More winning...Donny T verbally bitch-slaps NFL filth into conformity.

Thank you for supporting our government forcing people to behave a certain way
Government didn't force anyone to do anything. One guy (the President) gave his opinion on the deluded protesters, but made no law of any kind. The people paying the overpaid prima donnas are the ones laying down the rules, as they should be, and telling the crybabies to quit destroying the entertainment industry they had signed up for.

BTW, there is no 1st amendment right to act like idiots on the field. The 1st amendment prohibits government from abridging their right to speak, publish etc. And government did nothing here.

As usual, the liberal whiners are barking up the wrong tree... mostly because there isn't a right tree.

Employees misbehaved in the workplace and damaged the products they were being paid to sell, resulting in plummeting sales and income, in the face of the hugely lavish salaries they were being paid to bring in customers. Now they're being penalized by their employers for it. What's wrong with that?

If the employees don't like it, they can quit and form their own football league where deluded protesting and groundless whining is the norm, and see if they can get the public to pay such huge amounts for the privilege of watching them do it.
Then you need to take that up with the OP who very clearly claimed that the president influenced the NFL's decision-making about free speech.
I just did. Please try to keep up.

It isn't all about you.
If you took it up with the OP, why were you addressing me. That's not how these things work....I don't tell person A they are wrong by addressing person M.
Trump wins again, the left lose, even the guy who started the entire kneeling crap caved and is begging for a job in the NFL, he promises he will stand for the national anthem. :laugh: Libs can't buy a win lately its hilarious.
Thank you for supporting our government forcing people to behave a certain way.....and thank you for also spitting on the 1st Amendment.
Trump didn't force anything. He called the NFL out on disrespecting our troops. Your being anti-American is noted.
I served America for 21 about you? And if you don't believe trump forced action, take it up with the OP who made the claim.
The Op is wrong, Trump scolded the NFL. The fans is who made them conform.power to the people. Thank God we have a patriotic president back in the white house again! Instead of that anti-American shit head we just got rid of.

I wasn't wrong at all...don't fall prey to their pathetic fucking game of word play. Look, good people have been bitching for good reason about the subhuman ghetto filth choosing the wrong moment to protest since last NFL wasn't until Donny T got involved that shit changed...PERIOD!
He won't stand for that anything goes un-American bullshit that that nutless piece of shit with the oversized ears and un-American name would.
Welcome to an American America lead by Patriotic Americans. Hahaha...go fuck yourselves you filthy pieces of shits.
My definition of "immoral" is anything that hurts others physically or financially. How is taking a knee during the Anthem "immoral"?

You have a severely skewed definition for morality. True Morality is based on Right and Wrong for the purpose of maintaining proper order in Society.
Trump wins again, the left lose, even the guy who started the entire kneeling crap caved and is begging for a job in the NFL, he promises he will stand for the national anthem. :laugh: Libs can't buy a win lately its hilarious.
Thank you for supporting our government forcing people to behave a certain way.....and thank you for also spitting on the 1st Amendment.
Trump didn't force anything. He called the NFL out on disrespecting our troops. Your being anti-American is noted.
I served America for 21 about you? And if you don't believe trump forced action, take it up with the OP who made the claim.
The Op is wrong, Trump scolded the NFL. The fans is who made them conform.power to the people. Thank God we have a patriotic president back in the white house again! Instead of that anti-American shit head we just got rid of.
The president "scolding"? You don't think the president has influence?
Is grabbing women's pussies immoral?

Only if she's married to someone else.

However, in our screwed up Society it is geberally illegal to do so. Further proof our system is based on Legality not Morality or Right and Wrong.
Trump wins again, the left lose, even the guy who started the entire kneeling crap caved and is begging for a job in the NFL, he promises he will stand for the national anthem. :laugh: Libs can't buy a win lately its hilarious.
Thank you for supporting our government forcing people to behave a certain way.....and thank you for also spitting on the 1st Amendment.
Trump didn't force anything. He called the NFL out on disrespecting our troops. Your being anti-American is noted.
I served America for 21 about you? And if you don't believe trump forced action, take it up with the OP who made the claim.
The Op is wrong, Trump scolded the NFL. The fans is who made them conform.power to the people. Thank God we have a patriotic president back in the white house again! Instead of that anti-American shit head we just got rid of.
The president "scolding"? You don't think the president has influence?
No denying Trump has a good ear for what plays on tv to rural America. And personally I can't think of much of a more annoying and counterproductive was to "protest" police brutality than kneeling during the natl anthem.
My definition of "immoral" is anything that hurts others physically or financially. How is taking a knee during the Anthem "immoral"?

