More White-On-White Violence

Why are White people so violent?

Dramatic photos, videos of Huntington Beach rioting

Eight people were arrested and several officers were injured Sunday night. Police in riot gear used tear gas and nonlethal rounds to disperse the crowd, which tipped over portable toilets and smashed storefront windows.

Huntington Beach Police Lt. John Domingo said city signs and vehicles were also damaged.









Ghetto culture and the parents never teaching them to respect others property. Same reason most blacks are violent.

We need to find a solution.

On the other hand 3-4 of them are Hispanics. So this isn't all whitey's fault.
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All these fucking White people should be deported back to Europe!!!!!111!!!!!

You must of failed 2nd grade math.

50% of all murder is caused by 13% of the population. :eusa_whistle: I'll admit that a lot of crime and violence is caused by whites....

See this is the difference between me and you. I'll admit that whites do have our criminals and bad guys. You won't admit for a second that our inner-cities are fucking war zones because of black youth.
You don't remember all the assumptions by the RW that there would be riots over Trayvon?

I mean, it was just last month! :lol:

that has nothing to do with the topic. people were making death threats against zimmerman, feelings were quite high, it wasn't a far based assumption that there would be riots....there were rodney king riots iirc.


Thanks for proving my point.

"They rioted over the police beating Rodney King almost to death for no reason, so they will probably riot over this, too. They're Black people - that's what they DO!!"

no, thats what some pissed off people do. it is YOU who wants to make this a racial issue, not me. tensions were as high as in the king case, it is therefore reasonable to assume there could be riots.

what your idiocy fails to realize is that black people do not act as a single group. they are individuals but you want to generalize them based on the color of their skin. here is the thing, you're actually the racist. you want to label an entire group with a broad brush whereas non racists like myself recognize there are people in every group who will act badly.

but go ahead and focus solely on white people, i mean it amazes you're still continuing this thread when your first post was about a black guy killing people.

it is like you have no shame. you have no truth synth. wake up.
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Why are White people so violent?

Dramatic photos, videos of Huntington Beach rioting

Eight people were arrested and several officers were injured Sunday night. Police in riot gear used tear gas and nonlethal rounds to disperse the crowd, which tipped over portable toilets and smashed storefront windows.

Huntington Beach Police Lt. John Domingo said city signs and vehicles were also damaged.

Ghetto culture and the parents never teaching them to respect others property. Same reason most blacks are violent.

We need to find a solution.

On the other hand 3-4 of them are Hispanics. So this isn't all whitey's fault.

^^^ There it is!
More W-on-W thuggery:

Northern Ireland Clashes Leave 56 Police, 2 Civilians Injured

Published: August 10, 2013 at 10:18 AM ET

BELFAST — Fifty-six police officers and two civilians were injured in clashes in central Belfast in the latest flare-up in tensions between Northern Ireland's Protestant and Catholic communities, authorities said on Saturday.

And I give a fuck about what happens in Ireland why?
Are we going to look at africas crime rate as welll? Of course not.
What a douche.......
More W-on-W thuggery:

Northern Ireland Clashes Leave 56 Police, 2 Civilians Injured

Published: August 10, 2013 at 10:18 AM ET

BELFAST — Fifty-six police officers and two civilians were injured in clashes in central Belfast in the latest flare-up in tensions between Northern Ireland's Protestant and Catholic communities, authorities said on Saturday.

And I give a fuck about what happens in Ireland why?
Are we going to look at africas crime rate as welll? Of course not.
What a douche.......
Yes! We should!

Then maybe the racist wingnuts would realize that all people are violent, depending upon the circumstance, and that Blacks aren't more violent than anyone else.
synthy, even you admitted per capita that blacks are more violent. that doesn't mean all blacks are more violent, but per capita it is a fact. why aren't you pointing out hispanic violence? why ONLY white violence? because you're a racist.

so tell me, what is the point of this thread?
Why are White people so violent?

Dramatic photos, videos of Huntington Beach rioting

Eight people were arrested and several officers were injured Sunday night. Police in riot gear used tear gas and nonlethal rounds to disperse the crowd, which tipped over portable toilets and smashed storefront windows.

Huntington Beach Police Lt. John Domingo said city signs and vehicles were also damaged.

Ghetto culture and the parents never teaching them to respect others property. Same reason most blacks are violent.

We need to find a solution.

On the other hand 3-4 of them are Hispanics. So this isn't all whitey's fault.

