More white Europeans were taken as slaves to Africa than blacks taken to America as slaves.

While it may be true that Anthony Johnson was the first documented slave owner in
Colonial Northampton, that is not a photo of him. Photography had not been invented in his lifetime. I believe that to be a picture of a back congressman after the civil war during reconstruction. I'm to lazy to use google to look him up, but i've done it before.
It looks more like a sketch than a photograph to me.
White people were (almost?) never slaves of Black people.

That's a fucking lie.

The Moors took more white slaves than Europe ever took from Africa.

Tens of millions of white peasants were serfs belonging to white nobles. Some nobles in East Europe and Russia were cruel and tortured the serfs.

Tens of millions of white Europeans were slaves dragged off by raiding Muslims. Why do you think Jefferson sent US Marines to crush the Barbary Pirates? To end the slaving raids off the East Coast of America.

You of the fascist left always try to rewrite history to further your evil goals.
2) more whites were taken as slaves to Africa than blacks were taken to America as slaves
I very much doubt this is true. My quick web search put the number of Africans taken to the US as 10 times the number of Europeans enslaved by Muslims in North Africa.
White slaves in America were called "indentured servants."

They were like serfs, but they often had a contract with their owners. Serfs were also slaves.

This is true.

The big difference between what we did to the black slave and what we did to the white slave is that white slaves were seen as our fellow countrymen although on the lowest social rung of the social ladder.

Black slaves weren't viewed as our countrymen. Some Americans didn't even view black slaves as human.

That's the crime right there, not viewing Black Americans as Americans.

When Europeans Were Slaves: Research Suggests White ...

The result is that between 1530 and 1780 there were almost certainly 1 million and quite possibly as many as 1.25 million white, European Christians enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary

Barbary slave trade - Wikipedia

In his 2003 book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500–1800, Ohio State University history professor Robert Davis states

Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters - American Thinker

Sep 14, 2016 · In Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters, Davis describes how, from 1500 to 1800, Muslim corsairs from the Barbary Coast systematically enslaved white Christians from Italy,

interesting reading
As a fan of Thomas Sowell, a video excerpt of his book ”A Thomas Sowell Reader“ came up in the menu…….in that excerpt he points out

1) slavery was not a race issue

2) more whites were taken as slaves to Africa than blacks were taken to America as slaves

Both of these are true.

Remember….the reason Africans eventually became the slaves of choice in the new world was that they could not escape the way Indians and Europeans could………

Later, to justify their owning slaves, the people who would become the democrat party began to add the racial element to the issue of American slavery……

All that is interesting, but it doesn't change the fact that black slaves were the slave of choice in the new world. What happened to other slaves in other parts of the world didn't justify what we did here.
I very much doubt this is true. My quick web search put the number of Africans taken to the US as 10 times the number of Europeans enslaved by Muslims in North Africa.

I doubt it.

What I mean is I doubt you did even a basic search, you just spewed shit.

The Muslims had been taking slaves from Europe since about 700 AD. They took DOZENS of times more slaves than the short 300 year run of African slavery. And the abduction of whites as slaves continues to this day.

The most prolific use of slaves was by the Roman Empire, about 99% of their slaves were white, Followed by the Egyptians, who had a mixture of races as slaves. Right behind them is the Muslim Caliphates.
White slaves in America were called "indentured servants."

They were like serfs, but they often had a contract with their owners. Serfs were also slaves.

This is true.

The big difference between what we did to the black slave and what we did to the white slave is that white slaves were seen as our fellow countrymen although on the lowest social rung of the social ladder.

Black slaves weren't viewed as our countrymen. Some Americans didn't even view black slaves as human.

That's the crime right there, not viewing Black Americans as Americans.

That isn't true.

Some were, many more were snatched from England and Ireland and slapped in chains for the tobacco plantations,

The white slaves not indentured, who began to arrive here in 1618, included hundreds of children – – waifs and strays – – who had been rounded up from streets of London to serve wealthy farmers in Virginia.

Other slaves came from the ranks of the homeless and the poor, whom King James I held responsible for spreading the plague, and from England’s swelling prison population.

The scheme was supported by James I, who believed the homeless and itinerant of London were spreading plague.

Of the first 300 white slaves to land in Virginia, only 12 managed to survive four years. The others died of ill treatment, disease, attack by native Americans or overwork.

Contemporary records show that one child victim, Elizabeth Abbott, was beaten to death when her master ordered her to be given 500 lashes for running away.

At least 70,000 white men, women, and children from England and Ireland were shipped to the colonies to be sold as slaves on the auction block during the 170 years of British rule.

  1. McCain/Obama’s CIA Responsible For 600 Acts Of Terrorism In Syria: Rothschild Czar Benjamin Netanyahu Prepares To Attack Syria.
White slaves transported to the colonies suffered a staggering loss of life in the 17th and 18th century. During the voyage to America, the white slaves were kept below deck for the entire nine to twelve week journey. They were chained with 50 other men to a board, with padlocked collars around their necks. The weeks of confinement below deck in the ship’s stifling hold often resulted in outbreaks of contagious disease, including cholera and dysentery.

