More White People

More white people are being killed by their own people then Blacks killing whites. All you see in the news nowadays are whites being killed by their own people.Sure whites are having lots of babies but a lot of them wont make it to pubety.
More white people are being killed by their own people then Blacks killing whites. All you see in the news nowadays are whites being killed by their own people.Sure whites are having lots of babies but a lot of them wont make it to pubety.

Oh dear. Oh dear.

With an abortion rate of 70% most black babies never make it out of the womb.

No one will tell you this. I will.

African Americans are facing extinction. Likely to be replaced by African nationals as the descendats of slaves abort and murder themselves out of existence. If you want a cause, forget how white people did your many times great grandfather wrong and start fighting for black children to draw a breath. They just found a black baby thrown in the garbage and ended up on a garbage sorting conveyor belt. Who did that? Likely the baby girl's black mother.

The population of African Americans is now at levels they were in the 1920s. If white people were doing this to black people it would correctly be called genocide. It is genocide by suicidal means.

There's your cause. Quit looking up the asses of white people and run with it.

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