You have a severely skewed definition for morality. True Morality is based on Right and Wrong for the purpose of maintaining proper order in Society.
And that proper order in society is based on people having the freedom to do what they want and being what they want as long as they do not hurt others.....this is the Golden Rule. This is also Jefferson's "Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness." I've also heard it as "you have the right to swing your arm as long as you don't hit someone else in the nose".

So tell us how not standing for the Anthem in protest of a wrong (police brutality) hurts us physically or financially?
Pretty sad that our POTUS has to force overpaid ghetto filth into respecting our flag...Oh well, another win for our awesome president and another total embarrassment for the dirty Left....hahaha

While the NFL did get reprimanded by Trump, I feel the fans (dollars) have inflicted the most pain.
Do you think that pain is felt more by the players or by the owners? How about the networks?

Owners being first in that gravy line, networks second, eventually the players will feel the "love".
Trump wins again, the left lose, even the guy who started the entire kneeling crap caved and is begging for a job in the NFL, he promises he will stand for the national anthem. :laugh: Libs can't buy a win lately its hilarious.
Thank you for supporting our government forcing people to behave a certain way.....and thank you for also spitting on the 1st Amendment.
Trump didn't force anything. He called the NFL out on disrespecting our troops. Your being anti-American is noted.

The Constitution protects the rights of everyone to protest. By attacking the NFL, it is Trump and his base that are ultimately disrespecting all the troops who put their lives on the line to protect our Constitution. Fascist Donnie is using patriotism to promote fascism. Fascism comes wrapped in the flag.


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Pretty sad that our POTUS has to force overpaid ghetto filth into respecting our flag...Oh well, another win for our awesome president and another total embarrassment for the dirty Left....hahaha

It was never about the flag. If you listen to T you have your news wrong.

At best the goons used the anthem/flag as a vehicle for a political message. There may be places for that, but not on a sports field. No one stopped them at all; money talked.

Pretty sad that our POTUS has to force overpaid ghetto filth into respecting our flag...Oh well, another win for our awesome president and another total embarrassment for the dirty Left....hahaha

if you keep thinking in that kind of idiotic fashion, you will always be a broke loser, dearie.
Trump wins again, the left lose, even the guy who started the entire kneeling crap caved and is begging for a job in the NFL, he promises he will stand for the national anthem. :laugh: Libs can't buy a win lately its hilarious.
:lol: the guy who started the entire kneeling crap caved and is begging for a job in the NFL, he promises he will stand for the national anthem.
That was fake news.
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Pretty sad that our POTUS has to force overpaid ghetto filth into respecting our flag...Oh well, another win for our awesome president and another total embarrassment for the dirty Left....hahaha


Question: Do you guys use lube on your pigs before you fuck them?
Pretty sad that our POTUS has to force overpaid ghetto filth into respecting our flag...Oh well, another win for our awesome president and another total embarrassment for the dirty Left....hahaha

While the NFL did get reprimanded by Trump, I feel the fans (dollars) have inflicted the most pain.

Maybe...hopefully... either way you have to admit... it's pretty awesome to have a president who is willing to get involved with anything anti-American.
His quest continues...he's 100% committed to root his "Americans First" message within American culture and the un-American filth can't stand it....hahaha

Depriving someone of the first amendment rights is anti America you fool...

You are America First like NAZIs were Germany First...
Trump wins again, the left lose, even the guy who started the entire kneeling crap caved and is begging for a job in the NFL, he promises he will stand for the national anthem. :laugh: Libs can't buy a win lately its hilarious.
Thank you for supporting our government forcing people to behave a certain way.....and thank you for also spitting on the 1st Amendment.
Trump didn't force anything. He called the NFL out on disrespecting our troops. Your being anti-American is noted.
I served America for 21 about you? And if you don't believe trump forced action, take it up with the OP who made the claim.
The Op is wrong, Trump scolded the NFL. The fans is who made them conform.power to the people. Thank God we have a patriotic president back in the white house again! Instead of that anti-American shit head we just got rid of.
The president "scolding"? You don't think the president has influence?
Really, after you supported Obama's continually using the phrase that's not who we are to get his way. Lol, you re a hoot!

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