^^^ There it is!

so this thread is really about matthew....:rolleyes:
More W-on-W thuggery:

Northern Ireland Clashes Leave 56 Police, 2 Civilians Injured

Published: August 10, 2013 at 10:18 AM ET

BELFAST — Fifty-six police officers and two civilians were injured in clashes in central Belfast in the latest flare-up in tensions between Northern Ireland's Protestant and Catholic communities, authorities said on Saturday.

And I give a fuck about what happens in Ireland why?
Are we going to look at africas crime rate as welll? Of course not.
What a douche.......
Yes! We should!

Then maybe the racist wingnuts would realize that all people are violent, depending upon the circumstance, and that Blacks aren't more violent than anyone else.

This reminds me of a story to share, in my coke days in the 80's was at the projects in Chicago, my black friend was inside buying and I was sittiing outside in my car an older black gentleman came up to my car out of concern for me, and started talking to me he said "you shouldnt be here you will get your white butt killed"... I am like the gang is watching me they dont kill their customers. I never ever had a problem during those 8 years crazy years.
comparing an ongoing to war to violence is america is a pathetic reach

synthy is getting more desperate the longer this thread goes on
Another story thinking about it, was in Tampa bay Flordia trying to find a friends house in the 80's (boy did I have fun back then) found the street and house number but was waaaaay west instead of east. Got out of my car and a group of black kids shouted "hey there is a white guy here!" well hoped back in my rental car thinking this might not turn out well and went and asked for directions at a gas station. Lmao today when I think about it.
The Original Poster is 100% stupid.

The shooter was black.

But your desperate attempt to attack whites is duly noted. about that violent black savage in the OP eh? Black as always. :cool:

Please stop making threads. You're a cross eye'd, foaming at the mouth retard and I'm offended that I have to share oxygen with you.

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The difference between me and the leftist throughout this thread is that the black violence is 5 times capita for their population. There's always going to be violence but Chicago is deadlier then Bagdad Iraq.

5,000+ blacks a year are killed on our streets at over 90% black on black. Sure, you can say that whites kill as many people but we're 5 times the population...Doesn't excuse it but the core of the problem is at the heart of the black violence problem.

Of course the left reflect as they can't face reality of our inner-cities. I fully support decreasing the violence in the 16-30 age group of whites. It's unacceptable and most of it is caused by the same reasons behind black violence.

How can you people defend it? You have been for 40 years and you never do nothing to stop it....

Just spin and lie.
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The difference between me and the leftist throughout this thread is that the black violence is 5 times capita for their population. There's always going to be violence but Chicago is deadlier then Bagdad Iraq.

5,000+ blacks a year are killed on our streets at over 90% black on black. Sure, you can say that whites kill as many people but we're 5 times the population...Doesn't excuse it but the core of the problem is at the heart of the black violence problem.

Of course the left reflect as they can't face reality of our inner-cities. I fully support decreasing the violence in the 16-30 age group of whites. It's unacceptable and most of it is caused by the same reasons behind black violence.

How can you people defend it? You have been for 40 years and you never do nothing to stop it....

Just spin and lie.

Yup I love its ER story.
Syn was just getting geared up to tell us all about how whitey is the devil and then finds out the demon was black. Then comes the story about the ER so it can complain about how bad the medical service in America is so unfair to spin away from being caught in another lie.

BTW, my wife has had four sons and not ONCE did she ever go the the ER to get a ultrasound, esp during the middle of the day,
More W-on-W thuggery:

Northern Ireland Clashes Leave 56 Police, 2 Civilians Injured

Published: August 10, 2013 at 10:18 AM ET

BELFAST — Fifty-six police officers and two civilians were injured in clashes in central Belfast in the latest flare-up in tensions between Northern Ireland's Protestant and Catholic communities, authorities said on Saturday.

And I give a fuck about what happens in Ireland why?
Are we going to look at africas crime rate as welll? Of course not.
What a douche.......
Yes! We should!

Then maybe the racist wingnuts would realize that all people are violent, depending upon the circumstance, and that Blacks aren't more violent than anyone else.

Statistically, the blacks in America are more violent than the whites in America. That's a fact you can't deny. Now you need to find the reasons and fix it. I think the biggest reason may be the illegitimacy rate. Children really need fathers in the home. Of course, illegitimacy in increasing for all races in America. This doesn't bode well for our future.

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