More white Europeans were taken as slaves to Africa than blacks taken to America as slaves.

the Democratic party did fight to keep slavery, but it didn't cause it any more than the republican party.
Why not from cotton growers, sugar cane plantations, or mistrial shows? No, the entire country benefitted from slavery, and is responsible for any corrections.

They fought to keep it......that's it.

The Republican party was created to oppose slavery, so no, the two parties do not share in this.....the democrat party took the country into a Civil War to keep blacks as slaves, so no, the two parties do not share the blame.
Sad to see what Sowell has become as he willingly sells out the impact of slavery on blacks
Another round of dismissing the Black person who doesn't stick to the Democratic Party's mandated behavior for minorities. Sowell makes the Black Democratic party yes men look like drooling morons.
Since it is beyond you......holding America up for condemnation for a universal practice at the time is just dumb....but it is useful for modern day racists and leftists to attack our Constitution, and Bill of Rights......because those things get in their way....
Yes, deny history. Good move.


These white slaves in the New World consisted of street children plucked from London’s back alleys, prostitutes, and impoverished migrants searching for a brighter future and willing to sign up for indentured servitude. Convicts were also persuaded to avoid lengthy sentences and executions on their home soil by enslavement in the British colonies. The much maligned Irish, viewed as savages worthy of ethnic cleansing and despised for their rejection of Protestantism, also made up a portion of America’s first slave population, as did Quakers, Cavaliers, Puritans, Jesuits, and others.

Around 1618 at the start of their colonial slave trade, the English began by seizing and shipping to Virginia impoverished children, even toddlers, from London slums. Some impoverished parents sought a better life for their offspring and agreed to send them, but most often, the children were sent despite their own protests and those of their families. At the time, the London authorities represented their actions as an act of charity, a chance for a poor youth to apprentice in America, learn a trade, and avoid starvation at home. Tragically, once these unfortunate youngsters arrived, 50% of them were dead within a year after being sold to farmers to work the fields.}

Ignorant, uneducated, and stupid. There's a reason you're a Nazi.
This does not justify anything. And calling me a Nazi shows what an idiot you are.
I very much doubt this is true. My quick web search put the number of Africans taken to the US as 10 times the number of Europeans enslaved by Muslims in North Africa.

Almost all whites who were serfs belonged to white nobles. In Russia descendants of serfs got Reparations after 1917 Revolution. In East Europe, descendants of serfs got Reparations late 1940s early 1950s.

Almost all whites who were serfs belonged to white nobles. In Russia descendants of serfs got Reparations after 1917 Revolution. In East Europe, descendants of serfs got Reparations late 1940s early 1950s.

You don't understand...serfs in Europe are not people taken by African muslims as slaves.....please try to keep up.
If the laws causing roadblocks and restrictions for black people would have ended 157 years ago, you might have a point, but they didn't. As a kid, I remember "whites only" water fountains, and restaurants that didn't serve blacks.
I learned about Jim Crow Laws in grade school in USSR 1970s. African Americans in USA were more discriminated then Jews in USSR.

USA tried to help Soviet Jews. USSR tried to help African Americans.
Johnson was the first black slave owner in that area. He was a slave himself and arrived on the first slave ship.
No, he was an indentured servant who worked his way to freedom after 7 years. White Irish also had the same when they came to the New World, once done they got land and were free. It was Johnson who sued the British courts to be able to keep his servants from being set free, thus the first slave owner in the Colonies.
the Democratic party did fight to keep slavery, but it didn't cause it any more than the republican party.
Why not from cotton growers, sugar cane plantations, or mistrial shows? No, the entire country benefitted from slavery, and is responsible for any corrections.
So now we get to hear more of your dumbassery...

The Union Army lost almost 360,000 men fighting to free the Democrat's slaves....

While the Democrats are settling up the tab, why don't they pay the descendants of those soldiers (primarily REPUBLICANS) too...

And while you're at it, don't forget the descendants of all of the Republicans lynched by the KKK (the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party) for sticking up for the blacks' rights after the Civil War!!!!
So many misrepresented events. So little desire to waste time on an in depth explanation for a crazy such as yourself. Go. Enjoy your crazy misrepresentations and conspiracy theories. I alone am not responsible to try to connect you to reality. CRANK YOUR CRAZY UP TO 10, AND RIP THE KNOB OFF!!
It's so much fun to watch the triggering. ^^^^^
Doesn't matter what the universal practice was at the time. It was wrong, and we did it. Not that long ago, using asbestos was universally accepted, but there are still massive settlements being made for it's use. Smoking was universally accepted. In some cases, it was advertised that doctors recommended one brand over another as much as 10 to 1. Just because something was once accepted doesn't make that thing right.
It's wrong to your modern sensibilities, it was considered normal and perfectly moral for thousands of years. It's not fair to judge historical actions by modern standards.
While it may be true that Anthony Johnson was the first documented slave owner in
Colonial Northampton, that is not a photo of him. Photography had not been invented in his lifetime. I believe that to be a picture of a back congressman after the civil war during reconstruction. I'm to lazy to use google to look him up, but i've done it before.
Correct. That is an image of Lewis Hayden, who was born a slave and ultimately became a member of the Massachusetts state legislature...

They fought to keep it......that's it.

The Republican party was created to oppose slavery, so no, the two parties do not share in this.....the democrat party took the country into a Civil War to keep blacks as slaves, so no, the two parties do not share the blame.
Slavery was legal in the US from it's founding in 1776. It's silly to try to blame one party. The entire country was responsible for slavery. I've already acknowledged the Democratic party opposed ending slavery at the time. This isn't that complicated. .
Slavery was legal in the US from it's founding in 1776. It's silly to try to blame one party. The entire country was responsible for slavery. I've already acknowledged the Democratic party opposed ending slavery at the time. This isn't that complicated. .

Wrong......the democrat party was created by slave owners, the Republican party was created to fight slavery. The entire country wasn't responsible for slavery ...the democrat party and the people who created it wanted slavery and refused to form the country without it....without those who became the democrat party, slavery would have ended at the founding.
Slavery was legal in the US from it's founding in 1776. It's silly to try to blame one party. The entire country was responsible for slavery. I've already acknowledged the Democratic party opposed ending slavery at the time. This isn't that complicated. .


The GOP was founded in 1854 by opponents of the Kansas–Nebraska Act,[11] which allowed for the potential expansion of chattel slavery into the western territories.

Upon founding, the Republican party supported economic reform and classical liberalism while opposing the expansion of slavery.[12][13] Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president.
Under the leadership of Lincoln and a Republican Congress, slavery was banned in the United States in 1865.

Ooooh......Ooooooh....wait for it.....wait for it.....Bulldog is about to say..."But...But....the parties switched sides...."
Wrong......the democrat party was created by slave owners, the Republican party was created to fight slavery. The entire country wasn't responsible for slavery ...the democrat party and the people who created it wanted slavery and refused to form the country without it....without those who became the democrat party, slavery would have ended at the founding.
That sounds interesting. You got any credible background for that claim?

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