More white Europeans were taken as slaves to Africa than blacks taken to America as slaves.

I've ask you, along with several other crazies that same question many times. Considering your mental capacity, I'm not surprised that you don't remember. Either way, you can't deny that I just ask you, and await an answer.

Support slavery, no. Support segregation by race...the entire democrat party is doing this, right now.
The ones perpetrating the discrimination and violence belonged to and supported the democrat party.....

That Governor was a democrat...George Wallace...

Are you too stupid to realize that our current race problems stem, again, from the democrat party? They are the ones refusing to educate black children in the schools they control, they are the ones trying to resegregate society based on race.......
Again, point to those you accuse, and show some proof your accusations are valid.
Example? Proof?

The republicans aren't pushing separate but equal graduation ceremonies.....republicans aren't pushing for seperate but equal space for black created products....Republicans do not believe blacks can't get ID to vote,......

The democrat party is pushing segregation.....just like they always have....

The teaching of whites as racists, blacks as victims is now one of the leading battles in schools across the country......the democrat party lost the Virginia governors race to the racism being taught in their schools.
But that isn't happening. Your conspiracy theory about what CRT is has nothing to do with reality. Just another example of you falling for an outrageous lie.
If the laws causing roadblocks and restrictions for black people would have ended 157 years ago, you might have a point, but they didn't. As a kid, I remember "whites only" water fountains, and restaurants that didn't serve blacks. As a young man, a union I joined was proud of the fact that they had never had a black member, and claimed they never would. In 1963, the governor of Alabama made his famous speech where he declared "Segregation Today, Segregation Tomorrow, and Segregation Forever" Much more recent than that, I've seen well documented evidence that blacks were denied loans Those things didn't end 157 years ago. Are you really too stupid to see that?
When are the Democrats going to pay them reparations for that (along with slavery)????
Johnson was the first black slave owner in that area. He was a slave himself and arrived on the first slave ship.
And the photograph is of a man named Lewis Haden who lived during the 18 hundreds.
The republicans aren't pushing separate but equal graduation ceremonies.....republicans aren't pushing for seperate but equal space for black created products....Republicans do not believe blacks can't get ID to vote,......

The democrat party is pushing segregation.....just like they always have....

So many misrepresented events. So little desire to waste time on an in depth explanation for a crazy such as yourself. Go. Enjoy your crazy misrepresentations and conspiracy theories. I alone am not responsible to try to connect you to reality. CRANK YOUR CRAZY UP TO 10, AND RIP THE KNOB OFF!!
So many misrepresented events. So little desire to waste time on an in depth explanation for a crazy such as yourself. Go. Enjoy your crazy misrepresentations and conspiracy theories. I alone am not responsible to try to connect you to reality. CRANK YOUR CRAZY UP TO 10, AND RIP THE KNOB OFF!!

Are democrat party teachers telling white children they are opressors because of their skin color?

Are democrat party teachers telling black children they are always going to be opressed because of their skin color?

The answer to both questions is yes......

Democrats teaching racism to children.......
When are the Democrats going to pay them reparations for that (along with slavery)????
I don't believe there will ever be a single reparations payment. We should pass laws to counteract some of the problems still being suffered by those that were treated so unfairly for so long. Those laws should be strong enough to be seen as a legitimate effort to be fair in the future. That's not too much to ask for.
I don't believe there will ever be a single reparations payment. We should pass laws to counteract some of the problems still being suffered by those that were treated so unfairly for so long. Those laws should be strong enough to be seen as a legitimate effort to be fair in the future. That's not too much to ask for.

There is a way......dissolve the democrat party and give their assets to the descendants of slaves.
Are democrat party teachers telling white children they are opressors because of their skin color?

Are democrat party teachers telling black children they are always going to be opressed because of their skin color?

The answer to both questions is yes......

Democrats teaching racism to children.......
Well, no, but nothing I say could possibly counteract your brainwashing, so believe what you want.
1 in 3 girls are sexually abused in the US before the age of 18
1 in 5 boys are sexually abused in the US before the age of 18
There isn't enough outrage to stop that. That doesn't mean that someone found to have done that long ago is blameless.
What exactly is your point? How does slavery today justify the slaves owned in this country in the past?
How does the slavery in America's history justify the chronic left wing hate for the present generation of today's Americans?
1619 Project?
That is the point.
I don't believe there will ever be a single reparations payment. We should pass laws to counteract some of the problems still being suffered by those that were treated so unfairly for so long. Those laws should be strong enough to be seen as a legitimate effort to be fair in the future. That's not too much to ask for.
I actually see no problem with giving reparations to the descendants of slaves...

But if you can pull your head out of your ass long enough, you will realize that you collect damages from the party that wronged you (NOT some innocent third party)!!!

That means that the Democrat Party (the party of slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws) owns that one!!!

When can we seize the Democrat Party's assets and turn them over to the blacks????
Are democrat party teachers telling white children they are opressors because of their skin color?

Are democrat party teachers telling black children they are always going to be opressed because of their skin color?

The answer to both questions is yes......

Democrats teaching racism to children.......
Amazing this garbage has seeped it's way into everything. Considering the hoods I grew up in, schools I went to, and being in the Army, and being around a bunch of black dudes in all 3, this crap never came up. And this was in the 80's and 90's.
I actually see no problem with giving reparations to the descendants of slaves...

But if you can pull your head out of your ass long enough, you will realize that you collect damages from the party that wronged you (NOT some innocent third party)!!!

That means that the Democrat Party (the party of slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws) owns that one!!!

When can we seize the Democrat Party's assets and turn them over to the blacks????
the Democratic party did fight to keep slavery, but it didn't cause it any more than the republican party.
Why not from cotton growers, sugar cane plantations, or mistrial shows? No, the entire country benefitted from slavery, and is responsible for any corrections.
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^^^ Fake news


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