Ships carrying white slaves to America often lost half their slaves to death. According to historian Sharon V. Salinger of the University of California, Riverside, “Scattered data reveal that the mortality for [white] servants at certain times equaled that for [black] slaves in the ‘middle passage,’ and during other periods actually exceeded the death rate for [Black] slaves.”}

You have an agenda, and factual history runs against your agenda.
See the bold part, the reason they became slaves of choice is because other black tribes captured them sold them. They did the heavy lifting, rounding up slaves. The N. Africans, as an example, when they secured Euro slaves they had to do it themselves via raiding parties in coastal areas.

Here's an interesting supposition by Professor Jason Hill
He believes that slavery was an assumed way of life for those who did not have the Judeo-Christian view, from Genesis, that we were made to be free.

The recent thought-provoking book by Professor Jason D. Hill compares the peoples on the continent of Africa with the Europeans for the purpose of explaining the willful acceptance of slavery by both the former and the latter. It was not that the Africans didn’t have the technology or the weapons to resist slavery imposed on them……it was that they saw no problem with the condition. It was European’s advancement, due to concepts derived from religion, right and wrong, justice, the importance of each human life, that had moved the European from a customization with such a condition.

.Professor Hill writes:

“We must remember that the beginning of African chattel slavery preceded all ideas of race as biological typology and the racism distinctly associated with them. These did not appear in Western culture before the eighteenth century.

In the nineteenth century, German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel noted in his magisterial work, Lectures on the Philosophy of World History, that slavery itself was a necessary stage in historical development made possible by the African indigenes themselves. He notes that, lacking any conception of justice or right, the African evinces a “complete contempt for man and a respect for life itself.”

He goes on to say that “slavery is the basic legal relationship in Africa,” a place where the distinction between master and slave is completely endemic and accepted as natural. For Hegel, in a culture where human life has little or no value, the enslavement of Africans by Europeans is at least partially necessary on the premise that it can educate the African to have consciousness of his freedom.” Jason D. Hill, “What Do White Americans Owe Black People.”
In his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters, Ohio State history professor Robert Davis takes a close look at this rarely discussed aspect of modern history.

In Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters, Davis describes how, from 1500 to 1800, Muslim corsairs from the Barbary Coast systematically enslaved white Christians from Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Iceland, Great Britain, Ireland, and Greece. The Muslims raided ships at sea and attacked coastal villages in an activity called "Christian stealing." During that time, Davis explains, the Mediterranean had a reputation as the sea where people vanished: fisherman or sailors on board boats, shepherds tending flocks, farmers toiling near the shore, and townspeople, including women and children, living in coastal communities. Coastal dwellers and those who traveled by ship constantly risked capture, violence, and exploitation at the hands of Barbary Coast Muslims.

As part of this jihad against Christianity begun in 1500, piracy and slaving were the main instruments used to deprive infidel communities of useful, productive citizens and to acquire booty. Davis estimates that during three centuries of Muslim predation, as many as 1.25 million Europeans were permanently and stealthily removed from their families and communities.

Comment: For some reason the Left seems to have a blind side to some injustices.

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All that is interesting, but it doesn't change the fact that black slaves were the slave of choice in the new world. What happened to other slaves in other parts of the world didn't justify what we did here.

we didn't do it....Europeans and Africans brought slaves here...our new country had to deal with what they created.
In his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters, Ohio State history professor Robert Davis takes a close look at this rarely discussed aspect of modern history.

In Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters, Davis describes how, from 1500 to 1800, Muslim corsairs from the Barbary Coast systematically enslaved white Christians from Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Iceland, Great Britain, Ireland, and Greece. The Muslims raided ships at sea and attacked coastal villages in an activity called "Christian stealing." During that time, Davis explains, the Mediterranean had a reputation as the sea where people vanished: fisherman or sailors on board boats, shepherds tending flocks, farmers toiling near the shore, and townspeople, including women and children, living in coastal communities. Coastal dwellers and those who traveled by ship constantly risked capture, violence, and exploitation at the hands of Barbary Coast Muslims.

As part of this jihad against Christianity begun in 1500, piracy and slaving were the main instruments used to deprive infidel communities of useful, productive citizens and to acquire booty. Davis estimates that during three centuries of Muslim predation, as many as 1.25 million Europeans were permanently and stealthily removed from their families and communities.

Comment: For some reason the Left seems to have a blind side to some injustices.

Yep...just like Thomas Sowell pointed out.....
The point isn’t what happened then, but what’s happening now. It’s in the Americas that race became an issue, even after slavery ended.

No.....the people who would become the democrat party pushed race to justify owning blacks as slaves, and they use race today to keep their power....
This justifies what? There were Black slaves in America, not White.

Since it is beyond you......holding America up for condemnation for a universal practice at the time is just dumb....but it is useful for modern day racists and leftists to attack our Constitution, and Bill of Rights......because those things get in their way....
White people were (almost?) never slaves of Black people.

Tens of millions of white peasants were serfs belonging to white nobles. Some nobles in East Europe and Russia were cruel and tortured the serfs.

You obviously didn't pay attention........

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