Korea seems to me particularly heartless and pointless in 2013. Outdated defense treaties with Israel and Formosa/Taiwan are two more.

Does anyone have a fix on what our actual national interest defending South Korea is? Given the likelihood of combat sooner or later and possible obliteration of so many of our soldiers. I simply can't see what we get out of it.
Does anyone have a fix on what our actual national interest defending South Korea is? Given the likelihood of combat sooner or later and possible obliteration of so many of our soldiers. I simply can't see what we get out of it.

Then you're a dimwitted fool.
Of course we have to get involved in another undeclared war.

We need to feed our addiction.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........................good point.

WOULD it be yet another undeclared war? Or like the last Korean War or the second Iraq War --- a faked-up "UN Mission" forced through by us, who pay all the UN's bills.

I would guess it would happen very, very fast and defense of our tripwire troops would be so obviously necessary that at first there would be no need to go to Congress. If it could be entirely an air war like Clinton's winning war in Serbia, they might be able to avoid the issue altogether.

It's the ten-year losing wars with boots on the ground getting slowly killed year after year and finally retreating that everyone is sick of. I'd rather we not do that again.

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